Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Who am I? ❯ I Keep Finding My Way Back to You ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: Sorry it took so long to update but I had the work schedule from hell this weekend. A nine hour shift with no breaks on Sunday alone! Anyway this also might be the only update you get for a while unless I can get one out before Friday. I'm probably going to be stuck working all weekend unless I can loose an appendage or something and I might be busy this week because I'm supposed to get more Yugioh today or tomorrow! *Happy Dance* Anyway sorry if the last chapter was such a bummer but anyone who reads my stories knows it gets a lot worse before it gets better so sorry about hurting Ryou. It broke my own heart to do it, I cried too. Also I don't know why I keep putting Marik in here, whenever I want a weird twist in my story he just keeps popping up. Damnit I need like some Marik-be-gone or something. And sorry dreaming child but I hope you like this chapter better and let's just say for Marik what goes around comes around. And one more not to Genki no Yuuki sorry if I didn't set up the scene as well as I thought but they were in a crowded water park, with lots of screaming kids and stuff and she was within line of vision but not really close like within touching distance so they wouldn't notice. And thanks lorrie for pushing me to get this done last night or I would have just put this off. Anyway I hope I keep Bakura in character and please give me feedback on that because I really want to keep him like he is. One last note, I'm having trouble translating this Anzu/Bakura doujin if anyone knows some Japanese or someone who translates for fun like a fansubber who could help beta read it could you PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF RA contact me. Thanks again! Please enjoy!

Chapter 16: "I Keep Finding My Way Back to You"

He grunted as the drizzle turned into a full blown rain storm and his hair became plastered to his face obstructing his vision with white. 'Stupid woman! I really am getting soft! I can't believe I actually feel bad now! I haven't felt this guilty in…Ra forever!' He stomped in a puddle as he looked up and saw a light in the house as he approached the porch. He shivered involuntarily from the wind beating at his back mixed with being soaked made for one big ice cube. 'I wonder if she's home yet.' He wasn't ready to deal with her, not yet. 'If I go in now I may end up apologizing, I can't do that, I can't go soft! I have a reputation to uphold!' But even as he thought that he opened the door and was prepared to have her yell and cry at him just so he could appologize. What he was not prepared for was his hikari sitting on the couch looking like a truck just ran over his kitten (AN: T_T That is a sad thought).

"Oi, what the hell is eating you? Where's Anzu, is she still pissed at me," he asked in an annoyed voice. Ryou sat up quickly and look at him confused and worried.

"She's not with you?" Bakura felt his stomach twist itself into a knot as he heard his hikari's response.

"What's that supposed to mean? I haven't seen her since she threw her fit in the park," he said in what he hoped was an agitated voice but came out a bit more desperate.

"I went and talked to her after what you said but I think I just made it worse," he said with a blush on his cheek as he remembered how he hurt her more then helped her. 'I hope she can forgive me for that.' "I came home and waited and called her friends when it started raining but no one has seen her. I hoped she was with you after what she said." Ryou's voice hitched a bit at the end of that sentence.

"What she said?" Bakura was getting confused and agitated. 'Damn woman always making things more complicated.'

"You need to look for her. She's probably still out there and this storm is only supposed to get worse."

"Ryou," he said grabbing the boy's attention since he rarely ever called him by his name. "What did she say?" Instead of hearing an answer he felt a dull throb in his heart and knew immediately what she had told him. He wasn't sure if that made him feel better or worse knowing she was actually loyal to him. "Damnit." With that he turned and ran right back out into the storm. 'Damn woman, you had better be ok!'

Anzu shivered and pulled the towel closer around her body soaking the towel. She looked around the living room of the Ishtar home as she sat and wondered if she should really be there right now. 'Maybe I should go home. But…where is home…?' She felt tears threatening to spill again and remembered exactly why she had agreed to follow Marik to his house to warm up. 'Because I have no home… But should I really trust him? After all the times I've met up with him he's only threatened my life. But where else can I go? I guess this is what they mean when they say you hit rock bottom; where even the worst situations look good to you.' She sighed but looked up as she saw his figure enter the room holding some dry cloths in his hands.

"A-arigato," she said quietly and sniffled as her nose was still running. She shivered as she stood and accepted the cloths.

"Why don't you take a bath Anzu-chan? I think it'll help warm you up. And you don't want to catch a cold now do you?" She nodded dumbly still playing the part of mute like she had been since he'd picked her up in the park The way he kept suggesting things as innocent as this but with that smile on his face continued to make her wonder what he was really up to. "Follow me, I'll show you where it is." She stood and mutely followed him upstairs to a room where he held the door open. "Take your time and relax." He tried to play innocent but it seemed to be having an opposite effect as she felt herself loosing the tiny bit of trust she had in him.

