Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ Surprise, Surprise ( Chapter 47 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The last chapter!
Bakura: Oh yeah!
Marik: About time!
*sigh* Might as well start the last chapter.
Bakura: And get that damn summary down so we can all be happy!
*?* Happy? You?
Marik: Happy for your readers knowing that you're creating another story. Happy for us because this is the last time we'll have to deal with you.
… Oh… that kind of happy…
Bakura: Just start the last chapter.
I was getting there! *pops it in*
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Ch.47: Surprise, Surprise (Epilogue)
~-2 months later-~
“Com'n Kaiba!” Joey called as he balanced papers. He got a job at the Kaiba Corp. when he's dating Seto. He mostly retrieves paper work and looking after Moukaba when the other went away. But today he was working like crazy. `Damn it! What does he fuck'n want now!?' He thought, clearly pissed off. `When I get my `ands on `im…' He placed the stack of papers on the secretary's desk, who looked surprised. “Ey! Quit mess'n wit ya nails n' do somet'n useful!” He shouted as he entered Seto's office. “What da fucking hell do ya want now!?”
Seto took off his glasses and looked up at the blonde. “Busy day?”
Joey rolled his eyes. “What was ya first clue?” He said as he sat down on a chair.
Seto stood in front of the other. “Would you like to come down with me somewhere?” He asked, slightly nervous, but the blonde didn't notice.
“Yeah, where to?” Joey asked, getting slightly curious.
“It's a surprise.” Seto responded.
Joey leaned back in his seat. “Alright, I like surprises.”
Seto smiled. “Alright. Ten minutes after the afternoon shift is over?”
“Deal.” Joey said, feeling better than before.
The phone rang and Seto answered. “Who is it?” He said coldly. “You're telling me this now!?” He looked irritated than sighed. “Fine, I'll be there.” He put the phone down, while he murmured curses under his breath.
“What's up?”
“Idiots who don't know from left to right just have to mess up one of my latest projects. And, as a result, I have to go down there and fix the damn thing myself!” Seto said as he moved around to grab his suitcase and walked out of his office with the blonde following beside him.
Joey placed a hand on the other's shoulder, making the brunette look at him and smile.
“Thanks pup.”
Seto checked his watch. “Shit.”
“Moukaba's summer camp is about the let out?”
“Would you mind?”
Joey smiled. “My pleasure, Seto-koi.”
Seto smiled as he gave a chaste kiss to the blonde. “You're a life savor.”
“I try.” Joey said as he walked to his car, one more wave, and drove off. `I wonda what da surprise is?' He thought as he turned a few corners. He waited on a red light when a familiar kid with long black hair came running across, along with a few tough looking guys. `Not again!' He thought as the light turned green and he speed after them. When he was along with Moukaba, he honked the horn as he rolled down the window. “Yo! Moukaba!” He called.
Moukaba looked over and pointed to the corner.
Joey nodded and went over to the corner and waited until the kid came running and quickly got in, after that he quickly drove off.
“Thanks Joey.” Moukaba said as he panted. “You saved my ass big time back there.”
“Ya welcome.” Joey said. “And does guys are?”
“Guys that hate rich kids that have guts. The exact opposite of you, except they're pretty tough.”
“Really.” Joey said as they stopped at a red light. “Anyt'ing good about ya day?”
“Being rescued.” Moukaba said, earning a chuckle from the blonde. “What about you?”
“Well…” Joey started off. “Ya bro `as a surprise for me afta `e fixes whateva da guys mess up.”
“A surprise?” Moukaba said.
“Dat's what I said.” Joey said as his cell went off. “Yo! Joey Wheeler talk'n!”
“Hello pup.”
“Ey Seto!”
“How's Moukaba?”
“Safe n' sound.”
“May I speak with him?”
“No problem.” Joey said as he handed the cell to Moukaba. “Here ya go Mokie!”
Moukaba grabbed the phone. “Hey Seto!”
Joey continued to drive towards the amusement park, where Seto is probably waiting.
“Okay… See you soon… Bye.” Moukaba shut off the line and waited. “The last time he was going to surprise someone, the person turned out to be a conartist just after his money.”
Joey looked at him, completely shocked, than paid back attention to the road.
“When that happened, he told me that he'll never fall in love blindly again.” Moukaba looked up at the blonde as he parked in front of the entrance. “Than you came along.”
Joey looked at the small Kaiba. “How come?”
“Because you risked your life to help us, even though you never knew us.” Moukaba said with a smile. “That and you get along with everyone, including me! And that's what my brother wants. Someone who can get along with me without any problem or complaints.”
