Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Who Can you Trust? ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Peggi-Ahem. . .here's chapter two, but first a thank you to Dark Sanctuary and Sheamaru-sama who are so wonderful and nice for reviewing me! As Dark Sanctuary pointed out, Bakura is usually the evil Yami person, but I thought it would be an interesting and refreshing twist to have him as a victim.

Bakura-Well I don't think it's interesting at all!!! And where do you get off thinking I'm weak and pathetic?!

Peggi-*huggles him* I don't I just love you so much and you're sweet and wonderful in my eyes and-

Bakura-Can't. . .breath!

Peggi-Oh, right. *still doesn't let him go*


Peggi-Anywayz, reviews are welcomed! *still hasn't stopped huggling Bakura*


Ryou-Hi Bakura!

Bakura was surprised to hear his hikari on the phone.

Ryou-Bakura, you there?

Bakura-Um. . .yeah. Hi Ryou. Uh. . .is something wrong?

Ryou-I should be asking you that question. Okay, what's broken?

Bakura, thinking-Other than my heart? My mind? My spirit?

Bakura-Nothing, why do you ask?

Ryou-Bakura, this is me you're talking to. I know you much better than anyone else, and when you ask me if there's something wrong, I know you've done something.

Bakura-No, nothing's broken. You just woke me up is all. I'm very tired. When are you coming home?

Ryou-. . .

Bakura-I mean, well. . .it's just. . .

Ryou-Do you want me to come home?

Ryou's voice cracked during the word `home' and Bakura had to think quickly. He didn't want Ryou thinking he actually cared about him!

Bakura-No, but usually when you go places you always call when you're coming home early.

Ryou-Oh. Yeah. In speaking of which, no strip poker this time. . .right?

Bakura-*sigh* No Ryou.

Ryou-And no playing Frisbee with the good china again, right?

Bakura-*another sigh* No Ryou.

Ryou-And no wild parties, correct.

Bakura-*frustrated sigh* Ryou, I-

Ryou-Just checking. Didn't mean to agitate you. And everything's alright at the house?

Bakura-YES Ryou!

Ryou-Bakura. . .something's wrong. I can tell. I can hear it in your voice, and there's no denying it. What's wrong? I promise I won't be mad.

Bakura-Listen to me you little-

Ryou-Fine. Don't tell me. But you only have two months to keep it a secret. When I come home, you know I'll find out. And if I have to wait that long to find out, you know I won't be pleased with you.

Bakura-I'll tell you when you get back, just not over the phone. I haven't done anything to anyone and nothing's broken. But that's all I'm going to say.



Ryou-Bye Bakura.

Bakura hated himself at this point. Why hadn't he just told Ryou? He wouldn't judge him. Or hate him. He could help him.

Suddenly, the phone rang again. Bakura, frustrated, answered it.


Yami-Calm down, it's me.


Yami-I really need to talk to you. It's very important. Can I meet you at yours and Ryou's house?

Bakura-I was. . .uh. . .um. . .I'm leaving to shop for. . .groceries and. . .

Yami-Bakura, please. It's important. . .it's about Yugi.

Bakura-Pharaoh, what have you done to him?! Is he okay?!

Yami-Bakura! I haven't done anything to him, just please. I'm. . .I'm worried about him.

Bakura's end of the line was silent for a while. It was against his better judgment to allow that Pharaoh into his house. But what could he say? If Ryou was in some sort of trouble he'd want help. And even though it may have been a trick, it may not have been.

Bakura-I'll. . .I'll be here.

Yami-Thank you.

About half an hour later, there was a knock on the door, and Bakura answered it. It was Yami, of course, and he walked into the house.

Yami-I'm sorry to bother you, but I didn't know who else to turn to. I'm not really sure if Yugi's friends would understand because it has to do with my past and Millennium Magick. That sort of thing. And I definitely don't trust Marik or Pegasus. . .

He tried not to make eye contact with Bakura, and it made Bakura wonder why.

Bakura-I don't care about all of that. Tell me why you're here. Tell me and then leave.

Yami-Well, as you know, in my past I was Pharaoh, and as Pharaoh, I was cruel and-

Bakura-Get on with it.

Yami-Sorry. Well, lately, I've noticed Yugi has begun to change. His attitude towards everyone, some of the things he says. And he's not talking to me as much as he used to.

Bakura-It's called being a teenager. Now if you'll excuse me I-

Yami-He hit me.

Bakura-. . .what?

Yami-Yesterday morning he hit me. I was watching tv and he came into the room and said I was so lazy and didn't do any work. I tried to reason with him because he was beginning to yell and. . .he hit me.

Yami placed his hands on Bakura's shoulders to make sure he had his full attention, but Bakura backed away to the other side of the sofa.

Bakura-Don't touch me.

Yami's eyes lowered to the floor again.

Yami-Sorry. I'm sorry about everything. I've tried to change, really I have. Since my Pharaoh days. Do you believe a person can change, Bakura?

Bakura-Yes. A person. Not you.

Yami-I don't under-

Bakura-You aren't a person. You're a spirit. An evil ancient spirit.

Yami-I think Yugi is. . .well, you know how we Yamis are the incarnations of our hikari's? How they were re-incarnated from us? Well, I think somehow he's. . .

Bakura-Becoming another version of you? Turning darker?

Yami-Well, yes. It's not impossible, right?

Bakura-I guess not. Two halves of a whole. You have kindness somewhere in that black hole you call a heart, and I suppose he has some darkness in him. Maybe as he's getting older he's changing. Changing into something darker. Now will you just leave?

Yami-I didn't mean to.

A tear rolled down his cheek.


Yami-Last night. Whatever I did to you. I didn't mean. . .*his voice cracked* I wasn't myself at all. . .after Yugi hit me. . .I just. . .

He was full out crying at this point. Bakura wanted to comfort him, to tell him it was alright. But he couldn't pull the words out of his head. They stayed there.

Yami-Perhaps I should. . .I should leave now.

He stood up to leave. He wiped his eyes and began to walk to the door.

Bakura-Do you. . .want to stay for lunch?


Peggi-Okay, I have one more thing to say. For those of you who may be searching for this ficcy by title I'm changing the title to `Who Can you Trust' and `The Angelic Devil and the Demonic Angel' will be another ficcy altogether, and I'll change the title stuff in a couple of days, kay? Kay.