Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Who am I? ❯ Water Fun and Fortune ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: Sooo sorry it tok so long to get this out but after a certain order of events can you blame me? First last Tuesday I got the first 72 ep's of Yugioh (oh yeah you know I had to do a marathon). Then on Thursday I got some Bakura/Anzu doujinshi (fan comics) I was able to buy from this Japanese guy (yay for knowing Japanese) and so you know I had to read through them. Also I'm planning on translating them and want to post them for other Bakura/Anzu lovers but does anyone know about the copywrite laws and such? I don't know if it's legal so someone seriously get back to me if you know. Then I had prom Friday and worked this weekend. Anyway this one is longer and I hope you like. Also I wanted to make sure Bakura doesn't go really soft or anything so please tell me if I am because he's so bad ass and I don't wanna make him a pansy! >< Anyway please enjoy!

Bishie = Bishonen = Pretty Boy

Doushite = what's wrong?

Oi = Yo or Hey

Baka = Stupid

Hikari = Light = Good side of millennium item holders aka Ryou/Yugi

Yami = Darkness = Bad side of millennium holders aka Bakura/Yami

Minna = Everyone

Ano = Umm

Disclaimer: I no own Yugioh, though I wish I owned two certain white haired bishies! I'll just have to settle for plushies for now.


"Who am I?"

Chapter 14: "Water Fun and Fortune"

Anzu made sure to clean under her hand after the incident with Marik he was right she did have his blood under her nails. 'Gross!' She dropped the towel to the floor and examined herself in the mirror. Most of the scrapes and such had healed and the only real bruise left was one right below her ribs on her left side and one on her lower right shin but that was just a bit red. The one below her ribs was still quite purple. "Maybe I should wear a one piece," she said to herself in the mirror. The one thing she was grateful for was that she could pass the red mark on her neck off as a bruise or something if she wanted. 'Bakura,' she thought in a scolding manner as she thought of the white haired bishie who had created the red mark on her neck. She slowly turned to the shower and started up the water and let it warm up while she looked around the bath area. 'I really need to shave, I wonder if they'd mind if I used one of their razors?' She dug through the drawers under the sink until she came across a bag of disposable razors. 'They won't mind.' She turned to the shower and stepped in pulling the curtain across as she lathered a wash cloth.

'What am I going to do now that I don't like Ryou? I've kind of been leading him on, how do I just tell him I don't want to be with him? Especially after he was my first kiss.' She felt heat rise to her cheeks but pushed it away as she propped her leg on the side of the shower and lathered it before running the razor across the smooth silk of her leg going over the small bruise she still had. 'Not only that but I saved his life, I mean I almost died for him, and now I have to tell him that I like his Yami. Someone who is like the other side of him? When did life have to get so confusing?'

She finished with her right leg and lifted her left leg repeating the process. 'Not only that but what do I do about Bakura? I mean he saved me last night and then what almost happened in the love hotel.' She felt her face flush with color and a familiar feeling wash over her as she thought of his hands all over her body, his mouth on her skin…' The razor slowly slipped from her hands and with a small clink brought her back to reality. She quickly picked up the razor and went back to finishing her leg. 'But I don't want something that's just lust! I want something romantic, someone who'll want me for more then just one night in a love hotel!' She was now angry as she stood fully and reached for some shampoo. 'I don't know a thing about how he feels! The only positive thing I know is he's at least somewhat attracted to me.' She sighed as she let the warm water wash over her and wash the soap. She reached for another bottle of hair care product as she tried to calm her confused mind. 'I need to find out what exactly Bakura thinks of me before I do anything.' She once again dipped her head under the running water flushing out the slimy substance as she made her resolve. She turned off the water and slowly stepped out smiling to herself in the mirror. 'Ok, I can do this!'

'I can't do this!' Anzu looked around her at the crowded water park and at her friends walking in front of her. Jounouchi had decided to bring his younger sister Shizuka with him and of course he wouldn't leave her side with Honda around. Ryou and Bakura were walking behind them and then there was Anzu in between the two boys. The others already had their swimsuits on, Anzu included. Though she didn't mind the other guys wearing swim suits. Especially a certain white haired Yami who she had a hard time taking her eyes off. 'Man he looks so good without his shirt on. Maybe I should burn all of his shirts. What am I thinking?!' She shook her head to clear her thoughts and was brought back to her own dilemma. She had bought a swimsuit at a store they had in the water park where you could also purchase towels and other clothing. But unfortunately Bakura had talked her into somehow buying a two piece. And now she walked wrapped in a towel very self conscience about the bruise still present on her pale skin.

