Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ White Roses to Red ❯ Easier To Run ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Dr00: Hey Shu-Shu What's up!? I got the next Chapter here for you if you want to read it. ^^ I hope you like ppl…please R+R. Thanks.


Ryou: It's easier to run

Replacing this pain with something more

It's so much easier to go

Than face all this pain here all alone

Ryou Slowly woke up to snow falling lightly out side. It was the next morning. He had slept all day and all night. Ryou tried to sit up but pain shot threw his spine like little needles causing him to fall back down. `Oooh… Why does it hurt?' Ryou couldn't remember a thing he only knew that his body hurt but he couldn't figure out why. Then it hit him. All the events of yesterday raced threw his head causing him to shiver and choke back tears.

Ryou: Something has been taken from deep inside of me

The secret I've kept locked away no one can ever see

Wounds so deep they never show they never go away

Like moving pictures in my head for years and years they've played

Ryou slowly sat up again even thought the pain hurt so much. There was blood all over the place, well on the bed. Ryou cautiously stood up nearly falling over from the dizziness all that blood lose had caused. He was able to stand though and he uneasily went over to the bathroom. When he walked in a turned on the light he just stared in the mirror. His face was black and blue from where Bakura had hit him. His lip was bloody and also little red trails could be seen coming from his eyes as if he had been crying blood tears. He didn't doubt it though as he quickly got dressed in some old clothes that had been in the bathroom on the floor. He didn't bother to wash the blood off his thighs, or clean his face. If anyone saw him like this he would not regret telling whomever that Bakura had done it to him. Ryou quickly left the bathroom, went back to his room, and grabbed his journal.

Bakura: (If I could change I would take back the pain I would)

(Retrace every wrong move that I made I would)

(If I could stand up and take the blame I would)

(If I could take all the shame to the grave I would)

(If I could change I would take back the pain I would)

(Retrace every wrong move that I made I would)

(If I could stand up and take the blame I would)

(I would take all my shame to the grave)

Meanwhile Bakura sat downstairs watching TV with his arms and legs crossed. When it came to his attention that the little noises up stairs meant his hikari was awake, he smirked. `Wonder what he is doing. Maybe I should go check on the little thing.' Bakura then rose off the couch and turned off the TV. The noises had stopped but Bakura just expected his hikari to have stopped moving once he heard the TV shut off. Bakura made his way up the stairs; Ryou's bedroom door was still shut meaning he was still inside his room. Bakura slowly opened the door knowing it would scare his hikari to death if he didn't show himself right away, "Oh little hikari what cha doin'?" Bakura asked. When he entered the room he saw no one. "Ryou?" Bakura looked around the bathroom door was open but the lights were on so he quickly went over there. Ryou, answer me!" Bakura stepped in the bathroom but no one was there. "Ryou! Where are you!?" Bakura was becoming frustrated. But then something caught Bakura's eyes. The window was open and the curtains were blowing lightly. Bakura crawled onto the bed and looked out the window, sure enough there in the snow a couple feet below were Ryou's footprints. Bakura's temper rose but then something else caught his attention. Bakura felt blood stained sheets beneath his fingers, and quickly got off the bed. He stared down at the blood stained bed and looked at his hands seeing how some of the blood wasn't completely dried. Then something horrible stuck Bakura's heart. He couldn't understand it at first but then he began to see what he had done sunk in and he understood the feeling completely. It was Guilt.

Ryou: It's easier to run

Replacing this pain with something numb

It's so much easier to go

Than face all this pain here all alone

Ryou ran down the cold snow covered side walk panting loudly as he head his feet crunch in the snow below them. Ryou hadn't grabbed a jacket and it was 5 degrees below zero. He could surely freeze if he was out to long. Ryou didn't stop running though even if pain was racing through out his whole body he was determined to make it to where he was trying to go.

Ryou: Sometimes I remember the darkness of my past

Bringing back these memories I wish I didn't have

Sometimes I think of letting go and never looking back

And never moving forward so there'd never be a past

Bakura quickly made his way down the sidewalk following his hikari's footprints. He had one idea as to where Ryou was going and he knew he was probably right. Ryou was running to the one place he felt that he could always escape too. Bakura had seen him there once before. Bakura stopped suddenly and looked down at his hikari's footprints. Small splatters of blood lay by them, `Oh Ra he's bleeding again!' Bakura bent down and touched some of the blood with his fingers, `Still warm, he's not far.' With that Bakura took off after his hikari again.

