Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Who am I? ❯ Birds, Beas, and Whipped Cream ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: I'm not sure if this one was a bit short or just seemed like it. Anyway have the next chapter half done so should update soon unless I get lazy. Anyway thanks to all of you who continue to review. Because not only do you make me want to write more but when I get stuck I can go and read some of your stuff and get inspired. Anyway, not much more to say. I hope you enjoy!


Shizuka = Serenity aka Jounouchi's / Joey's sister

Disclaimer: I no own Yugioh, though I wish I owned two certain white haired bishies! I'll just have to settle for plushies for now.


"Who Am I?"

Ch 6: "Birds, Beas, and Whipped Cream"

She finished packing up her clothing, finding her purse in the process. She was surprised to find a credit card tucked away in the folds. "I didn't know they gave these to teenagers." She shrugged it off and decided to figure it out later. She went over to the bathroom grabbing a few personal items like a hairbrush and such before going back to the living room to find only Ryou.

"Ryou-kun," she asked grabbing his attention. "Where's Bakura-kun?" She looked around and then heard a noise in the kitchen.

"He got hungry," he said sheepishly. Anzu sweat-dropped as she peaked in the kitchen to see Bakura raiding her poor fridge. She dodged a grapefruit that hit her wall next to the door as he continued rummaging through the lower drawers, throwing anything not meeting his standards, unaware of her presence. 'What is he looking for?'

She snuck up behind him looking over his shoulder as he pondered over the small package of obviously expired bologna slices. 'He wouldn't would he?' He read over the package and sniffed it. "You can't eat that," she said softly. But she still scared the crap out of him as he didn't know she was behind him and grabbed the first thing his hand came across which was a spray can of whipped cream and turned around holding his 'weapon' out in front of him and grumbled when it was just Anzu. 'I must be loosing my touch,' he thought. 'I let her sneak up on me.' He looked down at the bologna again before turning to her.

"Why not? You can't be hungry already, can you," he said mockingly. She felt her anger climbing into the danger zone.

"Did you just call me fat," she yelled.

"No, I'm saying you eat a lot," he mocked again. She was fuming now. A smirk came over her face as she turned her back to him.

"Fine, eat the bologna, you're right I don't need to eat it." She began walking towards the kitchen door. 'Something's not right, I expected her to at least yell a little more, and that smirk,' he thought to himself. Anzu just stepped a foot out of the kitchen entrance when she felt a hand grab her wrist and pull her back in. She came face to face with a slice of bologna. "What the hell?!"

She looked past the bologna at the spirit whose eyes were narrowed suspiciously at her. "Eat it," he commanded in a somewhat soft tone.

"What," she yelled not believing what he was asking.

"I said eat it," he said and pushed it up against her face as she struggled to get out of his grasp.

"Ack! No, that stuffs expired." She covered her mouth with her free hand. 'Ut-oh, not good Anzu,' she mentally yelled at herself.

"You were going to let me eat expire food," he yelled still holding her wrist.

"You called me fat," she yelled back equally enraged.

"No I didn't," he retorted letting go of her hand. She took a step closer to him still enraged.

"You said I eat a lot!"

"Yeah and that was a fucking lie! If anything you don't eat a fucking thing, why do you think half of your food is expired!"

"Bakura…," she said in a quiet whisper her face looking at the ground, her hair covering her eyes. He grimaced and took a step back thinking she was going to hit him or at least try. "Are you saying I'm skinny?" He was a bit taken aback by this question but decided to play it safe and not come back with a smart ass remark as he noticed she was closer to the rack of butcher knives.

"Ummm…yeah kind of." She face slowly lifted and she was BLUSHING?! Her eyes were huge and sparkled with happiness.

"Did you, just give me a compliment," she asked stepping up to the bewildered Yami. Before he could make any kind of reply she pounced on him knocking him to the floor in a hug. The whipped cream can was in his pocket as he had used his free hands to hold her and the bologna, and as she fell on him the can shot a cold wet foamy substance over the two.

Ryou jumped at the sound of his yami and Anzu screaming and ran into the kitchen and couldn't believe what he saw. There sprawled on the floor was his yami and Anzu in a very compromising position with Anzu on top of him and whipped cream all over the two of them, not to mention the floor. He saw his yami reach into his pocket and slowly pull out a still hissing can of whipped cream.

