Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When It Hurts The Most ❯ Grandfather and Grandson ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Thursday...why did it have to come so fast?! Ryou sat miserably in his class. `Please...let me be hit by a car before I get home...' he prayed. `If there is any divine forces ANYWHERE...please kill me now.' He pleaded to anything that would listen to his meager wishes. "Hey Ryou." Yugi said tapping Ryou's back a bit. He had noticed the fall in his friend's mood over the past few days. "Yami and I were planning to go out this evening, you know...hit the town. I hear there's going to be one heck of a party at Otogi's place" Ryou smiled a little. Maybe he could avoid his grandfather for today.

Bakura thumbed through Ryou's old journals and growled. "I know you're hiding something Ryou...and you can't hide it forever!" He yelled hurling the useless journal across the room. He flopped down onto the bed and ran his hands through his hair. "What have I got?" He said, talking to himself. The habit had been picked up that habit from Ryou. "I know he was young when whatever it was happened...and I know it has SOMETHING to do with his grandfather...but what exactly happened?" Bakura mumbled and shook his head. "Ryou's grandfather comes today and I have to figure this out damnit!"


Ryou sighed as the final bell rang. School was over and he had to go home. Home, to wait for his impending doom. `Stop it Ryou...it's been years…p-perhaps he's changed for the better.' The thought brought slight ease to the pale haired hikari. `Yes…he's changed. He had to have. It's been so long...surely he'd not do such a thing when he hasn't seen me in two years. He's family after all. I AM his grandson...'

Ryou walked home, hoping that his wishes of change were true. He'd have to ask Bakura to watch for his grandfather this evening, since he was going to be out with Yugi and Yami. Bakura wouldn't mind, and he'd be able to take care of himself...if his grandfather tried anything. Right? Ryou would soon have his answer, as he opened his door and was immediately greeted by his yami, who looked frustrated. "Ryou..." He started, before Ryou shook his head. "Bakura...It's nothing, and I don't care to waste the oxygen talking about my past, I'd also like to point out that I do not go prying into YOUR personal life or your past. I'd appreciate the same courtesy from you." Ryou mumbled walking past Bakura to his room.

`Why didn't you tell?!' His mind yelled at him, as he carefully blocked Bakura from prying. Ryou shook his head and put his book bag down next to his desk. Taking the time to lock his door, not that it mattered...it was just a sign to Bakura he wanted to be alone. Ryou pulled out his current journal and picked up his fountain pen.

~ ~ Dear Diary ~ ~

Tonight's the night...grandfather comes to visit. I will probably leave Bakura to greet him; I just hope he doesn't do something unpleasant like drink in front of grandfather. I'm sure father would love to hear that. Because I know for a fact that would be the first thing grandfather would do. Call my father and tell him my faults. He ALWAYS tells me my faults...I hate it.

Bakura is very worried about me...I hate to hide things from him...but I'm not about to tell. I promised so long ago. I wish I had known back then what trouble I was in. All I can do now is wish for a way out. I guess when you don't break promises...it comes back to haunt you diary. I hope no one else is in this sort of rotten luck.

~ ~ Ryou ~ ~

Bakura frowned at the locked door. "Ryou...tell me what's going on." Ryou's response was muffled by the door, but was clear enough for Bakura to understand. "I'm not getting into this with you Bakura. I'm going out with Yugi and Yami tonight. Please treat grandfather as I would." Bakura stared speechless at his hikari's firm tone on the subject. After a moment he was able to form the words "WHAT?!" Ryou opened the door after a moment; he had changed from his school uniform to a pair of jeans and a black T-shirt. "I said I am going out with Yami and Yugi this evening. Please greet my grandfather and treat him as I would. No one even knows about you...so I assume you would like to keep it that way." Ryou said shaking his head and walking past his yami. Ryou just wanted to get out of the house at this point, and his yami wasn't making it any too easy. "Ryou! What's going on?! I know your grandfather has done SOMETHING to upset you!" Bakura said, as he wondered when his hikari had gotten so willful. "Listen yami...I don't care to talk about it. I'm leaving now. Be good." Ryou said walking out the door.


Bakura sighed and flipped through the channels on the television. Over two hundred channels...and not a thing to watch. He cursed a few times at the TV, before turning it off and sighing. He was the one who would have to greet Ryou's grandfather. "I bet he's a real bastard...to have bothered Ryou so badly..."

A knock on the door signaled the arrival of the `guest' that Bakura had objections to. He growled slightly, deciding that if the man looked even slightly suspicious he'd kill him on the spot. Bakura quietly opened the door and was nearly knocked over with surprise!

There, in the doorway, stood possibly the most posh and proper looking man he'd ever seen...other than Ryou of course. He had a gray mustache and equally gray hair. He seemed much taller than someone of his appearance should be. Bakura felt...almost like a small child compared to the elder. Even though he was merely a foot taller. The older was quietly putting out his pipe and smiling a surprisingly gleaming white-toothed grin. "Good evening grandson, It's been a while."

Bakura merely nodded in response, staring at the elder. He wore a brown suit and a violet bow tie. He seemed...almost overdressed...but at the same time not. It left Bakura almost feeling as though he should be dressed as nicely. "Don't stare Ryou dear, it is impolite. How about you help an old man such as myself into your humble home?" Bakura blinked from his stare. `The things I do for Ryou...' he mentally grumbled as he stepped outside to get the bags for their guest. `You owe me Ryou.' He huffed when he picked up the heavy bags. What did this old geezer carry with him? Stone tablets?! `Ra forsaken elders...' Bakura complained silently as he carried the luggage in. This was going to be a LONG evening...