Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey everybody!
Bakura: She lives?
Of course I'm still alive!
Bakura: *shrug*
Any way, I would first like to say I'm sorry for taking so, I can't believe I'm going to say this, Goddamn long to get this story posted.
Malik: No shit. Even I started to think you completely forgotten about your beloved readers, and you had broken a promise.
Would you cut it out, I was busy with school and the finals are coming up. Not only that, but I have to finish a project for Bio.!
Bakura: Cut the crap and just show the prologue, so you could continue to meditate for the up coming chapters.
Malik: o_o
O_O ……
Bakura: What?
I would like you to hear your comments after reading this. And now, enjoy.
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Torches blazed dimly in the dark hallway. The sounds of shuffling feet and the shadows of man went swiftly through the dimly lit halls.
“It's not far now.” Said one man, cloaked to match the shadows. The shadowed face looked over to three other men; one of them holding the small golden box. “Wait.” He ordered when he saw guards armed with spears and swords.
“What should we do now?” The man with the box said timidly.
“Ito, Ahmen.” The man called the other two up.
“Yes sir.” They both said awaiting their orders.
“You were once guards at one time.” The man said as he looked over.
“We understand.” The first man said as he and the other unsheathed their daggers and expertly ducked to and fro in the shadows. Then they came out in view of the guards and raise a huge commotion.
“Come Enu, while they distract the guards.” The man said as he and Enu went around the fight and out of the halls and into an underground route.
“Are you sure the scroll would be safe?” Enu said looking down at the box in his arms.
“Yes, I'm sure.” The man said as he opened the door to a deserted library.
“May I ask where you are hiding this?” Enu asked lifting the box.
The man looked around to see if the coast is clear. “Somewhere where only the ones who have the balls to come in.”
“What do you mean?” Enu asked looking lost.
The man looked at Enu and held his hand out. “Go back to the stables, I shall continue from here.”
Enu handed the box to the man and ran to a shelf, which he pulled to a secret tunnel. “Will you return?”
“I'm afraid not lad.”
Enu stayed silent for a moment. “Good luck then, and may the gods help guide you to your destination.”
“Thank you lad, now be gone before they suspect your whereabouts.”
Enu nodded and disappeared behind the shelf.
“And now, to hide the greatest piece of art of the spell binding world.” The man said as he sneaked past the guards to the front gate. Once there, he ran as fast as his long legs could carry to the edge of the river, where an old man was waiting.
“So, ya made it pass the guards, eh?” The old man said.
“Just barely.” The man said as he walked onto the boat.
The old man sighed sadly. “Things have changed for worst since he took the throne.”
The man stayed silent.
“The last Pharaoh may have been a bit young, but he was a hell of a lot better than this bastard.”
“I know, and all our suffering would have been spared if his cousin didn't sacrifice himself for the sake of the kingdom.” The man said.
“If you ask me, I'd say that this guy planed the whole thing just to have a crown.” The old man said with a snort.
“Agreed.” The man said.
The conversation ended at that as they glided along the smooth river. It was daybreak when they reached to the next stop.
“So, what's with the scroll?” The old man said.
“All you need to know is that our future would not be this sufferable.” The man said as he got out. “And maybe another chance for the young Pharaoh.” He walked onward to the desert. It seemed like an eternity when he finally reached his desired destination, the Valley of the Kings.
He went up to one of the tombs and entered it. He passed through the traps in one piece and placed the box before a small pot, where the ashes of the young pharaoh was placed in. “Oh almighty Pharaoh!” The man said. “I don't know if you can hear me, but I brought with me, the Scroll of the Pharaoh's Heart, only the purest of hearts can read these scriptures and only the strongest of will could accompany that heart.” The man looked up to see a hieroglyph of a young man with spiky hair.
“Great Pharaoh Atemu. You will have another chance of not only life, but also have a chance to find the wholeness you seek. For you see, the one who reads this scroll would be sent to you and, hopefully, that person has the part you need in order to make you smile once more.” The man bowed and left without another word. `The time will come, but for now, rest in peace, for it will be a millennia before the one would appear before you, almighty Pharaoh.'
“You there!”
The man turned to see the head palace guard. “Ah! Pu'uat. How have you faired with our new Pharaoh?”
Pu'uat looked around to see if anyone was watching before gong up to the man. “My old friend, how I wish to say the bright side of things to our new pharaoh, but I'm afraid there is none.”
The man patted his friend's shoulder. “I understand, and I, the people back in the palace, even the kingdom itself would agree that our new pharaoh is a bastard, and we all believe that he's behind the death to our young beloved pharaoh.”
Pu'uat looked at the ground. “I got the proof.” He said, but that moment was short lived when his eyes rolled back and slumped to the ground with the knife in his back.
“Traitor!” A loud voice boomed across the valley.
The man looked up to see a rat-looking pharaoh.
“How dare you defile the Valley of the Kings!” The Rat said.
“Actually, I came by to drop off an offering to a certain pharaoh.” The man said in a calm tone.
“HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO YOUR KING WITH SUCH DISRESPECT!!!” The Rat shouted. “Guards! Throw him in the dungeon!”
The man chuckled as he brought the knife to his throat. “I rather die here than some filthy dungeon under a rule of a pathetic ruler.” He slit his throat when he finished his saying. `It won't happen again a second time once the Pharaoh's heart and the will as it's protector come and save the land we know and love.' He thought before life was drained out of him.
Years passed since that day, and the scroll remained in the tomb for millennia's. But one day, someone entered the tomb and retrieved the scroll, unknowingly of the power it has within its ancient scriptures.
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There you have it folks! If you be so kind as to leave a comment about this story. (It doesn't have to be `I love it', `It's great', or other things like that.) R&R please.