Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Who am I? ❯ Love and Pain ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author's Notes: Sorry it took so long to get back to writing this but got up to ep. 195 in yugioh so duh I had to watch it. Then I am also translating some Bakura/Anzu doujin and letting someone post it on their web page, I have 1 done already and am working on two others but don't have a clue when they'll be done. She should be posting it soon if you want to check it out go to http://www.freewebs.com/forbidden_desires/index.htm I'll try and update this a bit more when I can but I'll also be working on the doujin so sorry for the wait and hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I no own Yugioh, though I wish I owned two certain white haired bishies! I'll just have to settle for plushies for now.

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**warning: gets a bit limey near the end but not all the way**

"Who Am I?"

Chapter 17: "Love and Pain"

"Anzu-chan!" He threw himself into her arms and hugged her like she was going to disappear if he let go.

"Yugi-kun!" She put her arms around him and returned the hug but not with as much ferocity as him. Bakura was seething in the next bed. 'Fucking pharaoh and his fucking midget always get in the fucking way!' "What are you doing back so soon? I thought you wouldn't be back until Friday."

"I came back early on my own. I knew you'd be all right and everything but I couldn't help but feel guilty about leaving you like this. I know it probably sounds stupid but you're my best friend I couldn't just leave you like that."

"Yugi…" She felt her eyes watering as she looked down at her friend and felt her heart swell with happiness. "Thank you so much." An annoyed sound from the next bed had them both break away from their touching scene to look at an annoyed looking Bakura with his arms crossed and looking murderous.

"Bakura, what are you doing here?"

"What the hell do you mean what am I doing here?! I was in the accident too!"

"I didn't know. I got back and went to your house to see Anzu but you were gone and there was a message on the machine and as soon as I heard Anzu was in the hospital I came right over."

"So you didn't even listen to the whole message," asked Anzu

"No." Anzu and Bakura both sweat-dropped at his short attention span. "So will you tell me what happened?"

"You don't even know what happened," asked Anzu with a hint of disbelief.

"Ano…not really," Yugi replied rubbing the back of his head.

"Well Bakura was out looking for me because I went for a walk and it started raining and I wasn't back yet and he saw me and ran across the street into traffic." At the disbelieving look Yugi was giving her she quickly added, "I mean it was raining really badly and you could barely see through the rain. Anyway I saw him and the car so I pushed him out of the way. I did a lot better then the first time I tried taking on a car." She got a short chuckle from her friend and a snort from the bed next to hers. "But we're both ok," she said trying to include Bakura. "I mean we should be out of here pretty soon the doctor said."

"I'm so happy! I was so worried something worse had happened. And now that I'm back if you want you can come and stay with me."

"Stay with you?" She heard a slight growl and looked over Yugi's shoulder to see a very pissed looking Bakura. "Ahh well Yugi thanks for the offer but I actually recovered my memories last night, it was really a long night," she said tiredly. "And so I should probably go home soon. Maybe I'll go back tomorrow."

"Tommorow," Yugi asked before Bakura could get the same question out of his mouth. Bakura glared at him annoyed. 'Stupid Bush Baby* always getting in my way! Just go crawl back into that huge sand box in Africa they call a desert!' But as Yugi didn't know what he was thinking he still noticed no danger right behind him.

"Yeah I'm too tired to get my stuff together tonight tomorrow will probably be a lot better." Yugi nodded in compliance.

"Maybe we could all do something together tomorrow."

"Umm it depends Yugi, my parents called yesterday and I have to work something out with them." She saw the hurt look in Yugi's eyes and quickly tried to keep the liquid from spilling over. "Believe me Yugi if it wasn't really important I'd say yes in a second."

"Really important?" 'Oh crap I talked myself into a corner,' she thought with a groan knowing his next question before he asked it. "Is something wrong? You know you can always ask me for help if you're in trouble." 'I really don't want to get into how I got kicked out by my parents right now. Crap someone get me out of this.'

"It's a family problem, you shouldn't go sticking your nose into other people's family problems," Bakura growled. Yugi quickly turned almost forgetting his presence.

"But Anzu's my best friend. I can't just abandon her!"

"She's your friend," he yelled stressing the word. "Not family, which is a bit more personal," he spat out. Yugi looked ready to make a come back but silently nodded in agreement.

"Bakura, when did you start caring about Anzu? I thought you hated her, at least the last time I checked." Bakura suddenly felt cornered as Anzu did just moments before. He fought the blush trying to cling to his cheeks.

"Well I did kind of save his life Yugi." Both boys stared at her in wonder not sure of what she meant. "I mean correct me if I'm wrong but if either one of your other halves, even if they have their own bodies, dies then so do you right? When I saved Ryou I kind of saved him as well right?" (AN: Not sure if this is true but I';ve heard others use this so I'm going with it. Sorry if it's incorrect). Bakura silently thanked Ra and any other gods possible for her covering his ass before he got pissed at himself for making himself vulnerable enough that a girl would have to cover for him.

"Anyway I'm a bit tired and it's still a few more hours before we can get released. So think I can get a nap in?" Yugi nodded in compliance before leaving the room. Anzu sighed in relief before Bakura's voice broke the silence.

