Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Who Will Save Me? ❯ Chapter 4

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Yugi felt fresh tears begin to pour down his cheeks. He wasn't sure if they were from his humiliation, or relief, or a bit of both.

He cried out to his love, "Yami! Please! Help me!"

The little outburst was cut off quickly when Adroth brought the vibrator's controls to full power and sent the teen to his knees.

"Silence, little one. We'll have none of that now. Be a good pet for your master."

Yugi writhed on the floor. The vibrations were too strong for him to handle and he cried out with his strained voice. He truly was at the mercy of this sadistic monster.

The others joined Yami as they leapt to their feet.

"Stop it!"

"Turn da fuckin' thing off!"


"Do something, Seto!"

Adroth looked up at the onlookers with a satisfied smirk. "I'm afraid he is mine now." He looked down at the squirming mass at his feet and cooed, "Isn't that right, my pet? You must obey your master's wishes after all."

Yami met his hikari's pleading, pitiful gaze once more and saw a face that he would never forget, no matter how hard he tried. His crimson eyes turned to blood red as he focused upon his love's tormentor. The former pharaoh raised his hand towards Adroth.


The ebony haired villain went reeling backwards, clutching his head in his hands and dropping the control. Yami stalked forward, his hair and clothes whipping about him from some unearthly aura that began to radiate from his body.

"You dare to take an innocent boy and make him your bed slave for your own personal amusement?? That is where you made your first mistake! The second mistake was to take MY hikari!!"

Adroth continued to stumble back dumbly while Yami roared in a furious tone and kept moving forward. Everyone, except for Seto and Bakura rushed to Yugi's side. Utter exhaustion had finally taken its toll and left the petite youth unconscious.

The man stared at the enraged creature before him with fearful eyes. "Wh.. what is this?.. Magic??.. Is this some sort of trick?!"

Yami turned his head just slightly to call over his shoulder, "Bakura.. Would you help me deal a fitting punishment? I'm sure your bloodlust has yet to be quenched."

The ancient tomb robber grinned evilly before giving his lips a hungry lick. "How kind of you, Pharaoh."

The two spirits skulked out of the room after Adroth in a rather predatory fashion. The door swung closed heavily behind them. The next sound the others heard was the man's screams for mercy before Yami and Bakura returned. Yami had a very solemn appearance, but looked like justice had been served in his mind. Bakura was licking the last bloody droplets off a dagger and grinning hungrily.

The tri-color haired darkness went to his fallen light. Everyone around parted to let him through as he scooped the boy up into his arms. He pulled the headpiece from Yugi's hair and removed the shoes and stockings.

Joey pulled off his shirt. "Tristan, take off yer coat. Let's get Yug out of those clothes."

Carefully, Joey, Tristan, and Yami removed the restraints from Yugi's wrists and undressed him before putting Joey's shirt upon his thin frame and wrapping him in Tristan's coat. They cautiously removed the vibrator from the boy's abused body before lifting him up.

"Bakura, I'm trusting you to find the Millennium Puzzle and not to steal it. We need to get Yugi to a doctor," Yami stated simply without breaking his gaze into Yugi's face.

Ryou went off with his other half as they searched quickly by using the Millennium Ring. Yami carried his light back outside towards the waiting helicopters. Tristan, Mr. Mutou, Joey, Yami, and Yugi went into the first and took off quickly back for Domino City to seek a hospital. Bakura and Ryou emerged shortly after with the puzzle and climbed into the remaining chopper with Seto, Mokuba, and Teá.

It seemed to be an eternity before they arrived at the hospital and Yugi was taken in. Yami ferociously refused to leave his hikari's side, but Solomon managed to convince him to wait with the others.

A few hours later, the doctor appeared, but Yami did not wait around to listen. The moment he heard that Yugi was stable, he burst in to see him. The youth was still unconscious. An I.V. was in his arm an oxygen mask upon his small face. Everything seemed to be looking fine, but the emotional and mental trauma had yet to be seen.

The ancient darkness went to the bedside and held Yugi's free hand tightly in his own before kissing it tenderly.

".. Please don't leave me, aibou.."


Yami never left Yugi's side. Solomon urged him to get some rest, but he refused to part in his light's time of need.

His explanation was sad, yet simple, "I failed him once by letting him go.. I'm not going to let it happen again."

It wasn't until the next day that the small teen awoke. Seeing the hospital room filled him with fear as thought he was still in the castle. He sat up suddenly and ripped away the mask, trying to break away from the wires and tubes around him. The movement jostled Yami, who had fallen asleep on his forearms while sitting beside the bed. He shot up instantly to find the young one struggling and sobbing in hysterics while he went to pull his I.V. free.

"Yugi! Aibou, you're safe now," he grabbed Yugi's hand tightly to stop him. "It's all right, calm down..."

