Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whenever, Whereever ❯ Chapter 7
"Sure you can talk to me." Faith said. "What's wrong?"
"I don't know..." Anzu said. "I just get this feeling that something bad is going to happen... that my life is going to be ruined..." she sighed.
Faith never said anything for a second. "I don't know what to say Anzu."
"Neither do I really." Anzu said. "But I got a feeling that when my life is ruined, everybody else's is gonna fall right after mine."
"That sounds cool." Yugi said looking at Yami.
"Yeah it might sound it," Yami said looking down at Yugi. "But its anything but cool. If you ask me anyway." he sighed.
"How did Anzu take it?"
"She was stunned..." Yami blinked. "Something's going to happen to her, Yugi. At one point I couldn't see her face clearly a couple days ago, everything else was perfect, but her face went right blurry and fuzzy."
Yugi looked at Yami confused. "That's strange..." he said. "Why do you think something's going to happen to her?"
"I just do." Yami exclaimed. "And I don't think, I know."
"What are you going to do about it?" Yugi asked.
"I don't know." Yami said sitting down on Yugi's bed. "You better watch out for Ise, I think along with Anzu the other girls are going to be dragged into it."
"You sing?" Faith asked, she picked up one of the CDs the girls had made. "What's our band called?
"We were thinking of Purgatory." Anzu said. "But we don't know yet."
"Can you sing for me?" Faith asked.
"Really?" Anzu looked at Faith. "Sure." Anzu picked up her electric guitar. "This is one of my favorite songs ever!"
"Lucky you were born that far away so
We could both make fun of distance
Lucky that I love a foreign land for
The lucky fact of your existence
Baby I would climb the Andes solely
To count the freckles on your body
Never could imagine there were only
Ten million ways to love somebody
Le do le le le le, Le do le le le le
Can't you see
I'm at your feet
Whenever, wherever
We're meant to be together
I'll be there and you'll be near
And that's the deal my dear
Thereover, hereunder
You'll never have to wonder
We can always play by ear
But that's the deal my dear."
Anzu looked at Faith and smiled. "I am working really hard on trying to get that song right."
"I saw you don't have very far to go." Faith said with a smile.
"Thanks, but that's kinda hard to believe, Faith." Anzu said. "Me, the girls, and Yami have a live concert in Hollywood, we have to leave in a couple of days." Anzu's stomach flipped again.
"So...do you all understand now?" Flame looked at Honda, Jou, Ise, and Yumi. "Because I don't wish to go over it all again."
Jou nodded. "Everythin's clear, Flame. Ya got nuttin ta worry 'bout."
"So...all our decks can do this?" Yumi asked, she thought about Seto's Blue-Eyes.
"Yes. All of your monsters can come to life..." Flame said, the grump look stayed on his face, it was like he never smiled before.
"This is awesome!" Honda exclaimed. "I can't wait to try this out!"
"I wouldn't play with it, bro..." Ise warned.
"Yeah, Ise is right, Honda." Jou said. "You might hurt yourself."
Honda jumped up sweat-dropping. "WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSE TO MEAN?!"
Yami lay in his bed, the overs up to his chin. 'What if something DOES happen to Anzu?' he thought. 'What will I do then?' a small tear formed in the corner of his eye, and dripped down over his cheek.
Yami didn't want to face it, yeah sure he had a little crush on Anzu, big deal. But now he felt that it was something more. 'Love...' he thought. 'I love her...but...it can't happen...we are friends. I don't want anything to hurt our friendship....'
Yami rolled over and looked out through the window, out of all the bright lights of the city, he could she the one coming from Anzu's house. "Maybe I should call her." he said out loud. "Just to see what she's doing..." he looked at the clock, it read twelve A.M. "Maybe not...maybe later on..."
Anzu lay in her bed, Faith had returned to her card a few minutes before. Anzu held the cordless phone in her hands and she looked at it, and looked at the speed-dial button with Yami's number saved to it. "Maybe I should just call and let one ring go through..." she said. "Just one." Anzu pressed the button and put the phone up to her ear, before a ring went through someone picked up the phone and started to dial some numbers. "Hello...?" Anzu said trying to get their attention.
"Anzu?" Yami asked.