Joey smiled. “Now I'm edgy about da surprise.”
Moukaba laughed. “You'll like it, trust me.”
At that moment, Seto walked out and headed over to the car.
Joey got out and opened the passenger door, which the other got in, closed the door before running back to the driver's side and took off. “Where to?”
“Stop by the house and I'll let you more on where we're going.”
“Fine by me.” Joey said as he headed towards the house.
“Why do I `ave da put on a blind fold?” Joey asked looking at Moukaba.
“Because that's part of the surprise!”
Joey sighed as he put it on. “Happy now?'
“Now what?”
“Just sit there and wait for my brother, who will lead the rest of the way.”
“Ya gonna leave me `ere, aren't cha?”
“Don't worry your head off, he'll be here before you know it.”
“Alright den.” Joey said as he relaxed on the chair he was sitting on. “I'll take ya word for it.”
“Have a great time!” Moukaba called as he closed the door.
Joey sat in the silent room as he thought back to all the times back in Ancient Egypt when he and Seto have their moments together. He than heard footsteps, ones he knew all too well.
“Ready pup?” Seto said.
“I've been edgy since ya said da surprise!” Joey said, earning a chuckle.
“Alright.” Seto said as he grabbed the blonde's hand and lead them to the car, where they drove off for a good thirty minutes.
When they stopped, Seto got out and helped Joey out as well.
The first thing the blonde noticed was the scent was almost salty, but not too salty.
“Okay, you can take the blindfold off.” Seto said as the other did.
When Joey opened his eyes, he saw the ocean.
They were on a cliff looking over by the ocean.
“This is my favorite spot in all of Domino.” Seto said. “It's the only peaceful spot that I could fully forget the idiots at work as well as stress.”
Joey nodded. “I can see why.” He said as he leaned against the rail. “It's really nice out `ere.”
They stared out into the moon reflected waters for a moment before Seto spoke up.
“Remember that surprise I told you about?”
Joey looked confused. “Yeah.”
Seto turned towards the other and reached something in his pocket. “Well… I've been thinking for sometime now, and…” He took his clutched hand out of his pocket. “And, even though I only met you a month prior, I feel as though I've known you longer.” He took a deep breath.
Joey waited patiently as the other looked like he was preparing to say something really important.
“Joey Wheeler.” Seto started to say as he opened his hand, which had a gold ring that has some diamonds around it. “Will you marry me?”
Joey was shocked into silence, instead he jumped and kissed the other, who took it as a yes. A hell yes.
~*Seto's Mansion*~
“I do!” Moukaba heard Joey through his hidden secret microphone and had to cheer. “All right! I'm going to have another brother!” He said as he took the head set off and did a little victory dance.
And that ends Joey's surprise.
~-2 months later-~
He just gotten the news from Joey, and was so happy for him. `Wow! Seto and Joey getting married. Too bad it won't take place until Joey gets out of college, but wow!' He smiled and practically hugged himself.
“Yugi!” His grandpa called. “Atemu's on the phone!”
“Okay!” He called as he picked up a cordless phone in his room. “Hey Atemu!” He said happily.
“Hello Yugi. You sound happy today.” Atemu said from the other line.
“Yeah! I heard that my best friend is engaged!”
“Oh wow, congrats to him!”
“So, how's the media taking your appearance?”
“Very well actually.”
Yugi picked up the latest magazine with Atemu's face on it. “I've noticed.” He heard the other laugh.
“You should have seen their faces when I removed the shades and hood.” Atemu said, making the youth laugh. “How are your classmates taking it?”
“They kept asking me if I gave you styling tips or if you were my long lost twin brother.”
Atemu cracked on that one. “If that was true, than our relationship could be…what's the word?”
“Twice as wrong as is it now.”
“Oh come on now, aibou, since when has our relationship so difficult?”
“I didn't mean it that way, and you know it.” Yugi said with a slight pout.
“I know Hikairi no Tenshi.” Atemu said. He had an urge to nickname the other after they met, and also became confident in himself a bit more to reveal his identity to the public, now that he has Yugi. “Guess what I've found out.”
“In two months, I'm going to retire the gaming celeb life.”
“Wow!” Yugi said as he flipped the pages absentmindedly.
“And I think I'm going to study Egyptology with you.”
“That's great!” Yugi said happily.
“Yeah, I've been thinking about it for sometime and I wouldn't mind a bit of digging around.”
Yugi laughed. “I'm sure you'll do fine!” He said, knowing that the other proved more than once that he knew a great deal of Egypt.
“I know. Oh, I happen to be in town.”