He closed the door behind him and she turned and locked the door and just for an extra measure she put the dirty cloths hamper under the door knob to make sure it stayed closed. It was only then she relaxed and slowly stripped herself of the freezing soaked clothing that seemed almost like a second skin to her now as she slowly peeled the layers off. She then started up the bath and let it fill before stepping in and letting the warmth take over her. 'Was I over reacting earlier? I mean he is a Yami and it's been Ra knows how long since he's had a relationship? Maybe what he said was a sign of affection back then? Who knows…now I've blown it for sure. I've ruined my friendship with Ryou, lost any chance I had with Bakura, and even lost my family. Now I'm somehow over Marik's house in his bath while he's probably watching from some peep hole like that guy Norman Bates in Psycho.' She shivered at the thought and cast wary glances around the bathroom as she though so.

'I just wish I could take everything back today. I just want to be with him again, to wake up and make breakfast with Ryou-kun, to sit around and watch TV with my friends or play a game of Dance Dance, to fall asleep…with him next to me…' She felt her eyes watering at the last thought and started silently sobbing into her bath water, letting all of her sorrow poor out into the gentle heat enveloping her. She heard something and looked up to see the doorknob twist and she pulled her knees to her chest and hugged them so tightly she nearly cut off the circulation. She watched as the knob twisted a few times before she heard a voice call out to her.

"Anzu-chan, you still in there?"

"H-hai," she called out unsure of her own voice as it wavered.

"I just wanted to make sure you didn't fall asleep in there. Maybe you should get out soon."

"Uhh, five more minutes please?"

"Ok, just call me when you're done." She listened as the footsteps slowly led away from the bathroom and she sighed in relief. 'What do I do? What am I even doing here? I should be trying to fix things. Things don't just happen you have to make them happen! Like my dream to dance in America, it's not just going to happen!' She felt determination pumping through her veins and felt more like her old self. 'First thing is first I have to get things strait with Bakura and Ryou-kun. But first I have to get out of this bathtub,' she thought jokingly. She quickly got out and drained the tub getting dressed in what was probably some of his spare clothes. And sure enough they were a pair of black cloth pants that were fairly baggy on her as he was taller and a red tank top that made her wish she had an extra bra as she tied up some of the slack in hopes that she could try and make her appearance a little more decent. She gathered her wet cloths and folded them the best she could before moving the hamper away and unlocking the door. The cool air rushed in and made her shiver and want to retreat back to the warmth of the bathroom but she stood her ground. She was just about to head for the stairs and try and make a break for the front door when she heard a voice to her left. There stood a shirtless Marik with nothing but a pair of dark blue cloth pants much like her own, except of course for the fact that they fit him. 'Oh yeah I have got to get out of here.'

"Anzu-chan you're finally out. Do you feel better," he said walking up to her and putting a hand on her shoulder. She could only nod in response. "Good, come on." He grabbed her hand and silently pulled her towards his bedroom. Of course she didn't know that until she was led into the room and he quickly shut the door, shoved her wet cloths out of her hands and onto the floor, and had her pressed up against the door. 'I need to get out of here,' she thought looking around desperate for a way to get out. "Anzu," he said her name in a raspy breath as he bent down and his mouth found its way onto her shoulder and began licking and kissing along her shoulder to her neck. 'I need to get out of here. I shouldn't have come here. I have to leave. I have to find Bakura!'

His body was pushed against hers pinning her to the door. His mouth was still on her neck as his hands started to circle her body. She snapped out of her thoughts and into action as his mouth finally found its way to her own. She grabbed his arms and tried shoving him away and turned her head away trying to get out from where he pinned her. "Marik stop it, please!" She struggled against his attempts as he continued. "I mean it stop!" He stepped back quickly grabbed one of her arms and flung her around and onto his bed. Before she could get up he was on top of her and pinning her arms and body down beneath him.

"You don't want to because I'm not Bakura right?" His words took her by surprise and she looked up into his wild amethyst eyes trying to figure out what game he was playing now. "I know because I know just what you're thinking." He pinned both of her arms above her head with one of his hands as his other went to his belt loop and he pulled out his millennium rod.

"You know exactly what this is and what it does, but you don't know a thing about me, or Yami, or Bakura. You don't know anything because your memory decided to go take a hike. Well listen up if you knew who the real Bakura was you wouldn't be after him like he was the best thing since ramen."

"And what would you know?"

"I know exactly who he is and I can show you." The millennium rod began to glow and like before he felt the presence of the ring but after the fight and with them being so far apart it couldn't stop his millennium rods magic this time. "Get ready to see your knight in shining armor turn into an ogre." The eye of Ra became visible on her head as the rods magic tapped into her head, and to be more exact, her missing memories…all of her memories. She felt tears coming to her eyes and slowly leaking out as she saw the many attempts Bakura had made against her friends, the many evils he had committed against Ra and the other millennium item holders. Everything.

She sat there staring up in a daze long after her memories came back. Marik could only watch in amusement as her eyes took on a dead and hurt look and a few tears trickled from her eyes. "Now what do you think? Think I'm as bad as him? Does it matter to you anymore?" He smirked at her silence and slowly lowered his mouth to hers.

