Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Who am I? ❯ Change of Luck ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: Sorry it took a while to get this out but I had writers block for one then I felt horrible for Ryou and I actually started a new fic that's Ryou/Anzu to try and make myself feel better. I should have it posted by Friday. Anyway sorry this took so long but hope you enjoy it!


Gomen = Sorry

Disclaimer: I no own Yugioh, though I wish I owned two certain white haired bishies! I'll just have to settle for plushies for now.


"Who am I?"

Chapter 15: "Change of Luck"

"Marik what are you doing here," she squeaked obviously not expecting to see him, well, ever again. But she could only be hopeful.

"You left so quickly earlier, I didn't have a chance to talk with you," he said smoothly with a slight smirk.

"We have nothing to talk about," she said trying to pry herself from his grip but failing miserably.

"You have a lot of spunk for a defenseless girl who could be brainwashed at any second."

"B-brainwashed?" She stopped her struggling and looked at him wide eyed. His smirk only grew wider.

"If I really wanted to I could take control right now and make you do things you never dreamed of," he said pulling her closer to his own body. "But there would be no fun from getting it from a puppet." By now Anzu was stuck somewhere between shock, embarrassment, and anger. She stood there dumbly as the three overpowering emotions fought for dominance. "Why do you hang out with that looser Bakura and his pussy hikari? I'm sure I could show you some more interesting things." He then quickly leaned down and smashed his lips against hers. It was at this moment anger won the three-way bout and Anzu's knee found his groin. He pulled away with a grunt and doubled over a bit but didn't fall. She took this opportunity to smack the side of his face on the same side she had clawed him earlier.

But he recovered quickly enough and she barely had enough time to jump out of the bushes as he reached for her. She ran towards her small group of friends but just as she thought she had reached the safety of her group a hand grabbed her around the waist. She was about to call out when another hand made its way over her mouth. None of her friends had noticed her about a dozen yards away in the arms of the sinister Egyptian. He began pulling her towards one of the nearby allies.

'I have to do something!' She was scratching furiously at his arms but he didn't seem to be reacting at all. 'If I let him get me into the alley he'll he'll-' She diverted her current thoughts and tried to focus on getting away. The shadows of the alley were quickly closing in on her when she tried one last desperate attempt. She bit down on his hand hard. She felt him stiffen but didn't stop. She bit through the skin and tried not to gag as a coppery taste filled her mouth and dripped down her chin. She heard him visibly groan at this and even though she was sure she couldn't stomach it another minute she bit harder feeling her teeth sink into the warm flesh. His arm around her waist instantly dropped and grabbed her by the back of the head prying her off of his other hand. But she wouldn't let go. He then grabbed the front of her face and tried prying her jaw back. She took this opportunity to quickly release him from her grasp and scream at the top of her lungs.

The next thing she knew she felt her head snap to the right as the back of his hand found her face. She stumbled and fell to her knees facing away from him. But he quickly grabbed her hair again pulling her into sitting upright when a gruff voice from in front of her got both of their attention.

"Get your hands off of her," Bakura demanded his eyes seemed to be burning with hatred as he took in Anzu's appearance. Her cheek was turning a red color, blood, Marik's blood, running down her chin from her mouth, and Marik holding her by her hair. Bakura was not pleased. Besides Ryou this took almost everyone by surprise.

"What's going on Ryou, why's Bakura acting almost hero-like," whispered Jou.

"Well it's kind of complicated," he said his eyes downcast. He sat there as his double was indeed playing the role of hero and he stood there like a lump not being able to do a thing. 'Horrible in love huh,' he thought thinking about his fortune. 'How can I even stand a chance in love when I can't stand up for what I love?' He swallowed a lump in his throat as he continued to watch the confrontation.

"I don't know about that. I think Anzu wants to stay with me don't you?" He gripped his rod with his injured hand and looked down to the girl but was surprised to see her eyes weren't dilated. He growled when he felt the familiar presence of the millennium ring around her and his eyes narrowed at the former tomb robber.

"Go fuck yourself," she spat out still struggling against his grip. He grabbed her hair and pulled her to her feet before shoving her to the ground in front of him. Bakura ran up and was about to grab her when Marik's millennium rod, now doubling as a dagger, came between Bakura and Anzu.

