Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Who am I? ❯ Engulfed in Darkness ( Chapter 23 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: To all those hoping I'd update two fics this week sorry but I am sooooooo behind in my Japanese class I really need to study so sorry for this week its just this. But I'll try and have this and one of my other two updated next week. I'm trying to finish this one since I'm only a couple of chapters away. Anyway can someone really tell me what the shadow realm is like because I actually tried researching this because most of the time it's just swirling darkness, sometimes a cemetery, but then in the Doom saga thing they have like a castle or something??? So I'm sorry if what I think is the shadow realm is wrong, but I couldn't figure it out completely, gomen! Anyway think that's most of the notes! Hope you enjoy!

P.S. If anyone knows someone who can tutor me in Japanese even if it's online please tell me!!!


Yadoushi - Whaty Bakura calls Ryou, like partner kind of

Masaka - It can't be!

Shimatta - Shit

Aibou - What Yami calls Yugi, like buddy

Chapter 23: "Engulfed in Darkness"

Anzu did not have a good feeling. And it didn't have anything to do with how Bakura shoved her out of the way and she was once again locked out of the world. The only thing she could really feel was that Bakura was pissed, then eventually satisfied and it was then as she sat there contemplating what the hell was going on that this gnawing feeling in the back of her mind came up and would not leave her alone. 'What the hell is going on? Something bad is going to happen…'

While back with the Yami's still controlling the bodies type situation the three turned on the form of Marik currently being occupied by a less then satisfied duel monster.

"Fiend who are you," Yami demanded. The monster couldn't help but blanch in its current form.

"Who am I? Who am I?" The others looked between themselves as the guy seemed to grow irate as the silence after his sentence was deafening enough to hear a pin drop. "Let's see. God knows how many times I've pulled your ass from the fire Yami. How many times I've let myself be used to further your plans and save your companions. How many times I've allowed myself to be squelched so you can win and with how long I've been with you, you have to ask who am I?!" The others were definitely not having a good feeling about this. "What the hell do I have to do murder someone to have a shot at being your favorite?! If that's so then so be it!" With that he lunged at Yami Marik who parried with the dagger part of the rod.

"What the hell!? Yami who did you piss off now," he yelled at his spiky haired frie-uh ally. Yami looked like he was deep in thought and Bakura had to hit him over the head to get his attention just in time to jump out of the way of the fiend's oncoming attacks.

"What the hell that thing sounds more like an ex-girlfriend." He got a serious look on his face before he said the next thing. "Did you date a duel monster?" Yami gave him a look of annoyance and he decided to drop it. But even as he glared Marik decided to attack again and went for Bakura and he decided they had to end this before the guy actually had a chance of beating them. "Hey Yami if you're not going to start a shadow game anytime soon fucking tell me. Unlike you I plan on living passed tonight!" Yami was finally snapped from his thinking.

"But I have to know him so he won't be so pissed at me."

"Fuck ya think," yelled Yami marik as he dodged another attack.

"Just shut up and start a shadow game already," yelled Bakura from the sidelines.

"Fine I got it." With that the eye of Horus began glowing brightly on Yami's forehead as he pulled out his deck. 'What the hell, I don't think he has a deck,' Bakura thought wondering what the hell he was doing challenging someone without a deck to duel monsters. The person in question stopped attacking Yami Marik to face the pharaoh.

"So you finally started a shadow game. Sure you want to do this? You know what happens if you loose." Yami didn't answer only smiled as he held out his deck in his left palm.

"The rules are simple," he said shuffling the deck. "If I can guess who you are before you pull your card from my deck I win. If I can't, you win. Are you prepared?" The only response he got was a smirk. "Game start! You are dark magician!" The guy seemed extremely pissed at his answer and almost bent Yami's card as he drew it from the deck. He looked at the card and flipped it for the other's to see as Celtic Guardian. As they all seemed to hold their breath in wonderment his smirk fell to that of amusement and put the card back on the bottom of the deck.

Meanwhile Anzu was feeling quite upset. 'Damn first he's all relieved then he's really anxious, then pissed, now anxious again! Damnit I want to know what's going on!' Even as she thought that she felt a little foggy in the head again. Without meaning to she was starting the switch between her and Bakura as she seemed once again to be floating in space.

Bakura was caught off guard as he felt the shadow magic drawing him back into the ring and the familiar pull that let him know his yadoushi wanted his body back. But in this case it was Anzu. 'How the hell does she even know how to do this? Does she even know what she's doing?!' It was another minute later Anzu finally came to and saw Yami and Marik standing next to each other as Marik drew another card and smirked before flipping it over to reveal a dispel card and yawned almost boredly as he slipped it back in the bottom of the deck. But she could tell even as he tried to toy with Yami by acting so sly he was getting seriously pissed. But all of a sudden his eyes turned and spotted Anzu. She felt like he could see through her soul and shivered as a cold chill crept up her spine. He smirked before turning to Yami halting him in announcing his next guess.

