Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Who Will Save Me? ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!

A/N: This is going to be a bit of a dark fic at first, and probably enough angst to choke a horse. Just a warning.

Warnings: Non-consensual, use of `instruments', bondage, language, yaoi, humiliation, dominance/submission.


Yugi was panting as he ran down the sidewalk. He was supposed to meet everyone for pizza over half an hour ago! He had trouble getting out the door when his grandpa stopped him and told him someone needed to watch the game shop while he went to run a few errands. Fortunately, Yami had agreed to stay and Yugi promised to bring him home a few slices as a 'thank you'.

Once he was only a few more blocks away, Yugi decided to stop for a short rest to catch his breath. He bent over slightly, one hand leaning against the brick wall of a building as he gasped for air.

What the young duelist was unaware of was that he was being stalked by a figure lurking in the shadows. He had been instructed to find and bring one, Yugi Mutou back to his master. The dark man slipped silently out from the alley behind the boy.

The teen gasped as he was suddenly yanked off his feet by two strong arms. He began kicking his legs and opened his mouth to scream for help, but found his mouth and nose suddenly covered by a cloth. The smell of chemicals was strong from the chloroform soaked rag. Yugi's eyelids fluttered before his violet orbs rolled back up into his head and he fell unconscious with a muffled groan. The stranger threw the limp body over his shoulder and started to walk off before the two disappeared back into the shadows.


The phone rang at the game shop and Yami answered with the typical shop greeting. Joey was on the other end.

"Hey, Yami! I thought ya guys would be here by now. Didja change yer mind?"

The former pharaoh blinked slightly in confusion, "Well, Yugi's grandfather needed me to stay and mind the shop while he went out for a few moments, but Yugi left here over an hour ago. He hasn't arrived yet?"

"Nope. We've been saving some pizza for ya two, but he hasn't come in. We're right by da window, so we would have seen him walk by."

".. Did you make sure he knew where you would be?" Yami was growing more concerned by the second.

".. Yeah. We always go ta this place. Yug knows just where ta go." Joey too sounded worried now.

"Something is wrong.. Even if something held him up, Yugi should have been there by now.. Go look for him and I'll meet you in a few moments."

They hung up quickly to begin the search of their missing little one. Yami scribbled a quick note for Mr. Mutou to let him know why he had closed the shop down before he ran off along the same path that his hikari had taken.

'Aibou, where are you? I felt you thinking of me through our link, but I didn't know you were in trouble!.. Yugi, if something has happened to you, I will never forgive myself....'


Yami ran to meet the group rushing towards him. Worried faces were all around.

"Did you find, Yugi?"

"We've looked all over."

"There's no sign of him anywhere."

"Do you have any idea where he could be?"

Everyone struggled to talk at once in scared murmurs. This was not looking well that Yugi seemed to have vanished into thin air. Yami continued to try to contact his other half through their mental link, but there was no response. The feeling of Yugi's presence was growing weaker. Everything was becoming terribly unsettling.

"I'm afraid I cannot reach Yugi through our bond, either. I can feel him, but it's very weak... He must be unconscious to not be able to respond, but at least we know he's still alive.."

The ancient spirit's words brought little comfort to them all, other than the fact their missing friend was still living.

"Is there any way you can track him?" Tristan stepped forward.

"I can try, but it will be rather fruitless unless Yugi is conscious enough to visualize his surroundings or concentrate on reaching me.."

"We can't give up hope. Yugi's our friend and we can't just abandon him," Teá insisted.

"Will ya all just shut up!! There's no way in hell that I'd just forget about Yug when he's lost out there somewhere! We need ta stop standin' around and try ta find him!" Joey yelled in frustration.

Everyone was slightly taken aback by his outburst, but they could understand how he was feeling. After all, Joey loved Yugi like a little brother as well as a best friend. Yami was suffering the greatest inner turmoil of them all. He and Yugi had just begun to admit their feelings for one another, but they had yet to let them further develop, let alone tell their friends.

Ryou broke the silent tension, "Joey is right, we need to take some action if we are going to locate Yugi... Bakura? Have you felt anything from the Millennium Ring?"