“Really!?” Yugi said.
Atemu only stayed at the hotel for a week before going to America for a tournament that lasted almost two weeks, thanks to technical difficulties. He keeps the other updated everywhere he goes. “Yeah, and I was hoping you and I would go see a movie together and probably go out for pizza?”
“Sounds like a date.” Yugi said.
“Well, it has been awhile since we've been together.”
Yugi laughed. “That's true! Alright, what time?”
“Around six-thirtyish.”
“I'll be waiting.”
“See you soon.”
“See ya!”
They hung up.
“Can my day get any better!?”
“Yugi! You need to take out the trash!”
Yugi sweat dropped. “Not what I had in mind.”
“Ahh!!” Yugi bellowed. “What should I wear!?” He looked at all the clothing items on the bed. `What to wear? What to wear? Ahh!! I'm sounding like a girl!' He thought as he looked at his options in his closet and rechecking the items on the bed.
“Yugi? What in heaven's name are you-“ Grandpa was about to say when he saw the site. “That answers that.”
“I don't know what to wear Grandpa!” Yugi said as he scratched his head. “And Atemu will be here any minute!”
Grandpa sighed, clearly knowing that this is completely not his problem to solve. He looked at the pile on the bed and saw a few shirts that may look nice for an outing. `Great, after years of being separated by my wife, her sense of style is finally catching up.' He sighed. “What about these Yugi?”
Yugi looked at him as if he lost his mind, but looked at the opened collared black shirt. “How did I completely miss that!?” He hugged his grandfather. “Thanks a lot!” He said as he dashed to the bathroom with the clothes and a neck buckle. Only about a minute later that he came out and headed down stairs to see both his grandfather and Atemu, talking.
Atemu looked up and smiled. “There he is!” He joked.
Yugi rolled his eyes and hugged his grandfather. “See you later Grandpa!”
“Don't worry, he'll be back before midnight.” Atemu said.
“It's not the time I'm worried about.” Grandpa said, which made the older teen sweat drop.
“We'll be fine Grandpa.” Yugi said.
“Alright.” Grandpa said opening the newspaper. “Enjoy your movie and dinner.”
Yugi reached for the newspaper and grabs it. Before the elder could say anything, he held up a porn magazine. “I'm getting kinda tired to remind you about putting these away somewhere where I can't find them.”
“Do you want to continue dating your media crazed goose chase boyfriend?”
“You win.”
“The only game I could beat you in.”
Atemu chuckled at the site.
“Be quiet.” Yugi said as he grabbed the other's hand.
“I thought it was very amusing.” Atemu said.
“Glad you like it.” Yugi said sarcastically.
Atemu opened the door to his car and let the other in before going to the driver's seat.
“So, what movie are we going to see?”
“I believe it's called `The Lake House'.”
“Isn't that a chick flick?”
“If you want to see nothing but scary, terror-filled, horror movie…”
“I'll stick with the chick flick.”
Atemu chuckled.
“Oh shut up.”
“I heard that humor makes a great relationship workout.”
Yugi smiled.
Yugi playfully punched the other's arm as they drove up to the pizza joint. As they got out, he asked. “Aren't you a bit worried about how people will react?”
Atemu looked thoughtful. “Not really.” He wrapped an arm around the youth's waist. “Celebrity life is like a fad, it only last for a certain amount of time.”
Yugi smiled. “You like to think positive now, don't you?”
“Ever since I met you.” Atemu said as he kissed the youth's temple before walking into the joint and getting a lot of attention.
~-An hour later-~
“Ten phone numbers, six e-mail addresses, and five party invitations.” Yugi counted as they headed towards the theater.”
“Chuck `em.” Atemu said.
Yugi made a paper ball from the mentioned items and started to throw it up and catching it.
They reached the parking lot and before the youth got out, the older teen grabbed his wrist, making the other slightly confused.
Atemu reached over and kissed him, which the other gladly returned.
When the room became dark and people were paying attention to the movie, Yugi crawled over and sat in the other's lap as they watched the movie. Most of the time they were kissing, since they were in the far back row, and tried to be quiet. The movie, to Yugi, had lot of relation to his experience, except he didn't write letters back and forth; it was more of the time difference.
`Except the guy was only two years behind and I was with Pharaoh Atemu in Ancient Egypt.' He thought as he laid his head on the other's shoulder.
After the movie was over, they headed out to the parking lot, after signing tons of autographs, and drove along the beach. They parked in the parking lot that was near by a park.
“How come we're here?” Yugi asked.