"Yami this is getting no where fast. How about a deal? I give you a hint about me and you only have 3 turns to guess who I am?"

"What's in it for you?" Even as Anzu really wanted to hear what he was proposing she knew Bakura was pissed about being pulled from watching the game and probably the fact that she was now sharing the field with a semi-psychotic Yami and a pissed off duel monster inhabiting someone's body. 'He can be so over protective,' she thought as he once again took control of the body.

He came back just to hear Marik announce, "You loose and the spirit of the ring goes to the shadow realm instead of you." The three other's on the field, yes including Yami Marik even though this whole time he's been talking to his hikari through their link, gave him weird looks that were a mix of shock and something that said 'qua?'

"Ummm I don't mind, but why," asked Yami.

"So it's agreed," he asked ignoring Yami's question.

"What the hell, you can't agree to that," Bakura growled.

"Hai, agreed," Yami agreed disregarding Bakura and Yami Marik snickered. Marik licked his lips and smirked looking over at Bakura still in Anzu's body and admired her form. 'With him out of the way there's nothing keeping me from her,' he thought. 'Your ignorance will be her downfall pharaoh!' "So this clue is?"

"I am small and weak but one of your strongest monsters." Poor Yami looked even more confused then before. 'Oh shit he's going to loose and fuck us all up because he pissed off some stupid duel monster!' To say Bakura would be pissed would be like saying the San Adreas fault is just a crack.

"Come on you stupid mutated starfish! You only have about 2 dozen monsters in your deck and you've already gone through 10! Are you that dense?!"

"Hey who are you to interfere?! Shut the hell up," yelled the Marik impersonator.

"Make me you stupid PMSing weakling!" There was a bit more shouting, name calling, and growling before Marik started making his way over to Bakura.

"Say that just one more time!"

"What that your mother was so ugly a man-eater bug wouldn't even wanna try to eat her," he taunted. But even as blood was about to be shed Yami finally spoke up."

"Masaka! Is it you….kuribo?" Yami Bakura's eyebrows disappeared into his hair with shock.

"What the fuck!? It's the puffball?!" Everyone stared on except Yami Marik who was currently strangling the Millenium Rod (??)

"Oh come on! Every time I was EVER used when to either make some kind of fucking wall to protect your ass or I was used as a freaking tribute! I've saved your ass god knows how many times and then in Battle City when Noa had us playing that fucked up game you had the nerve to try and have the Dark Magician at your side! I tried to get some respect is that so much to ask!? But no! If you can't respect those who give everything for you then you don't deserve to have them at your side!"

"I'm guessing a sorry wouldn't do it huh," asked Bakura being sarcastic while smirking. Which unfortunately was not a good thing to do to a pissed off psychotic puff ball that doesn't like you.

"You lost, you know you have to go back," Yami said trying to break the tension.

"Yeah, but then again so do you." Everyone wondered what he meant when all of a sudden he gripped the Millennium necklace and the eye of Horus began glowing on his forehead. Before anyone had a chance to move he set his sites on Bakura. "If I'm going back to the shadows so are you." Bakura couldn't move and just stared frozen in awe at what he knew was coming.

"Bakura," Yami yelled more concerned for Anzu's safety but since Bakura was in her body also for him.

"Yami its ok I'll find a way back, just watch over Anzu until then ok," he asked trying to stay in this plane lone enough for Yami to send the monster as well. Yami didn't know what to make of the situation. Bakura knew he could try and hold him off with the ring but when its powers kept unintentionally helping Anzu he didn't think he could take it, and if he did that he risked Anzu getting sent with him. Bakura was willing to go to the shadow realm to protect a human girl. 'If this was a few weeks ago and someone would have told me about this I'd call them a liar.'

"Bakura…" Yami nodded a second later in agreement before his own eye of Horus began glowing on his head and he began sealing away the duel monster and at the same time the one linked to him, Bakura.

That feeling that seemed to be eating away at her just tripled and Anzu felt like she couldn't breath. 'Something bad is happening, what's happening? Bakura…'

'Bakura,' he heard her voice echoing in his head but tried to ignore it even as he knew it may be the last time for a while he'd be able to hear her voice while keeping himself in this realm long enough for the monster to be sealed.

'Anzu, don't be scared. I'll come back.'

"I'll come back," she screeched in her soul room. "What's going on? Bakura!" She didn't know what she was doing; she remembered how she accidentally took control of her body before and concentrated as hard as she could. 'Bakura please don't go,' she whispered a soft prayer to herself as she felt the fogginess taking over her mind.

