Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ Chest ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey everyone. How's it going?
Bakura: What's with the dumb ass question?
… Any way…
Bakura: Hey! I'm asking you a question, dammit!
And I wasn't talking to you.
Malik: Can we start with the story, so I could get my nap.
……… Enjoy the first chapter everyone.
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Ch.1: Chest
We see a dark room, with faint shadows from the street light from outside. We hear the sound of rain, lightly tapping on the roof.
“Come on Yuge!” Said a voice in a Brooklyn accent. The sound of a switch came on and the door opened, making the dark room visible.
“Joey, I really don't think we should be up here.” Said a soft, timid voice.
A tall male teen entered the room with a flashlight in hand. The teen has sand blonde hair and hazel eyes that show excitement, curiosity, and a little mischievous. He was wearing an over shirt and pajama pants with muddy dog prints on them. (A/N: Couldn't help it.) “Come on Yuge.” The young man, Joey, said. “Don't tell me ya afraid of da dark?” He pointed the beam of light at his companion.
The other boy is smaller then the other, his eyes were the color of amethyst jewels and were wide, showing pure innocence, and his hair was gravity defying, almost looking like a star, with colors of ebony, violet at the tips, and gold bangs framing his child-like face. He was wearing a pale blue pajamas with yellow stars and moons, giving off more of his innocence. (A/N: I thought he looked so adorable in those!) “No. It's just doesn't seem safe.” The boy, Yugi, said from the doorway.
“Haven't ya eva wondered what's up `ere?” Joey asked with a smile.
“Kinda…” Yugi said timidly.
“Well den come on!” Joey urged.
“Isn't there anything else you would rather do?” Yugi pleaded.
Joey rolled his eyes. “Yuge, it's da weekend, it's raining, Gramps is out of town, and I played every damn game in da shop.” He said. “We even played dem three times!”
Yugi ran out of excuses to not go into the dark room. He sighed and took a step foreword.
“What a I tell ya!” The blonde teen said as he walked further into the room.
“Wait up, Joey!” Yugi called, almost panicky.
“Jeez, Yuge, what's up?” Joey said as he opened a box.
“I just don't like creepy, old, dark rooms!” Yugi said as he clinged onto the other's shirt.
Joey shook his head. “Ya a wuss, ya know dat?”
“ALRIGHT!” Joey shouted back as he cleaned his ear with his pinky. “Damn.”
“Sorry Joe.” Yugi apologized quietly. “I'm just in a panic attack.”
“No shit.” Joey said humorlessly.
“Why are we here again?”
“Because its our once in a lifetime opportunity da see dis place.” Joey said in fascination.
“You have an odd sense of interest.” Yugi said as he looked around.
“Could ya blame me?” Joey said as he went through a box.
“Joey! What are you doing?!”
“Looking through dis box. Man, Yuge, ya need da learn da chill.” He removed the paper that was in the box, and found a chest. “What da?” He said as he tried to get it out.
“Was is it Joey?” Yugi said as the other handed him a flashlight.
“Some kind of strange box.” Joey said as he lifted it out of the box.
“First, it's a chest, and second, I think you should put that back.” Yugi said.
“First, whateva, and second, I will afta I see what's inside.” Joey said as he set the chest down.
Yugi rolled his eyes, knowing that no matter what he said, the other wouldn't listen. “So… now what?” He asked.
“Let's take it to da living room.”
“So I could see where da lock is.”
“And why would you want to do that?”
“Because I want da know what's in dis piece a junk.”
“And why not open it here?”
“What is dis? Twenty questions? Da reason why I want da open it in da living room because dere's a lot a room; `ere it's crowded wid boxes. Is dat enough info for ya?”
Yugi nodded. “If Grandpa finds out about this…”
“Ya worry too much.” Joey said as he lifted the unknown chest and headed towards the exiting door.
Once in the living room, they set the chest down on the floor. The chest looked old and moldy, and ready to fall apart.
“Why would Gramps want da keep dis piece a crap?” Joey said looking curious.
“Maybe there's something important inside that a lot of people would like to get their hands on, and this might be the last place anyone could find it in.” Yugi said which made him look shocked. `I shouldn't have said that.'
“Dat's right! Way da think pal!” Joey said patting his friend on the back. He paused for a moment or two until he said. “So… How do we open it?” This question made Yugi anime fall.
