Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Who am I? ❯ Finding Bakura ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: Yay! I'm free from finals and work (for at least a few days)! And I decided to celebrate with a new chapter! This one is kind of long so yay! This one was a LOTof fun to write so I hope that means it turned out good. I tried to keep Bakura in character, please tell me if I'm starting to stray from his character, like I said before I hate making characters OOC. Anyway please enjoy!

Disclaimer: I no own Yugioh, though I wish I owned two certain white haired bishies! I'll just have to settle for plushies for now.


"Who Am I?"

Chapter 10: "Finding Bakura"

'Ok, I made it out of the house. Now what,' she thought as she dropped to the ground. She started walking towards the business areas where she had went to the store earlier. 'Ok he left earlier without saying where he was going. Ryou wasn't much help with where he was going either. He left right after I told him about those guys; I hope he didn't go after them! But why would he go after them? Unless…he cares about me?' Her face turned crimson at the thought. 'No he couldn't…he was a total ass to me that first day…but that kiss…' She shook her head to clear her thoughts. She noticed she was drawing closer to that store she had gone to earlier. She was about to enter the store when a familiar blond walked out.

"Anzu, hun. Are you ok?" Anzu searched her memory banks to recall this woman's name.

"Umm Mai right," she asked timidly.

"Of course it's Mai. Who else would it be?" She looked slightly angered so Anzu decided to quickly explain her situation.

"Amnesia! Oh hun I'm so sorry!" Face met breasts, as she was brought into a crushing hug. She was just as quickly pulled back with Mai's hands still on her shoulders. "That's why you took off earlier! I'm soo sorry, I must of scared the bejesus out of you!"

"Its fine," she said regaining her composure. "Actually I came back here to ask you something about earlier."

"Hmm…what do you mean?"

"Well when I got back to Ryou's house-"

"Ryou's house? What were you doing over there?" Then a smirk made its way over her face. "Anzu you finally got yourself a boyfriend?! I'm so happy!" Her face was once again acquainted with Mai's chest. But she was able to pull back from her grasp.

"No, it's nothing like that! My parents are out of the country and even if they dropped everything it'd take them at least two weeks to get home. And the doctors said I shouldn't stay alone, I guess I would stay with Yugi since we're closer," she asked more then stated. "But he went out of the country for spring break. And since Ryou felt it was his fault he invited me to stay with them."

"Them? You mean him and Bakura," she asked somewhat shocked.

"Yes he and his brother were nice enough to let me stay."


"Oh it's nothing hun!" 'I guess they decided to keep it simple until she remembers.'

"Anyway, speaking of Bakura. I was wondering if you'd seen him. He left after I said something about what happened earlier and he never came home and I don't know him that well so I don't know if he stays out late a lot. But I'm worried," she said the last part barely above a whisper and got misty eyed. Mai couldn't believe what she was seeing in front of her. Anzu was nearly in tears worrying about the asshole. She sighed and caught Anzu's attention.

"At least now it makes sense, I was wondering what kind of business he had with those guys."

"You mean you've seen him?!" Her eyes instantly cleared up and a smile was plastered upon her face. 'If I didn't know any better…,' Mai mused to herself with a smirk.

"Yeah he actually tracked me down to ask about them. I didn't know much but I did notice one of the guys was wearing an East Domino High School Uniform. My best guess is he went in that direction."

"How do you get there," she asked quickly.

"There's no way you're going over there! It's a dangerous area, especially for a woman, I wouldn't even go over there with Jou by my side."

"I see thanks anyway," she said and took off.

"Anzu, wait!" But the young girl was out of site in an instant. "I hope she's not stupid enough to go after him. He can hold his own no problem, but Anzu…I hope she just goes home and goes to bed."

Bed was the farthest thing from Anzu's mind as she quickly made her way up the train platform. It took her about five minutes to finally make heads or tails of the map (AN: Damn train and subway maps ><) and find the route she needed to take. She made her way over to the ticket spindle and waited on the platform. 'What am I doing? I have to be crazy! I'm going to a VERY bad part of town after Bakura. I mean he can probably hold his own against anything that came up over there. I shouldn't be worried, why am I loosing sleep to go and look for him? He can be rude, way passed the point of being an ass. And he can definitely be a pervert; then again he is a high school guy. So why? Why am I putting myself in danger to find him when he's probably ok anyway?' She sighed as she shook her head. 'I know exactly why…' It was at that moment the train pulled up and she got in.

