Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Who am I? ❯ Finding Home ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: Sorry ti took so long to update but I had the WORST case of writers block ever. But it's gone…for now. Thanks to your reviews. Whenever I get stuck like that I usually read through the whole story and then the reviews and get some inspiration. So thank you to all the reviewers because if it wasn't for you I might not have been able to get over the block and you all really inspire me! Also I'm glad no one seemed to be too confused with the last chapter, thank god! I can't believe how many chapters I have up now, wow 13, the next one should be fun. But I don't now when that will be because my trade finally came through and I should be getting the first 75 eps of Yugioh any day now! *Happy dance* Also sorry I don't have a lot of Marik in this, but as I said before I don't know his character that well and I hope I kept him IC in this chapter. Anyway I'll shut up now. Please enjoy!

Baka = Idiot

Arigatoo = Thank you

Sumimasen = Sorry

Daijoubu = It's ok

Disclaimer: I no own Yugioh, though I wish I owned two certain white haired bishies! I'll just have to settle for plushies for now.


"Who am I?"

Chapter 13: "Finding Home"

Anzu stirred moving closer into the warm embrace. She felt warm arms hold her tighter and smelled something that had a rough earthy smell to it, but she liked it. Her eyes fluttered open slowly squinting in the light. She smiled as she looked up at Bakura's sleeping form. She snuggled closer to him and put her head under his chin fully intending to fall back to sleep when the dreams from last night came back and she found herself wrapping her arms around him for comfort, some of the guilt also coming back. But with his arms around her she found she was able to keep it at bay. Then something else hit her, a nagging feeling in the back of her head telling her something was wrong. 'What could be wrong, I'm here sleeping with Bakura like I have been for the last few days at Ryou's house-,' it hit her like a bolt of lightning and she sat up pulling the still sleeping Bakura from his slumber.

"What's wrong," came the gruff voice that belonged to the man she still had her arms around.

"Bakura it's morning!" He squinted at her as if he was contemplating whether she was serious or not. "We're still in the love hotel! We missed the train!" A look of shock took over his features as he let her out of his embrace and grabbed the clock on the bed stand.

"Shit it's almost 8! He'll be up anytime now!" Both of them jumped up and grabbed the few possessions they had tossed on the ground last night before running out of the room in their disheveled appearances. Both of them were a site, their cloths rumbled and wrinkled, hair messed up, though with Bakura you weren't sure, smelling like the dirty room, and sleep clouded eyes. They ran to the front desk ignoring the looks they were getting from other people. They threw the key on the front desk and were ready to run when a shout caught them. At the counter was no longer the woman from last night but a burly man who looked pretty pissed.

"Hey! Room 38 was rented out for four hours, you still owe me 600 yen (AN: $6) Anzu and Bakura began scrounging through their pockets and ended up with lint or other useless small things found in pockets like paper clips.

"If you can't pay I have to call the cops. Although, maybe the lady here can find some other way to repay me," he said with a suggestive smirk (AN: Yeah I know all the counter people seem perverted but they do work at a love motel). Anzu's face drained of any and all color as she backed away from the strange man. Bakura looked ready to leap over the counter and beat the man to a pulp, pin him to the wall, and throw knives at him for target practice. Which she wouldn't have minded at that point but the cops would eventually show up and they'd be in real trouble. That's when she pulled out her small wallet and handed him her credit card. 'I really didn't want to have to use this.'

"Charge it please." The man looked slightly disappointed but did as he was asked.

"Why the hell didn't you do that in the first place," asked a very agitated Bakura who was now a bit paranoid about keeping her in this place too long.

"I didn't want it on my record. Every time I buy anything with that there's a record of it. And my aunt and uncle are the ones who get the bill every month."

"Aunt and uncle?" She saw the man coming back with her card.

"I'll explain later." She quickly signed the paper and pushed the credit card back in her back pocket with the receipt and dragged Bakura to the front of the building. "Ok now which way?" He grabbed her arm and began pulling her along with him. She was going to ask him to let go of her arm and she'd follow but after looking around the neighborhood she was in she decided he was holding her arm more for protection then making sure she followed him. 'How did I ever make it through here last night?'

'How did she ever make it through here last night?' I look back at her and notice her looking around with a scared look on her face. "It's just up ahead," I say breaking her from her thoughts hoping to relieve some of the fear in her eyes, and it seemed to work. We take the steps two at a time, though she stumbled a few times. We make it to the stop and I look around for a second to find our train when I suddenly feel Anzu's arm being pulled from mine forcibly. I turn to see an all too familiar head of bleach blond hair.

"Marik!" He turns to me still holding her arm, with a smirk on his face. 'He better get his damn hands off my woman!' I growl and I see a hint of fear in his eyes but the smirk just seems to grow as he pulls her closer. She tried to push away but even if it were me that would be a hard task to accomplish.

