Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Where Do Angels Go When They Die? (Reposted) ❯ Lovers ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!

Warning - Lemon/lime in this chapter. If ya don't like male/male stuff, then don't read it, simple as that. If ya do like, then please leave nice comments or constructive critism for the author (that's me!)

Where Do Angels Go When they Die? - Chapter 8

By Angel Reaper (and Diane)

Rei frowned as she stood in front of the two girls Yamiko and Tenshiko in her dream. They were looking at her disapprovingly as well, and she sighed.

"Let me guess. You two and the rest of the rulers of the afterlife are upset that I performed necromancy, and now you're here to read off my punishment."

"Micheal-sama and Lucifer-sama both agree that because you created a life, that we should take your life," Tenshiko said stiffly, crossing her arms across her chest. "You have until midnight tomorrow before we come again to fetch your soul."

"Will I be tortured with a nine-tailed whip or will I simply be forced to pluck at a harp forever?" Rei wanted to know. Yamiko smirked in amusement, she liked this witch. Tenshiko glared at her companion and tugged her away by the ear, making sure to twist it painfully.

"Remember, midnight tomorrow." As the two walked away Rei could've sworn she heard one of them say to the other mournfully, "Out of all the ghosts out there, she had to choose the one that I liked..." The teen witch snickered before she fully awoke. To think that some people thought the afterlife messengers were foreboding and commanding.

As soon as she was awake, she grabbed her phone and dialed a number in, waiting for someone to pick up at the other end. Finally she heard a slurred voice answering groggily.

"Moshi-moshi, this is Yami...who is it? It's too early in the morning to be calling, you know."

"Hi Yami, it's Rei. Can you and Yugi come over here as soon as you can? I have one more thing that must be done. I would've done it last night if I had enough magic, but you know-"

"Alright, we'll be over as soon as possible. Bye."

He hung up his cellphone abruptly and fell back into bed, cuddling up next to Yugi again. The two had slept together (A/n: No, that's NOT the lemon part yet! They did normal sleeping, w/ REM cycles and stuff) in each others arms, sharing occasional kisses and giggling quietly so that Grandpa wouldn't wake up. Yugi rolled over and opened his violet eyes sleepily.

"What did Rei want, Yami?"

"How'd you know that it was her?" he asked curiously. Yugi shrugged.

"I think that all of her magic made me more aware of when she's around. Plus, she's the only one who would call you this early. You still haven't answered my question, you know."

Yami sat up and started to move towards his closet. "She says we have to go to her place soon, there's one more thing that she wanted to do or something." He started pulling off the shirt he wore to sleep, and then paused when he saw Yugi watching blushing.

"Is there something wrong, Yugi?" The younger teen grew even redder.

"Um, could I borrow some of your clothes, Yami? I-I don't want to go to my room to get my old clothes in case Grandpa comes out or something..." The taller teen nodded and went through some of his non-leather clothes, finding a white T-shirt and slightly ripped jeans. He tossed them to his hikari and turned around to give him some privacy. Out of the corner of Yugi's eye, he watched Yami start to dress again, swallowing hard when he pulled down his boxers to put on his leather pants. Yugi jerked his head away and hurriedly dressed himself, not really sure why he had looked.

When both were ready and they heard Grandpa going out to buy groceries, they went out and waved over a taxi. As soon as the driver stopped in front of Rei's apartment building, they paid the man and stepped out suprised to see Rei waiting for them at the door, impatiently tapping her foot.

"Come on," she commanded. "Let's get this done with quickly." Almost bewildered, the two teens followed her as she walked briskly to the elevator and jabbed the 5th floor button. Yugi noticed that her left hand was twisting and tapping and couldn't keep still again, like the first time they had met. He had learned from his time with her that it meant she was nervous. But about what?

When they got into the apartment, she tugged Yugi closer and wrote something in the air, leaving behind a blue trail of sparkles. He recognized it as the kanji for "identity" before it dispersed and fell onto his head. She then clapped her hands once and spoke quietly, "So mote it be."

"What was all of that for?" Yugi asked curiously.

"I gave you a new identity, so that people will still think that Yugi Motou is dead, but you can keep on living. Now, your new name is Yugi Obediya."

"Yugi Obediya..." Yami echoed, letting it roll off his tongue. It was strange to think of his hikari having any other name than "Yugi Motou".

"But, that's your last name, Rei," Yugi said confused.

"Well, now you are my cousin, who's parents died from a drunk driver crashing into their car, and then you came to live with me," she said shrugging. "I didn't want to choose a random last name out of the telephone book, so I took an easy way and made you my relative."

"Oh..." He blinked, this was a strange and confusing matter.

"It doesn't matter, I'm the only 'Obediya' in Domino City, and since I'm leaving soon, I want you to have it, Yugi."

