Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Who am I? ❯ Love Hotel ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: I didn't get a whole lot of reviews for the last chapter so I hope it was good. Umm anyway sorry this one is a bit shorter. I got writers block for this a couple of times, I actually started it right after the other chapter and kept getting stuck, so sorry it took so long. Anyway I thought it would be funny if Marik wanted her but since I don't know his character that well there's no way he's getting her, sorry for you hopefuls but he'll still try. Think I should have Malik make an appearance? Also I've had one or two people ask about the fic that got my old handle erased, if you really wanna read it check my prof, there's a link. Also Bakura's definitely in the lead now, man no Ryou fans. Poor guys got no love. Anyway I'll shut up now and hope you enjoy the next chapter. Please enjoy!

Gommenne = Sorry

Domo = Thanks

Disclaimer: I no own Yugioh, though I wish I owned two certain white haired bishies! I'll just have to settle for plushies for now.


"Who Am I?"

Chapter 11: "Love Hotel"

"At least you remembered what one was," Bakura said in a teasing manner. Tea's face was as red as a tomato right now.

"What are you thinking? We can't stay in a love hotel!" Bakura looked around nervously hoping no one would notice the shouts from the girl on his back and get the wrong idea.

"If you keep shouting like that you're going to get us some unwanted attention." She covered her mouth remembering where they were.

"Sorry…" He sighed at her mumbled apology.

"It's ok; we just need someplace to stay for a few hours and to tell the truth there are no real hotels in this area, only these. And this one is closest to the train station." Anzu couldn't believe how thought out his plan was. "So can we go in," he asked knowing she was still uncomfortable with the whole idea. Hell so was he. 'We just need some place to stay for a few hours, that's all. There are no other hotels, and just because you're in a love hotel doesn't mean she's just going to declare herself yours and let you throw her on the bed.' Even as he said all of this he was really fantasizing about it and felt a slight tinge come to his cheeks.

"Yeah we can go in," she said trying to fight off a blush. It wasn't until he went to open the door that Anzu became very uncomfortable riding on his shoulders. "Umm…do you think maybe I can walk," she asked trying not to be offensive. She was pretty sure he was annoyed with this whole situation and didn't want to bring out the asshole she met the first day. That was the last thing she needed.

"I don't know, can you," he asked somewhat annoyed as she brought him back from his fantasies.

"I just thought it might look weird, I can probably walk if I lean on your shoulder." He nodded and slowly slouched down so she could slide off his back. She still gripped his arm as she lowered herself and tried to get her balance. She wrapped her arm around his neck as they both stood up.

"Ready," he asked gruffly. She nodded and the couple hobbled over to the front desk. "We need a room." A young woman, probably in her twenties turned to face them. She had black curly hair and amazing green eyes; she looked more like a regular to the hotel then the desk person with the small red leather outfit she was wearing. She looked Bakura up and down before turning to grab a set of keys from the wall. He held out his hands for the keys but she held them in her grasp.

"You have to pay for at least one hour, its 1000 yen (AN: Bout $10) for the first hour and 200 yen (AN: bout $2) for every extra hour." Anzu began scrounging around in her pockets pulling out all the money she had. 'Man who knew a room would be so expensive,' she thought in wonderment. While Anzu was busy digging through her purse the other woman leaned close to Bakura.

"If you want I can cut you a deal, but you have to give me something in return," she said with a seductive smirk. Bakura had to fight the urge to cover his nose, this place may not be the greatest but he didn't want to be kicked back out on the street with the injured girl. The woman reeked of sex, booze, and cigarettes. Bakura being Bakura thought of something that would definitely get the woman off his back but was borderline sick. So of course he said it.

"Sorry hun I like 'em young," he said eyeing Anzu who had now produced eight hundred of the 1000 yen she needed and was pulling out all the change she had now.

The woman looked pissed for a minute before she saw the weird look on his face when he said the word young. 'Young,' she mouthed silently looking over at Anzu quizzically.

"Very young," he said with an evil smirk. "That's no high school uniform." The woman's eyes shot up and she once again looked over at the girl who was smiling as she finally scraped the money together. The woman nodded dumbly as she took the money from Anzu and gave the girl a look of shock and sympathy as she handed over the key. Anzu noticed but didn't say anything as she and Bakura made their way down the hall.

