Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When That Day Comes ❯ Be Careful Of What You Wish For ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: …Ok, yes. I realize exactly what I wrote at the end of the last chapter and I was indeed hyper. The funny thing is I was hyper, yet in an angsty mood… Oh well, that's not important now. I don't own YuGiOh, but I do own all the OCs… except Kirei. Kirei is owned by herself, I just gave her a name. ^_^; And yet again, OOCness will, if not definitely, most likely appear on your computer screen while you are in the process of reading.

************************** WARNING: THIS CHAPTER IS VERY GRAPHIC! If you do not like blood, or are squeamish, you should not read this chapter! **************************

Ok, now that that's all been said and done, you may read onwards!

When That Day Comes

Chapter 6: Be Careful Of What You Wish For

*last chapter*

The seconds seemed to go by like minutes until fate decided for me.

*this chapter*

"R-Rikoh?" came the shocked voice of Ryou.

Bakura and I both turned to see him not too far away. His eyes seemed glassy and there were books scattered at his feet. Ryou's expression was of shock, sadness, pain, and a bit of jealousy and anger. I suddenly felt my heart drop as I stared into those innocent eyes.

"Hello Ryou," Bakura was first to respond.

Ryou seemed to throw him an evil glare. I have never seen him this… upset… Does he… Does he like me? Ryou, one of my two biggest crushes, likes me back? Me?!

Ryou's mouth opened but nothing came out. He closed it and turned his head away. I could see him wipe his eyes before he faced us again.

"S-so they let you outside?" Ryou asked, trying to break the heavy silence bestowed upon us three.

I nodded; speechlessness had taken my voice and refused to give it back. Ryou bent down and picked up the books he had dropped earlier. I was officially caught in my second awkward silence of the day…


I knew it! I knew it, but why can I still not believe it? I guess no matter how true the facts were, I just never wanted to accept that she likes him…

What exactly is it about Bakura that seems to pull in everyone? It could be his attitude. I guess being innocent isn't worth it if the one girl you want doesn't like it. But I don't even know how to not be innocent! …I'm starting to confuse myself.

I know I should just live with the fact that Bakura can have Rikoh and I can't, but I don't think my heart can take it. I need to get out of here… But I came to see Rikoh; that'd just be rude. I am also interrupting something so that's rude as well.

"I… I just wanted… to make sure you were alright… I guess I'll… go now…" I struggled out and quickly turned to walk home.

"Ryou, wait!" I heard Rikoh say and immediately stopped.

I turned around to see her standing. Her eyes pleaded and begged me not to go. I was drawn in again by her and decided not to go. I can't resist Rikoh; there's no use in trying.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Would… Would you like to join us?"

"Are you sure you'd want me to?"

"Of course! You can come sit next to me," Rikoh sat and patted the empty space beside her.

I walked over slowly and collapsed onto the bench. My legs pained me from walking all the way from the school. I refrained from looking at Bakura at all. He must have known I like Rikoh and was trying to make me jealous… I swear he will pay when we get home…


So… Ryou really likes me? No, who am I fooling. He was probably just shocked that it was his yami I was a bout to kiss. But… he did look so sad… Ok, this is probably the only thing that can confuse me!

I'm lying down, finally in my own room. Tears have left their trails down my cheeks. What should I tell him tomorrow in school? And what about Bakura? None of us even talk except to say good bye earlier…

I wish… I wish I could just disappear. It looks like I hurt Ryou and Bakura actually looked hurt as well. If I disappeared, I could never hurt either of them anymore. I wouldn't be able to cause anyone pain. That's it; I've decided to disappear. That will be my greatest wish. That will be what I pray for at night.

I looked around my room, and when I came to my feet, they almost looked transparent. I sat up in shock and stared at my now missing feet. Was… Was my wish granted? But not now! Not yet! I'm not ready to disappear yet!

Just as I said that in my mind, my feet became visible again. I sighed a heavy sigh of relief. That was scary! I never knew…

I looked up to the sky. I never knew that Ra was actually watching over me. I though he had forgotten about me a long time ago… A long time ago in America… That day when my life took a turn for the worse.

A few years ago, when we still lived in America, my mom was sent by force to a counselor with me. She used to "abuse" and "neglect" me, which I don't believe. She just… forgot about me sometimes with all the fuss from Usagi. And she had to have someone to blame for things; it's not like she'd go blaming someone 4 years younger than me. Though… I don't know why she'd yell at me and beat me for those little things…

*flashback to 4 years ago*

(3rd person POV)

"Why did you let this happen to him? WHY?" Tsuki shouted at the little 12-year-old girl in front of her.

"It wasn't my fault Mom! Those boys were too strong! They were in high school!" Rikoh shouted back.


Rikoh hit the edge of the wooden table in the center of their small apartment living room. She lifted her head slowly to face the woman who had just hit her.

"How dare you raise your voice to me! You know better by now! It doesn't matter how old they were, you still should have protected your brother! He's only 8 years old; his life comes before yours!"

Rikoh knew Tsuki was angry with her; that never meant anything less than horrible.

