Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Who Will Save Me? ❯ Chapter 2

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: If you don't know what the little device used towards the end is, I suggest looking it up. The place I found the best description on was at http:// www.medicaltoys.com/ sounds.htm Just remove the spaces.


The others had trouble keeping up with Yami's brisk pace as they made their way to the Kaiba mansion. The guards were wary at the small group, but with some 'gentle' coaxing by Bakura and the threat of sending them off to the shadow realm, the guards decided to let them by.

They buzzed the intercom to let the young CEO know he had visitors and that they were coming up. Seto was rather furious upon being interrupted in the middle of his work and his anger only grew once he saw who his 'guests' were.

"What business do you have here?! I have nothing to do with the likes of you!"

Yami slammed his fist down upon Seto's desk and caused a few things to rattle and fall.

"I am in no mood for your bullshit!" he roared.

Everyone went wide-eyed. Including the brunette being shouted at.

Joey whispered softly to Tristan, "Oh yeah, Yami's pissed.."

Tristan only nodded slightly.

Once Seto had overcome the initial shock, he came to his feet and snarled.

"How dare you speak to me like that! Need I remind you that you are the one that came into my home? I will not tolerate being threatened in my own mansion!"

"ENOUGH, KAIBA!" Yami leaned in close to the taller teen as they faced off with angry glares. "Yugi has been kidnapped and we need your help to find him."

Seto began to smirk, "You come here, insult me, and then demand I help you? And why exactly would I wish to help find your runt?"

The others, except for Bakura, took a few steps back. This did not look like it would end well. Yami was already shaking with rage and the sennen eye upon his forehead flared brilliantly once more.

Fortunately, for Seto's sake, Mokuba poked his head in timidly.

".. Seto?.. What's going on in here? I could hear yelling." He glanced at the familiar faces, "Why's everyone here?"

Yami continued to flash death glares at the brown-haired youth while Joey answered the boy's questions.

"Yugi's missing! We have no idea where he is an' Yami here said that only yer brother could help us," he looked at the child with pleading eyes. If anyone could convince Seto Kaiba to help someone, it was Mokuba.

"Yugi's missing??.. Seto! We've got to help find him!"

"Mokuba, I have no such intentions. His absence is of no concern to me."

Steel blue eyes began to slowly fill with tears. "You have to Seto!.. Think of all the times Yugi's helped us, after all. If it weren't for him, I couldn't have saved you from the virtual reality world!.. And, not to mention, we would still be prisoners in Pegasus' castle!"

The CEO was beginning to soften slightly to his brother's words. But, before he could speak, Yami whirled around to face Mokuba, crimson eyes blazing.


Everyone gave slightly confused looks before the former pharaoh continued.

"That's where Yugi is! That's what he was trying to tell me! He's being held captive in Pegasus' Castle!"

Mokuba ran to his brother's side as he looked up into those icy, azure eyes. "We know where he is now, Seto! They need our help if they're going to save him... Please, big brother.. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for Yugi and you know it.."

The elder Kaiba retained a stoic expression, but he was clearly thinking over the little one's words. Even though he did not want to admit it, he knew that he owed the petite duelist for saving his brother and himself.

He lowered his head slightly before placing a gentle hand upon Mokuba's shoulder.

".. I will help you rescue Yugi.. I suppose I am his debt, but this does not mean that he is no longer a rival."

Mokuba threw his arms around his brother's legs joyfully before looking back at the group of worried onlookers.

"If Yugi really is back at Duelist Kingdom, then we will need my helicopter to reach him in the shortest amount of time.. Give me a moment to send for my pilots and another helicopter for the rest of you. We won't be able to all take one."


Yugi was alone for some time before he heard the door unlock once again. He hugged his knees tightly to himself as he stared at Adroth in fear. The man looked him over with a pleased smirk.

"Very beautiful, my young pet. For your obedience, I will let you out of your room."

The teen's stomach gave a rather loud rumble in its demand for food. Yugi clutched himself tightly to hide the noise. He was starving. He had not eaten since yesterday and had no breakfast this morning since he was going for pizza.

Adroth raised a brow and watched the boy walk towards him timidly.

"Are you hungry, little one?"

Yugi didn't dare ask for any food. He lowered his gaze to the mary janes upon his feet.

In a soft, hopeful whisper, he replied, "... Y-yes,.. master."

Yugi decided that it would be in his best interests if he willingly submitted to his captor. The villain grinned before placing his hand firmly upon the duelist's shoulder.

"Then come, come! Let's not waste time dilly-dallying around here and make our way to the kitchen," with a soft grip, he led the way. "This way, my pet."

Yugi was beginning to loathe that name.

True to his word, Adroth brought the youth to his expansive kitchen and swept his arm dramatically.

"Here we are! Now, what kind of sustenance would you like, young one?"