"You actually lied to the squirt?" Instead of getting all mad and haughty like he thought she would she just smiled and stuck her tongue out.

"I'm not a saint; I don't have to be good all the time."

"Don't stick your tongue out unless you plan to use it." She quickly pulled her tongue back in and blushed furiously as he smirked. "Anyway, about what we were saying before-"

"Before what," asked Yugi as he once again came into the room.

"Y-yugi what are you doing in here?"

"Huh? Oh I just went to tell the others I was going to stay with you while you slept until they released you." 'Fucking pineapple head,' Bakura thought furiously. 'Ra damn this is worse then a chaperone!' Anzu was thinking along the same lines but of course in a PG manner.

"I-it's ok Yugi you don't have to stay with me. Really I'm just going to take a nap."

"I know I just feel really badly still about leaving like that, I'd like to sit here and watch over you just to make sure you're ok. That is…unless it makes you uncomfortable..?" She looked over at him and was confronted with the puppy dog eyes. 'Shit don't give in! Don't give in,' Bakura thought murderously.

"Of course not Yugi it's fine!" She looked over as Bakura glared murderous daggers and flipped over on his side away from her to take his 'nap.' She sighed and wished she could have told Yugi the truth, but she could never resist the puppy dog eyes. She flipped on her side looking towards Bakura as she closed her eyes and hoped she'd be out soon.

"Are you sure you'll be ok," asked Yugi for the fifth time as now Anzu, Ryou, and Bakura were trying to get him out the door.

"I'll be more then fine, you should go now. I think Yami's tired of waiting for you," she said and pointed to a lone figure about two blocks away who was walking towards the bus stop alone in annoyance.

"Hey Yami, wait up," yelled Yugi as he tried to catch up with his other half. The three sighed as they closed and locked the door. All of them relieved.

"How the hell do you put up with him on a daily basis," groaned Bakura.

"Lots and lots of patience, which I don't seem to have any more of right now." He snickered as she smiled at him. They both turned to look as Ryou got up and made his way towards his room. Anzu frowned. 'I haven't had a chance to talk to him since yesterday. I need to get everything sorted out, and I'll start with Ryou.' "I'll be right back." Before Bakura could say anything she made her way after Ryou's retreating figure.

She opened his bedroom door a crack and saw him sitting on the window sill staring out into the night. She slowly walked up to him wincing as the floorboards creaked under her weight. He didn't turn towards her.

"Ryou-kun?" He didn't answer her. She walked up and stood behind him looking out the window.

"Nice night isn't it," he asked surprising her. "It's warm but after the rain the breeze is cooler and helps take away the edge the heat has. Don't you think," he turned to face her with a sad smile on his face.

"Yes, it is," she said softly not trusting her voice. "Ryou-kun, I-I…goemenne!" He looked up at her with that sad smile still on his face.

"It's ok Anzu-chan. It hurts but I would rather have it hurt then you lie to me, or yourself." A look of pain crossed his angelic features as the moon came out from behind the clouds and seemed to kiss his pale skin. He looked up surprised as he heard a sniffle and saw a tear make its way down her face. "Anzu-chan…?"

"I know that it hurts but it hurts me too. I was confused about my feelings for so long and when I finally figured them out I felt horrible because I felt like I was leading you on. I loved the last few days I got to spend with you and hanging out with you and I want to be like that with you again and when I told you the truth it really hurt me to know I was hurting a great friend like you like that. I really am sorry and I want to do whatever I can to help you." Before she could do anything she found herself in his embrace. "Ryou-kun…?"

"As long as you're really happy I'll be fine. That's all I want." He pulled back and wiped a few stray tears from her eyes and smiled a real smile. She smiled back and gave him another quick hug.

"You know I'd be a lot happier if you could get something to distract Yugi for a few hours *coughdayscough*." The two shared a laugh as the last of the tears between the two disappeared.

"Come on we're almost to your house Anzu-chan," called Yugi walking ahead of the three other figures. All of them were very pissed off for various reasons. Bakura was pissed off because Anzu told him she was sleeping in the other room last night because she didn't want to sleep next to him in front of Ryou because she thought it would be inconsiderate. To which he replied and got hit over the head for his reply. Then both Ryou and Anzu were agitated by the fact that after Yugi had finally left around midnight he had called them at 7 in the morning to get them up to go over to Anzu's house. Then they had to deal with his unusually perky self as they made their way over to her house at 7:30 in the morning. Needless to say they all had the urge to tie him up, put a gag in his mouth, and roll his down the street in a trash can. But because of Anzu they couldn't actually do it because she was still for some reason protecting him even though he was annoying the hell out of her.

They finally arrived at her apartment and entered. Anzu immediately went to work on the plan she had been thinking up since she was rudely awakened at 7:00 in the morning with six hours of sleep (AN: Guys don't ever come between a girl and sleep). She rubbed her stomach.

"Man am I hungry, maybe we should have eaten before we left," she said softly.

"I'm sorry Anzu, I thought you guys had already eaten," Yugi said in his chipper voice.