'Shimatta! Anzu stop!' But it was too late. Even as he got the words out through the temporary link they had he felt himself being pulled into the foggy recesses of his mind and being tugged back into his soul room. Anzu felt disoriented as she came to once again control her body but gasped in shock and grabbed the ring as she felt her soul being ripped from her body and cried out. Even as Yami saw how they switched places it was too late. She grabbed onto the ring trying to hold onto something even as her soul was being taken from its body. The body of Marik slumped over as a little black shadow was engulfed in darkness.

"Bakura…," Anzu said in a tiny whisper before her own body slumped over.

"Anzu!" Yami took off for Anzu as Yami Marik went over to his hikari's body and helping put things back where they belonged. "Anzu," Yami yelled again kneeling beside her. It took a minute but finally her eyes shot open, Yami was hoping that what he saw wasn't real, but felt his heart sink as two hateful eyes stared back at him ready to bore a hole through him.

"Where's Anzu," Bakura growled in a low voice, well as low as Anzu's voice could go. Yami tried to speak but as he couldn't force the words out he just looked to the side avoiding Bakura's eyes. "Why the hell didn't you stop it," he yelled trying not to tear up. 'Stupid fucking feminine body! Stupid Anzu! Why the hell did you do that?! I could have found my way back in a matter of days from the stupid fucking shadow realm! I am the shadows but you…' He didn't want to consider the thought. It was unknown if a human without a millennium item, or even with one, could live long in the shadow realm.

"Why didn't you stop her! Protect her!" Even as Yami couldn't answer his questions he still could not even look him in the eye. Bakura got right in front of Yami as he wouldn't even look at him and hit him across the face. "Baka pharaoh! I wouldn't even trust you with my lint but I let you try and take care of her and not even a minute later you send her to the shadow realm. With friends like you who does she need as an enemy?!" Something had been bothering Yami besides just Anzu disappearing but he didn't understand what. 'Something is…missing.' That's when it finally hit him. He reached over and grabbed the front of Anzu's shirt and the current inhabitant of her body didn't seem to like the advanced. Yami got another hit.

"Stupid fucking perverted fucking pharaoh what the hell are you trying to do to her body."

"She has it with her!"

"Huh? What the hell are you talking about!?"

"The ring! You don't have it! She was holding it as I sent her to the shadow realm! We might have a chance to get her back yet!" It was then Bakura did notice the ring was gone. "Even if it doesn't completely shield her it might give us enough time. Yami looked over to Yami Marik as he continued poking his hikari apparently trying to rouse him after putting him back in his body. "Come on we need to get you back in your own body," he said dragging Bakura to his feet and running for the bushes in which their bodies were hidden. Joey jumped down from the trees as the two arrived.

"All right you guys did it!" As both were in a rush neither greeted nor responded to his greeting. Yami put Bakura in his body first since the process needed someone besides yourself using a Millennium item to complete the process. As soon as Bakura was back in his own body he did the same for Yami using the Millennium necklace he snatched off of Marik's body and before either Yami or his aibou could fully recover from being in their own bodies he had them on their feet and was pushing their annoying friend along with his foot as he scooped Anzu's body in his arms bridal style and headed back to gather the rest of their mini group as Yami Marik explained what his 'hikari' had been up to and Yami and Bakura explained what happened and their plan on the way.

Anzu didn't know where she was. She felt so weak, like she had just run a marathon, worked a triple shift at burger world, and stayed up all night studying meshed into one. She yawned and tried curling up in the darkness but something was keeping her up. She pulled the ring from beneath her shirt and saw it was glowing. Even as she touched it she felt a bit of her energy return to her. 'What's going on? Where am I? I was helping Bakura and Yami try and get rid of that monster and Bakura was in control of the body and said he'd find his way back…then…' She gasped as she remembered the last few events leading to how she got there. 'I'm in the…Shadow Realm!? She looked around quickly but saw nothing but darkness as she did so but she could swore she felt eyes on her back. 'Good going Anzu! Now what the hell do you do?' She looked down at the ring desperately. 'Shit can I use this to get home?' She tried staring at it, and holding it and concentrating, then she just tried praying to it but nothing seemed to work and even with the ring she felt her renewed energy slowly being depleted.

'Crap this is just like in Duelist Kingdom with Yugi and Pegasus! If I don't get out of here…I don't have anyone to watch over me! I could die here!' She felt her heart sink to her stomach at the thought and fought back tears as she once again surveyed her surroundings trying to find anything besides the darkness. 'Wow real nice color scheme they have going here,' she thought sarcastically trying to keep her mind off the fact she could be trapped there for all eternity or until she died. She wondered if this was just weird part of the shadow realm as she knew Yugi supposedly visited once and it wasn't all like this. 'Maybe this is just a section of it?' She decided to try going somewhere and much like swimming began floating in a certain direction. But even as she did this she quickly got disoriented. 'Man I wish I had a compass. Bakura…where are you?'