Tugging slightly at his high skirt, Yugi tried to think of something simple to ask for. Amazingly, he could not think of a single edible thing. He opened his mouth a few times to speak, but managed to look more like a fish.

"I don't have time to wait around, my pet. Hurry and make your decision."

Panic began to set in, but only proved to make choosing more difficult. His amethyst eyes darted around the room wildly as he tried to find something to name.

He stammered indecisively, "I, um, uh, I.. uhh.. umm...."

Adroth's hand snaked its way up the boy's skirt and began to caress his intimate areas through the panties he was wearing. Yugi stiffened with a stifled squeak. The man nibbled at the little one's neck.

"You're taking too long, my pet. You know what happens when you make me wait..." he pulled his mouth away. "Looks like I'll have to decide for you, then. But you are going to have to earn every bite that I give you."

Yugi's face flushed slightly as he tried to keep from shivering. Adroth lifted him up easily and threw him over his shoulder as he walked out of the kitchen. The boy's frilly bottom was completely exposed as he was carried. In moments, he was deposited onto a table.

"First, we have to get you ready, little one. Arms behind your back now."

The cowering teen did as he was told and placed his arms behind him. The dark haired man walked around and slipped Yugi's arms into a pair of leather restraints to keep them locked behind his back. Once he was finished, he gently laid his captive back and rolled the bloomers down the boy's thighs. Wisely, Yugi did not put up much resistance.

When the panties were around the diminutive youth's ankles, Adroth brought forth what appeared to be a leather harness of some sort. He slipped one strap around Yugi's middle like a belt and two others, which were connected, around his thighs. Then, giving the teen a few quick strokes to bring him to an erection, the man buckled a tight, leather cuff around Yugi's arousal.

The tri-color haired boy whimpered and moaned at the treatment. The cuff was entirely too tight around his stiffened shaft.

Adroth clipped the cuff to the belt, keeping his victim's boyhood high. There was a final buckled strap hanging from the cuff. He produced a small vile of lubricant and a vibrator before he rolled the boy over onto his stomach and lifted the dress high. Pouring the slick substance over the device, Adroth covered the surface before sliding it up into Yugi's passage and turning it on. Yugi cried out in slight pain and tried to fight away the tears.

Applying the finishing touches, the man pulled the last strap up between the teen's legs. The strap parted Yugi's testicles as it was pulled snuggly. There was a wider portion that upon the strap that went directly across the base of the vibrator and held it in deep. Securing the buckle to the back of the belt, Yugi was finished and rolled back over. Adroth pulled the bloomers back into place.

"There now, all ready to eat. And after you finish, then we'll deal with your punishment."

Adroth hoisted Yugi back over his shoulder to return to the kitchen. While he walked, he gave the occasional press upon the vibrator's base to elicit another cry from the boy.

The last thing the young duelist could think about now was food. He panted softly, cheeks flushed with arousal. He was set down into a chair and pushed straight into a sitting position. This only caused Yugi to arch his back in a whimper as the toy was pressed deeply inside him. The muffled buzzing could still be heard.

"I have a nice treat for you that I hope you'll enjoy. One of my favorite recipes. It comes from India. Exquisite cuisine they have there in that country," Adroth just prattled on as he waited for his chef to finish preparing the meal.

Yugi could not concentrate upon the man's words. He writhed in his seat and bucked his hips. The front of his dress and bloomers were starting to grow damp with his freely flowing precum. In fact, he could feel it running down his inner thighs.

"Here we go. Some food for my dear, little pet." He brought a bowl, which contained a mixture of rice and some kind of green sauce, close enough for the boy to see before he lifted a spoonful. "Now then, little one. For you to earn this first bite, you must sit still in your chair."

The teen was breathing deeply and fighting back the urge to scream for sweet release. He was trembling as he tried to sit as still as he could. He bit his lower lip hard to draw some focus to something else.

Adroth gave a pleased smile and brought the spoon closer as he fed the first bite to his slave. Yugi did not look him in the eyes as he accepted the food. There was no way he could have fed himself anyway, but it was embarrassing nonetheless. He savored his bite for as long as he could in between the slight panting. At last, he swallowed.

"Very good, my dear one. Now, let me hear how much you're enjoying yourself. Cry out your pleasure," he cooed darkly.

Yugi sniffled softly and closed his brilliant, violet orbs before turning his head away slightly in shame. If this was the only way he was going to get food, he would do as he was instructed. He felt his face grow warm from his humiliation as he let out a slight moan.

"Now, now, you can be louder than that," Adroth smirked.

The youth took a few panted breaths before he moaned louder and tried to make it sound as if he was really enjoying himself. He felt like a whore.

"Mmm, very good," and the man rewarded Yugi with another bite.

This proceeded on, but the given tasks grew increasingly difficult. Yugi was in tears of frustration and wept in need of release by the time the bowl was almost empty. He would have cum long before, but the cuff held back his climax.

Adroth thumbed away a few of the boy's tears.

