Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ Dr. Ahmose's Last Story ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey everybody!
Bakura: …
You're still mad about me calling Ryou?
Bakura: …
Marik: I believe the answer is yes.
*shrugs* Oh, well. So shall we start the story then?
Bakura: …
Marik: *sigh* YGO Cupid doesn't own the show or its characters, but does have her own characters that will appear in later chapters. Warning: this is a R - NC-17 rating for language, violence, mentions of suside and rape, but there won't be any visuals about these for those who feel queasy about these two things, and sex intercourse, which won't be happening in much later chapters. May I stop now, I feel like I'm about to throw up just reading this crap.
Marik: Thanks.
Well, enjoy everyone.
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Ch.2: Dr. Ahmose's Last Story
#Last time#
Yugi then opened the lid and looked completely shocked at what he saw in the chest.
“What's up?” Joey asked as he got off of the couch and sat next to the small teen.
None of them believed their eyes when they saw what was inside the chest.
Inside the chest, there was another, but it was made out of gold. The two boys lifted the golden chest, which was much smaller then the other chest. The chest was not only gold color, but had hieroglyphs all around the sides and on the lid had two falcons, one on each side, with the Eye of Horus in the center.
“Damn.” Joey said in awe.
They placed it on the glass coffee table. They remained silent for what seemed like forever.
“Joey.” Yugi said.
“Do you remember Dr. Ahmose?”
Joey raised an eyebrow at this question. “Of course I remember, he's da best, next da Gramps of course.”
Yugi smiled. “Do you remember the story he told us, before he…” He cut himself short as he looked sad at the thought.
“Who wouldn't!” Joey said trying to sound cheerful.
~Flashback: 3 years ago~
“Yugi!” An elderly voice called from the bottom step. “Would you and Joey hurry up! We have to get to the airport now!”
“Coming Grandpa!” Yugi said as he grabbed his white coat. He's thirteen at this time, but very close to fourteen. “Come on Joey!”
“I'm a commin'!” Joey said as he stepped out of the bathroom. He's around fourteen at this time.
“Sorry Joey, but Dr. Ahmose's plane can land any minute, and someone predicted a major storm coming in.” Yugi said as he and his long time friend quickly went down stairs.
“About time!” Grandpa said with his arms crossed. Grandpa Mouto is around the same height as his grandson with plum purple eyes and grey hair sticking out of his orange bandanna. “Hurry and get into the car. If we're lucky, Dr.Ahmose may be waiting outside for an easy pick up and go.”
Yugi and Joey looked around the arrival lane for any sign that Dr. Ahmose is there.
“See anything boys?” Grandpa asked.
“Nothin' but snow Gramps.” Joey said.
Yugi then looked like he saw something. “I think that's him right there!” He said as he pointed out the huddled up black figure.
They pulled up and saw the figure quickly coming up towards them.
“Solomon!?” A man's voice was heard.
“Alex!” Grandpa said.
“Boy am I glad to hear your voice in this damn weather!” The suppose Dr. Ahmose said as he quickly sat down in the passengers side with a duffle bag between his legs.
“It's good to see you too Alex, not being a frozen humancicale.” Grandpa said as he started to drive out of the crazy airport.
“Hey Dr. Ahmose!” Yugi chirped almost excitedly.
“Hey Doc!” Joey said grinning from ear to ear.
“Well, if it isn't my favorite curious mind and trouble maker.” Dr. Ahmose said as he looked to see them.
“Who's da trouble maker?” Joey said in fake innocence.
Dr. Ahmose laughed at this.
“You should take off the hat and scarf Alex, you might suffocate.” Grandpa said.
“Always worried about me. I swear Solomon, you're worst than my wife, God bless her soul.” Dr. Ahmose said as he took off his black hat and equally black scarf. Dr. Alex Ahmose looked like a pure Egyptian with tan skin and mysterious accent. He was around the same age as Grandpa, but still had his long black hair with some thunder cloud grey streaks, and he had some wrinkles on his face, but he was half as tall as the elder Mouto. He placed his hat on Grandpa and had to laugh. “Did I ever tell you two that that hat once belonged to your grandfather?”
The two boys shook their heads and looked interested in listening.
“Alex, we agreed never to mentioned this again!” Grandpa said.
“Oh come on Solomon!” Dr. Ahmose said poking the elder Mouto on the shoulder. “If I didn't make that deal, you wouldn't get that dame that happened to be your wife.”
“You mean Grandma?” Yugi said looking interested.