She continued to repeat the directions over and over in her mind. Ok, ride this to Domino St, which should be the third stop, then get off and go on the express train going east to Higashi st. (*East st.*) 'But what do I do when I get there? It is still a pretty big part of town, and he could be anywhere! Why did I have to do this alone? Why am I even out here?' She turned to stare out at the night sky, the stars twinkling as if they had all the answers she was seeking but they were just out of reach. She looked at her reflection in the mirror and saw a sacred young girl who had no idea what she was doing. 'Maybe I should turn back. Maybe I should go back and wake Ryou-kun and get him to help me. But he'd be mad if he knew I left once before. What should I do,' she thought and put her hand in her pocket. She felt metal under her hand and grasped it pulling it out of her pocket. '100 yen piece (AN: About $1 US dollar give or take).' She rolled the coin over in her hand.

'Decision time. I need to make a firm decision. Heads I go and find Bakura. No turning back, no more doubts. Tails I get the next train home and ask Ryou if we can find him in the morning if he's still not home. Wait, what if he's on his way home right now? On a different train? What should I do?' She looked down at the coin in her hand and flipped it. 'Please don't steer me wrong,' she silently prayed as it hit the ground. Her eyes slowly made their way down to the coin and she felt her heart fall. 'Tails…I guess I'm going home.' She sighed and picked up the yen.

"Now Approaching Domino St.," came a voice over the loudspeaker. She sighed and waited as the train came to a halt. She made her way out feeling a bit defeated. She walked to the other side of the train station and tried to get through the spindle to get to the other train, but found it wouldn't move. She tried the one to the right and found this one also wasn't budging. 'What's going on?' She started to feel panicked and looked around for anyone who could help. She saw a woman probably in her twenties standing at the platform waiting to go East. 'I was told I shouldn't talk to strangers, but she's a woman. She wouldn't try what those guys did earlier.' She nodded determined and made her way over.

"Excuse me miss," she asked grabbing the ladies attention. "Do you know why the turnstiles over there aren't working?"

"First time riding the trains late right?" Anzu nodded her head affirmatively. "Sorry hun but that train stops running after 1, it stars back up at 6 thought." Her heart fell. 'I can't get back?! What am I going to do; I'm going to be trapped here forever!'

"This one running east goes until 1:30 though, kind of weird since all the others close at 1, and start at 6 again including this one" Anzu nodded and walked over to a pillar and leaned against it. 'This must be a sign! I guess I'm supposed to go and find Bakura! Ok, I can do this! You have a sign from god, you must be able to!' She nodded affirmatively and stood as she heard the train coming. 'I can do this!'

'I CAN'T DO THIS!' She ducked behind a few garbage cans piled together. 'I don't even know where I am anymore!' From the minute she got off the train everything had gone downhill. She didn't know where to start looking so she tried to find her way into the business section of town. Unfortunately she didn't know where that was and figured asking for directions would prove worse then before. But while trying to find her way she had ran into a guy wearing the East Domino High Uniform and he proved to be as bad as the men from earlier. If it wasn't for her fast moves she wouldn't have gotten away, but unfortunately he wasn't going to give up yet. And this is where she ended up. Hiding behind garbage cans lost and she still hadn't found Bakura.

She turned her head as she heard a noise and saw a man walking out of a dark building with no windows. A very familiar man with bleach blond hair and one hell of an attitude. 'He may have an attitude but he's the first familiar face I've seen in a while.' She looked around to make sure that guy who was following her wasn't around before darting over to him.

"Marik," she called as she jogged up to him. He turned around and an amused smirk found its way on his face as he looked down at the young girl he'd crossed paths with earlier.

"What do we have here? Little girls shouldn't be running around here after dark. As a matter of fact they shouldn't be around here at all, bad people hang around here," he said taking a step towards her. She involuntarily shivered and wished she hadn't as his smirk grew wider. 'He was looking for Bakura earlier, he may have found him. You can't chicken out now Anzu!' A determined look settled upon her face.

"I'm looking for Bakura, have you seen him," she asked trying to keep some confidence in her voice. His smirk fell to a frown.

"What business do you have with him?" She swallowed the lump in her throat.

"It's none of your business," she snapped. 'What is his problem? Why do I have the feeling he's just toying with me? What a jerk!'