"Yami how could you let this happen," Yugi all but yelled. As all the fighting had been going on and it had been a while since they shared a body and Yugi gave all control to Yami and didn't know what had happened. But now that he and everyone else knew they were all a bit more then disappointed/pissed at either Yami or Bakura.

"Just shut up that's not helping right now!" Bakura was pissed because it took forever to explain to everyone what the hell happened and with each second ticking away something could be happening to Anzu. 'Damnit, that stupid fucking ring had better be protecting her!' Even as he knew it probably would with everything that had gone wrong today he wouldn't doubt his ring would just suddenly stop working for some reason.

"He's right," said Yami. "The best way to get Anzu back would be for someone with a Millennium item to go in after her. If we have someone inside the shadow realm who knows how to use an item it won't be a problem for our items to locate it and pull them out. So who's going?"

"Like you have to ask," Bakura snorted. Yami just glowered at him.

"What about the fur ball? He was after her while in my hikari and once he finds out he didn't drag Bakura with him he'll be after her. That and he has a few other friends who don't feel appreciated who're helping him out," said Yami Marik. Everyone clearly gave a look of shock at his insight. "What the hell is your problem? Yeah I've been known to be psychotic but that doesn't make me a dumbass. You actually have to have some kind of thinking process to come up with a plan to take over the world and even though it didn't work mine was at least decent."

No one commented. He mumbled something like 'screw you' and tossed his hikari the rod as he left the room. Almost everyone was still in shock at the fact that Anzu was in the shadow realm alone. Out of everything they thought might go wrong this hadn't crossed anyone's minds.

"Well what the hell are we doing standing around here," came a voice shocking everyone as they didn't ever think Ryou would say something like that.

"He's right, I've gotta go now pharaoh! I've already wasted enough time on you and your stupid friends!" Though the only reason he didn't go right in after her was he was afraid someone might try something funny with her body if he left it there alone with them, especially after Yami grabbed her shirt like that. At least here the other women would yell at them if they tried that. With that he held onto the necklace as it looked like Marik would gnaw anyone's arm off if they came to close to his rod. Even as he felt the eye glowing on his forehead he thought, 'Stupid fucking necklace. Why the hell can't I have an item that doubles as a fucking weapon!' Within seconds he was engulfed in darkness leaving nothing but an empty space in his wake.

He opened his eyes once again and found the lingering darkness of the world before he was able to set his feet down on solid ground. Well you couldn't tell it was ground by looking but by feeling the energy around him. He tries to use the necklace much like he did his ring to track things but as it was it just wasn't made for that. 'Stupid piece of metal!' His eyebrow twitched in annoyance. 'Guess I'll just have to find her the old fashion way.' With that he set off on a path that he couldn't see and reaching out with his magic to find his way. 'Hold on Anzu…'

'Hold on Anzu…' She whipped around quickly. "Bakura?" She looked around in a circle before looking back in the direction she was going. Or at least she thought that was the way she was going. She sweat-dropped as she realized she just lost herself, though she was technically already lost so she didn't think it mattered. 'Could that really have been Bakura?' She looked around hopefully. 'God am I loosing my mind?' Even as she was sitting there alone in a darkness that was slowly devouring her she didn't mind that she had switched places with Bakura. 'God that sounds stupid even to me.' He'd helped her and saved her so many times she just wanted to try and save him. But as it was it might cost her her life. 'Bakura please find me, please,' she silently begged even as she wasn't sure if he could come there let alone find her if she had his ring.

It was then she felt that gnawing in the back of her head again like something bad was about to happen. She tried twisting around to look around her wiping a few stray tears that leaked out while her guard was down. Even as she looked around and confirmed she saw nothing she started feeling panicky as if something was coming after her. There was something there in the darkness watching her. She couldn't calm her frayed nerves as they were set on edge and suddenly picked a direction and started swimming that way. Even as she did so the feeling wouldn't go away…until she bumped into the shadows?! Before she knew what was happening the shadows reached out and grabbed her and all she saw before she passed out was the darkness laughing at her.

AN: I am now late for qork because I wanted to post this so sorry the title of this chappie sucks but am late for you guys! I hope you appreciate it! Anyway I HAVE to go. Two notes: Qua is Spanish for what, my BF says this all the time so I stuck it in there. And if you remember in season one when Yami took over Yugi never remembered what happened so it's like that. Hope you enjoyed!