"Weird weather huh," asked Jou. "I mean just a few days ago it was snowing now it's 75. You'd think we were in Michigan (AN: Inside Joke)." Honda nodded in agreement even though his eyes were fixed on the shorter girl walking on the other side of Jou. Which only pissed Jou off further and to make sure Honda knew he stuck his foot out and tripped his 'best friend.' Honda's face met the pavement and they didn't exactly make friends.

"Oh my god Honda-san!" Shizuka knelt next to the pointy-haired boy as his nose began to bleed. "Are you ok?" Honda was eating this up and played the sympathy card.

"Oww! I think I may have broken it!" His eyes began to tear up as Shizuka began babying him.

"Hey you wuss, stop acting like a baby. At best it's bruised." Honda tried to glare at him but it was impossible with the tears, fake as they were, and it only served to make him more pitiful. The trio behind them watched on with sweat drops all knowing exactly what was coming. But before the fist fight could officially start they called out something like see you later and took off for the wave pool. Bakura made his way towards the water and dove in while Ryou noticed that someone was missing and held back waiting for Anzu.

"Anzu-chan, doushite?"

"Uumm…it's nothing Ryou-kun." She tried to hide her blush and looked down at the towel she was clutching for dear life.

"What's wrong, shy," Bakura called out mockingly from the cool looking water. 'I am really hot,' Anzu thought to herself. 'And they are my friends and they won't mind, so I shouldn't care what other's think,' Anzu thought to herself remembering Bakura's words from last night. She nodded and slowly let the towel drop to the ground. She still blushed a bit from embarrassment as Ryou's eyes automatically went to the bruise.

"Wow that looks really bad still." Guilt suddenly came over Ryou. 'That should be me who's bruised not Anzu. Gomen Anzu.' Anzu noticed the look that came over Ryou's face and went up to him quickly to cheer him up.

"Come on Ryou-kun, the water looks so nice," she said and grabbed his hand leading him to the wave pool. Her smile was contagious as he soon perked up too. The scene of the two running hand in hand did not bode well with Bakura. 'Mine,' was the one thing that ran through his mind. Anzu and Ryou quickly paddled out to were Bakura was floating while they waited for the waves to start up. Anzu quickly dove under as the three came together and swam to the bottom looking up. She felt herself smile as soon after Ryou and Bakura's heads appeared below water as well looking for her. The water making their hair float and tinted with the blue made it seem ethereal. But she heard a noise from above and came up just as the siren ended. The three then were separated as the torrent of waves crashed down.

Anzu was having the time of her life, she always felt so comfortable in the water, even in the most wild of instances such as now, even if it was artificial. She fought her way through the waves turning now and then to catch one and flow with it, riding the strength of the water beneath her. She felt so free. But all good things come to an end and this was no exception. Anzu started dogging paddling again as she looked around to spot her friends. She saw Bakura near the left edge but couldn't see Ryou anywhere and started to feel worried. She started paddling towards Bakura but before she even finished swimming towards him she called out.

"Where's Ryou-kun." Bakura turned his head towards the shore and pointed. There indeed sat a water logged Ryou who looked like he was trying to catch his breath near the water's edge. She couldn't help but sweat drop and giggle a bit at the young man's predicament. She was about to finish swimming towards Bakura when a scream came from the other end of the wave pool.

"Someone stole my top!" But almost as soon as her cry was heard another panicked female voice rang out and another. Anzu didn't like where this was going and started swimming into shore. The cries of outraged and embarrassed women getting closer and closer. It was like the jaws music getting louder and louder as the predator stalked its prey. Anzu felt something stir in the water behind her and before she could dive under the water she felt a hand on her back and cried out as her top was released and one of her hands went to her chest to keep herself decent. But before the perpetrator could continue on to his next victim a hand latched itself onto his arm and pulled him from the water. Anzu's top and the others he had collected still in his hands. Anzu gasped in surprise.


"What the hell are you doing you little perv," barked Bakura holding Mokuba above the water and looking very pissed.

"I'm not a perv! Jou is! He said if I got fifteen girl's tops he'd let me take Shizuka out on a date this week," he said a blush highlighting his features. Anzu's face was aflame both with embarrassment and anger. Anzu, topless as she was, held an arm to her chest and marched out of the water getting a few stares and nosebleeds, Ryou included, as she walked over to a familiar looking blond who seemed to have made up with his best friends and was currently in the middle of a duel.

"Oh Jou," she said in a sticky sweet innocent voice. Suspecting nothing as she was behind him Jou casually turned around as Honda backed away fearing for his friend's life. Jou turned around and was faced with the wrath of god, or at least pretty damn close. Anzu gave him the beating of his life. "Not only do you pervert poor Mokuba and use him for your twisted ways but promise him he can date your sister! You pervert, use, and twist poor Mokuba for your own perverted desires! You're lower than low," was along the lines of what she screamed at him as she beat him to a bloody pulp.