"Then it's none of your business if I've seen him or not," he said and turned to start walking away.

"Hey damnit I was asking you a question!" When he didn't stop she ran up to him and grabbed his arm. He turned on a dime and grabbed her arm and pried it from his own in a painful matter and held it up pulling her off the ground.

"Who do you think you are demanding something from me," he yelled spitting on her face. 'You can't be afraid Anzu! He's seen him and you know it and the only way you're probably going to get home alive is if you find Bakura!' She swallowed her fear and instead let her anger take over.

She glared at him even though he was the one holding her off the ground by her arm in a most painful manner. "Listen damnit I'm not up for your shit. I know you've seen him and I'm not letting you leave until you tell me," she growled.

"You're not letting me?" He let out a low grumble which she guessed was a chuckle. She found herself once again on her feet and wanted desperately to rub her arm but kept herself in check. "You intrigue me little girl. Most people even my hikari wouldn't stand up to me like that. Ok, I saw him earlier after he'd finished with this group of punks." 'Finished,' she wondered but didn't get to finish her thought as he continued. 'I offered to take him out for a drink, he actually needed a little persuading but he came with me. He stayed around and had a few drinks, but he didn't seem his normal self. Wonder why," he said with a glint in his eye as he eyed her. "Anyway he took off about two hours ago. Doubt he made the train though."

"Do you know where he might have gone?" He looked thoughtful for a second which really creeped Anzu out but she got the answer she needed.

"He said something about two of the punks getting away, that was the whole reason I had to talk him into getting a few drinks with me. He probably went to find them. One of them said something about hanging out in a park. There's only one park in the area but it's one of the worst parts of this area. You sure you wanna go looking for him," he asked even though it seemed he was hoping she'd say yes. She gave a firm nod and his smile seemed to take on a wicked glint. "You go strait up this road about three blocks and turn right until the road ends. You can't miss it." Anzu nodded again and began walking off when his hand was on her shoulder.

"You sure you want to go there. I can get you a few drinks if you want," he said with a smirk. She felt her stomach knot up and quickly shook her head no.

"I can't, I really have to find Bakura." With that she slipped from his grip and ran in the direction he had pointed out. Marik unconsciously licked his lips. 'That one has spunk. Bakura better watch out, I just might want a taste for myself.'

Anzu had just met with the end of the road and was just entering the park when she heard an all too familiar and unwelcome voice.

"Hey girly, there you are, I've been looking for ya." Anzu turned to see the guy who she had been running from earlier. She eeped and ran into the park not paying attention to where she was going. She dove through a few bushes trying to think of a way to loose him. 'Where to hide, where to hide!? A bush?! No! He could accidentally trip over me! Where to go, where to go!?' She backed up against a tree her hand on the rough bark. Shivering as she heard his footsteps drawing closer and his voice yelling for her. Then it hit her, the tree! She quickly turned and started shimmying up the tree. She climbed well above the lower branches in case he decided to actually look up a tree and huddled against the trunk scrunching herself up in a ball trying to make herself unnoticed.

"Hey girly where'd ya go? So you wanna play hide and seek? Ok, but I don't think you'll like it when I find ya!" He came into her line of vision as he walked beneath the tree and she covered her mouth to keep from gasping. In his hand was a knife of at least five inches glinting in the bit of moonlight. 'Don't move, just breath softly and slowly. In and out, in and out, in and out.' She was trying to make her breathing as soft as possible. He hadn't moved away from the tree yet and seemed to be sitting there listening for something. 'He doesn't know I'm here. He doesn't know I'm here. I'll be fine.' He was just about to turn and leave when a blood curdling yell rang through the park. The guy took a step back in shock; the sound seemed to come from a few yards ahead of where he was about to step. He put his back to the tree listening for any sudden movements.

A minute later another scream was heard and the sounds of something running through the bushes caught both if their attentions. They turned just in time to see a young man, one of the ones who had attacked Anzu that morning, come running through the bushes. He ran into the guy with the knife and grabbed onto his shirt.

"Help me," he yelled with tears streaming down his face. "Please help!"