The ancient tomb robber had slowly come around to become friends with the others after much persuasion from his hikari, but there was still some friction between himself and Yami.

He gave a frustrated snort and crossed his arms in front of his chest. "I've tried, but it's too weak to pinpoint Yugi's puzzle. He's obviously far away from here if that happens."

To prove his point, Bakura lifted the Millennium Ring his chest. The dangling pointers lifted half heartedly, but were pointing in vague directions.

"It's the best we can do for now. We should follow before the trail grows any weaker," Yami's brow furrowed slightly.

Without further discussion, they hurried off to where the ring led them. The arrows stayed in their slightly lifted state no matter how far they traveled. Finally, they reached a point they could go no further.

"Are you sure it's picking up Yugi, Bakura?" Tristan stared down at the golden ring.

"Yes, he's somewhere in that direction."

The pointers finally fell and dangled limply. Bakura tucked his ring back into his shirt with an angry snarl upon his face. Everyone looked up and gazed out from where they stood. The Millennium Ring had led them to the Domino City docks and the last place that the ring had sensed the puzzle was somewhere out at sea...


The young duelist began to stir at last. He gave a soft groan as his head began to throb and tried to reach his hand up to his face. To Yugi's surprise, he found that his wrists were held fast in restraints at either side of his head, yet his legs were free. He gave another tug to test them, but they stayed firm.

He fought back the lingering grogginess as he tried to gather his bearings in the darkened room. Yugi looked down and noticed that his shirt had been unbutton and left his chest bare as the material lay bunched beneath him. His adrenaline began to flow through his veins steadily now as he realized he was tied down in some strange place and that his Millennium Puzzle was missing!

The boy began to struggle and pull at his restraints and give little whimpers with his effort. The sound of footsteps halted his work as he strained to listen. Light suddenly brightened the room and caused him to become temporarily blinded. He squinted his eyes, trying to allow them to adjust while he searched for the source of the footfalls.

The room resembled that of an examination or surgery room. A white screen blocked his view of who was approaching. Yugi let his breath out quickly as he realized that he had been holding it. A shadow began to sweep over the screen before a man stepped around from behind.

Yugi did not recognize him. He had shoulder length ebony hair and piercing dark brown eyes that could almost pass for two black abysses. He wore a white lab coat that went to the floor, but it was open to reveal a black shirt and pants beneath. The stranger flashed an evil grin as he saw his little captive was finally awake.

"Ah, so you must be the infamous Yugi Mutou," the man's deep voice rumbled, "At last I meet you in person."

"Wh-who are you?.. Why did you tie me up?"

"Tsk tsk tsk.. I didn't want our meeting to be spoiled by you running away from me. Oh, do forgive my atrocious manners. I haven't properly introduced myself. I am Adroth Walidric. But, I prefer to simply go by Adroth." Once more, he gave an evil grin.

Yugi swallowed as his throat felt dry. "What do you want with me?.. If you wanted to just meet me, you could have asked."

Adroth stepped closer and leaned over Yugi's face. "Ah, such a perceptive young lad, aren't we? You see, you've aroused my interest, dear boy. You've defeated Maximillion Pegasus, Seto Kaiba, and even that Marik fellow. That's quite an accomplishment for someone so young."

He stood straight again. "So, I had you brought here so I could see what makes you.. 'tick'.. It's a lovely little place here. After Pegasus disappeared, his castle was abandoned and I snatched up the beautiful property right away. So, do not be afraid, my boy. You're in a familiar place."

There was nothing in the man's tone that left Yugi with any feeling of ease. Something was twinkling in Adroth's eye as he seemed to be plotting something devious. In fact, Marik on a murder spree seemed more inviting than this man. The boy chewed his lower lip.

"Will you let me go now?"

"Now, now, young one. I haven't finished with you yet.. But I'm unsure if I'm willing to part with such an intriguing little thing, such as yourself," he caressed Yugi's cheek with his fingertip and elicited a soft whimper. "I may just keep you here for myself."