"Is that true Oniichan," came a very timid voice and Anzu and Jou both turned their heads to a very disheartened Shizuka.

"Sh-Shizuka, umm…you see," said Anzu trying to make it sound better then it was. She knew Jou meant the world to his sister and she never meant to make him sound so bad in front of her.

"It's true," Jou said lowering her head. "But I didn't think he'd really do it," he said in protest. "I just didn't want anyone dating my little sis so I gave him a task I thought was impossible, I never wanted him to do it." Anzu released her grip on the boy as he looked guiltily over at his little sister. "I'm sorry."

"Oniichan, it's ok," Shizuka said as she latched onto her older brother in a heart-warming hug. Anzu almost let her hand drop until she realized she still had no top. She made her way over to Mokuba who was currently returning the tops to some very angry women and apologizing. Though more then a few dismissed it as they said he was 'too adorable to stay mad at.' Anzu smiled as she took her top back and followed the other women to the bathroom to put it on again. Little did she know she was being followed.

Just as she was turning the corner to enter the bathroom a hand reached out and covered her mouth and pulled her into the little alleyway between the bathroom and the next building. The hand over her mouth was released but before she could scream her mouth was pressed against someone else's. Her eyes went wide until she noticed she knew this person, and slowly gave in. His arms circled around her shoulders pulling her closer as she allowed him access to her mouth and he bit at her lower lip. The same body she was admiring earlier was now pressed against her own. His lithe and bit of muscle gave him a form that was strong but not overly bulky. The warmth radiating from his body. She was loosing herself in the kiss when one of his arms slowly snaked its way under her one arm covering her chest. She quickly pulled back her face ablaze.

"Bakura!" Hew only smirked in a teasing manner. "Jeez is that all you ever think about!" She was pretty pissed he actually tried that again…in public. And the fact he seemed to be sitting there in thought after her last question only seemed to make her madder. She quickly turned and stormed into the bathroom to put her top back on.

"Oi!" Bakura once again looked annoyed as he say the retreating form of Anzu enter the realm from which no man could enter without retribution, (aka the lady's room) or so he had seen when the stupid Pharaoh entered the wrong one and ended up with sharp, pointy, and goopy (?) things being thrown at him as he ran out the door like a bat out of hell. 'Damn woman, she's so touchy! And what does she mean is that all I think about?' He grumbled and stomped back to the small group Ryou called friends. Shizuka was playing with a deck of cards as he returned. Ryou looked pretty upset. "What the hell is wrong with him?"

"He has a lot of bad fortune," said Jou.

"Huh?" Bakura looked down and saw 5 cards, a king of hearts, a six of hearts, a three of diamonds, a 4 of clubs, and a three of spades. "What are you talking about?"

"I can tell fortunes with these cards. It goes like this; every suit has a different meaning. Hearts are about your love life, Spades are about your work and if you don't have work schoolwork, Diamonds are about your money, and Clubs are about your family and friends. From 2 to 10 are mild things that happen. 5 being middle meaning nothing good or bad and anything lower are mildly bad the lower you go and anything higher is mildly good the higher you go. Then jack and king are the two worst degrees of something. A jack means something awful and a king is something horrible. While a queen and an ace is the best. Queen is a great thing that will happen and a ace is the greatest thing that can happen. So Ryou's fortune is something horrible in love, something mildly good in love, something mildly bad in money, something mildly bad in family and friends, and something mildly bad in his schoolwork."

"Damn you have bad luck written all over you. Maybe I should stay away from you in case it's contagious," Bakura said backing away.

"Baka," his hikari growled.

"Can I read your fortune Bakura-kun," Shizuka asked excitedly.

"Sure why not," he said off handedly.

"Ok, cut the deck." He did as told and watched as she sorted the cards into six different piles of alternating cards up and down before flipping over a final card above the rest, an ace of hearts. "Wow, the last card I put down is one of your cards automatically and you're already lucky in love!" Ryou seemed downcast at this. "Ok now you have to pick a pile." He looked between the six piles before tapping the top left one." She pushed the other cards out of the way and flipped the rest over upright, telling his fortune as she flipped them.

"A seven of hearts, something pretty good will happen in your love life." Bakura smirked. "A king of clubs, damn really bad problems with friends. A five of diamonds, means your money is stable. And a jack of hearts wow some major love issues Bakura! Something really good, something kind of good, and then something really awful. Wonder what kind of girl is getting you into all this kind of trouble?" Bakura could feel the slightly red tinge on his face as she explained the last part.