"You're leaving soon? When?" Yami asked. Rei started playing with a loose thread from the hem of her shirt, tugging at it and pulling it out, not quite meeting their eyes.

"Tenshiko and Yamiko are taking me away to the afterlife tonight at midnight," she finally said. Yugi's eyes widened.

"Oh no, why?!"

"The spell that brought you back is sort of forbidden, Yugi," she mumbled. "Actually, anything related to necromancy is forbidden. But it was the only way for you to be happy again, so it's worth it." Yugi buried his face in Yami's arms, guilt washing over him. Rei tilted his face up so that they were looking eye to eye.

"It's ok Yugi, you aren't the cause for any of this. Besides, I don't mind dying so early. All witches were taught when we were young that when we die, part of our souls remain here to watch over any loved ones we have. So I'll be around in spirit, and I'll make sure that you don't mope around and feel guilty about me." The smaller teen suddenly threw himself onto Rei, hugging her tightly. She looked a bit suprised, but then she hugged back gently.

"Before you two leave, will you take my necklace?" She took off the small gold pentagram and offered it to Yami, who pocketed it in his jacket. "If you press it to someone's forehead, then it will put them in a trance and they will obey anything you command them to do. Be careful of what you command though, if you tell them to kill themself, they'll really do it."

"Should we come back before midnight to say good-bye?" Yugi said, but Rei shook her head.

"I don't say good-bye. I say 'See you later', because I always do. See you later, guys..." Yugi echoed her farewell and waved as he walked out the door with Yami. The two were quiet as they went down in the elevator and managed to find a taxi to drive them back home. It wasn't until the front door closed behind them did Yugi begin to let tears fall, and Yami held him comfortingly.

"Shh, it's ok, Yugi, it's not your fault. Don't blame yourself..." he cooed, running his hand through Yugi's hair. He wiped away the stray tears and kissed him lightly, brushing their lips together. Yugi clung to his shirt, listening as Yami whispered soft comforting words to his ear.

'I'm lucky,' he suddenly realized. 'If I hadn't become a ghost, then I would of never have met Rei, and then I would've never gotten this second chance with Yami. I would not be here now in his arms, listening to him whisper things to me. Kami-sama must be smiling down on me...'

Hesitantly Yugi leaned up and wrapping his arms around Yami's neck, kissing him in mid-sentence. This took the older teen by suprise, but he quickly reacted by running his tongue across Yugi's lips, quickly gaining entrance and sampled a taste of his hikari. Deliciously sweet...

Yami paused as the doorbell rang, and Yugi's face fell. He watched pouting as his darker half went to answer the door, it was rude to interrupt their time together. As Yami opened the door, he scowled when he saw a familiar ex-fiancee standing there.

"Anzu, go away," he told her flatly, starting to close the door. She stuck her foot in front of the door and pushed it open again.

"No. I'm here because I want to know why you broke off the engagement so suddenly," she said determinedly. "I mean, you just got out of a coma when you said it. Maybe your mind was still a little confused or something, maybe you didn't really mean it. Maybe-"

"Anzu," he interrupted, "my mind was perfectly alright when I got out of the coma. I meant every word of what I said in the hospital. I don't like you anymore, I like someone else now, and that's why I took back the engagement ring."

She started looking red and mad again. "So, you were cheating on me when we were first engaged? And you decided that you liked her better and broke up with me to be with her?"

"Actually, it's a guy, and I suppose that I started dating him a few weeks before I broke up with you," he corrected. "Anzu, I'm bisexual." Yami watched with interest as she turned white and her left eye started twitching. Yugi peered around Yami and watched as well, interlacing their fingers together.

"Bi-bisexual, huh?" She tried sounding calm, but was failing. "And y-you've known him only for a few weeks, but you want to be w-with him more than m-m-me?!" She saw Yugi's face looking curiously as she spoke, and her eye started twitching faster. Yami nodded and nudged Yugi until he was standing in front of Anzu.

"Anzu, this is Yugi Obediya. He's the one I was telling you about." The amythest-eyed teen smiled and waved shyly, his one hand still held by Yami. Anzu nodded stiffly, her hands clenched tightly.

"Good-bye Yami, this conversation is over. I've found out all that I need to know. Don't expect me to talk to you any time soon." She stalked off abruptly, and Yami closed the door. Yugi giggled helplessly.

"Her expression was priceless, ne?" Yami smiled and nodded.

"That was fun, but I would like to pick up where we left off before she came..." Yami scooped up Yugi and carried him to his bedroom, ignoring the startled squeak and the faint protests. The complaints melted away as Yami set Yugi down on his bed and started kissing him, softly at first, but then more passionately and fiery. Unconciously Yami rocked his hips against his aibou's, elicting a soft moan from both of them. Their tongues battled for dominance until the two broke apart for much needed oxygen. Yugi looked dazed as Yami became more aware of the heat gathering in his lower body.