Yugi weakly tried to pull away, "N-no! Don't touch me! I don't want to be hurt anymore!"

Yami threw his arms around the youth and clutched him in a tight embrace. "No one will hurt you anymore, aibou.. It's, Yami.. You're safe. I'm here now and I promise I'll keep you safe from anyone."

Slowly, the smaller duelist began to recognize who was holding him and clung to Yami like a lifeline.

"Yami!... Yami, I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!.. Please don't hate me anymore!.. I didn't want to do anything he did to me!.. I'm sorry.. I'm sorry... Just.. please don't hate me, Yami... Please...." he hiccupped between sobs.

The spirit held the boy tighter. "I don't hate you at all, aibou. Why in Ra's name would you think that?"

"I c-could feel your h-hate through our l-link.. when... when he was touching me...."

Carefully, Yami climbed up upon the bed and cradled the frail body in his lap. He spoke nothing words and stroked the smaller's back until the tears began to slow.

"I never hated you, my hikari.. I could feel what that monster was doing to you and I was furious that I had no power to stop it.. Forgive me, Yugi. I failed in being your protector."

Yugi whimpered softly as he nestled his head beneath Yami's chin and closed his eyes. He gave a few stray sniffles into his darkness' chest.

".. It was my fault.."

"No, it wasn't, aibou. But I should have been there to save you."

"... You did save me, Yami.. I thought... I thought I would never see you again."

The taller kissed Yugi's forehead and held him closer. "I promise you this, Yugi.. I let you go once, and it is something I must live with everyday, but I will never let you go again.. I love you, my aibou."

The boy was already drifting back into an exhausted slumber, but murmured back quietly, ".. I love you too... my darkness...."


It was a few more days before Yugi was released from the hospital. He went to a counselor to help deal with the tortures he had undergone while in Adroth's clutches.

Things began to slowly grow better for him and the two boys grew closer. Yugi was hesitant about telling the others about their relationship, especially after everything they had seen, for fear of rejection and disgust. But, Yami stood by his side and gave him reassurance and courage to confront their friends. They accepted it completely and even tried to do more activities together where they could help Yugi cheer up and heal.

The support from his friends worked wonders in the healing process, but Yugi still suffered from the occasional, debilitating nightmare that would leave him screaming in a cold sweat.

On those nights, he was glad to have Yami there. The former pharaoh would hold him close and help the bad dreams go away. Sometimes, Yami would let him sit in his lap all night long until they both fell back to sleep. Even then, he would not let his light go.

Tonight was one of those horrendous nights. Yami was fast asleep, but Yugi was trembling and beginning to sweat. He dreamt of Adroth torturing him again even though he begged him to stop. This time, he had a tray of needles and knives that he used to stab through Yugi's tender flesh and rip him into little pieces.

".. n-no... no, stop.... No... No!.. NO.. NO NO NO NO NO!!!!" Yugi woke up screaming.

In moments, Yami pulled the boy into the safety and security of his lap and began to soothe him. "Shh.. Everything's alright now, aibou.. It was only a nightmare."

The shorter youth sniffled and whimpered pitifully as he clung to the taller with shaking hands. Yami settled them both back down in the bed while he caressed Yugi's back.

"... I don't want to have these dreams anymore, Yami.."

"I wish you didn't have them either, aibou.. They were growing less frequent."

He clung to the spirit and Yami tenderly wiped away his fallen tears.

".. It's because I'm scared.. I've been thinking about us more and the dreams started again."

"What are you afraid of, Yugi?.. You know you can always talk with me."

The small mop of mussed hair lowered slightly. He replied quietly, "I'm afraid that it will hurt.. I'm afraid that it will hurt to be in love with each other."

"Love shouldn't hurt you, aibou.. He did not love you. What he did was unforgivable, but it was not what love is.. Love should always make you feel wonderful."

Yugi fisted Yami's nightshirt. "... I love you, Yami."

The taller bent his head down to kiss the boy's forehead lovingly. "I love you too, my hikari."

They held each other in a long silence and Yami thought his little one had fallen back asleep until he heard him whisper softly.

".. Yami?"

Pushing the settling drowsiness away, he replied in an equal whisper, "Yes, aibou?"

Yugi lifted his head and tucked it over his darkness' shoulder while he embraced him tightly. A warm breath tickled Yami's ear.

"... Would you make love to me?"

The taller statured teen blinked a few times, not sure if he had heard the request correctly.


The frail body shifted upon him until lightly sparkling amethyst orbs met his gaze.

".. You said that love should always feel good.. I want to feel good again and make the bad dreams stop.." he bent up and shyly kissed the pharaoh upon the lips. ".. Please, Yami.. Please show me how love is supposed to be like..."

Yami was a bit shocked. "Are you sure that's what you want, Yugi? I only want to if that is truly what you want to do."