"What the hell is your problem," the guy yelled throwing the hysterical young man to the ground. They heard the bushes shaking once again as a new figure made its way through the undergrowth and into the small clearing beneath the tree. Anzu's heart skipped a beat as she knew the next person to emerge from the bushes. This person was wearing a demonic smirk on his face as he stared at the young man who was cowering in fear. She couldn't help the squeak that came from her mouth, "Bakura." It was too soft for anyone to hear, with the exception of the young man below the tree who had been on her trail. But his attention had been diverted to the new man on the field. He stood there waiting for the man to make his move. He went over and grabbed the huddled mass that was the hysterical young man. The other man who had been stalking Anzu jumped out of the way as Bakura slammed the other against the tree trunk. Unfortunately Anzu had been so occupied with watching Bakura she never expected the tree to shake as it did. This time everyone heard her as she eeped and fell from the branch she was on and was just able to grab one of the lower branches.

All eyes were on the girl who had in one way or another brought them out there that night. Bakura's face held a look of shock and anger, the young man he was holding looked like he had seen a ghost, and her stalker looked pissed but smirked a malicious smile.

"So done playing hide and seek," asked the guy with the knife watching her with amusement. She gripped the tree branch tighter hoping some divine intervention would somehow save her. God didn't hear her silent plea but someone else seemed to.

"What the hell did you just say to my woman," Bakura growled low in his throat. Anzu looked at him with wide shocked eyes. 'Did he really just call me his woman?' She felt butterflies flapping away in her stomach, much like the first time he kissed her. But she was quickly brought back from lala land as the guy with the knife lunged for Bakura.

'Shit, I can't do send these assholes to the shadow realm like the others. At least not while she's here. How the hell did she get here and where the fuck is Ryou,' Bakura grumbled in his mind as her avoided the guys swipe at him and his leg rose up to kick the fist holding the knife. When his foot made contact the knife flew from his hand and into the tree trunk just a few inches from where Anzu was. This did not bode well with Bakura. He quickly grabbed the guys arm and flipped him over his shoulder onto the ground and twisted his arm behind his back. He then climbed on his back and hit him in the back of his head a couple of times until the guy stopped moving. He then went back to the blubbering mass who started to repeat a strong of apologies.

"Consider yourself lucky she's here," he said in a low growling tone that didn't reach Anzu's ears. He then head butted the guy in the face and high kicked him in the face as well. The guy was down for the count.

"Woman what the hell are you doing up there," he yelled.

"Umm, hanging," she replied sheepishly. He sweat-dropped at her so obvious reply.

"I mean how the hell did you get here?"

"Umm can I get on the ground before I answer that," she asked as her arms started going numb. He sighed in frustration before standing directly underneath her and holding out his arms.

"Let go."


"I said let go, I'll catch you." She looked down at the ten feet between her and the ground. "Come on, trust me." She closed her eyes tightly and let go of the branch and felt the air rush past her as she was sure she was going to hit the ground. Close, instead she hit a warm body and they both fell to the ground with a grunt. She timidly opened one eye and then the other looking down and felt heat on her face. She was lying sprawled across his body, his trapped beneath hers, his eyes closed in obvious pain from the fall.

"Oh my god! I'm soo sorry!" He slowly opened his eyes and once again felt himself drowning in her blue eyes, drinking it up like it was an oasis in the middle of a desert. He didn't even realize she was talking. She was lying on top of him, her warm soft body pressed against his own. It took all of his willpower to not roll her over and take her there. But before he could be tempted in any other way she stood up. Well at least she tried, she seemed to trip as she got up and fell right back on her butt.

"Clumsy girl," he mumbled as he got to his own feet.

"I'm not clumsy, I think I hurt my foot during the fall," she said meekly as she rubbed her right ankle which seemed to be a bit bigger then before. 'Oh shit,' he grumbled mentally as he kneeled down beside her and took her foot in his hands.

"It doesn't look too bad, but we can't stay here."

"The trains don't start running again until 6, where can we go," she asked sounding exhausted. Which in all reality she was, she was relieved to finally find Bakura after her little adventure tonight but now that she found him it seemed all the energy she had was depleted and she was mentally and physically exhausted.

"Do you have a few bucks?" She was caught off guard by the remark but responded with an affirmative nod. "I know someplace we can stay until then." He bent down in front of her with his back to her, she looked at him quizzically. "Climb on; you can't walk with that ankle." She felt her face flush but slowly crawled over and put her hands on his shoulders and her legs on either side of him. His hands went under her knees as he stood and jumped a bit to move her farther up. She got her balance and put her arms around his neck and leaned against him, her head resting on his back.

