Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Who am I? ❯ Bath Fun and Missing You ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My account Dojomistressbra was deleted because of my Ryou/Anzu fic so I think it was a bit much. Anyway this is my new name and the next chapter!

AN: Sorry it took so long to update, told you they would be irregular. If you want to yell at someone yell at my geology and Japanese teachers for having their finals one after another. Anyway I am leaning more towards Ryou in this chapter ONLY because the next two or three chapters will be nothing but Bakura/Anzu. Which by the way is the pair that this story is leaning towards right now. Anyway another thing in this chapter I finally put Marik in but I'm afraid of him being OOC. I hate making characters OOC unless I do something to them (like Anzu). So please give me some feedback on him. Anyway please enjoy!

Notes: In Japanthat have school form Monday to Saturday and I'm going by that sysem.


daijoubu ka = Are you ok

Nani = What

Nan desu ka = What is it?

Disclaimer: I no own Yugioh, though I wish I owned two certain white haired bishies! I'll just have to settle for plushies for now.


"Who Am I?"

Chapter 9: "BathFun and Missing You"

"Where's he going," asked Anzu curious. Ryou knew exactly where he was going but he wasn't about to tell Anzu there was a good chance some poor souls were about to be sealed away somewhere worse then hell because they had picked the wrong girl to mess with that morning. Then realization dawned on him Ryou and he realized he didn't mind and actually agreed with Bakura's idea. 'When did I become so protective?' He looked over at the young girl as she looked up at him from the couch with such an innocent smile, her baby blues twinkling like the night sky, the way the slight breeze played with her hair… 'Now I remember,' he thought with a mental sigh as he felt like he could melt from that smile.

/Don't get any ideas while I'm gone hikari or I'll do the same to you/ Bakura snapped through their link. 'Oops, I didn't realize the link was open!' He now feared for himself and vaguely wondered if Bakura had forgotten about the death threat he had made yesterday. 'Problably not.'

"Ryou-kun what's wrong, you look so distressed," Anzu said worriedly as she looked up at his frowning face.

"I'm fine Anzu. It's nothing," he said trying to brush it off and plopped on the couch. 'Oh no I wonder if he's sick again!' She sat on the couch next to him and grabbed his face turning it to hers.

'What is she doing?' Her face slowly came closer to his until they were only centimeters apart, when her forehead touched his and she closed her eyes. 'Is she…is she going to k-kiss me,' he thought trying to fight his fear and his blush while convincing himself to enjoy it. But she sat there for second like that as if in thought when she pulled back. 'No kiss?' (AN: Ryou! ^^)

"You don't have a fever. Does your stomach hurt? Ack, was it my food?" She looked more stressed out than him now. He quickly diffused her worries.

"Really I'm fine, I think I'm just a bit stressed out that's all. It gave me and Bakura a shock to find out what happened to you this morning." She immediately looked guilty. "But it's not your fault Anzu," he said resting a hand on her shoulder reassuringly and getting her to look at him. "Those guys shouldn't have grabbed you like they did. I guess I just feel kind of bad because…well…I couldn't protect you," he finished looking away his face a tinge of red. "I'm not very good at those kinds of things."

"But you're really good at other things! Like making pancakes," she said cheerily. He looked baffled.

"Anzu those are two…I mean it's not….," he couldn't get the sentence out to explain how totally different those two things were because she was still smiling looking kind of proud. "Yeah I guess you're right," he said finally giving in ensuring the girls happiness at least for that moment. She looked ready to hug him but then stopped half way there her eyes focused on something slightly to his left. He looked down at noticed some syrup has somehow gotten on his nightshirt.

"I still haven't taken a bath yet this morning, I probably should go and get changed. I won't be long, there might be something good on TV," he said turning on the TV and handing her the remote. He made his way to his room for a change of cloths before entering the bathroom. He sat there and watched as the steam from the hot water fogged up the mirrors before stripping down and easing himself into the bath. It hurt like hell but after the initial sensation his body tingled at the warmth surrounding him. He leaned back dunking his head below the water for a minute, opening his eyes to watch the world above him ripple before emerging again. He turned off the water and sat back relaxing.