Just as his lips touched hers she pulled back and bit down on his bottom lip. He groaned and let go of her arms as she let go of his lip. She quickly rolled over shoving him into his bed as she jumped up and ran down the hall and out his door back into the pouring rain. She looked ahead as lightning illuminated her surroundings and the rain pelted her relentlessly.

'I knew deep down why I couldn't love him. I also knew even if I remember that I thought it would never work. If nothing else these few days have shown me one thing…I don't care about my past. Only my future and what it has in store for me. And that's Bakura.'

Bakura leaned against a burnt out lamp post catching his breath as it came in painful gasps. His painful breathing had come after he had started to feel hot and dizzy. But he wasn't giving up yet. 'If that girl could come alone to East Domino with no weapons and track me down in the middle of the night I'm not giving up so easily.' He looked up through the rain to see the walk sign flashing. He started across the road and didn't notice when the walk sign flashed to the do not walk sign. He didn't notice as a red Honda Insight flashed its lights at him. He did notice a car honking and looked up as he was caught in the headlights.

Before he could react he heard someone yelling his name and saw a flash of brown hair before he fell painfully to the ground with something heavy on top of him. He looked up to see the very person he had been looking for, but she wasn't yelling his name anymore. She didn't seem to be moving period.

"Anzu…" His breath was ragged and hurt and it didn't sound like him anymore. No movement came from the girl and he became worried but that thought swirled with the others in his head as he slowly let the darkness overcome him.

Humming…he heard humming coming from someone, a female someone. He rolled over towards the sound trying to listen more closely as he found himself still floating in the darkness. The voice sounded familiar. He slowly cracked an eye opened but groaned at the brightness. The humming stopped and he slowly opened his eyes again to see what made it stop. He didn't recognize the room he was in. It was completely white and had a very sanitary feel to it. He looked over to where the humming had come from and saw Anzu. 'Anzu!' Everything from the day before, including his foggy memory of the car accident came back to him. He quickly sat up but groaned as a wave of dizziness came over him and fell back in his bed.

"Take it easy or you're going to give yourself a headache," came the cheerful voice in the bed next to him. 'Wait! The bed?' He looked over and sure enough she was also in a hospital gown.

"What happened," he asked and immediately frowned, his voice sounded horrid. He sounded like a car trying to start but never quite making it. She giggled and smiled over at him.

"Well I was on my way back to the house when I saw you crossing the road and then the signal suddenly turned red and you were still in the middle of the road so I kind of pushed you out of the way."

"Isn't that the exact same thing that got you into this mess?" She giggled and blushed a bit.

"Yeah I guess but its ok now. I didn't loose my memories and I finally have mine back. His eyebrows shot up and he looked at her wide eyed.

"When did that happen?"

"Sometime after I went home with Marik but before I almost ripped his lip off." He looked at her confused and perplexed. She just smiled and told him everything from when Ryou came to see her until the car accident, though she didn't go into much detail with what Marik attempted she was pretty sure he was going to try and send him to the shadow realm eventually. He was also pretty pissed off about how her 'parents' reacted and without even thinking twice offered for her to live with them, though she said she needed some time to think. She finally finished her story.

"And so we both ended up here. We've really got to stop meeting thing way, ne?" But he didn't return her smile. 'So she remembers everything? I guess that means I missed my chance. But then again at least Marik messed up too and he's not getting her. Maybe she'll at least give my hikari a chance.' He sighed. 'Damn woman making me feel like this. I hate all these weird feelings and shit!' She noticed the depressed look on his face and remembered about her resolve and what she had to do.

"Ano, Bakura?" He looked at her giving her his attention.

"I wanted to say…I'm sorry, about yesterday. I kind of forgot you probably haven't dated in a long time and well you don't really say or do a lot of romantic things. So I'm sorry I took it wrong when you said I belonged to you." He looked at her with a mix of shock and something along the lines of relief. "Well and if you'll forgive me, do you think…that is…umm…" Her face was turning as red as the blood in her IV.

"Come on just out with it!"

"C-can I please be yours," she finally blurt out with her head bowed as she tried to hide her face.

"But I thought you said that you got your memories back?!"

"I did."

"Then even after everything I to you and your friends, the fact that I could still do something to your friends. That doesn't both you at all?!"

"Well the past is the past. When I didn't have a past all I had was my future. And well I seemed to like the future with you in it. That and you haven't tried to kill any of my friends or anything as bad as sending them to the shadow realm in a long time so I hope I can trust you won't do anything too bad."

"A-anzu..I…" 'She still wants me even after her memories came back.' Even with all his pride and his reputation on the line he couldn't help the very slight tinge of pink that made its way onto his face. 'Come on you can trust her to keep your reputation in tact, just tell her.' "Anzu I-"

Just then the door burst open and someone very unexpected pushed through the door.



AN: I am the queen of evil cliffies!! *Does evil queen dance* Anyway thanks for reading and hope I kept everyone in character and that you like it. Thanks for reading!