"P-please don't hurt me."

"Oh, certainly not, my little toy. I'm merely going to have some fun with you. I would never hurt something that belonged to me," Adroth was reaching into a drawer in the side of the table.

Before Yugi could argue that he was not this man's property, a gag was forced into his mouth and the straps quickly secured behind his head. He bit into the rubbery tube that kept his mouth restrained.

The dark haired man unbuttoned the teen's pants before grasping the zipper and pulling it down slowly. The young duelist writhed in his restraints and made noises of protest, but it did not hinder the man's work. He took hold of Yugi's pants and boxers and slid them off completely to leave the boy exposed.

With a firm grip, the twisted villain grabbed Yugi's leg behind the knee and pulled it back towards the boy's chest. Slipping on a leather harness-like strap around his thigh, Adroth connected the restraint with a chain to the bind of Yugi's wrist. He repeated the procedure with the opposite leg to leave the youth doubled over with his thighs spread open and rear entrance completely vulnerable.

"Now, don't go anywhere," Adroth cooed in a sing song manner, "I'll be right back."

Tears started to roll down from the corners of the boy's eyes as he watched his captor disappear behind the screen and whistle a tune. Yugi closed his violet orbs and concentrated hard on trying to reach his other half. His darkness. His love.


Yami shot up, startling everyone around him. They had all gathered at the game shop as they tried to console Mr. Mutou about his missing grandson and attempted to come up with a rescue plan.

"What is it, Yami?" asked Ryou.

"It's Yugi! The link is open again!.." He closed his crimson eyes as he tried to concentrate on listening. The connection was faint, but it was there.

//Yugi! Where are you?//

//.. Yami... I'm so scared..// The small hikari sounded so very far away.

//Aibou, please tell me where you are! Are you hurt?//

//... He's going to hurt me... I know he is... He said something about....// the voice grew faint.

//Yugi! The link is fading! Please tell me where you are!//

//... Back here again... Not his home anymore.... Help me, Yami...// The boy's fear flooded their mental bond and caused everything to sound broken and disjointed as if there were static.

//Where, Yugi? Tell me!//

//... Pe...s' ca....//


There was silence, but the feelings continued to pour. Yami gasped and his eyes snapped wide. "YUGI!"

"What did he say, Yami?? Where is he?!" Joey cried out.

"I-I.. I couldn't quite understand him. The link was breaking.. He was terrified. Whoever has him is doing something terrible to him.. I can't hear him anymore, but I can feel him still.." Tears welled up in the dark spirit's eyes as the feeling of utter helplessness overcame him.

Bakura could hold some sympathy for his enemy since he would feel the same way if something were to happen to Ryou. It was hard to show his feelings, but he did care for his light. He walked over to stand before Yami.

"Stop blubbering and tell us what you heard! Maybe we can figure it out!" the tomb raider roared to snap the former pharaoh back to his senses.

".. He said something about being 'back here again' and that it 'wasn't his home anymore'.. He tried to tell me just before our connection broke, but I could only understand parts of it."

"Did it sound familiar? I mean, if Yugi said he was 'back', then that obviously means he's been there before," Tristan urged.

"I'm afraid nothing made sense though. It sounded like he said, 'Pehs' Ca'. I have no idea what that means."

"Dammit, Pharaoh! You're supposed to be the 'King Of Games'. Can't you figure out a simple fucking word riddle??" Bakura clenched his fists at his sides.

"Lay offa him, Bakura! He's upset just like da rest of us!" Joey growled back threateningly.

Solomon's voice boomed, "That's enough! Fighting isn't going to help find Yugi any faster. We need to work together to figure this out."

Everyone began to think, but emotions were taking their toll on their abilities. Yami, however, sat shuddering in his chair as he continued to feel his hikari.


Yugi shed more large tears as he felt his mental bond break away. He tried to call his darkness over and over again, but there was nothing he could do. There was only a slight feeling of Yami's presence deep within the back of his mind.