His mind went right back to the young girl who sat only in the next room who seemed to be taking up a lot more of his thoughts as of late. 'Just a minute ago I thought she was actually going to kiss me.' He blushed with embarrassment. 'But we did kiss before too, and she seemed to like it.' His blush deepened and he smiled with a bit more confidence. 'But I was also the one who started the kiss last time, and she hasn't done anything besides hug me since then. We've been close since then but she's never kissed me. I wonder…does she like me like that? What if she doesn't and she didn't want me to kiss her? But she wears her heart on her sleeve; even if she tried fooling me she wouldn't fool Bakura.' Bakura. The name for some reason stung and he thought back to what they had just talked about in the living room. Right now he was here with Anzu while his Yami was out punishing the guys who tried to grab Anzu that morning. 'He could protect Anzu better than I could…'

Instead of making him feel bad about himself it seemed to have the opposite effect as he became pissed. 'If we're two halves of a whole than I should be just as good at defending her as Bakura. I can protect her! I'm not just the guy who plays babysitter (even though he didn't mind who he was 'sitting' right now).' He felt a lot better after this revelation and let the water sooth the rest of the stress and turmoil from his body. He quickly washed himself and was just finishing with his hair when he thought he heard something. 'It couldn't be,' he thought horrified as his eyes went to the door…the unlocked door…as the knob slowly started turning.

His eyes darted around the room as he tried to find anything at all to cover himself within his grasp, but as it was the nearest towel was hanging on the wall and would require him to stand. He did the only thing he could think of and turned his back to the door and sat Indian style with his hands over his lap. The petite brunette walked into the bathroom mischievously with a twinkle in her eyes. Bakura had kept her from bathing with Ryou before but he wasn't here to stop her now.

"A-Anzu, I'll be done in a minute," he stuttered out.

"It's ok I don't need to use the bathroom." The red on his face just deepened three fold.

"Then wha-"

"I thought I'd help you wash your back." She strode over to the bathtub and kneeled beside it before he could get a word in edge wise.

"It's ok, like I said I'm almost done."

"Nonsense it's no trouble," she said grabbing the puff ball and lathering it with soap (AN: Do guys really use those or are my brothers just weird? 9.9). Ryou stiffened as soon as he felt the foam against his back. 'I have a hot woman washing my back for me. Shouldn't I be enjoying this?' He shook his head to get rid of those thoughts.

"Something wrong?"

"N-no, nothing. Nothing at all, thank you by the way." He felt himself relaxing a bit. 'When Bakura finds out about this I think I'll be seeing the shadow realm for a while so I might as well enjoy it.' She continued washing his back until she accidentally dropped the puff ball in the water. When she decided to go fishing for it Ryou decided maybe this was a bit much.

"It's ok," he said grabbing the puff ball. "I've been in here a while I think I'll get out now." He waited for her to move so he could reach for his towel.

"No, I'm almost done really," she said reaching for the puff ball. He tried to hold it away from her and she stood up grabbing the ball and trying to pull it from his grasp. As it was the ball was still nice and soapy and slipped from Ryou's grasp. Unfortunately Anzu had been pulling so hard when she finally got it she lost her balance and went tumbling backwards about to hit the sink. Without thinking Ryou jumped up and grabbed onto her arm to try and prevent the fall. He succeeded but ended up loosing his own balance and toppling out of the tub…and right onto Anzu. (AN: Thank Ai Yori Aoshi for that idea ^^).

He ended up laying on her, still naked (AN: -^^- oh yeah) and found his hand on one of her breasts as he supported himself looking down at her small form underneath him. Her face was ablaze and her breath was coming in shortened puffs. Her blue eyes held a hint of excitement and fear in one, with her hair splayed and disheveled along the linoleum floor. To put it simply she was breath taking.

'Ryou is lying on me, naked. With his hand on my chest! What do I do?' They both stayed in that position frozen in each others gaze. That is until Ryou's arms got tired of supporting his weight and he shifted his hand, the one on her chest and she gasped. This broke the silence between them and he quickly got off her.

"I'm so sorry I-" He stopped as he noticed her face get redder and followed her gaze. He quickly turned red and grabbed his towel throwing it around his waist. "I didn't mean for that. I mean I'm sorry!" He quickly bowed his head afraid to look up at her. But lifted his head quickly as he heard…giggles? He looked up at Anzu who was trying to fight back a fit of giggles.

"I'm sorry Ryou-kun but that was soo…soo…," she gasped trying to contain her laughter. "Like something you'd read in a romance manga!" She was now holding her side with laughter. A flash or relief swept over him and he was laughing right along with her. They ended up trying to support each other through their fits of laughter. Anzu was the first to recover.

"That was nothing like how I planned it," she said finally quieting down. Ryou suddenly went quiet.

"Planned? What plan?" Her face went red and she stood there in shock.

"Umm…well…you see I-" But she was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. 'Saved by the bell.' Before he could protest she was out the door. 'Oh my god I can't believe I said that! Now he probably thinks I have some weird plan to molest him or something!' She shook those thoughts form her head and opened the door. The site before her immediately stirred some memories though they all left her as soon as they had came leaving her baffled and wondering who this young man was.