"Yugi," he said huskily, eyes hazy with lust. "If I go too far, stop me. I love you, and I don't want to hurt you by pushing you into losing your virginity now."

"D-don't stop," was Yugi's timid reply. "I think I'm ready for this. Just... go slowly."

They kissed fiercely, Yami tugging off Yugi's shirt and running his hands across the smooth skin. Yugi moaned as he rubbed his nipples between his fingers, then drew his mouth away to lick and suck on the hardening nub.

"A-Ah..." That seemed like the only thing that the younger teen could say as Yami licked and left a wet trail down to his navel, plunging his tongue into it. Yugi moaned in ecstacy, suddenly aware of Yami undoing his button and fly, then pulling his jeans down and reaching for his boxers.

"Yami, wait." He looked up immediately, then was suprised when Yugi flipped them so that he was lying underneath him. Yugi smiled down at him innocently.

"I think you need to be a little bit less clothed..." The younger teen discarded his black shirt and pressed his lips against Yami's as he was about to protest. Yami changed his mind about the switch when Yugi began nibbling on his earlobe and groaned. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to be uke for a few minutes.

He planted light kisses down his neck and chest, admiring the tanned and muscular abdomen. He imitated Yami by swirling his tongue in his belly button, making his darker half gasp. Yugi fumbled with the button to his leather pants, growling as Yami smirked. His aibou was rather cute when he looked annoyed. Yugi smiled triumphantly as he unclasped the button and slid the leather down his legs.

Yami flipped them so that he was on top once again and grinned. "You still have your boxers on, Yugi..." He pulled down the fabric slowly, throwing them over the side of the bed and practically drooling at his hikari's beautiful form. Yugi blushed slightly as Yami stared hungrily at his arousal. His eyes wandered over Yami's body as well, mentally shocked at how big his length was.

Yami leaned over to his bedside table and opened a drawer, grabbing a bottle of lube and opening the cap, coating his three fingers with it and spreading some on his erection. Leaning over, he spread Yugi's thighs wide and stroked his face.

"This may hurt, but you'll have to relax, Yugi," he whispered. The smaller teen nodded, worry written across his face.

He pushed one lube-coated finger into his puckered entrance, listening to Yugi groan in pain and grip his shoulders tight. Quietly he crooned to him as he added in a second finger, stretching him and scissoring him, trying to get his love to relax his muscles a bit. Yugi bit his lip as the third finger was added, his grip on Yami's shoulders so tight that the crimson-eyed teen winced. He pulled out his fingers and settled between his slim legs, the head of his erection pressed against his entrance.

"Are you ready?" He got the tiniest of nods from the teen underneath him, his violet eyes shining with love, trust and lust. Yami started pushing his penis in, moaning at the tight heat that enveloped him. Yugi didn't try to stifle his cries of pain, it hurt alot. He felt Yami pause for a moment, then a hand resting against his cheek and a soft kiss on his lips. Then the pain returned as his lover continued, only a bit less than it had before.

Yami carefully pushed in as far as he could go, then started to withdraw until he was almost free, then started pushing in again. Yugi moaned, partially because of the pain and partially because of a jolt he felt as Yami brushed something inside of him. The older teen started a slow easy rhythm, being considerate of how much pain his hikari seemed to feel. He was startled when Yugi raised his hips and met his thrust, moaning and writhing.


Happily he obliged, grinding his hips into Yugi's and trying to go deeper and find his prostate. He grinned when Yugi threw his head back and let out a choked scream, angling his thrusts to hit that spot everytime. Yugi's mind was numb from the intense pleasure, he didn't even register his screams as his own.

Yami reached down and curled his fingers around Yugi's arousal, stroking it hard in time with his thrusts. Yugi could barely take it anymore, hoarsely he screamed Yami's name and splattered both of them with his seeds. Yami desperately thrusted in a few more times before he gave out, shuddering as he filled his little lover with his fluids. He drew out of Yugi and flopped down beside him, pulling a blanket over the both of them and edging closer to him.

"Yami?" Yugi said sleepily, yawning and letting his drooping eyes close.


"Thank you, it was wonderful."

Yami simply took him into his arms and nuzzled him, making him giggle at the ticklish feeling. Both drifted off to sleep peacefully afterwards, content with their love for one another.

(End Chapter 8)

AR: Ok, the lemon part is over for all u who don't particularly like yaoi sex. Ye can look now!

Diane: [sighs] It's a sad sad world when a girl her age is already writing a lemon...

AR: [glares] Shut up, Diane, I'm not THAT young. Anyway, leave any comments, they are much appreciated. Next chapter is the last chapter!! [gasps] Ja ne!!