"I'm sorry but I don't like to share my toys why don't you go get a new one Bakura," Marik said with a smirk as he raised the blade to her throat. Once again Jou and the others seemed confused by his words but everything slowly started to come together for them.

"Who don't you shove that rod up your ass Marik," Bakura hissed his name viciously. Marik smirk came right back full force at Bakura's words.

"Getting so touchy over one little woman. You're getting soft Bakura." The words stung Bakura's pride and he knew it. Bakura growled and straightened up making himself look composed. 'Damn woman first she starts making me want her, then she makes me actually like her, now she's the downfall of my reputation. Damn woman!' (AN: Come on Bakura you know it's worth it!)

"Wait a second Bakura and Anzu as a couple," yelled Jou leaving his friend and sister speechless as they looked on in total shock.

"If I'm the one who's getting soft over obsession over a woman what the hell do you call this stalking business you have going on," asked Bakura with a sneer.

"I never said she wasn't attractive, she's actually very tasting looking." To prove his point his tongue snaked out and licked her cheek. "But I don't come to her ever whimper and call, she has you whipped." Bakura was seeing red and was having trouble controlling his anger, first at himself as Marik's words stung him. Then at Marik himself for licking what was his.

"You better get your nasty fucking tongue off of her before I cut it off. No one touches what's mine!"

"Yours?! What the hell is she some pet," yelled Jou from behind.

"She's not a dog," yelled Honda. Ryou had his own comments but let his yami know them through their mind link making Bakura's eye twitch.

"Yours?" Anzu squeaked as she looked up at him her eyes holding a sad expression in them. 'Is that all I am to him? A possession, something that belongs to him? Does he even like me for more then something to screw?' "What am I to you," she demanded. "Am I just some object you own and can play with anytime?!" She was getting pissed now. "Do you even care about me?!"

"Woman what the hell are you talking about? You're mine and that's all there is to it." At that moment the rest of her friends all shared a thought as they heard what Bakura said, 'Dumbass.' She lowered her head as the tears finally came. Marik smirked as his plan seemed to be working. Marik lowered his rod and took a step back leaving the girl standing there. Bakura took a few steps towards her but he heard a low growl come form the girl. "What the hell is the matter with you woman?"

"I am not an object," she all but yelled. "I am not a possession, I am not something that can be owned, and I am sure as hell not yours!" She finished this statement with a slap to his face. He looked outraged and heartbroken at the same time. All he could really do was sit there in shock with a dumb look on his face as she stormed past him and took off.

"Smooth moves Romeo," laughed Marik. "Always this good with the ladies?" He turned and walked off in the opposite direction of Anzu. 'Now all I have to do is sit and wait,' he thought with a smirk. Bakura finally got his bearings back but noticed his hikari was gone.

"Hey where's Ryou," he asked still in a bit of shock.

"He took off after Anzu you dumbass," shouted Jou.

"What the hell was that? And who are you calling a dumbass," he yelled glaring at Jou.

"You ya dumbass! If you had any sense you'd know what the hell Anzu wanted."

"What she wanted, what the hell are you talking about?"

"He means you made her sound like an object, something you possess. Like you were just using her for…umm…," Shizuka stuttered near the end of her sentence.

"What she means is she thinks you're only using her and you don't care about her. And if you are," Honda cracked his knuckles to try his intimidation tactic even though he knew Bakura could just send him to the shadow realm if he wanted.

"Just mind your own business," he growled and elbowed past them walking towards the exit.

Anzu broke down as soon as she sat on the bench on the far side of the park. She couldn't help it as the tears just continued flowing. 'Why the hell would I think that jerk ever liked me. Why did I have to give up on Ryou? Why couldn't I have liked him instead? At least he likes me back. What the hell am I to Bakura? Just some toy he can pick up and play with whenever he wants?! That ass!' Her thoughts were interrupted as she felt a hand on her face and looked up to see Bakura…no he was much more gentle….it was Ryou she saw through her blurred vision.

"Anzu-chan, please don't cry." His thumb gently swiped at her tears as she took a few deep breaths trying to calm herself. The gentle rubbing of his hand on her face helped to sooth her. She had gotten herself almost completely under control when she felt warm arms embrace her.


