Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Where Do Angels Go When They Die? (Reposted) ❯ The Revival ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!

Where Do Angels Go When They Die? - Chapter 7

By Angel Reaper (and Diane)

Yugi didn't keep track of the days that he spent with Yami, all he could remember was a blissful haze and lots of contentment and happiness during all of them. He loved all of the attention that his darker half gave him, whether it was talking and listening interested in what he said or kissing him sweetly and cuddling with him. It was all so wonderful and beautiful.

The time they had together was too short in the couple's mind when the day came that Yami woke up from his coma.

A strange shiver ran down Yami's spine, and he sat straight up with his crimson eyes wide. Yugi stopped talking and looked up at him worriedly. They were in the apartment, talking aimlessly about random topics with their fingers entwined.

"Is something wrong, Yami?" The shiver ran against his spine again, along with a tingling sensation. Without a word he got up and walked into Rei's bedroom, where she was reading a book on her bed. Yugi scrambled up and followed him in.

"Rei, I don't feel so good," Yami started off. "The best way I can describe it is... I feel like I'm fading away." Rei's eyes widened, and she pointed to his left arm, where the hand and forearm was slowly disappearing into nothing.

"Oh no, is he dying Rei?" Yugi said horrified. "Can you do something?!"

She shook her head. "I'm sorry, but we have to let this happen. I told you that he was in a coma, and that he would have to wake up someday. I guess it's that day..."

"Yugi, I want to talk to Rei privately," Yami told him, and he nodded and closed the door behind him. Yami faced the witch, and she sighed.

"How's the new body for Yugi coming along?"

"It was finished last night. I'll have to take it this afternoon and prepare it for the ritual. By nightfall, everything should be ready, and all I need to do is transfer him into the body. Yami, if you can get out of the hospital and over here by at least eleven o' clock, then we can start the spell, and you can take Yugi home."

He nodded. "What if it goes wrong?" She made a face at him. "I don't know, and I don't want to think about it. It might be something nasty."

As the morning wore on, more and more parts of Yami's ghostly body vanished, and Yugi was on the brink of tears. They fell in droplets as he kissed Yami chastely and sobbed that he loved him, nuzzling him and hugging as much of him as he could. Rei discreetly left them alone, wiping away some of her own tears before going downstairs and driving away. It was a sad way to say good-bye, but at least they were going to say hello again very soon...

Yami gasped shakily when his shoulders and neck started fading, and Yugi let his tears roll down silently. He kissed him with as much passion as he could muster, whimpering when he slowly felt him disappear underneath him.

"Love you..." he murmured before he completely vanished, leaving behind nothing to tell that he was there. Yugi just sat there in silence, his eyes staring into space. He didn't even notice Rei coming back in with a large rectangular package.

"Oh dear... Yugi, will you be alright?"

"I'm going to go down to the graveyard," he said haltingly. He got up and walked out the door, and Rei called out for him to be back early. She shut the door and sighed. There was so much to do tonight...


The first thing that Yami was aware of was the monitor next to his bed, beeping softly with his heartbeats. He groaned and rubbed his eyes, finally opening them to take a look around the room. His eyes widened when he saw Anzu sitting in a chair, absorbed in a fashion magazine. She looked up when she heard the rustling of his bedsheets and squealed, immediately wrapping her arms around him in a death hug. Yami fought the urge to gag and gently pushed her away.

"Oh Yami, I'm so glad you got out of your coma!" she said happily. "Me and the others were so worried when we heard that you got caught outside during the earthquake and got hit by a car. And I kept on planning out the wedding while you were asleep, so everything's on schedule!"

"Anzu, about the wedding..."


"I don't want to marry you anymore," he said flatly. The expression on Anzu's face turned from joy to shock.

"B-but why?" she stuttered. "I thought you loved me, Yami. How can you say that? How can you make up your mind like that after getting out of a coma?"

He shrugged. "I thought I loved you too, but while I was asleep, I had a dream. I was talking to Yugi-"

"Oh for God's sake Yami, stop mooning over Yugi!" Anzu interrupted, and he glared. How dare she talk about his Yugi like that!

"I was talking to Yugi, and he said that if I truly loved you, I wouldn't have so many doubts as I do now. He also said that if I truly loved someone, I would know and want to be with that person forever. And I do love someone else, and I know that it's the right one..."

"Yami, are you really going to use a dream so that you can break up with me?" Anzu asked skeptically. He nodded.

I might of liked you once, Anzu, but not anymore. I love someone else. I'm sorry, but I want the ring back." He watched as Anzu turned red and yanked the diamond ring off her finger, aiming to throw it at his head. She missed and he caught it with his right hand. She stalked off angrily as a nurse walked in curiously.

"Ah, Mr. Motou, you're awake. You probably want to catch up with everything that happened while you were gone, but we'll have to perform some tests to see if you're alright before we can release you."

"How long will they take?" he asked anxiously, thinking of Rei and Yugi. He had to get there before eleven!

"Oh, not too long. You don't have to wait for the results if you don't want to, if that's what you're wondering. Follow me," she said briskly, and Yami got up and started walking shakily, holding the engagement ring in his hand.