"Bakura why was she giving me a weird look," she asked but he didn't get to reply as she tripped and she shut her eyes tightly as her face was ready to meet Mr. Carpet. She held her breath waiting for impact but soon realized she didn't hit the ground. She opened her eyes to meet a pair of deep brown almost red eyes. Somehow on her fall down he had grabbed her around the waist and was holding her in an almost dipping position. Anzu's face was on fire as she noticed the few centimeters between their faces. Bakura's face was blank as she looked up at him and felt her heart do flip flops. The blank look soon left his face though as a smirk, the smirk that always meant trouble, made its way onto his face. She was about to ask what he was up to but before she could say anything she found herself being hauled up and being carried bridal style by none other than Bakura.

"Bakura what are you doing? What if somebody sees us," she yelled but tried to keep it to a minimum remembering where she was.

"What if somebody sees us," he asked somewhat annoyed.

"They might get the wrong idea."

"Anzu," he said giving her a look like she was a dumbass. "We're in a love hotel. Most people would have the wrong idea from that alone. Even if somebody saw us they don't know us, and if we saw someone we did know they'd have a lot of explaining to do. Why do you always care so much about what other people think? If you keep doing things based on what people think you'll never be happy."

"Bakura," she asked quizzically.

"And what's so wrong about me and you?"

"Huh?" She was totally caught off guard by his question. She tried to see his face but his head was tilted and hiding it.

"You asked what if somebody sees us. What's wrong with people seeing us together?"

"Well together isn't the problem, it's…"

"It's because you don't want anyone to think we're together," he stated matter-of-factly. She was silent with shock. 'H-he's right. But why am I thinking that? I mean I think I may actually like him. But then there's Ryou. But still why wouldn't I want anyone seeing us together,' she thought chewing on her bottom lip. She had a nagging feeling in the back of her head that told her she knew exactly why but the voice wasn't very good with giving hints. But she was snapped out of this revere when his voice broke through her thoughts.

"We're here." She looked around and noticed they were indeed in the room. He bent down and sat her on the bed before shutting off the light and going to sit by the window.

"Bakura," she said timidly sitting on the bed, watching his form shift in the window.

"You should try and get some sleep. We only have a couple of hours before we have to go to the train station and get home." She struggled for a moment, her mouth opening and closing. She couldn't get the words she wanted to come out. "Get some sleep, Ryou will be pissed if he finds out I kept you out and up all night." She could do nothing but comply as she slowly got under the covers and turned to look at the window. 'Bakura…'

He looked over at her still form. 'Stupid woman, when did I get so weak that a woman could actually hurt me? My stupid hikari is making me soft. Won't let me kill anybody, won't let me punish anybody.' But at that he stopped a smirked. 'But then again I'm rubbing off on him too or he would have never let me leave to go punish those guys,' he thought with a smirk. 'One of the most satisfying things I've done all day. Though licking syrup off her cheek was pretty good too,' he thought with a devilish smirk. 'Doesn't matter if she doesn't really remember,' he thought suddenly breaking his good mood. 'Deep down she still remembers exactly who I am.'

"Bakura." The soft voice broke through his silent contemplation. The girl was speaking in her sleep. 'Don't tell me she wants me to sleep next to her again. Damn girl doesn't know what she's doing to me,' he thought as he begrudgingly got up from the window sill and went and sat next to her bed. But to his surprise she wasn't asleep and she sat up as he sat next to her.

"You're still awake?"

"I…I…" Once again her brain wasn't cooperating with her mouth.

"Just get some sleep, I'm right here ok," he said getting annoyed. 'Why can't I speak? Why can't I tell him I'm not ashamed to be with him? Why can't I say…?' He started to get up from the bed. Her hand shot out and grabbed his wrist. He turned quickly to look down at her and saw her blue eyes glowing in the moonlight making them look surreal. The grip on his wrist wasn't tight but he could still feel her tugging him down next to her. He sat back down looking at her, her eyes showed a dozen different things running through her head. He was about to ask what was wrong when she cut him off. With her lips on his.

In that moment a million things ran through his head and nothing ran through his head all at once. He didn't even realize he was kissing her back until her felt the smooth flesh of her lips with his tongue. She complied and opened her mouth allowing him access. 'Not a confession but I'll take it.' He began tasting her, her warm mouth reminding him of somewhere else he'd like to taste, drinking her all in as his arms snaked their way around her body pulling her closer. He felt her arms snake their way around his neck pulling him closer, inviting him in. He briefly wondered if he was still fantasizing when he felt one of her hands make its way to his backside and grabbed his ass. 'This is way better then my fantasy.'