Atemu shrugged. “I haven't been to the park since I was a kid.” He said as he got out and the youth followed suite. “And I thought I could come down here and spend a little more time with you.” He added as he headed towards the swings. He and Yugi both got on one and sat there in silence. After long moments, he finally spoke. “You know, that movie wasn't so bad.”
Yugi smiled. “Yeah, it was good.”
Atemu made a small sound before continuing. “This may sound strange, but I kinda relate to the guy in the movie.”
“How's that?”
Atemu stared out into nothing for a moment. “I'm not sure… It just does.”
They were both silent again for a moment before Yugi got a small urge to be playful. He got off the swing he was on and went behind the other before pushing him a little.
Atemu blinked at the other's actions, but didn't do or say anything about it.
Yugi timed the swing and jumped on, making the other surprised but liked the idea and continued to swing but not too high. He laughed as he imagined the other's face as he held the chains tight so he wouldn't fall off.
Atemu than slowed down to a stop and got off. “I think it's time to get you home.” He said sadly as the youth pouted.
“Aww! I was having so much fun!” This made the older teen chuckle.
“I know, but if I don't get you home, your grandfather will have to hunt me down and shoot me.”
“He wouldn't do that.”
“You never know.” Atemu shrugged as the other got off.
“Okay.” Yugi said with a yawn.
Atemu smiled as he went up to the teen. “Tired?” He asked, which was replied by a nod. He, without the other noticing, bent down and held the other bridal style.
Yugi didn't protest it though and almost immediately fell asleep in the other's arms.
Yugi woke up in his room and blinked for a few minutes before realization hit. `What time is it!?' He checked his clock and saw it was six-thirty in the morning. He got up and went downstairs, where his grandfather was making breakfast.
“Well good morning Yugi.” Grandpa greeted.
“Hey Grandpa.” Yugi said. “What time did me and Atemu get in?”
“Smack dab on eleven, just as he promised. Now sit down and eat your breakfast.” Grandpa handed a plate to him with eggs, beacon, and toast.
Yugi sat down and started to eat.
“Oh! I almost forgot.” Grandpa said as he placed an envelope in front of the teen. “Atemu asked me to give you this.”
“Really?” Yugi said looking at the envelope with his name on it in writing he easily recognize.
“And he told me he liked your drawings.” Grandpa said with a laugh when he saw the blush that showed on the teen's face. “I can see why you're head over heels.”
“I get it Grandpa!”
“Oh it's only us in here.”
Yugi groaned as he opened the envelope and saw four tickets and a letter.
Grandpa sat down and looked at his grandson for a moment, than the other beamed with happiness.
“Grandpa! Grandpa!”
“I'm right here for heaven's-“
“Atemu got us tickets for his last tournament!”
“Really now!”
“Yeah! And we got the best seats in the house!” Yugi hugged himself from his happiness. “He even got Joey and Seto one as well! I better tell him right away!”
“You haven't finished breakfast!” Grandpa called, but it fell on deaf ears.
Yugi quickly called up Joey, who was enjoying sleeping in.
“Who da hell call dis early in da morn'n?”
“Hey Joey!”
“Oh, Yuge… What's up?”
“You know Atemu?”
“You fuck'n took up two damn hours just talk'n about `im.”
“Well, he invited me, Grandpa, you, and Seto to his last tournament battle!”
“No way!”
“Yeah! And we got the best seats there!”
“You're coming right?”
“Donno, I'll tell Seto about it.”
“Alright, sorry to wake you up.”
“Don't worry about it.”
“Talk to you later!”
“Diddo!” They both hung up.
~-2 months later-~
There was a stadium filled with people who were cheering out for the winner. The screen showed Atemu, shaking the other's hand.
“Ladies and gentlemen!” The announcer spoke. “We have a special challenger for all of you, and he's in this stadium as we speak!”
Yugi, Grandpa, Joey, and Moukaba knew who it is, and the two teens couldn't help but roll their eyes as they remembered it clearly back in Egypt.
“Mr. Seto Kaiba!” There was an uproar at the name and an even louder one when the CEO walked out. He and Atemu came up and shook hands before going their separate ways to face each other again and activated their duel disks.
“LET'S DUEL!!” The announcer said starting it off. The two were both pros and both didn't want to go down without a fight.
`It's like being back in Kemet.' Yugi thought.
After about thirty minutes, Atemu won.
“Alright Atemu!” Yugi cheered.
“You did great Seto!” Joey and Moukaba called as everyone else applauded.
After that, they all headed to a private room and waited for the `champion' to finish his final rounds of autographs.
Atemu came in and looked happy. “Finally!” He sat down on a chair next to Yugi.