"Hey look at the new toy I found," he said a bit too enthusiastically in a sing song voice. Bakura was ready to rip out his throat but didn't want Anzu getting caught in the middle. Anzu on the other hand was furious. 'Toy?! Who the hell does he think he is!?' She tried for a kick to the groin but he caught it with his free hand but while he was preoccupied she was able to move her other hand and her nails dug into flesh leaving four red streaks across his face. But to her horror she saw him smirking at her before his hand dropped her leg and went to trace the lowest scratch as the blood dripped onto his finger. He brought his finger to his mouth and licked the blood off the end. Anzu felt her stomach turning and was fighting to keep the bile in her throat from rising. He then traced the top scratch once again blood dripping onto his finger before he extended the finger to her mouth. Anzu was now ready to hurl.

"Come now girl, you're the one who caused this. Don't you want a taste? You already have some on your own hand." She felt her hand clench and tried to block out that image even though she knew it was true. He once again shoved his finger in front of her face but her face contorted in fear and disgust and she tried to back away. Bakura was now thoroughly fed up and took advantage of Marik being distracted with trying to get his finger in Anzu's mouth.

"Bakura," Anzu said in a last attempt as she knew as soon as she opened her mouth Marik would take advantage of it. But as he tried to put his finger into her mouth a hand caught it and twisted Marik's hand painfully behind his back, forcing him to release Anzu from his grip. He tried to flip over his attacker to get his arm free but Bakura let go and kicked his kneecap causing him to loose his balance and fall. As much as he wanted to stay and punish him Anzu caught his arm and averted his sight to the clock that now read 8:23.

"Kuso," he cursed and turned quickly finding their train platform. He grabbed Anzu's hand and dragged her over to the turnstile and jumped over, but Anzu hesitated. "Come on! Jump!" She took a few steps back but then heard something and turned to see Marik hot on their heels. She took a running start and cleared the style but tripped and almost ate pavement but felt arms around her waist. Before she had time to say thank you or even try to right herself she was pulled to his chest and was now being carried to the train bridal style. 'This seems familiar,' she thought sarcastically. They saw the train doors closing and Bakura made a mad dash for the door. They weren't going to make it and Anzu knew it. Just as the doors closed their last few inches Anzu shot forward in Bakura's arms and caused him to loose his balance dropping her. But as she fell she shot forward and the door closed on her arm.

She yelped in pain but held the door open; Bakura took no time in getting up and opening the door fully for them to squeeze through. They got in just in time for the train to start pulling away and watch a frantic Marik try to open the door. They sighed in relief as the train finally started pulling away.

Anzu held onto one of the straps on the ceiling with her uninjured arm as the train started pulling away. She then felt her injured arm being cradled gently and looked up shocked to see Bakura looking over the red ring around her arm. She was even more amazed at when he began rubbing it. 'Damn Marik is going to pay for that. No one does that to Anzu! She's mine damnit!' Anzu felt her face heating up at the gentle way in which he was rubbing her arm.

"A-arigatoo." He only grunted in response and gave up rubbing her arm to holding it as the train ride continued.

"So what did you mean about your aunt and uncle earlier?" She was totally caught off guard by the question and quickly looked to the floor remembering the dream from the night before.

"I remembered. Last night while I was sleeping a lot of stuff came back to me. That's when I remembered…my parents are dead…and my house, it looked so empty because it is. The only relatives I had after my parents died were my aunt and uncle, and they weren't all that great with kids. They weren't mean or anything," she said hearing the growl of agitation in his voice. "They just didn't know how to deal with kids, that's why I've been living on my own since I was a kid. But I don't remember getting the credit card or anything so I must have gotten that recently. I still can't remember everything." She felt Bakura tense at her words and she looked up at him with a questioning look.

"What did you remember?" He was staring at the ground as he said that and she couldn't help but blush remembering last night and her realization about the white haired Yami beside her.

"I remember everything up until the day Yugi released Yami, then it's all garbled."

"Released? So you know…?"

"About the millennium items? A bit…but it's all garbled and mixed up, all I really remember is that Ryou, Yugi, and Malik are owners of three millennium items and that for some reason those millennium items had you, Yami, and Marik in them. Something about all of you being two halves of a whole, but it's all so confusing. I'm surprised I don't have a headache or anything from trying to figure that out last night." She smiled at him a slight pink tinge on her face. He couldn't help but let his mouth twitch upward a bit into a very small smile. They both looked towards the door as they arrived at their stop. Bakura quickly grabbed onto her arm again as they took off for home.

