Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Who am I? ❯ Breakfast Catastrophe ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: Wow I revised my last chapter, wrote a lemon (Ryou/Anzu - see my profile), and a whole new chapter all in 24 hours. Yay I feel happy! Anyway one note about this chapter, I don't know a traditional Japanese breakfast so I just used an American one. And I shortened Jounouchi's name to Jou. I think that's the only note besides the Japanese words, so I hope you enjoy!

Ohayoo = Good morning

Gommenne = Sorry

Ao = Blue

/ / Bakura talking to Ryou through link

Disclaimer: I no own Yugioh, though I wish I owned two certain white haired bishies! I'll just have to settle for plushies for now.


"Who Am I?"

Chapter8: "Breakfast Catastrophe"

The sunlight slowly stalked its prey as the young girl stirred in her sleep blissfully unaware of what was waiting for her. Then without warning it struck! Anzu's eyes fluttered open before squinting shut and put her hand up to try and block the sun from her eyes. She tried to roll over away from the evil brightness that plagued her corneas but couldn't move. She looked down to see Bakura's arm still around her waist and looked to her side to see Ryou wasn't letting her up anytime soon either. She tried to block the sun and just go back to sleep but unfortunately now that she was up her brain decided she wasn't allowed to go back to resting like any normal person could, also she had some issues with needing to use a bathroom. She sighed and slowly lifted Ryou's arm placing it just to her side. She silently sighed in relief when he didn't notice her missing presence. She sat up and tried to do the same with Bakura but had the opposite effect. He actually tightened his grip on her, and she wasn't sure what to do. He pulled her close to him and she blushed feeling the warmth in his embrace and the soft puffs of warm air on her face. 'He looks so sweet when he's asleep,' she thought but was once again reminded she needed to go to the bathroom.

She looked back to where her head was lying and grabbed her pillow. She slid it in between her and his chest and slowly started inching out of his grasp. When he tried to tighten his grip again she quickly slid out and let him snuggle with the still warm pillow. She sighed in relief as she quickly and quietly made her way to the bathroom.

With her business done Anzu's stomach growled demanding substance. She went to the kitchen and searched through the cupboards only to find some pop-tarts, egos, and other toaster friendly things. She suddenly had a great idea. 'I could make breakfast for them!' (An: Oh god…what did I get those poor guys into?). 'But what do I make for breakfast?' She went and looked in the fridge and grimaced as it was almost completely bare, images from yesterday that had to do with Jou going in and out of the kitchen replayed in her mind. 'Looks like I need to do some shopping,' she thought to herself with renewed confidence. She quietly slid into her room and changed grabbing her purse and the mysterious credit card in the process.

She looked at the clock on the wall. '7:45, there should be something open right about now.' She quietly unlocked the door and made her way to the street. "Ok, now where is a store," she asked herself aloud.

After talking to passerbies and getting lost about four times she made it to a corner store. 'I need to hurry or they'll wake up soon!' She had decided on her way over that she wanted it to be a surprise and wanted to get to the store and back as quickly as possible. She made her way into the small store and looked at the clock on the wall. 'Only 8:15, I still have time! I think…' She made her way up and down the isles looking at the various products; a confused look came over her face. 'What exactly do people eat for breakfast?' She suddenly felt like a 5 ton weight had just fallen on her. 'I'm so stupid, I go to make breakfast when I don't even know what people eat for breakfast! I'm so stupid!' The poor girl looked like she was ready to cry.

"What's wrong hun," said a male voice and she looked up to see a middle aged man with a shirt with the stores name on it. "Are you ok, do you need help finding something?" She looked up at him, tears threatening to spill. "Don't cry now, please I want to help you."

"But you'll think I'm stupid," she whimpered. He placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"I won't think you're stupid. Really, now dry those eyes and I'll help you find what you're looking for."

"Well I wanted to make breakfast and make it a surprise, but I don't even know what to cook for a real breakfast, all I've really eaten are things you put in the toaster," she said just above a whisper as she started to compose herself.

"That's nothing to be ashamed of. I remember when my wife and I first got married and she tried something like that. Even she wasn't sure what a tradition breakfast was."

"So I'm not dumb," she asked looking up hopeful.

"No of course not, now come on and I'll help you." He led her through the store, picking out various items. She not only got breakfast items but other items she was sure they'd need after the fridge raiding the day before. She paid at the register with her credit card and was about to leave, with the bags in her hand when the man stopped her.

"You make sure to take good care of that husband of yours!"

"Husband?!" She felt her face turn a flame as she faced him.

"No need to be shy honey, I could tell a newly wed from a mile away." She just quickly turned and left. She was sure even after she was done making breakfast her cheeks were still going to be pink. She was back tracking hoping to make it back by 8:30 that is if she could remember how to get home correctly. She was looking back and forth at a street sign and the two different roads when someone came up behind her.