Adroth returned with a tray full of items that he set down upon the table. "I'm sorry I took so long, I wanted to put your things in a safe place. Such a lovely trinket you had around your neck. I'll let you keep it, but I don't want it get in the way here."

The thin body trembled. He felt cold from being exposed and was terrified at what this man was going to do to him. Yugi watched with silent fear as Adroth rolled up his sleeves and pulled on a pair of latex gloves with a 'snap'. He retrieved a bottle from the tray and opened the cap before pouring the contents over the boy's naked rear. The youth gave a slight jump when the cold liquid hit his skin and rolled down his body. The man set the bottle back down before he began to trace his fingertips over the slick flesh.

"My, my, my. After so much fame and recognition, can the Yugi Mutou still be an innocent, blushing virgin?" His finger came to the puckered opening and he began to rub in a circular motion.

The unwelcomed touch made Yugi try and fight back, but only managed to wiggle in his position. Much to his relief, the brash digit retreated. Adroth calmly reached over to the tray to retrieve one of the instruments. He held the chrome colored item high to let the tri-color haired teen see. Yugi did not recognize it.

"Now, with this lovely little tool, it won't matter if you're a virgin or not."

The man pressed the tip of the speculum to the boy's entrance and slipped it in quickly. Yugi gurgled something into his gag and whined, but his struggling was no use. He made a submissive moan as the cold metal inside his body gave a few reverberating clicks and spread him completely open for his captor's inspection.

"Ah, youth.. So healthy and so full of life," Adroth slipped his finger inside and rubbed the pink, inner walls delicately. "To be young again."

Yugi gave muffled sobs through his gag as tears slowly began to pool underneath his head and soak into his hair. His body began to react to the stimulations even as he willed it away with all his might. A sudden burning hatred blared through his mind from his connection with Yami, but died down as quickly as it started.

'Is Yami giving up on me?.. It's not my fault! I didn't want to be here!.. Yami must think I'm disgusting for letting this happen to me....'

The tears began to flow freely now as Yugi felt his heart breaking. His only hope and salvation was turning his back on him. His one true love was disgusted with him now.


The sennen eye flashed brilliantly upon Yami's forehead as he stared out into nothing. A look of pure murder was upon his face as he felt everything that was happening to his innocent hikari. Even Bakura felt a bit intimidated by the sudden mood change.

"What's going on, Yami?" Tristan asked cautiously.

Yami's head lowered so that his eyes were hidden by his bangs. A growl slowly rose from deep within him and his clenched fists began to shake with his rage.

In a dark voice, he replied, ".. When I find the person that did this to Yugi and is hurting him at this very moment.. May the gods have mercy on his soul..."

In his frustrated anger, he punched the wall hard enough to leave a dent, yet did not flinch in pain. Everyone else in the room stared in shock while Yami stormed off towards the door.

It was Joey that finally spoke up, "Where ya going, Yami?"

"To Seto Kaiba's mansion. If anyone can help us rescue Yugi, it will be him."

It only took a moment to overcome their shock before the others joined him.


The single finger was joined by another as they probed the depths of the pliant body beneath. Clear precum dripped slightly from the tip of Yugi's arousal and began to run down his stomach to pool upon his chest. Those vile digits found his hidden pleasure spot and caressed it, which caused him to cry out into his mouth restraint. His erection hardened against his will and Yugi closed his eyes tightly.

"Ah, it appears I found the right spot. Such delicious sounds you make when I give you such pleasure. I'm going to enjoy keeping you, my little pet."

'There's no use fighting anymore.. Yami doesn't want me now...'

The dark man began to grin like some villainous Cheshire cat.

"You appear healthy enough, but let's see..."

His free hand wrapped around the teen's weeping shaft and began to pump. Adroth circled the sensitive tip with his thumb as he worked Yugi towards a climax.

The young duelist screamed and cried in protest, but it only fueled the man on. He dug his other hand deep inside Yugi's body to stab his prostate and coax his orgasm forth.

The mixed sensations were too much for the boy. His body grew taut and his feet pointed stiffly as he let out a shrill moan and spilled his seed into Adroth's hand and across his own face. The creamy essence spurted upon his chest and stomach until it finally died down.