To say Ryou was worried was an understatement, to say he was worried as hell would be like calling lava warm. After awaking to find Anzu gone he had simply thought she was using the bathroom or in the living room or some other part of the house. When he hadn't found her he became worried she had gone out again even though she promised not to. What made it worse was when he realized Bakura hadn't come home either. So what was he up to? Trying to find ways to torture his Yami when he finally returned home, that is if he returned with Anzu being unharmed. If he indeed came home without Anzu Ryou swore he was going to figure out how to send his Yami to the shadowrealm. Safe to say Ryou wasn't being quite rational or himself.

Bakura and Anzu stood outside the house looking up, panting trying to catch their breath. It was only 9:15, there was still a chance Ryou was sleeping and they could sneak in unnoticed, but that didn't work. As they slowly opened the front door and tip toed in they made it in and just shut the door when they heard the all too familiar voice of Ryou, who seemed more then a bit pissed at the moment. Before Ryou even said anything he was off the couch and in front of Anzu holding her hands and asking her over and over if she was alright.

'Stupid Hikari better let go of her hand if he wants to keep it.' That was when he noticed the near blinding anger coming through their link.

/Where the fuck did you go!? Didn't you know she was worried about you?! Where did you two go?! What did you do to her?! What kept you out all night?! If you dared to lay a hand on her I will find a way to feed you to your own man-eatter bug!!/

\\Baka Hikari\\

Bakura to say the least was a bit taken aback at how pissed his Hikari was right now. But then again, he'd be pissed if Anzu went missing. He then decided to just try and get some sleep and was about to say something to that extent when he felt his anger boiling. Ryou had taken Anzu in his arms and was smiling with a tinge of pink on his cheeks. Anzu's face was more of a maroon.

"I was worried," he said softly. Anzu felt her eyes watering. 'I didn't mean to make Ryou-kun so upset. I'm such a horrible person, and then after last night…' The guilt from the night before was coming back full force and she realized how she had been leading him on this whole time and now she didn't know what to do about it. Ryou felt water on his shoulder and pulled back to see tears silently rolling down Anzu's face. Bakura felt his blood boild. 'God damn Hikari making her cry!'

"S-sumimasen…" She tried to hold back the tears but it didn't seem to be working.

"Daijoubu. Why don't you sit down," he said leading her to the couch where she plopped down and tried to wipe away the tears. She felt the guilt eating at her. First she leaves the house without him, then she gets herself in danger repeatedly, then she stayed the night in a love hotel with his Yami and he didn't even suspect a thing. He was just worried for her. Bakura was now yelling at Ryou about making her cry. Then she felt the guilt actually worsen as she had put Bakura in danger because of her, put him in horrible situations especially at the love hotel. Then he was fighting with his supposed friend Marik and now with Ryou. 'How can I do this to both of them! I'm such I-I'm such…'

"I'm such a horrible person!" This time she had yelled it out loud catching the fighting boy's attention.

"Anzu what are you talk-" Ryou never got a chance to finish. Anzu began babbling on about everything from the moment she had gotten up in the middle of the night to right when she arrived back. Only going into a bit of detail about the dream, continuing to say sorry throughout the entire thing. She felt the last of her tears drip onto her leg as she now sat in silence looking at the two boys who looked stunned to say the least. Ryou was the first to react.

"Daijoubu Anzu-chan. We worried because we care for you, even if Bakura is mean and a baka he still somehow cares." Anzu had to stifle a giggle as Bakura tried to protest that remark. "Why don't you go take a bath before we have to leave?"
"Leave," asked Anzu. Bakura also looked over at his hikari puzzled.

"Don't you remember," he asked. Seeing the confused look on her face he continued. "Yesterday Jou and Honda invited us to that water park to celebrate finally getting out of school for spring break." A light bulb came up over Anzu's head.

"Oh yeah I totally forgot! But I don't have a bathing suit," she said a little disheartened.

"It's ok, we can go by your place if we need, or stop by a store on the way." She nodded happily as she grabbed Ryou into a hug. Bakura was glaring daggers at him but at that moment he was happy and Bakura couldn't do anything to make him not. She pulled away and hugged Bakura as well, which he wasn't prepared for, as she thanked him for watching out for her the night before. She then left to take a bath as Ryou had suggested. Leaving the two alone in the room, and suddenly Bakura felt a rage he never knew his hikari could have through their link and he cocked his eyebrow as his hikari slowly turned to him with a murderous look in his eye.

"A love hotel?!"

Anzu giggled as she heard the yelling from downstairs. She knew the two would never seriously hurt each other. 'This feels right, just being here with the both of them. Knowing I can always come here and they'll be here for me, that they care for me. It feels like a real home.'

AN: So what did you think? PLEASE tell me because I wasn't sure how good it was after having writers block for so long. I love any reviews you guys give me because you inspire me. Anyway I hope you enjoyed!