"Hey girly, are you lost?" Something inside of her told her to run like hell, but as of right now she was naïve little Anzu who saw no reason not to trust this man.

"Yes, I was trying to find my way home. Do you know where Ao* St. is?"

"Sure, actually there's a short cut I could show you if you'd like," he said leading the way to a nearby ally.

"Wow, really!" She quickly followed him. From a nearby car blue eyes narrowed as they watched the young girl clearly being taken in.

Anzu followed him into the ally where four larger men were watching her as she entered. 'What's going on,' she mentally screamed. She turned around to see the entrance blocked by the man who had said he'd show her a short cut. 'I should have run,' she thought as tears started welling up in her eyes and one man grabbed for her arm pulling her deeper into the shadows. "Somebody please he-!" She was cut off as a hand came over her mouth silencing her.

"Shh, wouldn't want the police to hear now, would ya," asked one of the thugs mockingly. She felt herself starting to gag, the guy smelt like a ash tray that was used for a urinal before being buried in a dump. She started to feel dizzy, hands clinging to the bags in her hand as she started to sway, the mans hand went to her chest and grabbed something she didn't want him to, but when she tried to pull away he brought her arm back behind her in a painful position. She turned as there was a grunting sound and she turned her head to see the man blocking the way to fall holding his groin.

Behind him was a tall blond haired woman, with shocking blue eyes. "Drop the girl if you don't want my five inch heels to meet up with you like they did him." The guy took his hands off Anzu and curled them into fists as he shot at the woman.

"Bring it bitch!" But as soon as his grip on Anzu was released she got out of there like a bat out of hell.

"Anzu," shouted the woman, but she'd had enough of talking to strangers today, and took the road to the left as she came once again to the confusing street sign. She didn't care if it was the right or wrong road, anywhere was better than there.

Bakura moaned and turned over as the sun once again tried to pry him from his slumber. After its first victim it was ravenous for more. He noticed something funny, something was in his arms. He squinted his eyes and blinked a few times looking down hoping to see the same thing he had seen yesterday. But to his disappointment it was a pillow. He rolled over ready to glare daggers at his hikari if she was anywhere near him but blinked in confusion as he saw Ryou sleeping alone in his own futon. He didn't mind the alone part, but if she wasn't there then where…

He suddenly noticed a change in the air, he took a deep breath. 'Bacon…?' He sniffed the air again and got up but while standing got his foot tangled in the blankets and fell on his hikari who grunted in pain as he tried to shove Bakura off him. 'Damn I've been hanging around him too long, now I'm getting as clumsy as him.' But then the mental images of his hikari's clumsiness getting him in Anzu's arms popped into his head. 'Maybe it's not that bad.' Ryou grunted and finally succeeded in getting Bakura off of him.

"What the hell are you doing," he grunted sitting up and rubbing his stomach.

"Smell that," he asked and then it hit him. Ryou was the only one in the house who knew how to cook. He quickly did the math in his head. Missing Anzu + Mystery breakfast being cooked = Anzu in the kitchen. Ryou had read Bakura's thought process through their link and their eyes quickly met and widened as they scrambled to the kitchen. The opened the door quickly. "Anzu," the both yelled.

Said girl was in the process of flipping a pancake and the sudden noise caused the pancake to flip high into the air. Said girl turned quickly to the two boys but in the process slipped on some pancake batter that had dripped onto the floor. "Ahh!" And she fell on her butt, frying pan still in hand.

"Umm ohayoo," she greeted cheerily from the floor

"What are you doing," yelled Bakura.

"Making breakfast," she said as if it was the most innocent thing in the world. She then looked at her empty pan.

"Where'd my pancake go," she asked herself as she looked in the surrounding vicinity for the lost breakfast item. She looked at the ceiling and grimaced as she saw the half cooked pancake sticking to the ceiling by the uncooked side. It suddenly decided at that moment that she looked up, that the batter could no longer hold onto the ceiling and fell right on her face. The pancake slowly slid off her face. "Umm I'm still working on the pancakes."

Ryou could no longer hold in his laughter. Her innocent face blinking through the pancake mix was just too much. Bakura looked at him like he was an idiot before looking over at the clean table that held a mound of bacon, sausage, and what looked like scrambled eggs.

"How did you learn how to cook," he asked eyeing the food warily. It looked good, and smelled good, but so did some of the poisonous things he had accidentally made.

"There are instructions on the bags you know. Well except the eggs, but then I found this book that had lots of things you can make," she said pointing to the open cookbook. "But I can't get the pancakes right. This is my fifth batch and they're still not right, and I wanted to have the surprise finished before you woke up," she said lowering her head sniffling. Ryou had gotten over his laughter and squatted down next to the young girl.

"It's ok Anzu, they can be hard to make. Everything thing else looks great, you did a great job. Why don't you go and wash up and I'll get some pancakes made up ok?" She smiled with huge bubbily blue eyes and hugged him.