"What the hell," was all Ryou could really say after seeing the situation, not sure if he should be jealous or laugh. Anzu climbed off the creampuff (aka Bakura) and tried wiping herself off.

"Man I'm all sticky," she whined. (AN: That sounded wrong ^^()). She grabbed a towel off the counter and wiped what she could off but still felt sticky.

"Your own fault," said Bakura getting off the floor trying to get rid of the damnable whipped cream that wouldn't get out of his hair.

"How is it my fault, you had the whipped cream," she stated.

"You're the one who jumped on me," he grumbled with a tinge of pink on his cheeks. Remembering the compliment he gave her she quickly got a happy bubbly look on her face again.

"Oh yeah." Ryou wondered what was going on between the two but looked up as the clock struck 2.

"We should probably get going."

"But we're all nasty, I need a shower," complained Anzu.

"You're not the only one," said Bakura as he tossed the used towel in the sink after trying to rid himself of the sticky sweet substance.

"You can both get a shower at home, even if you wanted to shower here Bakura you have nothing to change into unless Anzu wants to let you borrow her school uniform," he said with a snicker. Anzu held back a chuckle as the picture came into view of Bakura in Domino High's girl's uniform.

"Fine, fine, let's go." Anzu grabbed her bag and locked her door with a spare key she had also found in her purse. They had just started down the street when they heard a low rumble and looked to the sky. Anzu had just looked up when a rain drop caught in her eye. She immediately looked down and the drop splashed out of her eye making it look like she was crying.

"Anzu are you ok," asked Ryou worriedly.

"Yeah, it's just a rain drop. I think we need to get going," she said and just as they started picking up the pace the heavens opened up upon them and within minutes the three were drenched. Anzu looked back and forth between the two boys jogging on either side of her. She slowed down to a walk again as the two boys continued jogging ahead but quickly stopped as they noticed she had dropped back a ways.

"What are you doing girl," yelled Bakura as she slowly caught up to them.

"We're already soaked, why run from it," she asked with a smile on her face. "Besides it feels good, like its washing away the whipped cream. It feels nice." She looked to the two drenched boys and felt butterflies in her stomach as she looked from one to the other. The rain pouring off their bodies, so wet, and slick and….she shook her head clearing her thoughts. 'What was I thinking?' She ran a hand through her drenched hair as she finally walked in between the boys. "Come on, let's go home," she said grabbing both of their hands and started walking forward. The two boys walking hand in hand with the one girl that seemed to melt both of their hearts. Ryou smiled walking with her a light blush on his face. Bakura sported a similar color on his cheeks but turned his head away trying to look tough while a young girl walked him home.

They arrived back about three, all of them soaked to the bone but happy. Anzu plopped down on the floor next to the door giggling. Someone on the bus had commented on Bakura looking like a drowned rat with his hair soaking wet and, much to Ryou's surprise, he just said her hair looked like a dead mole and smelled like one two. Ryou was almost sure that he was going to send her to the shadow realm, and he never noticed before but ever since Anzu had come to stay with them he hadn't used the ring once or even threatened to like he usually did. He was awakened from his thoughts by Anzu's hand in front of his face.

"Did you hear me Ryou-kun? I said rock paper, scissors ok?" He wasn't sure what it was for but didn't want to tell her he hadn't been listening and looked over to see Bakura put his fist next to there's as well.

"Ok, one, two three." Anzu and Ryo both held out paper while Bakura held out scissors. "You get the shower first," she said getting up with her bag. "Ryou-kun, is it ok if we sit on the couch wet?" He nodded and walked with Anzu over to the couch while he was pretty sure his yami could burn a hole in his back with how much he was glaring at Ryou's back. 'Sheesh, if I didn't know better I'd think he's jealous. But if he's jealous then he'd…' He turned his head a stunned look on his face as he watched Bakura's form retreat into the bathroom before he felt a hand grab his. Anzu grabbed his hand and pulled him down on the couch next to her,

"Sit down; we're going to be waiting a while. Hey when do you think Yugi and them will be over," she asked as he flipped on the TV.