"Gomen Anzu."

"Sorry? For what?"

"I wish I could have protected you, but I'm so much weaker. And I'm sorry for what Bakura said. He can be a real ass sometimes." Anzu pulled back wiping the last few stray tears from her eyes.

"You shouldn't apologize for Bakura. You shouldn't apologize for things you haven't done wrong."

"Anzu-chan." Before she knew what was going on his lips were on her in a heated kiss that left her breathless. 'Wait! No!' She was trying to fight the emotions this was giving her. 'This isn't right! You don't love him and this is only hurting him. This isn't Bakura!' She felt like she just bit a lemon as the thought brought a bitter taste to her mouth and she pulled back.

"Ryou-kun please stop." The tears were threatening to start anew.

"Anzu-chan, I'm sorry but I can't help it. I-I love you," he whispered as a full blown blush took over his facial features. "I have for a long time, and please Anzu, please be with me," he pleaded looking up at her with hope-filled eyes. This really did make Anzu start crying.

"Anzu-chan? Anzu-chan what's wrong?"

"I-I Can't. I-I'm sorry Ryou-kun but I would be lying if I said I loved you back. I-I'm sorry; I wish I could have fallen for you; you're so much nicer and better. But…I-I can't lie. I don't love you." She looked up through her tear streaked gaze and saw him slowly rise; she couldn't see too well but was pretty sure she saw a few tears escape his own eyes.

"No, I'm sorry Anzu-chan. I shouldn't have forced you into a decision like that. I'm sorry." He quickly started jogging away.

"Ryou-kun, wait! Please!" She felt her strength break as the tears started streaming down her cheeks. "Ryou-kun," she moaned in agony. Her heart felt like it was being ripped in fifty different pieces. She slowly left the park as it was getting dark. Her friends seemed to have left already along with Ryou and Bakura. She didn't make it too far as she found a bench in the park and sat there silently sobbing as she couldn't find it in herself to cry anymore. 'What am I doing? I'm just messing up their lives. I shouldn't be anywhere near them. Everything I touch I seem to hurt. Why?' Her thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of her cell phone.

She looked down and noticed a familiar name on the phone, 'Masaki.' She answered.

"Anzu where are you?"

"I-I'm in the park I just went to the water park with my friends."

"Your friends or your boyfriend?"

"B-Boyfriend? I don't have a boyfriend!"

"Don't lie we were checking your credit card statement because the company gave us a call and said it was being used frequently. You know that card is only for emergencies!"

"I-It is? I'm sorry I just wanted some groceries."

"Groceries I can understand. But staying in a love hotel!? Anzu we take you in after your parents die. We support you, give you food, money, a place to live. We let you stay and live by yourself in domino because you want to be close to your friends and this is what we get? Who was it? Yugi?"

"Y-Yugi is out of the country. He left for Egypt with his grandpa for spring break."

"Then where have you been staying?"

"I've been staying with Ryou-kun."

"Ryou? The foreign kid?"

"Yes, I couldn't stay with anyone else."

"So he's your boyfriend!"
"No he's-"

"Stop lying to me! Anzu you're getting older and I know you've had a few part time jobs. You may want to think about getting a permanent one."

"W-What are you talking about?"

"I'm saying after this month you're going to have to start paying your own bills. This is sudden so I'll finish up this months bills on your apartment, phone, and credit card. But after that you're on your own."

"W-Wait please. I don't have a boyfriend, I really didn't do anything. We just needed-"

"Anzu, please we love you and we're doing this to help you. Really." The phone then went dead and she couldn't do anything as the tears cascaded down her face. 'I guess I did have more tears to cry.' She sat there as the clear sky became cloudy and the sound of rolling thunder came a few times. She couldn't make herself move. 'I've lost Bakura, I've lost Ryou, I've lost my family, my home, everything…I have nothing left.' She felt totally empty and drained. She jumped as she felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to the figure standing beside her.

"You really shouldn't be out in a storm," smiled Marik as she looked at him wide eyed.

AN: Hehe, evil cliffie! T_T I'm sorry Ryou! I'm so mean! Bad me! Anyway I hope you enjoyed it!