“That's right Yugi!” Dr. Ahmose said. “So how bout it old friend? I believe these boys want to know how you got that beautiful woman to be your wife.”
Grandpa sighed. “Why not, I owe you for that.”
“Sixty years worth.” Dr. Ahmose pointed out.
“Well, it all started when I met your grandfather. He was a handsome devil at the time, and always seemed to win every damn gamble you could imagine. Then, I was in a huge pickle with some of the guys I used to know and work for at the time, and I, out of desperation, told him to give me the five thousand dollar reward he received not too long ago from a poker game. I had a knife in my hand, and knew pretty damn well how to use it. Instead of looking scared or try to fight me off, he asked why I was so desperate in a tone that tells the person that he'll help if they got a good reason to need that assistance. I was so taken back at this kind of reaction, that it took a moment for me to recollect myself and told him my story. I worked for a bunch of thugs and they threaten to harm my sweetheart, who later became my wife, if I didn't reach their demands. When I finished my story, he said to take him to the group I was in. I couldn't believe my ears and I told him why on earth does he want to know. He gave me the most eeriest of smirks and said, `I want to play a game with them.' And so, out of my better judgment, I lead him to the shadiest part of town and introduced him to the men I was working for. To make the long story short, he went through hell and back, just so I can have the freedom I so happily deserved. I told him that I was going to make it up to him one of these days. He then told me I can, by giving him a drink in the best bar in town, which I knew the best place for a half crazy avenger.”
“We're here.” Grandpa informed as they pulled up the driveway.
The boys groaned.
“Already? But it's just getting good.” Yugi said.
“Don't worry you guys.” Dr. Ahmose said. “Once we get inside, I tell you more about it.”
“Where were we?”
“Alex, don't you think you should rest?”
“Nonsense! What do I look like? An old man?”
Grandpa shook his head as he entered the kitchen.
“So what happened after Gramps saved ya skin?” Joey asked.
Dr. Ahmose laughed as he continued.
“Well, afterwards, I took him to the best bar in town, where my sweetheart, Sheryl Maine, was working as a part time cook and waitress. When I came in, she was surprised that I came in such an hour; I usually stay out later because of the position I was in, and asked what happened. So I told her and after I was done, I told her to tell the bartender to make the best drink and put it on my tab. I was never in such a good mood I was in since that night. Though, it wasn't long until I had to help him out with a problem of his own. About an hour he stayed at the bar, challenging all the gamblers in the place and giving me half of the winnings, which I refused at first but he insisted, when the most beautiful and most eligible bachorlet in town came in. You couldn't imagine his face when she came in and ordered the finest wine the bar has to offer. She and Sheryl were very close friends, so that's how I knew her and she was the reason that I met Sheryl. I was used to seeing her around, so I didn't pay much thought to it, but when I saw him, almost drooling, I knew I have to introduce them. After all, I owe him for giving my life and I owe her for meeting my life. So, I grabbed him by the arm and practically pulled him out of his seat and forced him to where she and Sheryl were talking. I introduced them to him and I introduced Joann, your grandmother Yugi. She had pale blue crystal eyes, a light tan skin, and shoulder length red hair. When it came for him to make a good impression, he was too detracted by how beautiful she was that he accidentally knocked a tray with some drinks on them. He didn't know what to do, so I grabbed his shoulder and forced him to help pick up the glass shards. `I'm an idiot.' He said and I told him that it was okay, that it was an accident. `No, I mean that I'm an idiot for not speaking straight to her.' He said. Then I had an idea. I told him that I bet his hat if I could get him and Joann together. He seemed not to be interested, but when she came down to see if we were alright, he said that I had a deal, and that if things don't turn well, then I have to get out of his face or I lose it.” He laughed at the memory.
“So, I made a double date for next week, while I trained him to overcome his shyness of women. As it turns out he's okay with some women, but it's just Joann that he's having trouble with. And when we went over a few things, we were walking in a small shopping district, where a small game shop caught his eye. I told him that Sheryl told me that Joann loves puzzles as much as she loves poetry. He looked at me with a shocked look and told me why I haven't told him sooner. After that, he went into the shop, making me follow him. He was asking the shop owner about a blank puzzle, and the shop owner went into the back. I asked him what was wrong and I saw him smile, a true genuine smile, as he explained that when I told him that she loves puzzles and poetry, I gave him an idea on a perfect gift for her. I still didn't understand where this was getting at, but after he paid the blank puzzle and we headed to his place, which was a motel, and sat around, figuring out what to put in the puzzle. For two hours I listened him recite some poems that he made up in his mind and tried to figure out which would go best in the puzzle. This drove me to the edge, and told him this is his love letter and it should be from him alone. He got the message and dismissed me to go back home and haven't heard from him until the date arrived.”