"We'll its," he paused to look over the couch to the clock on the wall. "2: 45. We get out at 2:30, so all of them should be over in about 5 or 10 minutes." She nodded happy with this. Ryou gulped as he watched the water droplets from her hair drip over her shirt, or his shirt, the shirt that was covering her very wet chest. He knew he shouldn't be looking and he shouldn't think about his friend like that, and that it was rude to stare, and if Bakura really did like her and saw him staring he'd be dead. But even as he thought all of this his eyes trailed over her wet T-Shirt as the water trickled down her smooth body. Following it down to her jeans before he was finally able to blink and looked up to see, thankfully, she had her eyes closed and seemed to be day dreaming. But as his eyes fell on her face she seemed to wake up and smiled at him. He felt the blush return as he was reminded of what he was just doing so he turned away.

They both looked back to the TV that neither was paying attention to, to see a woman scream out in pain as she tried to push forth new life, meaning they had accidentally stuck it on the health channel (AN: Weird ass channel). "Oh god!" He quickly changed the channel his face red, as well as Anzu's.

"Ryou-kun, what was that," she asked turning to fully face him.

"Ummm." 'Should I really try and explain this to her?' He looked over at her to see her making the puppy dog eyes. 'Oh shit! Not those!'

"Well, simply put. I guess it was a pregnant woman having a baby." 'PLEASE let that be enough for her.'

"What do you mean having a baby? What's pregnant." 'Damnit,' he thought unhappily. 'Just stay away from where babies come from and you're in the clear,' he thought as he gulped.

"Umm well woman are the ones who have babies, their bodies are made for it. Pregnant means they have a baby growing and living inside them. And then after 9 months, they kind of, ummm….push them out," he said while trying not to picture any of this and mentally going through his deck to try and keep his mind off of how babies were made.

"Am I pregnant," she asked scared. "I don't wanna hurt like that one woman. What if I don't want to have a baby?!" She was on the verge of tears getting hysterical.

"No of course you're not Anzu. The only way you can get pregnant is well…" 'Think, think, make an excuse!' "Is with a guy. It's like two parts of a whole, you need a man and a woman for that to happen." 'God I sound like my dad when I asked him about this when I was five. Now I actually feel sorry for asking that,' he thought sweat-dropping.

"What do you mean with a guy? I mean you're a guy, what if you get me pregnant? How would I get pregnant?" Her eyes were getting all swirly as she tried to piece together Ryou's little facts of the birds and beas.

"I would never get you pregnant Anzu!" 'Without your permission,' he thought to himself. "Damn dirty thoughts!' "Believe me, I wouldn't do that."

"But how does it happen?" The next few words out of Ryou's mouth were what sealed his doom.

"I can't really explain it, it's hard to explain."

"So show me." He blinked, looked at her, and blinked again. The statement was so innocent, so naïve, and so suggestive at the same time.

"A-Anzu you don't know what you're asking," he said feeling the blush come back full force as she leaned close and a few water droplets fell on him. "Maybe you could ask someone else later." 'Preferably someone of the female gender, god I hope Shizuka or Mai is tagging along with Joey today!'

"But I'm living with YOU. You're a guy, what happens if I get pregnant? Ryou-kun!" In psychology there is a term called fight or flight in which when a person feels threatened they stand their ground to fight or run. Weather he knew it or not right now Ryou's mind was fighting with what to do, and since he wasn't going to fight her, his mind came to one conclusion. He jumped form the couch and took off for the kitchen on instinct, leaving a stunned Anzu on the couch. What he didn't expect was for the small female body to somehow catch up with and tackle him to the ground. He fell on his stomach and she sat on his back trying to pin his arms down. But still trying to get away he tried flipping her over, which ended up in her half on and half off his lap with her holding his hands and him trying to sit up.

This is the position Yugi and the others found them in as they stepped in the door. The struggle stopped as they were met with five pairs of very confused eyes belonging to Joey, Yugi, Yami, Honda, and Shizuka.

"Hello guys," Ryou said still not able to move as Anzu still wasn't giving up.

"What's going on," asked Yugi; and as soon as they words left his mouth they looked up to see Bakura come out of the bathroom. But before they could greet him, or alert Anzu and Ryou of his presence Anzu decided to tell them exactly what they were doing.

"Ryou-kun was going to show me how to get pregnant."

AN: Thought this would be one of the best places to leave off for a cliff hanger. I don't know where this idea came from but couldn't get it out of my head once I thought of it. Sorry if I scared some people out there. Anyway I hope you enjoyed! Please review!