“No more writing autographs?” Seto said.
“I may have to do that now and then, but it won't be this crazy.”
“I donno, does gals are pretty teared up about ya retire'n.”
“They'll get over it.” Atemu said with a smile. “So, is anyone hungry besides Joey?”
Joey looked over at Yugi. “Ya told `im, didn't ya.”
Yugi smiled sheepishly as everyone agreed.
“Alright then, how about we go to the `White Lotus'.”
“The very fancy restaurant of all Japan?” Grandpa said, slightly amazed. “That's impossible to get a reservation there.”
“Not for the `King of Games'.” Atemu said with a smile while Seto rolled his eyes, which the blonde caught.
“Ey, don't ya be roll'n ya eyes at my pal's boyfriend!”
“And why would he care if he did see me roll my eyes.”
“Oh don't ya be a smart ass ya bastard!”
Moukaba sighed and rubbed his temples.
“Better get use to it now Moukaba.” Yugi said as the two started to bicker.
“Too late for that.” Moukaba said.
~*White Lotus*~
“Oh ho!” Grandpa said as he leaned back in his chair. “I've never been this full in a long time!”
“You said it.” Yugi said as the waiter took their plates. “Thank you for dinner.”
“My pleasure.” Atemu said as the owner came up.
“It's nice to see you with company for once.” Said a woman who looks like in her early forties but is really in her mid-sixties.
“Yes.” Atemu said as he introduced them. “This is Solomon Mouto and his grandson and my beloved angel Yugi.”
“How lovely.” Said the woman.
“This is Madame Toshi, owner of this restaurant.”
“It's nice to meet you as well.” Grandpa said as they started a conversation.
While that was underway, Atemu whispered to Yugi. “Would you like to see the garden escape?”
Yugi nodded and they headed over to the glass French doors.
They walked out to see a rooftop filled garden. The pond was the big part of the garden as it had a bridge that leads to a landing in the center. The pond itself has white lotus everywhere. They went over to the landing where they stood in the peaceful silence.
“It's beautiful out here.” Yugi said in awe.
“Yes, this is one of my favorite spots in Domino.” Atemu said as he looked at the youth. “Kinda made me wonder why I haven't seen you around.”
“Well, it is a pretty big city and a lot of people.”
Atemu laughed. “That's true.” He looked at the other again. “I used to not believe in fate, but after I first laid my eyes on you, it was a huge wake up call.” He looked at the night sky. “But I still doubted myself that someone like you would ever be with someone like me.”
Yugi looked at the other.
“I guess what I wanted to say is, or more like ask you…” Atemu took something out of his pocket and held the other's hands. “I know we only known each other for only a short time, but…” He let the other's hands go.
Yugi knew that the other placed something in his hands and opened both to see something that made him completely speechless. It was a ring, but not just any ring. `That's the same ring that I gave to him, well… the past him, back in Kemet.' He thought looking at the gold band with the clear gems and the violet and red gem.
“That ring in your hands has been past down in my family since who knows when.” Atemu explained.
`Wait, does this mean…' Yugi thought.
“Yugi… may I have permission to take your hand in marriage?”
Yugi felt tears forcing themselves out, but embraced the other for all he's worth. “Hand, body, soul! Yes, yes. YES!”
Atemu smiled as he returned the embrace as well as a couple tears went down his face.
Somewhere else, the elder Mouto and Madame Toshi were watching from afar.
“Looks like I got myself a new grandson.”
“Congratulations.” Madame Toshi said.
Grandpa smiled as he took a sip of water. “Things are going to be different now.”
Madame Toshi nodded. “You'll get the hand of it after the fifth year.”
That made both of them laugh as the other two walked up and announced their engagement.
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B/M: YEAH!! The end of the last chapter! *does a dance*
*sigh* Oh boy. Looks like its summary time!
Bakura: Go ahead! We won't be hanging around for it!
Marik: We're going straight home to our beloved and fuck the living brains out of them.
I'll warn them ahead of time then.
B/M: Later crazy bitch!
*sigh* Well, this is a preview of what you're going to see soon, if all of you can forgive me for making you wait long for these two chapters to be up.
Summary: Yugi (female) is a typical, normal junior high school student. She has a terrific grandfather, friends she could count on, and someone to look up to. But when she figures out the puzzle, she gets send back in time to the land of the Pharaoh's and has to find a way back home. But when she looses her memories, what is going to happen to her? Will her new friends help her, or will the dark forces shatter both worlds before she can remember.
So… What do you think? This is going to be my challenging one yet, and you'll see why soon. Until then, R&R please!