“So what happened?” Yugi asked engulfed in the new information that was never mentioned.
“Well, I don't know the full details on that night; I was busy with my date. But after that night, he gave me his hat. So, I assumed that the evening went well, and after that night, he played less for awhile and after two years of getting to know each other, accept each other's differences, a few fights and fighting obsecals that were in the way in their growing relationship, they were married. And what a glorious wedding day it was, right in front of the grand pyramids of Egypt.”
“Cool.” Joey said.
Yugi tried to imagine what it was like having a wedding in front of the greatest known structures in Egypt.
“Okay Alex.” Grandpa said as he brought out a huge pizza and brought it out to the center of the coffee table. “I think that's enough for today.” He was blushing at the memory.
“Did I forget to mention that the wedding was at sunset and the moon was positioned just slightly to the right of the pyramid.” Dr. Ahmose added, not missing his friend's embarrassment.
“Now it sounds too goosy.” Joey said as he grabbed a slice of pizza and ate it within three seconds.
“Grandpa, how come you never mentioned about how you and Grandma met?” Yugi asked.
“I didn't think you'd be interested.” Grandpa responded.
“Oh please! Your romance life is far from the simple way of finding love in unusual places.” Dr. Ahmose said, almost trying to rub it in. “In fact, I believe these boys, who are becoming to look like acceptable young men, will learn from this when they find someone they find fancy to their liking.”
Grandpa didn't want to continue with this subject. “Speaking of Egypt, how was your trip?”
Dr. Ahmose knew that his long time friend wanted to change the subject, but decided to not tourcher him anymore than he has. “Very well, hot as usual, but pleasant never the less.”
“What's Egypt like?” Yugi asked.
Dr. Ahmose laughed. “I see you haven't changed a bit, curious mind. Well, I tell you one thing, it's probably the only place you might feel accepted in both mind and spirit. But of course it's just my opinion; it could be different for a lot of people.”
Yugi understood and looked at Grandpa. “What's your opinion on Egypt Grandpa?”
Grandpa looked at Dr. Ahmose as if it was his fault.
“He's your grandson.” Dr. Ahmose said as he ate his slice until his mouth was full.
“My opinion?” Grandpa started to say. “I would have to say it's a very mysterious place to be and find out about yourself.”
“About yourself?” Yugi asked curiously.
“Before I asked your grandmother her hand, I have to figure out what I'm going to do if I marry her. So I went to Egypt to straight things out with myself and the future that has yet arrived. And I have no regrets on my decision went I got back and asked her the hardest question to ask.”
“Why is it so hard for ya Gramps?” Joey asked.
“It's the same as telling a person you love them, you have to give it a full, true feeling to it, other wise it's an empty word.”
The boys understood what the elder Mouto meant.
“And while were still in the Egypt subject.” Dr. Ahmose said. “I heard this great rumor that I really want to tell all of you.”
“Alright! Another story from da master!” Joey said.
“No wonder why Sheryl married you, you make the greatest stories.” Yugi said.
Dr. Ahmose beamed with pride of his hard work in making people interested, even in these times when people don't really like to sit down and listen to things that don't revolve around business.
“Listen and listen well, because I'm only going to tell you this once.” He said in an almost serious voice. “What you're about to hear really happened.”
“I thought ya said it was a rumor?” Joey said.
“I didn't think you boys might be interested.” Dr. Ahmose responded as he regain his tone.
“About 5,000 years ago, there once was a pharaoh, who was a young man who took the throne at a young age, but his kingdom respected him never the less. While he was ruling, however, the neighboring kingdom sent out threats of attacking and stealing his kingdom from right under his nose. But that didn't bother him; he had faith in his army and had faith in the people who trusted him. But one day, he began to change, he became distant and never spoken a word. When everyone thought his mysterious condition couldn't get any worse, he attempted and succeeded suicide. When news reached out about this, the kingdom was confused and shocked, why would he do that to himself? Was he really in that much pain? Why didn't we see this sooner? These were the questions that people thought after hearing the worse news in all of Egypt. His cousin, the High Priest, took the throne, but was assassinated two days after he became known as pharaoh. Then came the crowning of the new pharaoh, which people started to fall apart. Only one man, who was a master of creating spells, did something about this. He created a spell that could turn back to the moment before the Pharaoh took his life, but, it can't be done without someone to read it.”
