Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Who Will Save Me? ❯ Chapter 3

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Sorry for taking so long! A lot of stuff has been happening in my life and I've been distracted by a new love *beam* and was starting to run out of creative sexual tortures *laughs* Thanks to everyone that's been reading!


Yugi awoke sometime later to the soft touch of someone brushing his bangs out of his eyes. His throat felt raw from his earlier screaming. He leaned into the hand slightly, feeling locked in some kind of dream.

A soft murmur escaped his lips, ".. Yami.."

"Wake up, little one," came a reply.

".. Yami.. I'm sorry.."

"Yami isn't here, my pet. Now open those lovely eyes."

The drowsy teen parted his lids and let his violet orbs come to focus on Adroth. The memories began to flow back to him and a crushed feeling settled heavily in his heart when he realized that it was not just some dream.

Yugi pushed himself up slightly into a sitting position and found that he was dressed once more in the maid-type outfit. He pulled his knees up and hugged them tightly to his chest.

"I hope you're rested now. As much as I enjoy watching you sleep, I love having you conscious," the man spoke in a soft tone as he caressed the boy's face.

The young duelist tried to shy away from the touch, but the hand only followed. When he pulled back slightly again, Adroth narrowed his eyes. Once more, he tried to touch Yugi, but was rejected.

Everything was still for a few precious seconds as the tension began to boil. Suddenly, Adroth leapt forward and grabbed his startled captive around the wrists as he loomed over him.

"You will not deny me! You belong to me now!" he roared angrily.

The man held Yugi's wrists over his head with one hand while his other arm thrust its way up the boy's dress. Yugi screamed, now terrified that he was going to be brutally raped.

"No! Stop it!.. Please don't hurt me anymore!" he pleaded in a strained voice between growing tears.

Adroth took the youth into a bruising kiss to silence his protesting. The free hand up Yugi's skirt fondled him roughly while he ravaged the boy's mouth. The slender frame beneath him writhed and squirmed as Yugi struggled to break away. He whimpered and groaned into the man's mouth while trying to find footing upon the bedspread. One of his shoes fell off in the struggle and his stockings began to slink down his thighs.

Yugi's kidnapper pulled away at last and the teen gasped for precious air to fill his starved lungs. His body bucked at a particularly hard squeeze upon his delicate and sensitive genitals.

He bit at his lower lip, "Ngh!!.. It hurts!.. Don't touch me like that.."

Adroth gave another hard grab that sent Yugi curling up into a fetal position before he let go.

"Remember, my little one, you do not give the orders around here. You are my pet and I can do whatever I want with you.. I suggest you watch that mouth of yours lest you anger me further," his tone was dangerous as he started to loom over the boy.

"..I.. I'm s-sorry.." Yugi trembled as he clasped his hands between his legs.

"I want you to put that mouth to good use. You see, you've left me needing release. Though I had promised not to hurt you, you've denied me and that will not stand without reprimands. Now, either I teach you to use that delicious mouth for a good purpose, or I will have to fulfill my need through other courses of action."

Yugi trembled more at those words. Even though he did not like either choice, he'd much rather be able to walk afterward. His attention turned back to Adroth as he heard the sound of clothing being shed. Amethyst eyes beheld the massive manhood that his captor possessed which reaffirmed Yugi's relief of not being torn apart by this monster.

The short teen had never seen something quite so frightening before. In fact, he had never known any male could be so large. Yugi had seen Joey and Tristan in the showers after gym and had walked in on Yami before, but they all were rather normal sized. He did not want to go near this thing, let alone taste it.

"Do not keep me waiting, little one.." the man warned.

Yugi sat up upon his knees quickly while Adroth reclined himself with his legs hanging over the side of the bed.

"Kneel on the floor. I want to watch you."

With an ashamed nod, the boy slid to the floor and knelt between Adroth's legs.


"Can't this piece of shit go any faster, Kaiba? I think Yami's about ta rip somethin' in half back here," Joey stated from over the radio system.

"Be quiet, mutt. We're going at the top speed."

Two helicopters whizzed across the vast expanse of water as they made their way to Duelist Kingdom. Seto, Mokuba, Ryou, and Mr. Mutou rode in the first helicopter while Yami, Joey, Bakura, Teá, and Tristan rode in the second.

Yami sat with his fists clenched in his lap while his heavy breathing hissed between his teeth. The sennen eye glowed brilliantly upon his forehead and had stopped flashing quite a bit ago. He grit his teeth together so tightly, he could almost feel them begin to crack.

"..The shadow realm is too good for him.. I'll have him sliced into fodder for Kaiba's Blue Eyes!!.. No, I'll crush his mind and make him carve himself up!"

The others shifted in their seats nervously, but Bakura looked ready to cum right on the spot.

"Oh yeah, now you're speaking my language, Pharaoh. Maybe you should teach Ryou how to talk dirty like that," he smirked while licking his lips.

Blazing crimson eyes filled with murder locked onto the tomb robber before the ancient spirit bellowed, "I'LL CUT OFF YOUR DICK AND FEED IT TO JACKALS IF YOU DON'T SHUT THE FUCK UP RIGHT NOW, TOMBROBBING, BASTARD SON OF A WHORE!!!!"

Bakura would have loved to give a moan of pleasure to that, but the crackling static of the radio stopped him. Ryou's voice came through timidly.

"Bakura, now is not the time to be fighting. Please try to help instead of making things worse.. Yami? You'll be glad to know that we're almost there."

Indeed, the former pharaoh was slightly relieved that they were about to arrive, but he was still enraged beyond all reason. Joey grabbed the radio to reply.

"Thanks, Ryou.. Did Bakura tell ya they were fightin'?"

"... No. We could hear Yami shouting all the way in here... Even without the radio."