"Che, like some woman would really have that kind of control over me. You must be dreaming!"

"Minna!" Bakura instantly perked up as he looked over his shoulder at Anzu who was jogging towards them. Shizuka didn't miss the reaction as Anzu rejoined the group. "Hey guys what are you doing?"

"I'm telling fortunes Anzu, can I do yours next?"

"You're a fortune teller?"

"Yeah I just gave Bakura his fortune, apparently some girl is really messing around with his love life. He has something really good, kind of good and really bad happening in that department."

"Sounds screwy," she said with a nervous giggle as she tried to keep her blush under control.

"Yeah but he got the ace of hearts, something like that is rare and it could mean he found his soul mate." At this Bakura definitely blushed and Anzu looked wide eyed at the white haired man next to her who looked ready to kill. "Or maybe I'm wrong," Shizuka said nervously remembering how her brother told her before about the Yami liking to send people to the shadow realm.

"Ano…please don't send Shizuka to the shadow realm Bakura. Please, I'll pick up some steak for dinner later ok?" He seemed to cool down a bit but still grumbled something about a little brat who couldn't tell the future from a postage stamp.

"The shadow realm? Anzu how do you know about that?!" Everyone including Ryou leaned in wondering about this new bit of information

"Oh I kind of had an epiphany (AN: Hope I used that word right) last night, or would it be early this morning. I remembered a lot about my life but only up until the point where Yugi finished the puzzle and Yami started showing up. Then there are bits and pieces I remember after that but most of it's a blank."

"Yay! You're finally coming back," Jou said glomping her. Honda was quick to do the same.

"I never left guys, and you're taking…my…air supp-" the two guys let up as their friend was turning purple.

"Sorry," they both said with sheepish expressions rubbing the back of their heads.

"Ok Anzu cut the deck," Shizuka said thrusting the deck in front of her after she had shuffled it. She quickly created the piles and put a card face up which happened to be the Ace of hearts.

"Wow! Awsome! It's really rare to pull it twice in a row when reading but to have it be the face up card again! It must be fate," she said with a coy smile and Anzu blushed. "Ok pick a pile!" Anzu tapped the lower center pile and Shizuka again cleared the area and flipped the cards up like last time. "Wow, the king of hearts, that's really bad luck in love. The worst!" Anzu's smile seemed to fall of her face as Shizuka announced the grim news. "A jack of clubs! Wow something really horrible in family. This is worse then Ryou's fortune. A King of Diamonds, damn something horrible in money. Hey the seven of hearts, the same love card Bakura got. It really must be fate, they say when you do this fortune thing and two people get the same cards in a row then it has something to do with the other."

"Anzu with Bakura, get real!" Joey laughed at the thought while Bakura looked ready to rip him in half.

"And just what the hell is so funny! You think I can't get a woman or something!" He held out the ring menacingly. Jou and Honda backed away visibly shaken.

"What he means is you two are like oil and water, it's just impossible!" Honda quickly diffused the situation. Bakura humphed and sat down pleased his manhood had been saved.

"Anyway they're just cards," said Jou as he got up and brushed himself off. "I mean they can't really tell the future right?"

"Oniichan! You don't believe in me?" She gave him the puppy dog eyes.

"Of course I do. But I don't believe you're psychic," he said with a grin. The others giggled as they rose to their feet. Anzu got to her feet and stretched.

"Hey guys I'm going to go get some water, anyone want anything to drink?" They all shook their heads. "Ok, be back!" She took off towards the drink stand. She was just coming around a bush when a hand snaked out and grabbed her. She was about to reprimand Bakura about doing things in public when she noticed the difference in the way he held her. He was rougher and smelled of dirt and sun. She fearfully tilted her head to the side to see bleach blond bangs on her shoulder and amethyst eyes laughing at her.

"So good to see you again dear Anzu," Marik said with a chuckle.


AN: So what did you think? Thanks again to all who reviewed you really did inspire me and I am soo grateful for all of your support. Also for those who want to know that card game is real. You shuffle, have someone cut the deck and then do two rows of three cards starting in the upper left corner with the card down, then the middle up, then the last down, then for the bottom row do the opposite. Then you have to have a pile of four so for the next turn do the reverse, turn a card upside down over an upturned card and put an upturned card over a down card. Do this three times then the fourth time put all the cards face down and then flip one card up and I explained how to read above. Just something I really like doing and a lot of the times my predictions have been true. Hmm. Anyway please tell me if this is any good because I didn't do a whole lot of revising on my second read through which is odd for me so I hope I didn't mess up too badly. Hope you enjoyed