“I thought you knew!”
“Give me a break.” He rubbed his neck, and then his eyes started to lit up with an idea.
`Oh, no.' Yugi thought when he saw the look his friend was making.
“Wait `ere.” Joey said as he made a beeline downstairs.
`Not like I'm going anywhere in this weather.' Yugi thought as he looked out of the window, where it's pouring buckets out there. He then looked at the chest and, for some odd reason, felt drawn to it. He, in his curiosity, went up and examined the chest and noticed a keyhole. `I remember Grandpa having an old key not to long ago.' He thought, and then groaned. `Great. Now I'm starting to act like Joey.' He got up and headed to an empty room. “I know it's in here somewhere.” He said to himself as he open drawers, which had shirts, pants, porn magazines; which he quickly closed. `Grandpa! I thought I told him to put those magazines in a different spot about a year ago!' He went into the closet and found some boxes piled here and there. He moved one box to one corner and the next on top of it. `If I were Grandpa, and I kept an old key to and equally old chest, where would I put it?' He thought as he had a vague idea on the whereabouts on that key.
He then found a metal box, where they usually kept the emergency money in. `If I know Grandpa well enough, I would have to say that this is probably the safest place for a key.' He thought as he worked with the lock and opened the lid. In the box were almost a thousands of dollars in there, but he wasn't interested in the money, instead, he moved his hand around the box that resembles a key. “Aha!” He said as he felt something small and hard. `I hope this is it.' He took it out and, sure enough, it was an old, almost rusted, key. “Found you!” He said as he put it in his pocket and started to put back everything that was in order. Afterward, he headed back to the living room, in time to see Joey return, all soaked and carrying a crowbar. “Joey, what are you doing?”
“Stand back Yuge!” Joey said as he lifted the crowbar in the air. “I don't want ya getting hurt.”
“But Jo-“ Yugi was about to explain, but was cut off by the hacking and thumping of metal and wood. He has no choice but to sit back and watch the show.
About a half an hour later, Joey was quickly draining of his energy, but didn't give up. `What da hell is dis stupid chest made of?' He thought as he tried to beat it up with the crowbar, which was slightly bent from meeting contact with the chest. Then he decided to call it quits and sat down on the couch. `I beat dat damn chest for almost an hour and I only got a few splinters out of it.' He thought as he glared at the old chest.
Yugi came in with a sandwich in each hand. A bit earlier, he went into the kitchen after watching his friend beat up the chest for fifteen minutes. “Turkey or tuna?” He asked.
“Turkey.” Joey said as he took the handed sandwich.
Yugi sat down next to him and watched the chest. “No luck huh?” He said taking a bite of his sandwich.
“I'd beat dat t'ing for some time, and I only got a few splinters off.” Joey said glaring at the chest. “Dat chest is fucked up.”
Yugi, after finishing his sandwich, got up and sat in front of the chest. He took the key out from his pocket and fitted through the lock. He slightly turned it and… click! The lock came off. He looked up to his friend with a sheepish smile.
“I'm not gonna ask.” Joey said, who was a little bewildered by the fact that he wasted all that time beating up the chest when you could use a key to open it.
Yugi then opened the lid and looked completely shocked at what he saw in the chest.
“What's up?” Joey asked as he got off of the couch and sat next to the small teen.
None of them believed their eyes when they saw what was inside the chest.
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What do you think so far?
B&M: What do we think!? You fucking left everyone on a cliffhanger!!
I know, but if they read the prologue, they will know what was in the chest.
Jeez, how about you wait like everyone else. *turns attention to audience* The next chapter will be posted up soon, and I'm sorry for those of you who hate cliffhangers. Please R&R, I would like to know what you think about my story so far in the making.
Bakura: Or you could tell her to fuck off and stop writing lousy stories.
… Get out Bakura.
Bakura: Make me.
*Grabs phone and dials the number* … Hey Ryou! How's it going? *hears door being slammed shut* Oh, just called to see how you're doing. … Okay, bye.
Marik: You didn't really call Ryou, did you?
Want to try me with Malik?
Marik: … no.
I hate to be mean to you guys, but you get on my nerves so much.
Marik: That's our job.
*rolls eyes*