Yugi fought hard to keep from gagging, but it was difficult since his head was being thrust down around Adroth's shaft. The taste was simply repulsive and the thickness made it hard to breath. Occasionally, the head of the man's erection would hit the back of his throat and cause the bile to build.

His scalp hurt terribly. Adroth held him by fistfuls of his spiked hair and had already ripped a small portion of it out. The thrusting was starting to grow sporadic as the dark haired man grew closer to his climax.

Giving a final, strangled groan, Adroth shot his essence into Yugi's mouth. The boy began to cough and choke and tried to pull away, but a firm hand pushed him back down.

"Swallow it all, my pet.."

Yugi's features were knotted in disgust as he forced himself to let the salty goo slide down into his stomach. After an eternity, Adroth let go of the teen's head and allowed him to breath.

He began to redress and adjust his pants. "Not terrible for a first time, little one, but we will practice." With that, he turned at left.

Yugi scrambled to the bathroom where he flung himself at the toilet and began to vomit. Tears stung his eyes as he emptied his stomach contents into the porcelain bowl. Even the rancid taste of his regurgitation could not rid himself of the taste of Adroth.

He stayed huddled over the toilet until his body finally finished with a few final dry heavings. Breathing heavily and feeling weak, Yugi managed to pull himself up to his feet where he rinsed his mouth with tap water and splashed cold water upon his face. He stumbled back to his bed and curled up, trying to catch his breath and settle his stomach.


"Land as close as possible. Time is critical," the CEO ordered as the helicopters approached the castle that once belonged to Pegasus.

"Yes, Mr. Kaiba."

Yami's entire body was shuddering with his anger. Joey was sure that the spirit would have a heart attack soon if he did not calm down. Then he began to idly wonder if a 5000-year-old pharaoh could have a heart attack. However, now was not the time for such musing.

At last, the helicopters touched down just outside the front entrance of the familiar castle. Mokuba shivered slightly as he remembered the last time he was here. He worried about Yugi being held inside.

They all poured out and fought to keep up with Yami as he nearly made the doors burst from their hinges. Guards came running from the commotion.

"What are you all doing here? This is private property and you all are trespassing."

Yami's sensations of his hikari grew now that he was so close. It did not matter if he was one of the shortest people in the group, he was going to get inside.

Seto came to the front of the group. "We're here on business. I know you're holding a boy prisoner here. And last time I checked, kidnapping was a more serious offence than trespassing for a rescue. Now, let us inside."

The guards exchanged glances before one spoke.

"Find and alert Mr. Walidric. Tell him that we have a situation here."

One of the uniformed men nodded and dashed off into the depths of the castle in search of his master. The others tried to hold the group of intruders back, but were overwhelmed by the power of Yami's shadow magic.

The dark spirit showed no remorse as he preformed a mind crush on the guards and stepped over their limp bodies. This change disturbed Yami's friends. He seemed to sense this and only turned his head slightly as he walked.

"They'll awaken again once we've freed Yugi."

Feeling eased, they followed inside and began to search.


"Master Walidric! There are intruders here!"

Adroth smirked softly, somehow knowing just who had arrived. "Very well. Lead them in and I will speak with them. First, I must fetch my pet."

The guard bowed his head quickly before scuttling off. Adroth removed his white coat and slipped on a more suitable, black suit coat. He went to Yugi's room and opened the door to find his captive huddled in a tight ball.

"It seems we have some visitors, my pet. I need to ready you first," the man stated with slight amusement. He went to the cabinet and retrieved a few items before coming to the bedside. "Stand up, little one."

Yugi sniffled and pushed himself up unsteadily. He fixed his stockings and slipped the shoe he had lost, back on. He did not know who these 'visitors' were, but he did not want to disobey his master again.

"Turn around, little one. Put your arms behind you."

The spiky haired youth did as he was instructed and felt his wrists put back into the leather cuffs again. Once that was finished, Adroth pushed him over the bed and pulled up the back of Yugi's skirt before tearing down the frilly bloomers.

"We have to put your leash on, my pet. Hold still now."

With no preparation, a vibrator was forced into the teen's back entrance. It was bumpy, and the bumps only grew in diameter the further it went. Yugi whined hoarsely and arched his back as the toy came to life within him. The vibrations were low, but the toy was pressing against his prostate. Adroth put the panties back in place with a cord sticking out from the back.

"I hold the controls, little one. I can make this as pleasurable or as unbearable as I wish for you. Now, come along. Let's not keep our guests waiting."


The others were lead into an expansive room and were told that the master of the house would be with them shortly. They were alert and ready for any kind of trap that may have been set.

The door opened to reveal the tall, dark haired owner of the castle. He leaned in the doorway with a smug smirk.

"So you are my visitors I was informed of. I am Adroth Walidric and this is my home that you've decided to barge into before I graciously let you in. I would extend my welcome to you if you hadn't been so rude before."

"We're not here to chat! We've come for Yugi," Seto narrowed his eyes. He appointed himself the speaker for the group.

"Ah, Yugi. Well, I'm afraid that I'm unwilling to part with him. You see, I've grown fond of the little one."

"Where is he? What have you done with Yugi??" the young CEO was growing impatient and the others were finding it hard to keep Yami back.

"He's quite safe. You can see for yourself," he turned his head with a devilish grin before he cooed, "Come in, my pet. Our guests wish to see you." Adroth turned the vibrations on higher to get the boy to move.

Startled gasps filled the room as Yugi stepped into view wearing a dress and being led by the ebony haired man. Yugi kept his head bowed as large tears poured from his closed eyes and run down his flushed cheeks.

Nothing could hold Yami back now. He jumped to his feet, "AIBOU!"

It was Yugi's turn to gasp as he snapped his head up and locked eyes with his darkness.

".. Y-Yami?...."