"Arigato," she said softly still blushing quite a bright red color. He didn't say anything either, he was glad she had her head against his back or she would have seen his face was about as red as hers.

"Back to the question though, what were you doing out here? And where's Ryou?" He felt her body stiffen at the name of his counter part. He quickly stopped and tried to turn his head to look at her. "He doesn't know you're out?!" She winced at his voice but was able to get out a meek 'yes.' He started walking again.

"What were you thinking? How did you even find me? You couldn't have been stupid enough to come down her and not know how bad this place is!" He finally stopped his rambling to finally hear some kind of explanation. It was silent for a few minutes as he made his way out of the park and continued down an unknown street.

"I was worried about you." He nearly stumbled at the soft reply she gave him. Her eyes became misty again and it took a good amount of her will to swallow the lump in her throat as she continued. "You left in such a hurry this morning and when you didn't come home I worried about where you might have gone. I couldn't sleep, so I decided to go looking for you, especially after Marik came over earlier."

"He what?!"

"Marik didn't tell you he stopped by the house earlier? I guess he also didn't tell you about the sl-" She quickly covered her mouth remembering Marik was some kind of…friend was the closest word she could think of to try and describe their relationship.

"What was he doing at the house and what did he do to you." She nearly giggled at the fact he thought Marik had done something to her when it was really the other way around.

"Actually he came looking for you and when he found out you weren't home he made himself at home and started ordering Ryou around like a slave so I put a stop to it."

"What the hell do you mean you put a stop to it?!" He jumped up again as she seemed to have slid down his back a little.

"Well his face became acquainted with my palm and a few choice words were said to him and he eventually left so no harm, no foul." She was pretty sure he didn't believe her but she continued her story.

"Anyway so I snuck out." She heard him growl at this and after a pause continued. "I went down to the business area because you left right after I mentioned meeting up with those asses there earlier. I found Mai and she told me you went looking for them like I thought and that they lived on the East side."

"But she didn't tell you women get raped and killed here on a daily basis." Anzu sweat-dropped as she continued talking.

"Well yeah she did but I kind of ignored her and went anyway. Then that weird guy with the knife started stalking me as soon as I left the train station and I was just trying to find a place to hide when I saw Marik come out of the bar. Didn't really want to talk to him again after this afternoon but I needed some help. Had to twist his arm to get some info," she said while sweat-dropping as she knew it was the other way around. "But he told me about the park and went there but then the creepy guy found me again and I went and hid in the tree until you came along."

"Girl you get in more trouble then a blind kitten crossing the freeway." Anzu had to giggle at his analogy when something crossed her mind, something that confused her from earlier.

"There were a few things Marik was talking about that confused me though."

"What's the shadow realm?" Bakura felt his heart lurch. "And he said something about his hikari? What was he talking about?"

"It's nothing important. Nothing you need to know right now." She was going to pry for more info but the tone in his voice, it actually sounded depressed. So she left it at that. She just leaned her head against his back and let the warmth from his body relax her into a semi-conscious state.

"Bakura," she asked sleepily.


"Back in the woods, why did you call me your woman?" He once again almost tripped but Anzu didn't seem to notice. The only answer she got was silence as Bakura didn't even know why he had said that.

'Shit I was hoping she hadn't noticed. I didn't mean to say it; it just came out like that. Not that it didn't feel good to say it, but she's technically not.' A frown came over his face. 'Why shouldn't she be mine? Better than that stupid hikari! Then it's settled, I'm going to make her my woman!' But his thoughts were thrown off course at the next thing she said.

"It was nice; I liked you calling me yours." The rest of the trip was filled with silence, not one of those uncomfortable ones you just want to run away from. But one filled with some kind of peace, that you wish wouldn't end, just stuck in the world of being. But it came to an end as Bakura came to a stop in front of their destination.

"We're here." Anzu stirred and looked up at where they had stopped. Her eyes immediately went wide and it took her a minute to find her voice. "Bakura! This is a love hotel!"

AN: To clear a few things up, those guys Bakura fought aren't dead, they were just beat unconscious. Yeah too bad huh? Anyway if you didn't know a love hotel is a hotel mainly used for sex. Some places actually charge by the hour when the rooms are used and some by the night, but it's pretty much a place for people to meet for sex. -^^- hehe Anyway tell me what you think! Hope you enjoyed!