Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whenever, Whereever ❯ "I forgive you, but nothing is going to change..." ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

"Kami." Yami said walking up to her, his face was hard. "I need your and Kama's help." everybody besides the two of them were gone from the garage.

"With what?" Kami asked.

"You know about what happened to Anzu, right?" Kami nodded. "Okay, Seto's anger can blast out at anytime, and he might be coming back to get Anzu again. is there anything you and Kama can do to protect Anzu?"

"Well, I'm not sure..." Kami said, a thoughtful look came across her face. "We'll give it a thought after, there has to be something." Yami nodded his thanks.

"Whoa...." Yumi stepped away form the garage and took off down the road. She had forgotten something's in the garage and went back to get them, but then she heard Yami and Kami talking. 'Seto...he wouldn't do anything like that...would he...?' Yumi thought.

She ran up to her house and burst in through the door. "Seto?!" she screamed. "Seto!"

"Seto's out, sis." Mokuba said walking out to meet her. "What's wrong?"

Yumi was breathing hard, but she straightened up and walked pass her little brother. "Its nothing, Mokuba." she said. "Just tell Seto to come up to my room when he gets home, I need to talk to him about...something." Yumi turned around and smiled at Mokuba. "Can you do that for me, bro?"

"Yeah!" Mokuba said smiling. "Sure sis."


"I don't know what to do..." Kami said looking over at Kama. "What can we do to protect Anzu? My mind is blank..."

Kama looked out through the bedroom window. "There is nothing much we can do, Kami. I hate to say it, but Anzu has to get through this by herself, if it was a mystic power of some sort we could do something..."

"Hmm...wait..." Kami took out her dueling deck. "You once cast a spell on this deck to make the monsters come to life right? And it never wore off..." Kami held up a Dark Bat card. "Dark Bat!" she yelled, a flash of light came from the card and a Dark Bat appeared. "Maybe you can do that with Anzu's card..."

"You know my powers aren't the same." Kama commented. "I can't do it with one deck anymore, if I gotta do it to Anzu's...everyone's deck in the city has to be like it.."

"Well think about it." Kami said. "We have to do something to protect Anzu, if that's it...I guess that's what we must do."

"I'll think about it..." Kama said.


"Wha...what?" Anzu shook as she read a letter she had gotten from some music company in Hollywood. "A...live concert...in....in front of....the world..." Anzu read the letter out loud, her stomach churned around inside her, making her feel sick. "This is....gawd I don't know if its good or bad!"

Anzu sat down on the couch holding her stomach. "I feel sick..." she mumbled. "This is just what we all were dreaming of...now that it has come I feel so sick..."

"Anzu? Are you home?" Mokuba's timid voice called from the porch. "Hello?"

"Mokuba?" Anzu walked out of the livingroom, her sick feeling passing. "What are you doing here?"

Tears were streaming down his cheeks. "Seto and Yumi are fighting..." he said.

"What? Why?"

Mokuba began to explain how Yumi came home screaming out to Seto, and how she wanted him to go to her room as soon as he got home. "When he came back, I told him to go up, when he did Yumi started to yelling about beating someone, and then they began fighting."

Anzu was froze, she squat down to Mokuba's level and but her hands on his shoulders, rubbing them lightly. "What...what were Yumi's exact words?" she asked.

Mokuba sniffed. "She...she said that she never knew he had it in him to beat up a girl....I first thought it may have been Maii...so I was pretty happy about that because I hate Maii. But then I realized that Yumi did too, so why would she be mad?" Mokuba began to sob. "Then I heard your name being said...and I-I..." Mokuba broke off in long sobs.

Anzu shook her head and brought Mokuba into a hug. "I'm sorry, Mokuba..."

"No...I should be saying sorry...for my brother..." Mokuba said hauling away from her. "I know he didn't know what he was doing Anzu...I'm sure of it!"

Anzu gave Mokuba a small smile. "He probably never." she said, she remembered smelling alcohol on Seto's breath. "But you don't have to say sorry for your brother, you never did anything."


"I can't believe you would do that..." Yumi said, tears stained her cheeks, she looked up at her big brother, her bottom lip trembled.

"I couldn't believe I did it either, Yumi!" Seto said, he hated to bring his sister into so much pain. "I'm leaving anyway, me and Maii are over, and I am outta here on the first plane tomorrow."

"You can't leave!" Yumi cried. "What about Mokuba? What about me?" she grabbed Seto's jacket collar. "You can't leave us here, Seto! Even if you did do that to Anzu! I still love you! Please Seto!"

Seto slowly grabbed Yumi's hands, taking them away from his collar. "There is nothing you can say to stop me..."

"I see..." Yumi said. "You would rather leave your family because of a fuckin' mistake! God dammit, Seto! Anzu was right not to listen to you in the school. You are a really little bastard..." with that Yumi walked out of her room, leaving a stunned Seto Kaiba behind.

'Yumi's right...' Seto thought. 'I know I will never get Anzu back, I don't want her back really. And Anzu knows I didn't know what I was doing, I was drinking that night....' he shook his head. "That's where Mokuba must have went to....I'm going to have to go over to Anzu's and get him.


"Feeling better?" Anzu asked Mokuba, she stood in front of the stove, she had put a couple mini pizzas in for Mokuba, they were almost done.

"Yeah, thanks Anzu." Mokuba said. "And I'm glad you can forgive Seto."

Anzu smiled, she didn't know why she was going to forgive him. She guessed the fact that he was drinking it was all a mistake, he would have never done that if he was sober. "So am I." she said.

"Mokuba..." Seto called in a low voice. He looked in the kitchen at Anzu and his brother, who looked back at him. "Its time to come home buddy..."

"Ah, Seto." Mokuba pleaded. "Anzu just put some pizzas in the oven for me. can I stay and eat them? Please?"

Seto looked over at Anzu who just looked at him, then he looked back at Mokuba. "If you wish..."

"Yeah! Anzu can Seto stay too?" his eyes was pleading.

Anzu sighed and look the pizzas out of the oven. "I really don't see why not. He'll have to take you home after anyway's." she put the pizzas in front of Mokuba and sat on the floor by the oven, she looked up at Seto. "You hungry?"

"No." Seto said, he couldn't look Anzu in the eyes, he felt so guilty for what he had done to her.

"Come with me for a second Seto." Anzu said walking out into the livingroom.

Seto's heart leapt in his chest, but he followed her. Anzu stopped and closed the door in the livingroom and looked at him. "Anzu..." Seto said. "I'm sorry...I was..."

"Drunk? Yeah, I could smell it." Anzu said. "Mokuba already forgave me for you, and I told him that I forgave you..."

"Really?" Seto asked. "You really do?"

Anzu nodded. "But nothing is going to change between us now Seto. I still don't trust you like I did."