“Why can he read it himself?” Joey asked, getting into the story.
“Because he can't change what has happened, so he created the spell so that the future generation, with knowledge far beyond theirs, could be the one's to help the Pharaoh's internal struggle that caused him to take such a drastic act.”
“What's the spell?” Yugi asked holding the pillow to his chest.
Dr. Ahmose stayed silent for only a moment until continuing. “The spell is called the `Scroll of the Pharaoh's Heart'.”
`Scroll of the Pharaoh's Heart'?' Grandpa thought looking at his friend oddly.
“Kinda a cheap name da call a spell.” Joey said.
“What kind of person that could read the spell?” Yugi asked.
“As the story has it, that only the purest of heart could read the text on the scroll, even if that person never has seen, let alone, understand the ancient writing. It also says that the `heart' will be accompanied with the `will' to see the Pharaoh.”
“What was his name?” Yugi asked. “The Pharaoh I mean.”
Dr. Ahmose sighed and rubbed his temple. “That's the problem.” He said as he looked at the younger Mouto in the eye. “After his death, his name was completely erased from history. Thanks to the new pharaoh, who seemed like the reason why the young pharaoh died in the first place, but no one can prove it.”
“Dat's messed up!” Joey said, not liking people like that. “If dat pharaoh was loved by his people den why did they let `im have `is way?”
“Because he was Pharaoh, a mortal god to the people.” Dr. Ahmose said. “In those times, Joey, the Pharaoh is their god and law.”
“I still think it's messed up!” Joey said.
“So what happens next?” Yugi said, getting attached to the story.
“As the story goes, the man placed the spell in the young pharaoh's tomb and died when the new pharaoh came to imprison him for betrayal.”
“So, he killed `imself?”
“A lot of people killing each other in dis one.”
“Is it true?” Yugi asked.
“I'm not exactly sure Yugi. Like I said before, it's a rumor that has never been proven that it existed.”
“Well, if you boys have your fill on stories and unanswered questions, it's time for you to go to bed.” Grandpa said, which cause a few groans. “If you're going to act like that, then you could help me with cleaning the kitchen and bathroom.”
“Good night!” The boys said in a chorus as they ran up to the rooms.
When they were out of ear shot, Grandpa looked at his friend serious. “Alex. You're hiding something.”
Dr. Ahmose smiled sadly as he looked at the ground with a lost look. “In about a week from today, you will get a package with your part of my will in it.”
“Alex, what are you saying?” Grandpa was starting to feel concern for his friend.
“You know what I mean Solomon.” Dr. Ahmose said as he laid down on the couch and looked at the ceiling. “The story is true by the way. And I believe that your grandson and his friend are the ones who would read the scroll, no doubt about it.”
Grandpa wasn't sure how to respond to this as he watched his friend slowly falling asleep. “Good night Alex.”
“Good night Solomon, see you around.” Dr. Ahmose said as he became still.
“Alex?” Grandpa asked as he went up to his friend, only to move back to realize that his friend is dead.
~End of Flashback~
The two boys stayed silent for their fallen friend.
“So, ya think this is the chest that has da scroll in it?” Joey asked.
Yugi just looked at the golden chest, remembering the story and took a deep breath. “Only one way to find out Joey.” He said as he placed his hand on the lid and slowly lifted it.
There was a dead silence when the small chest was opened.
“Yuge?” Joey asked when the other wasn't moving. “Yuge, are you alright?” He moved next to the other, only to see why the other wasn't responding.
`The Scroll of the Pharaoh's Heart!?' They both thought upon looking at the scroll, which was protected by sand surrounding it.
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That's it for now everyone!
Marik: That was long.
I added a few things, and I think it went well.
Marik: I don't know about well, but I think your readers are going to take some time reading this.
*shrugs* I would like to thank Kome, who is the first reviewer of this story. And I would like to thank Marik and Bakura, who tolerate everything that I do without trying to kill me.
Bakura: *hiding the dagger behind his back* Whatever.
Marik: *hid the bottle of poison in his pocket* Getto.
Well, in the next chapter is when things get going. Anyway, R&R and see you in the next time in the upcoming post.
Marik: You're scaring people, you know that.
Anti-social, sometimes it's hard for me to be talkative.
Bakura: And that's when the invention of the computer comes in.
Can we discuss this another time? I have to get working on the new chapters.
B&M: Again R&R before she goes crazy!