Laying his head back down and nestling it underneath the older teen's chin, he nodded.

"I want to.. I want you to make my nightmares stop so I can feel better."

Yami nuzzled the top of his light's head and stroked his back. ".. Alright, aibou.. Just tell me whenever you wish for me to stop."

He rolled to the side to lay Yugi back before he began to kiss the smaller's lips and down to his neck. Yami paused to pull his sleep shirt over his head, then to gently unbutton the front of Yugi's pajama top.

The diminutive teen laid still and silent while his other half undressed him with care. Without realizing, he was starting to worry his lower lip between his teeth. Yami sensed the apprehensiveness through their mental connection and stopped.

"Yugi, I know you're afraid. Are you certain you want to go through with this?" he affectionately brushed the golden bangs from the little one's eyes.

Yugi began to sniffle again as he looked up into crimson orbs filled with concern.

".. I can't stop thinking about what happened, Yami... You won't love me anymore if I can't get over it."

"Aibou, never think like that. It was a very serious matter that you had to endure and I know that it will take time for you to heal. I'm willing to wait as long as it takes for you to feel ready."

The smaller sat up, "No! I'm ready. Really, Yami. I want to.." he lowered his head, ".. I'm.. just scared.."

"That's quite understandable, aibou. Don't ever feel ashamed for that. It was never your fault that it happened." Yami pulled him close and tenderly kissed his lips.

Yugi shifted away and began to wiggle underneath the covers as he slid off his pajama bottoms and left himself in just his boxers. He looked back to his other half.

"Please, Yami.. I want to.."

The dark spirit gave a soft nod before continuing where he left off. He placed butterfly kisses over the expanse of soft skin before him and lovingly teased the sensitive spots across Yugi's body that he knew of.

Yami smiled inwardly when he began to hear soft sighs and gentle moans from his ministrations. He came to the pert nub of one of the boy's nipples and encircled it with the tip of his tongue. Leaving a wet trail along the way, he went to the other one.

Yugi moaned softly and closed his eyes. Yami could feel his light's body beginning to relax. He was pleased that he was finally going to show his smaller half what love should really be about.

Abandoning the stiffened nubs of flesh, the taller youth trailed his tongue down and dipped it into his hikari's navel. Yugi arched his back as he tried to fight back a wave of giggles.

He hissed in a soft whisper, "Yami, that tickles!"

With a mischievous grin, Yami repeated his actions, but gently held Yugi still when he began to squirm in his giggling fit.

"No!.. Stop tickling me!.. Yami!.. We're going to wake up grandpa.." he tried to be as quiet as he could.

The ancient pharaoh ceased at last and gave the smaller a kiss. "It's good to hear you laughing again, aibou. We've all missed it."

Yugi hugged his other half tightly and nuzzled his cheek. In their movements, they could feel the other's arousal brushing against them. The small light started to blush slightly as their breathing grew heavier. He looked up into Yami's eyes. Desire passed silently between them.

Without saying a word, in fear of breaking the moment, Yami gave his hikari a passionate kiss. Ghosting his fingertips over Yugi's body, he came to the waistband of the shorter teen's boxers. He fingered them softly, waiting for any protests while he kept their lips locked. Yugi only arched his hips slightly into the touch to urge him on.

With permission granted, the taller eased the underpants off the other's slender hips and left him bare. They broke away from their kiss to catch their breath and Yami took the opportunity to admire his young lover. He brought a hand to the boy's face and caressed his cheek.

"You're so beautiful, my koi.. I feel unworthy to behold it."

The younger clasped the hand at his face and interlaced their fingers. "... Thank you, Yami..."

Tenderly, they shared another kiss before the ancient spirit stripped himself bare. Yugi eyed him before turning away and blushing brightly.

//What's wrong, aibou?//

//.. I don't want to stare//

Yami chuckled and played with the stray bangs dangling in Yugi's eyes. //It's quite alright, Yugi. You can look at me as much as you wish. I won't be offended//

Violet orbs turned back to gaze over the other's nude form. He timidly looked over Yami's erection. It was not terrifying like Adroth's had been. It was nicely proportioned and pleasantly endowed. His dark's chuckling brought him out of his daydreams.

//I'm glad you like it//

Yugi's cheeks glowed pink even in the dark of the room. //Yami!//

Yami chuckled more and kissed a flushed cheek. //I'm sorry, aibou. I promise not to read your wandering mind again//

Both teens giggled softly at that and snuggled closer.


The small hikari turned his head up.

//It will hurt some first. I wish I could take all of the pain away, but there will be some slight discomfort..//

//.. oh... But,.. You're not doing it on purpose though, right?//

//I would never hurt you intentionally, koi//

//.. I.. I guess it'll be alright..//

The former pharaoh cradled his other half gently.