Bakura: (If I could change I would take back the pain I would)

(Retrace every wrong move that I made I would)

(If I could stand up and take the blame I would)

(If I could take all the shame to the grave I would)

(If I could change I would take back the pain I would)

(Retrace every wrong move that I made I would)

(If I could stand up and take the blame I would)

(I would take all my shame to the grave)

Ryou soon reached the graveyard. He opened the nearly frozen gate and ran in seeing that his hands were nearly turning blue and were almost completely numb. He felt something warm running down his legs at that moment. He stopped and looked down. You could see the blood on the inside of his pants and it was slowly making its way down the legs. `Shit.' Ryou kept running though, until he finally made it. He sat back against the tall oak tree and listen to the dead silence all around him. His own breath the only sound you could here in the air now. The sun was just now almost touching the middle of the sky making the snow sparkle around the graves. ` I want to be there.' Ryou thought to himself as he began to cry silently once more.

Ryou: Just watching in the sun

All of my helplessness inside

Pretending I don't feel misplaced

It's so much simpler to change

Bakura was almost there when he suddenly stopped and was knocked down due to someone running into him. "Hey watch where you're fuckin' running!" Bakura yelled still not seeing the figure standing in front of him. " I was going to saw the same to you." a strong voice said back. Bakura knew that voice instantly and looked up to see the pharaoh and his hikari standing next to him. "What are you doing out here?" Yami asked. "Non of your f-in business." Bakura said back and stood up. " I could also ask you the same but I don't have time for you right now Pharaoh so just get out of my way." Bakura tried to hide his hands as he passed Yugi and Yami but Yami Yugi noticed and nearly jumped out of his skin. Bakura just passed them and kept running.

/Yami, did you see his hands!? They had blood all over them! / Panic clearly strained his voice.

// Yes I did Yugi, I hope Ryou is ok. // Yami also felt uneasy at the moment.

/ Oh my gosh, Ryou! Yami we have to see if he is ok! Please something horrible could have happened! /

// Ok Yugi we will follow him but stay close to me ok? //

/ Ok yami. /

Yugi and Yami quickly followed after Bakura. Trying to keep up with the whit haired demon as best they could. Then soon began to notice the footprints on the ground along with the blood. Yugi gasped out loud at the sight of it and Yami didn't know what to think.

Ryou: It's easier to run

Replacing this pain with something numb

It's so much easier to go

Than face all this pain here all alone

Ryou began to feel dizzy and started to see in a blur. But it didn't stop him from pulling out his Journal. ` This will be my last entry, and when you read it Bakura I hope you are happy.'

Dear Journal,

There is no one left that cares for me, why do I even bother living out this hell that is my life? I feel so low right now. I don't think I can take this anymore so I am going to end it all. I just want to die, hell can't be any worse than this right now. Bakura I want you to know that you did this to me, how could you make me feel so low. I loved you Bakura, I fucking loved you!

And now you do this to me. I though that maybe I could change you but now I see there is no help for you. How could there be, you are a heartless demon who feeds off of others pain. Well you can't feed off of mine anymore because I won't be around for you, waiting on you was a joke and now its over. I cry so many times because of you Bakura, you say I am weak and stupid.

Well you know what you were right. I was stupid to think you could change, and weak because I could of left years ago but I didn't. Yes I was scared of you Bakura but yet then I wasn't because I know that deep down inside you are just a stupid kid who had there emotions all fucked up and cries too.

If you read this I hope you know how much I was hurting and I hope life is a lot better without me here cause you seem fine now so why should I be missed by you and every one else once I am gone? That's why I am leaving you now, Bye Bakura. I thought you cared…I did once.

Yours truly,

Ryou Bakura

Ryou: It's easier to run

Bakura: (If I could change I would take back the pain I would)

(Retrace every wrong move that I made)

Ryou: It's easier to go

Bakura: (If I could change I would take back the pain I would)

(Retrace every wrong move that I made I would)

(If I could stand up and take the blame I would)

(I would take all my shame to the grave)