"For the last few bites, little one, you must do this final request.. You must cum for me."

The cross dressed teen let out a whimper. He had been trying, but it only left him with the most painful erection he had ever had.

".. I-I can't w.. with the cuff.." he pleaded.

"You will if you don't want to be punished more severely. You must find a way to do so while you're still bound."

Yugi whimpered shrilly. He tried to center his concentration into his finish. He squirmed upon the seat and rocked his hips. The movement at least provided a miniscule amount of friction against his throbbing arousal. He rocked back and sat hard upon the vibrator's base to push it in as deep as he could.

Tears stained his flushed cheeks as he cried out and dropped his chin to his chest. He proceeded to wiggle his hips in a circular motion to let the toy brush against his hidden pleasure spot.

Adroth watched the display with great relish, licking his lips lustfully. It was simply a beautiful sight to see the small teen struggle to reach his euphoric peak. His young features knotted in pleasure as his mouth hung open in a silent cry.

At last, Yugi made a strangled cry of anguish and arched his body backwards in his throes of passion. His slender hips bucked upon the chair for a few moments before he finally collapsed and gasped for air.

Adroth murmured softly to himself, "Simply marvelous.."

The boy could feel his sticky completion upon his skin and now soiled garments. His eyes were still closed as he tried to recover until a spoon found its way back into his mouth. His amethyst pools opened in slight surprise before taking the offered food. And so, he finished off the last remaining spoonfuls and felt his hunger sated at last.

"Very good, little one. Let's take those soiled clothes to be washed while we clean you up and get to your earlier mentioned punishment."

Yugi could only imagine what this 'punishment' could be if his current situation was completely 'normal'. Adroth lifted the lithe body and carried him back to the 'examination' room where he stripped the youth naked and removed the leather harnesses and vibrator.

Taking tender care, he brought a basin of water and a sponge to Yugi's side. Adroth dipped the sponge into the warm water and began to bathe his captive. Yugi stayed very quiet upon the table and only gave a few soft whimpers when the man touched his overexerted penis and entryway.

Using a soft towel, Adroth dabbed the boy dry. He lovingly brushed a few of the golden bangs from Yugi's eyes.

"Now then. My servants will wash your outfit while I deal with you down here. Just lay back, little one, and put your feet up into the harnesses like a good pet."

Yugi lowered his head as he obeyed his master's command. Adroth fastened restraints around the boy's wrists, chest, and middle before he went to get his 'tools'.

The young duelist closed his eyes as a stray tear rolled down his cheek.

'I'm so sorry, Yami... I wish you'd forgive me... I never wanted this....'

The man returned and pulled up a chair between the teen's legs. He began whistling an absent tune once again while he pulled out the long, metal instrument. Yugi opened his eyes to watch, even though he was afraid.

".. W-what's that?" his voice quivered.

"This? Ah, this is a simply devilish little device. Since your disobedience was not very severe, your punishment will only be light. Now, my pet, just relax and let me introduce you to the world of 'sounds'."

".. Sounds?"

"Yes. I have quite the collection really, but this is my favorite of them all. This beauty is vibrating urethral sound. By its name, I'm sure you can figure out what it does and where it goes," Adroth grinned fiendishly.

Yugi's eyes went wide. "Y-y-you're gonna stick that in.. in my.. my.." He could not draw himself to finish. His horrors were confirmed with the man's nodding.

Adroth grasped the teen's flaccid penis and coaxed him back to full attention. It was difficult since Yugi had cum some moments before and because he was so terrified, but eventually, he was hard again.

Holding Yugi's shaft firmly, he brought the tip of the sound to the tip's opening.

"Now, hold still. We wouldn't want you to get hurt while I put this in place."

The boy was torn. He wanted to struggle, kick, and scream as much as he could to get the man away, but another part of him became paralyzed in terror as he watched.

The cool, metal tip began to slide up Yugi's urethra and he screamed as it only went deeper. The end of the sound was much larger, so the instrument could only go so far. Once it was in, Adroth twisted the base and the sound came to life.

The sensation was indescribable. It was a mixture of dull pain and pure ecstasy. Yugi screamed louder until he felt his voice crack and knew he would be hoarse.

While the youth struggled against his restraints, the dark haired man calmly retrieved a tube of ointment. He spread some onto his fingers and massaged them gently into Yugi's abused opening. Just because he was trying to help soothe his captive's pain, did not mean he couldn't have a little fun as well. He slid two fingers through the young body.

Yugi couldn't take anymore. Once more, he came with a scream. He came hard even though there was little left in his depleted sperm reservoirs. The milky seed dribbled out from around the sound and down his shaft. His penis stayed in place because of the rod imbedded within.

Adroth slipped his fingers free and removed the urethral sound. The teen's eyelids fluttered. Being young, he had stamina on his side, but even the most virile male has his limits of completion. Yugi was helpless to watch his world fade into darkness from his exhaustion.