Yugi waited hopefully in the graveyard, pacing back and forth along the walking path. Sometimes he walked up to the gate to see if he could spot Yami coming. Then he resumed his pacing by his gravemarker and worried.


"Yami?" he said hopefully. His face fell when he saw it was only Rei. "Oh, hi Rei..."

"Yugi, come on, let's go home now, alright? You've been waiting for hours. It's almost eleven now, you can come back in the morning to see if he'll come." She nudged him in the direction of the gate, and he walked through it sadly. He followed her home and up to the fifth floor, staying silent the whole time.

When Rei opened her apartment door though, Yugi was pleasantly suprised to see his darker half standing there. Without thinking, he ran up to him and hugged him tightly, and Yami hugged him back. Rei rolled her eyes and gave them a minute to embrace some more before clearing her throat.

"Yami, we should begin now. Follow me please, both of you." She led them to her workshop and closed the door, observing the preparations she had to make. In the center of the room was a chalk drawn pentagram, with a burning candle on each point. In the center was a table, and the duplicated body of Yugi laid on top. The ghost looked at it in amazement.

"What's all of this for?"

"Yugi, I want to give you another chance at life," Rei said solemnly. "Another chance to do all of the things that you never got to do. Another chance to be with your soulmate. If you accept, then we'll start the process. If not, then I have done alot of things for nothing, and you'll continue being a ghost. Make your decision carefully, because this is going to be a one-time-only offer."

Yami swore that time had slowed as Yugi thought wide-eyed about the chance that Rei was giving him. Finally he replied, his voice very quiet.

"I accept."

Rei took a deep breath, calming down her racing heartbead and checking her magical reserves. Then she told Yugi to float above the body lying down. As he obeyed, Yami nervously stood by, making sure that he was ready in case Rei needed help.

"I ask for the god of life and death grant me this request," she intoned, "that I may join this soul to this body, in order to create a new life. Let the spirit turn to flesh, let a death give life!" Her aura glowed blue, and she grabbed the body's wrists. As her magic started filling the body, Yugi felt a cold shiver run down him, and he began to go lower. The candles blew themselves out suddenly, leaving them in darkness, save the glow of Rei's magic.

Yami flicked on the lights in time to see the last wisps of Yugi's ghost disappear through the mouth of the body, and Rei stopped the flow of her magic. She leaned against the table heavily, sweat trickling down her forehead. She glanced wearily at Yami, her blue eyes dulled.

"I've got no more magic within me," she rasped out. "Luckily that's all that was needed. Yugi is now alive."

"Shouldn't he be waking up then?" He checked Yugi's pulse, it was beating steadily.Yami inspected his lover carefully, then frowned. Something was wrong, but he couldn't put his finger on it. Rei suddenly grabbed his arm and her face went pale.

"He isn't breathing, Yami! We're going to have to do CPR... you breathe into his mouth, and I'll pump his chest." Yami tilted Yugi's head back and held his nose, then pressed his open mouth against his and blew. Please don't die...

Rei pushed her hands against Yugi's chest hard three times, then Yami repeated what he did last time. The continued this pattern for another minute before the witch bit her lip and shook her head.

"I'm so sorry this didn't work, Yami, it's all my fault-" he silenced her by holding his hand up, and started breathing into his mouth again, this time he laced it a bit with his magic. He really hoped this would work, he couldn't bear to loose Yugi again...

The teen witch watched fascinated as Yami's aura glowed red with a hint of gold in it, and how it started to spread down Yugi's body. Her eyes widened as she saw a hand twitch. Yami heard something faintly, and then a hand pushed him back. He saw familiar amythest eyes looking up at him curiously, and he smiled in relief. He stood up straight as Yugi coughed and looked around, then looked down at his hands and saw that they were no longer transparent.

"Yami..." He reached out and touched his face gently, the taller teen leaning into the caress. They were interrupted when Rei's eyes rolled upwards, not in disgust like she usually did, and she fell to the ground unconcious. Yami knelt by her and a flare of the reddish-gold sparked when he touched her forehead. She stirred and got up weakly, using Yami's arm for support.

"Drag me to the couch, I'll be fine there," she muttered. "Maybe I started using a bit of my life force after all... and get the hell outta my apartment if you're going to start making out, do it at your own place..."

He laughed and motioned for Yugi to follow him out, leading Rei to the couch and letting her collapse there. The smaller teen waved good-bye and hurried out the door, following his darker half and held his hand. Once they were in the elevator, Yugi leaned up and kissed Yami, nuzzling him affectionately.

"What's that for?" he asked curiously. Yugi giggled.

"For everything that happened, I guess. I love you, Yami..."

"I love you too, Yugi..."

(End Chapter 7)

AR: Lemon next time! Wohoo!!

Diane: -.-; Freaky hentai...

AR: =p I'm not freaky, and I'm not a hentai!! Anyway, this story's coming to a close, so it's going to end soon. Dunno when, but it's going to stop soon. So in advance, thank u for the nice reviews, from both Mediaminer and Fanfic! And once again, there will be no lemon on the Fanfic version, it will only be available in the Mediaminer version. I'll have a link up for the ppl who want to read the lemon. Ja ne!