Anzu involuntarily shivered as he parted her lips and nibbled on her lower lip. She didn't even notice how she somehow ended up lying on the bed with him splayed on top of her small form. Her mind was too hazy to even remember how she had made him mad just minutes before. He pressed his body against hers as he continued his assault on her lips, the warm friction of his body creating warmth in her lower regions as he continued his assault on her body. 'This feels so good,' she thought to herself, 'I don't want it to stop. Please more.' One of his hands made its way to the back of her head and the other resting on her hip just under her shirt. She moaned as his mouth finally left hers and retreated to her neck, his tongue snaking out and licking along it. His hot breath making the hand she had on the back of his head grasp his hair keeping him there before he finally began kissing and suckling her neck. Her mind was swimming with the feelings he was creating. She barely noticed his hand snaking its way up her shirt until a hand cupped her breast. Her half lidded eyes snapped open and she quickly jumped up from under his grasp sitting on the bed still panting. 'Holy crap what was I doing?! I was just about to let him…' Heat rose to her cheeks this time with embarrassment replacing the heat on her face that had been from lust seconds ago.

He looked at her with a look some would call fear as he stared at her shocked eyes. 'Shit I just overstepped my boundaries. Now she's probably going to scream rape even though she was the one who started it.' His eyes took on a hint of pain at the thought. Neither spoke as their breathing evened out and sat there staring at each other sitting on the bed. Anzu finally opted to try and keep the peace and spoke her mind first. "Gomenne, I didn't mean for that to happen," she said as she rubbed the back of her head. He mentally sighed but showed nothing but his blank face that kind of looked like a scowl. 'So she is sorry it happened.' Truth be told she was actually thinking the complete opposite.

'I can't believe I let it get that far. Now he's probably pissed that I stopped. I feel like I was leading him on.' She took another deep breath before continuing. "I really really liked it," she said with her eyes closed smiling very embarrassed about what she just said. And if she hadn't had her eyes closed she would have seen the shocked look that crossed Bakura's face. "But I don't think this is the time or place." 'That just sounded like I wanted to do that again. And I do, but what about Ryou-kun? Are the feelings I have for him fading? Crap I need some rest.'

Bakura was about to blatantly point out they were in a love hotel at night and didn't know what better place in time but she cut him off with a finger to his lips. Not as good as the last time she cut him off but it worked. "So I think we should get some sleep."

"You should get some sleep, I'm going to stay up until it's time to leave." She gave him the puppy dog eyes but he stayed with his resolve. "Really you seem tired," he said with a smirk and saw her face heat up. Whether it was from embarrassment, anger, or both he didn't know but he had gotten his point across. He had just started getting up again when her voice broke through the darkness of the room.

"You never did tell me, what did you say to that woman at the front desk," she asked. Even though he knew she probably didn't want to hear the truth he gave it to her.

"I said you were a middle school student and I was a pedophile." Silence reigned over the room, even the noise from traffic outside seemed to stop.

"BAKURA!" He was sure he heard a few car alarms go off outside. She was about to say something else when there was a knock on the wall behind her.

"Keep it down," came a guy's voice. "I only want to hear my own name." Anzu stared at the wall, and stared and stared until Bakura was sure she had X-Ray vision and could actually see through the wall. He couldn't help it, he snickered.

"Didn't think I was that good," he said and knew immediately he shouldn't have. She was actually a pretty good aim when it came to it, but hitting him with a fluffy pillow wasn't going to do a whole lot. He just continued smirking and tossed the pillow back to her. "Ok you really should get some sleep now." He started to move towards the window when he heard her.

"Bakura, I…ummm, I can't sleep. Do you think, maybe, that is…" Somehow he knew it was coming and sighed as he turned and slipped into the bed next to her. She smiled at him and lay back down. "Domo."

"Yeah," was all he said as he tried to keep his mind from going into the gutter and really living out his fantasy. 'Damn girl doesn't know what she's doing to me.' He suddenly had a thought and was debating on whether or not to act on that thought. 'Hmm, since when do I let risks get in the way of what I want?' He made up his mind and scooted closer before wrapping his arms around her and leaning his head on the back of her neck. He heard some kind of noise come from her but she was already asleep. He looked over the mark he had left on her neck earlier and licked it once. 'Mine,' he thought as he also drifted off to dream world.

An: Yes I made Bakura pretend he was a pedophile. Not the nicest thing but I thought it suited his character. And I think I definitely made up for it -^^- Poor Ryou he's loosing her! Oh well if you guys want her with Bakura that's how it'll be. Anyway hope you enjoyed!