"Thank you Ryou-kun, you're so nice," she said. The blushing boy wrapped his arms around her and ignored the glare he knew his yami was sending towards him. She let go and stood up leaving the kitchen. Ryou turned and sighed at the mess that was once his stove. Batter was everywhere, and there were dirty dishes on all available counter space. He quickly got to work cleaning and turned as he heard Bakura starting in on the food. He was used to Bakura pigging out while he only got a bit of the food; he didn't eat all that much to begin with. By the time he had gotten the trash thrown away, the dirty dishes in the dish washer, and the batter cleaned up Anzu came bounding back into the room. He was just mixing the pancake batter as she came up behind him and looked over his shoulder. He blushed at her closeness and looked at her questioningly.

"Do you want to watch," he asked smiling at her. She nodded her head in a child like innocence as she continued to watch over his shoulder as he poured the batter onto the skillet (he chose it over the frying pan from earlier).

/You better keep some distance between the two of you hikari/ Bakura growled through their link. Ryou frowned but quickly got rid of it as he looked over at Anzu. "I can't wait to try some of your food Anzu-chan, I've rarely had the pleasure to eat someone else's cooking," he said and noticed a blush crawl onto her face.

"Really? Thank you Ryou-kun." The smell of the already prepared food drifted over to her and she eventually ended up at the table with Bakura. She also didn't eat much but was amazed and how much Bakura was eating. She blushed and smiled at him, 'Wow! I've never seen anyone except Jou eat that much, I hope it means he likes it.' Her thoughts were interrupted as Ryou set down the first stack of pancakes. She took a few and poured a mountain of syrup on them before starting in on them.

"Wow, these are great Ryou-kun! I couldn't even get close to how good these are!"

"Thank you Anzu, it means a lot coming from you." Bakura frowned at the whole exchange but continued eating. Ryou soon finished the pancakes and the three sat down to breakfast. Anzu hardly touched any of her own food and was fascinated with the pancakes that were actually edible. Ryou picked up the dishes to clean them even though Anzu protested.

"You made breakfast, I should do the dishes," he said before she could protest.

"Anzu," said Bakura for the first time in almost an hour. "You have syrup on your face." She blushed embarrassed and grabbed a napkin wiping all over her face except where the syrup was. He scooted over and grabbed her chin in his hand pulling her face up near his. 'Oh my god! Is he going to kiss me again!?' Ryou glared at his yami ready to throw a plate at his head! Anzu's face was on fire as she looked up into the dark crimson eyes. His tongue slowly licked its way over her cheek effectively getting rid of the syrup. Her face was still ablaze as he pulled back licking his lips.

Bakura now felt an evil glare at his back and actually looked a bit shocked. His hikari was glaring at him? He smirked to himself, "That breakfast was better than Ryou's, you should cook more often." He knew by now Ryou was using a full blown glare but shrugged it off as he saw Anzu blush and smile at him.

"Thank you Bakura! Maybe I'll try later." Bakure then remembered something he had wanted to ask Anzu earlier.

"Hey Anzu, where did you get the food from? Didn't Jou clean us out yesterday?"

"Hmm, oh yeah! I went to the market!"

"What? But the closest market with a decent amount of food like this is about 10 blocks away. And where's you get the money," he asked suspiciously.

"I know, it took me a while and I had to ask a LOT of people but I found the market, and when I found my purse I found out that I guess I have a credit card and just used that."

"You were talking to strangers," he all but yelled with a bit of concern on his face.

"Yes, but I didn't know they were bad at the time," she said thinking about the men in the ally.

"What do you mean by bad?" And so she told them of the alleyway incident including the blond woman.

"Do you know who she could be?"

"It sounded a lot like Mai, Jou's girlfriend," said Ryou thoughtfully. "Anzu it was really nice of you to go to the market like that, but please don't go alone. There are people a lot worse than just those guys in the alley." 'Like Marik,' he thought to himself. She nodded and bowed her head a little bit.

"Gomenne." Bakura was silently fuming as he thought about those punks and what they'd tried to do.

/THEY'LL PAY/ came a growl through their link. Ryou paled a bit at this statement and knew he was mad if he hadn't bothered to keep that to himself. Bakura actually did something very unBakura like. He lifted Anzu's head up with his hand. "It's ok, just don't leave without us again ok?" Anzu nodded happily glad she was forgiven in a way. Bakura quickly stood up and made his way to the door. "I'll be back, watch Anzu," he called to Ryou.

"Bakura-kun, where are you going?"

"Just need to go talk to someone, Ill be back." He put his jacket on and was about out the door when he felt arms around his waist and looked down at the young woman holding onto him.

"Be careful and come back soon!" He nodded and smiled a real smile, which kind of scared Ryou while at the same time making him jealous. He left quickly leaving Ryou and Anzu alone in the apartment.

AN: So what did you think? Good? Bad? Burn it? Well I hope you enjoyed it!