Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When It Hurts The Most ❯ I love your body ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Silence. Total and horrible silence was all that carried out between Bakura and the old grandfather until they both turned in for bed. Bakura grumbled as he waited up for Ryou, he didn't really need sleep. "I don't understand... that old coot seemed nice enough..." Bakura said remembering that the elder had treated him with only the utmost respect and politeness. In fact the little they had spoken had been on things like where Ryou's father was. Bakura knew Ryou's father was yet again off Ra-knows-where doing his research.

After many hours of waiting up though, Bakura resigned to the fact that Ryou wouldn't be home until morning and finally went to sleep.


Ryou sighed as he walked home. He didn't want to...but he couldn't just leave Bakura with his grandfather...what if...no. No it WOULDN'T happen to Bakura too. Ryou shook his head, feeling his eyes burn slightly. He wouldn't have someone else hurt like that because of him. He should have been there at the very start...Bakura could be in danger this very moment for all Ryou knew. He sped his walk to a jog, and arrived at his door in record time.


Bakura sensed his hikari drawing near, so he met him at the door to avoid exposing his existence. He glared and shut the door behind him. "Where in Ra's name were you?! You were gone all night!" He complained. Sure, the old guy was nice enough...but Bakura didn't care to hear another moment of how wonderful everything British was. "If I have to listen to one more second of that old geezer's crowing I'm going to kill him to put him out of MY misery." Bakura added. Ryou smiled a bit. "H-how was last night?" He asked, assuming that nothing had happened. Bakura rolled his eyes. "Does he carry bricks in those bags or what?!" Ryou's smile broadened. Nothing had happened. "Oh...Well...I'm sorry I left you like that yami...I won't do it again. It was really short notice too." Bakura smiled and shook his head. `I just don't understand what is going on between Ryou and this old guy...maybe it's just bickering.' Bakura thought to himself.

"Ryou? Where are you?" Bakura looked back at the door behind him. "Your geezer is calling. I'll leave you to him. I want some alone time." Bakura said walking past Ryou. Ryou smiled a bit. "If you're heading out, you may as well pick up the groceries." Bakura huffed. "What am I? New public maid?" Ryou laughed a bit. "Yeah yeah, I'll get the shit." Bakura grumbled walking off down the street. Ryou blinked a bit. "YOU'D BETTER PAY FOR IT TOO!" He shouted after his yami. "Whatever..." Bakura said shrugging Ryou's protest off.

Ryou sighed and walked into the house, yawning. "There you are! You had this old man worried." William said cheerfully, before walking over and Ruffling Ryou's hair. "I assume you can cook, since your father is often out for his little `expeditions'." He added stretching, already dressed in a casual suit. Ryou nodded a bit. "Yes...I'll make you breakfast. What would you like?" William smiled. "Spot on! You've kept the manners and charms of a true Englishman. Its good to see your lessons in charms school have stuck with you."

Ryou nodded lightly. "Thank you..." he said politely before going to the kitchen to start breakfast for the two. He was still uneasy about being alone with his grandfather...but perhaps he really HAD changed. William hadn't made a single move to touch Ryou, other than to ruffle his unruly white hair. Maybe Ryou's luck was FINALLY beginning to change. Ryou smiled lightly at the thought. He wouldn't let his guard down though...just in case of course.


William smirked after the pale teen. He'd grown so much since he'd last seen him. His young body had developed slight muscles and he'd grown to a fine height. `Yet he still leaves himself in my care...' the thought made William laugh a bit. Ryou was seventeen now, his original plan had been to fully take Ryou on his sixteenth year. `A little later than I had wished, but I will finally have you. Your little body will be mine fully this time.' William shook himself from those thoughts. He couldn't blow the `I've changed' act until Ryou let his guard down, then he could once again have his little angel's touches.

The mere thought of taking Ryou was making William wish to touch the pale teen. His thoughts teased and tormented him. `You know you want to feel him...touch him and tease him. You want the feel of his mouth, the taste of him. He's yours you know; you could have him this very moment. His father is gone...he's all alone. What could possibly happen? You could press him against the wall right there, and teach him all about the pleasures of the flesh.' William shuddered; deciding a trip to the facilities was most definitely in order.


Ryou finished cooking breakfast and set both plates of French toast on the table, just as his grandfather returned from his little bathroom `adventure'. He had arranged the dishes so that his grandfather was sitting as far as possible from him; literally they were on opposing sides of the table. "Smells delightful Ryou." William commented, as he took his seat.

Ryou smiled lightly. "Thank you..." He said softly, as he took his own seat. William smiled. "Perhaps later, you can show me around. I'd love to see what my grandson has been doing since he left Britain." Ryou nodded lightly as they began to eat.