"Please Mom, I'm sorry…" Rikoh trailed off

"Sorry? SORRY?! Sorry ain't gonna cut it! You're not allowed out of your room for a month! And no friends or no food. Only water. You can only leave your room to go to the bathroom. I'll know when you leave since your room is across from mine so don't go trying any funny business!"

Rikoh quickly got up to leave the room filled with hatred. She shut her bedroom door quietly and took only four small steps to reach her bed. Rikoh always felt like she was in a box whenever she sat in there. She had but one dresser only equipped with 4 draws barely a foot long.

She turned her back to her pillow and pulled her knees to her chest. Silently she cried and began to sing as quietly as possible.

"Hold on if you feel like letting go… Hold on, it gets better than you know…" She managed through her tears.

After a few minutes, Rikoh got up and walked the short distance to the dresser and opened the top draw. In the draw was an object wrapped in a cloth. She picked it up and carried it back to her bed, holding it close to her heart. After sitting down, Rikoh placed the object in front of her, unwrapped it, and smoothed out the cloth.

She stared at the terrifying object she now held in her hand. Only once before this had she used it; she was that afraid of it. It stared back at her. Through her reflection, eyes penetrated her weak and broken mind. Rikoh's face in the metal then changed. It was no longer the sweet little girl; a darker side seemed to be smirking at her.

Rikoh nearly dropped the object in shock. She examined her reflection again to see it was normal. Sighing quietly, she braced herself for what was to come. She held her breath and watched as she ran the object forcefully along her wrist. Blood seeped out of the re-opened scar and fell onto the spread cloth.

This time seemed different to her. Not only did it not pain her, but also the crimson liquid appeared to be more abundant. Like the last time, Rikoh let it drip for a while. Just then she did something that scared her. As her cut was about to drip, she licked it and all the rest of the blood until it was clean. Wiping off her weapon, she placed it back in it's place. She then took the cloth and wrapped her wrist.

Just as Rikoh finished, a small girl, also the age of twelve, climbed in through the miniscule window. The new girl stood nearly next to the bed and smiled.

"Hi Rikoh!"

"Hey Kirei…"

"Oh, did your mom punish you again?"

Rikoh nodded and sighed. Kirei sat down on the bed next to her companion and put a reassuring arm around her. Just then, she noticed the slightly reddened cloth about her friend's wrist. Kirei's eyes went wide and she gasped.

"Rikoh, please tell me you didn't do it again… Rikoh…?"

Rikoh looked at the girl with sad eyes and the looked away. Kirei was about to faint! The last time Rikoh had done this was… 3 years ago…

*present day*

(Rikoh's POV)

I can't believe that just a change of location made me stop… For the 4 or 5 months left there, the intervals between openings became closer together, until they were a week apart.

I had stolen that knife from the kitchen when no one was home. I never gave it back… I… I still have it, along with my old cloth…

"Almost 4 years it's been since the last time I did it and I'm hoping it'll be much longer…" I said aloud to myself as I picked up the blade.

Just then, I noticed that there was blood on it that looked fresh, as if it was used a few days ago. I pulled up my pant leg and looked at my ankh scar. Could… Could it be? My gaze then switched back to the weapon in my hand. Something inside of me was calling out to me… I could feel a dark presence rising up.

"Feed the thirst of the knife… Let it drink your blood once more…" an evil voice resounded in my head.

"Retrace that scar you've carried since you were 9… Yes, the one on your wrist."

It seemed to know what I was doing, since I had just began looking at my left wrist. I became scared. For some reason, the voice almost sounded of my own… Almost, but of a darker aura. I walked over to my body mirror and gasped as I saw the same devious smirk on the face I had seen 4 years ago. But this time was different. It didn't go away. I still felt like me, but I appeared to be… evil.

My eyes were now a fiery red as opposed to the soft blue they normally were. My hair, black with bright red streaks instead of light brown. Everything else was the same, except for my choice of expression.

"Having fun?" My reflection asked me.

I staggered back, totally freaked out by what was in front of me.

"At least now you won't be alone in the afterlife, will you? As your darkness, I go out with the light." "I" said, now examining the surroundings.

"Who are you?" I asked, finally able to respond.

"I've already answered that. I'm the darkness inside of you."

"My… yami?"

**************************************************************** **********************

Ok, this is the shortest chapter yet, but I couldn't think of where else to end it! `Cause in my mind, there's nothing else after this! @_@ Baka writer's block. And guess what? It took me 1 month, 2 weeks, and 5 days to get just this much! I am so sorry!


Ok, I promise in the next chappie I'll come up with something better than staring! >< It's not my fault! T_T Still, it kinda would be funny…


I promise I'll never steal your Baku-chan! He's yours and Ryou-san is mine! ^^ Well, hope you like this… half chappie. ^^;


I'm sorry!!!!!!! I know I promised! But at least it wasn't 2 whole months, ne? Thank you for the compliment! I promise that I will try my hardest to get rid of my writer's block! Oh, I know! *puts Going Under by Evanescence on repeat*

Ok yes, all of you have just learned that… Rikoh is/was a cutter! So the next chappies might contain more blood… Well, they might contain a lot of blood. ^^;