Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ white wolf ❯ good bye tea!!! ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I no own yugioh, but I own the werewolf.

*for all u ppl who want to know, a werewolf can only see the person it killed as long as it lives, human cann't see them. The only time a werewolf cann't see the person it killed is when it's in it's wolf for,*

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Ryou walked into the domino city park , ryou looked up at the sky and saw the clouds had cover the moon as he toyed with the millennium ring the was at his neck. As he walked, he had ran into some people. He looked up to see who he had hit. It was Tea and Tristan . the two were kissing under a tree,

(a/n tea and tristan kissing?! Dear god what was I thinking?)

ryou just got up and started to walk away, when tristan grab his arm.

Tristan: say sorry.

Ryou: not on your life.

Tea: let him be, so we can do what we're doing?

Tristan: no hold on, you know ryou I never really liked you.

Ryou: I care why?

Tristan: that's it!

Tristan pulled back his fist and made to hit ryou, but ryou grab it . ryou the looked like his yami for the first time. Tristan yelled as he felt ryou's fingernails dig into his skin. The moon had come out for behind the clouds

Ryou: u should play nice.

Just then a sicking crack was heard, ryou had crunch tristan `s hand. Blood and bone came out of his hand. Then he let go of it, tristan hugged his hand they then watch in horror as ryou `s body started change. They saw white fur coming out of his face, hands and legs. They were now looking at a wolf the millennium ring glowed in the moonlight. Tea grab tristan's arm and they started to runaway. The wolf lets it's prey run for a bit, the it was time for the games to begin. The beast ran at them and jumped landing on tristan `s back, making him fall he did not have time to get up, because the beast bit down on his neck. Tea screamed was cut short because the beast's mouth close around her face, he would not let go until she went limp. His jaws crunch around her face then ripped off her face blood covered the white face of the wolf. The beast stopped it's feast when it felt the ring pull on it's neck. The beast ran to were the ring was pulling and saw a tan skinned teenage boy, with yellow hair running past the park, the beast growl low and ran after the boy , but kept far from him, so he wound not see him. And saw him stop at a place with a turtle on the roof.

Marlik knocked on yugi's house, but kept looking behind him, because he felt something was behind him. Marlik waited for someone to come to the door, he turn to his left and saw to pairs of eyes looking at him from the alley. Yugi then opened the door and saw marlik.

Yugi: hey marlik u ok?

Marlik: yea may I come in.

yugi: yea , Joey's here and tristan and tea should be here in a while.(a/n keep telling your self that yugi :)

as marlik enter the house, and saw Joey wacthing a horror movie.

Marlik: yugi have u seen ryou?

Yugi: no last time I saw him was when a dog jumped us 2 days ago.

Marlik: u guys know that bakura die right.

Joey: noway how

marlik: ryou said he was ripped to bits.

Joey: wow. Why do u need ryou?

Marlik: he ate some meat, today and half the bone. I saw fangs in his mouth 2. Then I heard yelled , talking about bakura.

Joey: u know some people die last week and one person said that they saw a tiger size dog, killing a dog. At the same park , that me , you and ryou were.

Marlik: so?

Joey: and a man said that he saw a man growing black fur. Like a wolf.

Yugi: u mean a werewolf?

Marlik: no that not true, there r no werewolves.

Just the CRASH!! They all jumped back as the white wolf jumped in from the window.

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flame: yea! Left u hanging who is going to die next?! Yugi, yami, joey, or marilk?