The young man in question was equally stunned to see her there. His blond hair and bronzed skin made her automatically think of a surfer but she knew that wasn't quiet right. His violet eyes seemed to bore through her as he stared down at her petite form.

"What the hell are you doing here? Where's Bakura?" He shoved past her barely acknowledging her presence. Anzu's right eye was twitching as he plopped down on the couch. 'Who the hell does he think he is?'

"Ryou," he yelled still laying back on the couch. There was a thud and Ryou came into the living room still missing a shirt, Marik raised an eyebrow. Anzu took a seat in a chair to the left of the couch still glaring at him.

"Marik what are you doing here," he said with annoyance and fear somehow.

"Where's Bakura," he asked not even listening to Ryou's question. The twitch in Anzu's eye got worse.

"He's out right now, I don't know when he'll be back," he said trying to persuade the yami to leave.

"Suits me just fine," he said picking up the remote leaning back flipping through the channels. Now both of Anzu's eyes were twitching. "Hey Ryou get me some chips," he said as Ryou was heading back to his room to finish getting dressed. Ryou paused in the hallway wondering if he should continue to his room or get the chips. "I mean now!" 3…2…1…Anzu's eyes stopped twitching as she jumped to her feet, walked over to Marik and gave him a piece of her mind, or at least her hand as the smack left an imprint on his face.

"What the fu-" But she cut him off before he could finish his sentence, standing menacingly in front of him.

"Who the hell do you think you are? You come into their home, ignore Ryou, stop him in the middle of getting dressed, and order him around like a slave! Who the hell do you think you are god?" He was about to reply to that but she still wouldn't let him get a word in edge wise. "I wouldn't care even if you were god because that's just damn rude!"

He now stood up just as pissed. "Who the fuck am I? Who the fuck are you?! I could send your ass to the shadow realm before you could blink a fucking eye! Bakura must be slipping if you're over here." Her face screwed up in confusion about this 'shadow realm.'

"Don't you dare try and say stuff about Bakura!" Both men in the room were taken aback at how vicious her words sounded. She wasn't afraid of being sent to the shadow realm, was standing up to him and telling him off? 'Damn she's sexy,' Marik thought and mentally smirked.

"Listen up little girl, I don't take shit from anyone, unless of course you think you can change that." He glared down at her and was surprised when she was standing rigidly glaring up at him. Even with her being probably about a head shorter and having to look up at him her glare was one that could be equaled to Bakura's. He smirked in amusement. 'She has more balls than Ryou…wonder what she's doing over here with the duo? Wonder if Bakura saw her glare and started thinking the same thing I am,' he thought trying not to lick his lips.

He strode over to the front door and looked over his shoulder at Ryou. The poor guy was stuck in a shocked position still staring at where the exchange had just taken place and was trying to figure out why he and Anzu were still alive.

"Tell Bakura I'm looking for his lazy ass and that he needs to keep better company." With that he slammed the door and Anzu suddenly fell back against the couch. Ryou rushed over to make sure she was all right but found her grinning like the Cheshire cat.


"That guy scared the living crap out of me but more then that he pissed me off. I can't believe I was actually mad enough to forget how afraid I was. That was soo creepy. But I wonder where Bakura is," she wondered aloud. But before she could finish her thought the door burst open with shouts of 'Anzu!'

Yugi, Jou, and Honda came tumbling through the door, in that order. Ending up with a not so happy Yugi being squished on the bottom. Once they had their bodies sorted out and were once again able to breathe normally Yugi quickly got her attention.

"Anzu, daijoubu ka?"

"Nani? I'm fine. What's wrong guys why are you so flustered?'

"We just saw a steaming Marik walk by muttering about some evil girl and from the direction he was commin we knew he had to be coming from here," said Honda speaking up.

"He didn't do anything to you did he? If he did he's in for one hell of a pounding!" Jou said curling his hands into fists.

"Actually you guys just missed the show," said Ryou speaking up. They all stared at him oddly before he realized he still wasn't wearing a shirt. "Umm…just a moment," he said trying to hide his blush.

"What show is he talking about," Jou asked Anzu wondering if it had anything to do with Ryou having his shirt off.

"Oh when I pretty much told him to fuck off and he didn't like it. Hey Yugi where's yami," she said as sweet as could be getting wide eyed looks from her friends. Ryou came in the room hearing the last of Yugi's explanation on how Yami was helping his grandpa finish packing. and after seeing the looks on his friends' faces he knew he didn't have to say a thing about what had just happened. It was then he noticed the few extra bags the boys were carrying.

"Hey guys what's in the bags," he said pointing to them.