Yugi sniffled loudly from his humiliation. He was violated! But this man made him enjoy it. It was even worse that he could not wipe the remnants of his shame away.

"What a marvelous performance, my pet. I know that I want to keep you for myself now," the ebony haired man purred.

He removed the speculum, undid the restraints, and removed the gag. The boy wiped at his face as he cried, trying to get the sticky residue off before it mixed with his tears.

"My pet, you are simply beautiful with your face flushed and full of tears. You're going to bring me much enjoyment," Adroth removed his gloves. "Now then, I think it's time for you to change into your new clothes, little one. Follow me."

The man turned on his heel and proceeded to leave. Yugi sat up on the table, shivering and trying to button his shirt. When the demented man found that his 'pet' was not following, he returned.

"If you do not obey me, my little pet, you will be punished."

Yugi climbed shakily off the table and followed along behind. Who only knows what sort of 'punishment' his captor could come up with. Adroth lead him through the castle to one of the rooms. Some of the hallways looked vaguely familiar from when Yugi had battled, but he was too distraught to really care.

"In here, little one. I want you clean and dressed by the time I return. And, so you will not escape, I shall lock your door. Your windows are barred and there is no other ways out of your room. So, I suggest you hurry and dress before I become cross."

With that, he gave the teen a push into the room and slammed the door shut before locking it tight. Yugi found himself in a very large room, but there was only a simple bed against one wall. A dresser and cabinet were off to the side and a door leading to a bathroom. The diminutive youth went inside and ran himself a shower.

No matter how hard he scrubbed, the dirty feelings did not wash away. At least the water blended with his falling tears. Yugi became aware that precious time was passing and finished bathing. There was a small towel hanging upon a rack that he used to dry himself before hurrying off to find his clothes. He went to the cabinet first and found it filled with numerous devices that sent chills through his body at the mere sight. He quickly shut it and then went to the dresser instead.

Inside, Yugi found his new 'clothes'. The only thing inside was a dress. A knock upon the door startled him.

"Little one? I hope you're done."

"I-I.. I'm almost finished."

A key found its way into the lock and turned before the door swung open. Adroth closed it behind him as he looked over the boy's nude form that tried to hide himself behind his new outfit.

"You haven't changed.. You've made me cross now," the man took a menacing step forward.

"P-p-please! I'm sorry! It'll only take me a second to put this on!" Yugi pleaded.

"I am your master now, little one, and I expect my orders to be obeyed. You did not finish your task like I told you to and now you must face your punishment."

Adroth came before the young teen and grabbed his wrist. Yugi cried out, but not from pain.

"Please let me go! I'm sorry!"

Silently, his captor brought him to the bed. Fresh tears poured from the youth's amethyst orbs as he was sure something terrible was to be his fate. Adroth sat down upon the bed and abruptly tugged the frail body over his lap.

"Please!!! I'm sorry, m.. m-master.." Yugi wept.

He jerked his head up as a firm swat landed across his bottom repeatedly. Once the spanking was over, the man deposited the quivering, blubbering mass of his captive upon the bed.

"Next time, you will learn to dress faster, my pet," and he left, locking the door behind him.

It took some time for Yugi to compose himself. He was still in somewhat disbelief at what has just transpired. Not wanting to test the levels of insanity that Adroth held, the spiky haired youth threw on the clothes.

The dress was a burgundy that complimented the color of his hair tips and had a cream-colored apron. The skirt was frilly and short while the sleeves were big and fluffy. The neckline was low and a big bow held the apron tied in the back. He slipped on the headpiece with a sniffle and rolled up the knee-high stockings. The last was a pair of very frilly bloomers and he questioned if he should dare.

Reluctantly, and with fear of upsetting his kidnapper if he did not, he slipped them on. They were the only things to provide him any coverage of his lower areas. Yugi tugged at the skirt self consciously to try to conceal himself more, but it would only lift the opposite side higher.

Once he was finished, he climbed onto his bed and pulled his knees up to his chest where he sobbed to himself.