Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When It Hurts The Most ❯ I just need a moment alone to think. ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Born with hair the color of the early morning mist, and eyes of deep caramel that were flecked with the colors of autumn that could only seen if looked into closely, Ryou was always a vision of beauty to all who beheld him. William had been, as many before and still, struck with Ryou's innocent charms.

He sat quietly in the empty house, awaiting Ryou's return from school. It had been three days since he had arrived, and Ryou was finally letting his guard down. Just the thought of taking the delicious young teen and stripping him, to gaze upon his creamy body, to touch Ryou and make him gasp and squirm brought William to a lusty stupor. William had his plan, since he had missed Ryou's 16th birthday, the day he had originally intended to take the young treasure. His plan was simple.

Catch his white haired seductor and show him what pleasures the flesh had to offer.


Ryou smiled brightly, his grandfather hadn't approached him once, not once in a menacing way. No kisses, no groping...nothing. He had changed! He wasn't the old pedophilic molester that Ryou remembered, and he was glad. For once, his luck was changing!

Today, William had asked Ryou to stay home and catch up on how he had spent his time since he had left Britain. It was actually a talk Ryou looked forward to. He had hated Britain for its stuffiness, but loved it for a few things. One of the many traditions Ryou missed was afternoon tea. Although Yugi and the others loved to drink a wide variety of teas, no Japanese tea could ever compare with British tea.

Ryou still practiced afternoon tea on the weekends, curling up on the sofa in the den with a copy of any random book he found interesting, currently he was reading a lovely tale about a group of children who had found a world in the back of their wardrobe, though the title skipped his mind at the moment. It had been great recently, to have tea with his grandfather and just talk about whatever they felt like...it was almost as if nothing had ever happened between them. The scones and crumpets that William had brought with him to share during tea were a refreshing reminder of the home Ryou missed, yet did not.

Bakura on the other hand had grown to hate the elder of the family. As Ryou's trust grew slowly, his hate and distrust of William increased at a rapid pace. Something was just not right about this old man, but Ryou refused to even give him a small clue as to what was wrong. Although he vaguely knew something had happened in his childhood, he still couldn't pinpoint the exact problem.


Bakura sighed as he walked to the Ishtar residence. He pounded roughly on the door. "Let me in damn it!" He yelled. Marik opened the door annoyed. "Jesus Bakura! Why don't you just fucking pound the god damned door down!" ...And Isis wondered why the other dwellers of the apartment building hated them so much. Of course, this was a calm greeting between the two yamis. Heaven forbid you ever have to witness a heated one. Malik strolled to the door and rolled his eyes. "Must you be so friggin loud?" He mumbled pulling both yamis into the apartment.

Bakura sighed and shook his head. "I have a problem you guys." Marik chuckled. "Tell us something we don't already know." Bakura growled. "I'm being serious damn it!" Malik sat down on the couch, followed by Marik. Bakura took a seat in a recliner. "Ryou's grandfather has come into town to pay him a visit. Its really got Ryou on edge...but he wont tell me why." Malik nodded a bit. "I have noticed he's been a little down hearted for a while. But what's got you so worried?" Bakura shook his head, running a hand roughly through his white hair. "I went into his soul room, and...I did a lot of snooping. Something bad happened to him in his childhood." Marik stretched a bit. "Well what happened?" Bakura rubbed the bridge of his nose, sighing. "I don't know. That's the problem"


Ryou spread his fingers gently across the ivory and began to tap gently upon them. He sighed in relaxation. His father still had him attend piano lessons, merely because Ryou was such a good pianist. Currently he was playing Debussy's Claire De Lune. One of the most relaxing songs to play, in his opinion.

"Very good Ryou!" His instructor said happily, as he played with the elegance and grace of a professional pianist. "You could compete." Ryou nodded wordlessly, continuing the song without a single mistake. He was one of the few students that the instructor was so proud of, that he had more than once taken a stopwatch to Ryou while he played the minute waltz. He always hit it at exactly one minute. Quite a feat, considering most finished the song ten to fifteen seconds late, or the same early. He had actually tried to throw off Ryou's counting once. Failed miserably, but he had tried.

Ryou began another song, Mozart's Symphony No. 4. This song was always a challenge, it required both of his hands to do clashing movements, and occasionally he would falter. But that made the song even more attractive to him. Ryou always loved to try his hardest and be the best he could be, even if no one really DID notice. His father never noticed his excellence; he was too busy on those digs of his to care. Oh well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder right?


William smiled as he looked at his watch. Ryou would be home within the hour, and he intended to surprise him. This would be Ryou's last day as a virgin. He was going to give him that sweet sixteen birthday present, even if it was a little late. "Just wait my sweet little one...I'll show you what you've been missing while in Japan."