"It's a surprise for Tea, since this is going to be my last day here. I'm leaving tonight but I still wanted to come over and say goodbye," Yugi said sadly. He suddenly found himself in the arms of his best friend. Anzu pulled back and smiled at him.

"Thank you Yugi you're so sweet." Yugi turned a faint crimson but felt eyes glaring at him and looked around and nearly gasped as he saw Ryou giving him a dirty look. He put two and two together and glanced nervously between Anzu and Ryou. 'Should she really be staying here if he likes her like that?' Yugi broke the silence by dumping out the contents of the bag. Two rolled up dance pads fell out onto the floor.

"Nan desu ka," she asked as the unfolded the pads."

"It's one of your favorite games," said Honda as he took out the PS2 and started hooking it up to Ryou's living room TV."

"Yeah you're the dancing queen. No one can beat you at this," said Jou enthusiastically as he started making his way towards the kitchen.

"Forget it Joey, Anzu had to go shopping this morning after you drained our food supply the day before." Jou groaned and put on a pouting face before sitting back on the ground but gave up on the idea. Once the game was set up Yugi got up and showed her the basics before they set up for a two player game and chose a simple stage.

To everyone's shock Anzu was doing horribly, if not for the fact that they had switched modes so you couldn't loose they were pretty sure the game would be over by now. Yugi went back to the main screen and did another easy song, one even he could get but once again she couldn't overcome these infernal dance steps. Yugi was once again about to choose a stage when Anzu spoke up.

"Yugi, do you think I could pick a stage?" Yugi nodded watching to see what she picked. Anzu didn't pay any attention at all to the level of the stage and quickly chose Rhythm and Police, definitely not a beginner song.

"Anzu that's a really hard stage!" But his protest was cut short as the screen came up and before he knew it flashing arrows were whizzing right by before he could even comprehend what he was supposed to step on but he heard a few gasps and turned to see what it was about, and gasped himself. Anzu was in her element, every arrow was hit perfectly, her combo score was nuts and she was really getting into the music. But the song ended all too soon for Anzu and she looked back at her friends blinking at her amazed.

"Well you did say I was the dance queen right?"

Ryou watched as Jou and Hondas forms disappeared from the porch before turning around and shutting the door. Only after agreeing to celebrate their first real day of 'spring break' on Sunday and have him, Anzu, and Bakura go with them to the water park did they leave. The two boys had stayed longer than he thought and looked over at the clock as it read 11:17. He sighed and went over to the couch where Anzu sat cooling down. For the past 6 or 7 hours she had been addicted to the dance pads. She challenged people for a while before giving up and trying to unlock songs. Now she was lying back on the couch not wanting to move.

"Hey dance queen, I'm going to head off to bed, I'm beat," he said smiling.

"Where's Bakura," she asked quietly making him stop in his tracks on the way to his room. He had tried to get a hold of his yami a few times including when they had lunch and dinner but Bakura completely sealed his side of the link.

"I'm sure he's fine, maybe he caught up with Marik and they decided to go do something, they are friends…well kind of," he said after the look she gave him showing definite displeasure. "Don't worry Anzu, I'm sure he's fine." Anzu got up and walked over to her spare room to change.

"I'll be over in a second," she said slipping into her room. After the first two nights it was pretty much a given she was going to sleep in his room with him. As she slipped her pajamas on she thought over Bakura and couldn't help but worry. 'I wonder if his friend was really mad at me and did something to Bakura. Or maybe Bakura's mad at me for insulting his friend?' She let out a sigh as she pulled her shirt on and turned off the light leaving the room and walking over to the bedroom where three futons lay. One was occupied by Ryou, and the one in the middle soon occupied by her and she turned to stare at the empty futon. 'Bakura…'

She sat there in the dark listening as Ryou's breathing evened out and he fell into slumber. But even as he made his way into the dream world she could do nothing but stare at the empty futon. She began thinking over the day's events and how she had tried to sneak in the bath with Ryou and back to the first night when she had tried it and Bakura had stopped her. How the first day or so they were together he always complained and whined but he seemed to be the only one to help her. That first night when she had crawled in the futon with him…She now felt bad about today's events and couldn't take it any longer. She got out of the futon and snuck over to her room as quietly as possible. She threw on a pair of blue jeans and a tight black t-shirt before looking over at the window in her room and seeing the fire escape just to the left.

"I'm sorry Ryou," she said softly as she opened the window and slid onto the sill half hanging out as she stared out into the night daring it to keep her from her task. "I'm coming Bakura." The flapping of curtains in a window was heard as the figure disappeared from site.

AN: Yay! I made it longer! Or maybe I just pumped it full of crap. You tell me. Anyway thanks for reading! Please review!