"How could we have eaten when you woke us up Yugi-kun," asked Ryou slightly annoyed but hiding most of it.

"Oh I guess you have a point," he said rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.

"Let's go see what I have to make," she said and made her way into the kitchen and opened her fridge door to reveal a very bare fridge and searched through an equally empty cabinet. "Looks like I don't have anything. But I'm so hungry, I feel a bit dizzy," she said playing the part of damsel in distress to the tea. "If only someone could go get some groceries so we could make breakfast, scrambled eggs sound soo good right now."

"Don't worry Anzu-chan I can get the groceries," said Yugi helpfully. Ryou and Bakura both smirked behind his back as Anzu seemed to have found a way to get him out of their hair if for at least a while. "But you need more then just a few you don't have much at all."

"Oh it's ok Yugi, I don't need much it's just me here for now."

"Nonsense, if I can get one more person to come with me we can get you stocked up," he said turning to Ryou and Bakura.

"It's ok Yugi, I just got out of the hospital and I don't need to be eating all that much."

"Don't look at me," Bakura said suddenly. "I just got out of the hospital too."

"Hey wait a-" Ryou tried protesting but Yugi quickly grabbed his arm and dragged him to the door.

"Don't worry we'll be back soon."

"Thank you Yugi and take your time," called Anzu cheerily as she gave an apologetic smile to Ryou. Poor Ryou was glaring for all he was worth as the pair closed her apartment door. Anzu sighed and leaned against her front door happily. "Finally…" Bakura leaned close to her his lips only centimeters from her own. A blush played across her features as he stared down at her with a hunger in his eyes.

"So now that we're alone what shall we do," he asked with a smirk.

"I wasn't lying when I said I wanted a nap," she said in all seriousness and got up heading for her bedroom leaving a stunned Bakura behind.

"H-hey, wait a second," he said finally getting his composure and following her into her room as she curled up under her blankets and closed her eyes for some sleep. "What do you think you're doing?" He climbed on the bed and sat next to her trying to get her attentnion.
"What does it look like I'm doing?"

"Don't you even want to know my answer?"
"What answer?"

"The one from yesterday!" Heat immediately rose to her face. In her sleepy daze she had completely forgotten about it. She slowly sat up and looked at him and suppressed a giggle as his face had a hint of pink as well.

"A-and it is…?"

"I can't answer until you answer something else first." She nodded her head listening intently. "When I say you're mine you're mine and only mine. I am very possessive." His face once again came close to her own as his hand grabbed the bottom of her chin and tilted it up to look into his eyes. "Are you really ok with that?"

"Yes," she said barely above a whisper as she found herself lost in the crimson of his eyes. She felt her heart beating painfully against her ribs as she felt caught in those red orbs.

"Then you're now mine." His head dipped down as his lips caught her own in a searing heated kiss. Her body felt like it was on fire as his other hand reached around to her back and pulled her body against his own. Her own hands found their way around his neck and pulled him closer to her as his tongue darted out and licked her bottom lip asking entrance to which she complied. His tongue darted into her mouth wrapping around her own as he tasted her. 'She tastes like apricot.'* He smirked as he lowered her to the bed again and one of his hands made its way to the bottom of her shirt and slowly made it's way up.

She felt something welling up in her lower abdomen as his hand slowly made it's way to her bra and slid under cupping one of her breasts. She moaned in his mouth and one of her hands clawed its way down his back making him gasp and thoroughly arousing him. He ground his hips into her own as she found herself drowning in her own arousal. She sat up and pulled her shirt off throwing it to the ground giving him better access. His hand once again went to her breast and pulled her bra up and quickly lowered his mouth to one of her hardened nipples letting his tongue circle it before taking it in his mouth and taking it between his teeth. She moaned and bucked her hips grinding her own against his pleading for more contact.

'If she keeps rubbing against me like that, tired or not, I'll take her right here and now.' His free hand made its way down to her skirt and slowly slid up along her inner thigh to her moist panties rubbing his hand against them through the fabric. Anzu was moaning and panting like crazy as he filled her body with new feelings and desires. She took advantage of him being occupied with what was under her skirt and sat up kissing and licking long his neck up to his ear. She slowly licked along his lobe and she heard an immediate response as he groaned. 'So this is his weak spot,' she thought amused. She leaned up and trailed her ear along ever crevice before once again going down to his lobe and sucking on it. He once again moaned and she felt his hand started to slide inside of her panties. Before he could continue there was a loud sound and they both pulled apart and sat up looking at the door.

"Hey guys we're back," yelled Yugi cheerfully through the house.

"For the love of-" But Bakura was cut off by Anzu

"Damnit go away!" Bakura's jaw dropped as her voice rang through the entire house.

*Bush Baby - I got this from someone else's fic but I don't remember which so I'm sorry and if you're reading please tell me.

*apricot - If you didn't know Anzu translates to Apricot lol, bad joke inspired by the doujin I translated.

one of her hands clawed its way down his back making him gasp and thoroughly arousing him.

AN: sorry again for this taking so long. Hope you like it, and I hope to get another doujin or chapter out soon. Hope you enoyed!