//Yugi?.. Would you rather take me instead?//

This caused the boy to blush again. //Thank you, Yami.. but I'm sure I want to do this this way. I have to know//

Yami nodded softly before sitting up and opening the nightstand drawer. Brushing the puzzle's chain out of the way, he dug around and pulled out a small bottle of lubricant. It was his turn to blush when Yugi questioned him about it through their bond.

//This is.. well, it's mine...//

The spiky haired boy covered his mouth as he giggled. //And everyone thinks you are so perfect, Yami//

The dark smirked. //I've found that magazine you hid under the bed, Yugi. What would everyone think if they knew you weren't quite so innocent?//

Yugi gave a squeak and quieted down. His other half kissed his neck tenderly and smiled.

//We all have our little secrets, koi//

Carefully, the taller youth snuggled closer to his lover while he poured a dollop of the cool liquid into his palm and rubbed it over his fingertips.

//You have to relax and trust me, aibou. Just tell me if it hurts and I will stop. Spread your legs for me//

The short teen complied and willed himself to relax as much as possible. He held his breath as he felt Yami's fingertips brushing over his entrance and slowly massaged their way in. A single digit slipped inside.

Yugi felt slightly uncomfortable, but his lover's gentle touches made it better. He gave a soft sigh of contentment and submitted himself to his other half.

When a second finger began to work its way into his tunnel, he yelped quietly and felt the movement stop instantly.

//Are you alright, koi?//

//Uh-huh.. Just startled me.... Keep going//

Working slower than before, Yami eventually slid his second digit into the heat. Yugi closed his eyes while he panted and whimpered. His thin body squirmed against the sensations.

Suddenly, a fingertip caressed his hidden pleasure spot and caused the young light to bite back a cry of bliss. He covered his mouth with both hands to keep quiet as his cries died into a whimper when the fingers stopped.

//Yugi?..// the taller asked with concern.

Yugi sounded breathless. //Oh, gods... It feels so good.. Please don't stop//

Rubbing his sweet spot a few more times while he worked and scissored, Yami felt his other half was prepared. With his free hand, he stroked himself and coated his shaft with an ample amount of the lubrication.

The boy gave a whimper when the fingers pulled away. The dark situated himself between Yugi's thighs.

//Aibou? I'm going to start now. Just relax and I promise I will go slow. Tell me when it hurts you//

//Alright, Yami.. Be careful, please..//

The greater statured teen butted himself up against his lover's opening and slowly pushed until the head of his arousal slipped into the tight ring. Yugi clutched his other half's arms and hissed softly from being stretched.

Yami stayed still and waited for the pliant body around him to relax again before he sunk in deeper. It was a slow progress, but he was eventually fully sheathed inside his light's body.

The spirit took the smaller into a heated kiss while he cradled him in his arms and waited for the boy to adjust. A gentle roll of the hips signaled that Yugi was ready.

Carefully, Yami pulled himself back before pressing back in and developing a rhythm.

//Ohh.. Yami... I love you, Yami..//

//I love you too, my little Yugi//

Their rhythm grew steadier and the petite duelist managed to nestle his lap against Yami's abdomen. Their bodies fit one another perfectly.

//Ahh... Faster, Yami.. Please!//

Yugi's pleas continued until they were making love at a vigorous pace. The light threw his head back in unbridled ecstasy as his other half thrust through him.

Yami reached between them and stroked his hikari's neglected boyhood. The movement caused enough shift in their bodies to align the older teen directly to stab the younger's prostate.

Yugi cried out in pleasure, "Ah! Yami!.."

Afraid of being caught, the dark silenced his lover with a passionate kiss. The short youth wrapped his arms around the other's back and moaned into Yami's mouth. With a few more deliberate thrusts, the frail body underneath began to buck in his throes of passion.

Milky seed spilled over Yugi's chest. Moments later, Yami grasped his hips firmly as he emptied his hot completion into his lover's passageway.

They pulled away for air and the taller slipped himself free before collapsing by his hikari's side and pulling him close.

//My beloved light..//

Yugi nestled his head beneath his other half's chin while they laid in their afterglow.

//I love you, my darkness//

Sweat beads glittered their flesh and their hearts were pounding steadily. The lovemaking had worn the little one out and he began to drift back to sleep in the safety and comfort of his lover's embrace.

Yami pulled the covers up around them to effectively hide the evidence of their unclothed state in case Mr. Mutou came into their room in the morning. He pressed his lips tenderly upon the boy's sweaty forehead and brushed a few dampened bangs away. The spirit traced an absent pattern upon Yugi's forehead as he spoke one last time.

//Sleep well, my aibou.. No more nightmares//

Yugi was already fast asleep upon his chest and slept soundly for the rest of the night.

Ever since that night, Yugi's nightmares grew less frequent until they virtually ended. And when they did come back, Yami was always right there to make them go away.
