Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whose Line is it Anime? ❯ Show 2: Hollywood Director, the Millionaire Show ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! or any of the TV shows mentioned in this fic. I do own Ayumi and Book of the Millennia.
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Ayumi: Good evening and welcome to “Whose Line is it Anime?” On today's episode, “I love Funny Bunny!” - Maximillion Pegasus!
*Camera moves over Pegasus. He is reading a Funny Bunny comic book*
Ayumi: “Who doesn't love a bad Soap Opera?” - Mai Valentine!
*Camera moves over Mai. She is looking at her reflection in a compact*
Ayumi: “I'll watch anything that's Anime!” - Tristan Taylor!
*Camera moves over Tristan. He is watching Yu Yu Hakusho on a portable TV*
Ayumi: And last but not least, “I prefer America's Funniest Animals” - Téa Gardner!
*Camera moves over Téa. She is reading a book*
Ayumi: I'm your host, Ayumi Tamahaki! Come on down and let's have some fun. *sits behind the desk* Hello and welcome to “Whose Line is it Anime?” the show where everything's made up and the points don't matter! That's right, just like the Millennium Eye to Yugi, they're useless!
Pegasus: It was actually quite useful.
Ayumi: But Yugi still beat you! Anyway, if you've never seen this show before, what going to happen is these guys are going to make up everything you see from off the top of their heads. We give them pretend points and we pick a “winner” at the end who gets to make the buzzy noise! *hits buzzer multiple times*
Mai: *whispering to Tristan* I think she's gone off the deep end...
Ayumi: Why don't we get the show started with “Hollywood Director”! This is all four of you. *contestants walk on stage* Mai, Tristan, and Téa - you're going to act out a scene, and every now and then Pegasus, who's the director, will come in give you tips on how to act. The scene is: You're at Kaiba Corps. Mai, you're the secretary. Téa, you are -
Téa: *thinking* Not Kaiba, not Kaiba, PLEASE not Kaiba!!!
Ayumi: - trying to steal Kaiba's enormous amounts of money.
Téa: Awesome!
Pegasus: Why does SHE get to steal from Kaiba-boy!?
Ayumi: Tristan, you're the police officer that comes in to stop Téa.
Tristan: If this was in real life, I wouldn't want to stop her.
Ayumi: Just get on with the scene!
Mai: *pretends to file papers*
Téa: *walks in; pretends to point a gun at Mai* Give me all of Kaiba's money! *thinks for a second* And his Duel Monsters cards, too!
Mai: *damsel-in-distress voice* Oh, help me! Help me please!
Tristan: *runs in; pretends to point a gun at Téa* Drop all of Kaiba's money! *thinks for a second* And his Duel Monsters cards, too!
Pegasus: *walks in* Cut! CUT!!! That was horrible! I've seen Funny Bunny criticisms better than that!
Tristan: Don't you ever think of anything other than Funny Bunny?
Pegasus: Yes, actually. I also think of the world's finest fruit juice, dueling, and my darling Cecelia! *sniffle*
Téa: He's officially a grade-A nutcase.
Pegasus: I've got an idea! Do the scene like you're all ducks! What are you all looking at me for? Action!!!
Mai: *pretends to file papers*
Téa: *walks in; pretends to point a gun at Mai* Give me - quack - all of Kaiba's - quack - money! *thinks for a second* And his - quack - Duel Monsters cards - quack - too!
Mai: *damsel-in-distress voice* Oh, help me! Quack! Help me - quack - please!
Tristan: *runs in; pretends to point a gun at Téa* Drop - quack - all of Kaiba's - quack - money! *thinks for a second* And his - quack - Duel Monsters cards - quack - too!
Pegasus: *walks in* Cut, cut, cut! That wasn't such a good idea.
Téa: You think?
Mai: No, I don't think he does.
Pegasus: Of course I do! Anyway, this time do the scene like you're in a Ninja movie! Action!
Mai: *does Ninja-like moves to file pretend papers* Hi-ya! *kicks pretend filling cabinet drawer to close it*
Téa: *walks in; does the Ninja stance* Give me all of Kaiba's money! *thinks for a second* And his Duel Monsters cards, too!
Mai: *does Ninja stance* You'll have to get through me, first!
Tristan: *runs in; also does Ninja stance* Drop all of Kaiba's money! *thinks for a second* And his Duel Monsters cards, too!
Pegasus: *walks in* Cut! Cut! Cut! We need to add something new...Wait, I know! Do the scene backwards! That's right, backwards. Action! Oops...I mean: Noitca!
Tristan: *is pointing pretend gun at Téa* Oot, sdrac Sretsnom Leud sih dna! *thinks for a second* Yenom S'abiak fo lla pord! *runs out backwards*
Mai: *damsel-in-distress voice* Esaelp em pleh! Em pleh, ho!
Téa: *is pointing pretend gun at Mai* Oot, sdrac Sretsnom Leud sih dna! *thinks for a second* Yenom S'abiak fo lla em evig! *walks out backwards*
Mai: *pretends to file papers*
Ayumi: *hits buzzer* That was wonderful, guys! I'll give 1,000 points to Téa, Tristan, and Mai for talking backwards, and 500 points to Pegasus for making them act like ducks. Now, let's move on with a game called “The Millionaire Show.” This is for all four of you. Mai, you're a contestant on the Millionaire Show - like “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” - and Pegasus is the host. Téa, you're the person on the other end of the phone line. Tristan, you're the person in the audience. The twist is, this is the Ancient Egyptian version! Start whenever you're ready.
Pegasus: *sitting on a stool on stage* You're only two questions away from winning a million gold pieces. You have two lifelines left. Are you ready?
Mai: *sitting on a stool on stage* I'm ready.
Pegasus: Okay, you're first question is: “Thoth is the god of what?” A, the underworld, B, knowledge, C, craftsmanship, or D, ice cream?
Mai: Hmmm...This is a tricky one...I think I'm going to use a lifeline.
Pegasus: Would you like to go up into the audience, or phone a friend?
Mai: What's a “phone”?
Pegasus: It's a form of communication that will be invented in about 4,876 years from now.
Mai: In that case, I'd like to phone my priestess friend, Isis.
Téa: *over phone line* Greetings, Mai.
Mai: Good afternoon, Isis. I need you to tell me what Thoth is the god of.
Téa: Is it multiple choice?
Mai: It was, but I've forgotten all the answers. So, is it A, B, C, or D?
Téa: Well, I have no clue what Thoth is the god of, so I'll just say C.
Mai: Okay, then. Good-bye, Isis.
Téa: Good-bye. *hangs up phone*
Mai: I'm going to have to go with C.
Pegasus: Is that your final answer?
Mai: Actually, it is.
Pegasus: *acting upset* You picked C. You just had to pick C. *excited* Because it's the right answer!
Mai: *screams in delight*
Pegasus: Now, just one more question. “What does a house in Hieroglyphics stand for?” A, a, B, b, C, c, or D, d?
Mai: Um, I'd like to go up into the audience to my betrothal partner, Imhotep. *looks toward audience* Imhotep?
Tristan: *up in the audience* Oh yes, darling?
Mai: Do you know the answer to the question?
Tristan: I'm going to say D, because it's the first letter in “dog” and that reminds me of Joey.
Mai: Thank you! *looks back at Pegasus* I'm going with D, d. And that's my final answer.
Pegasus: *upset* You picked D, d. I'm afraid that... *excited* IT'S THE RIGHT ANSWER!!! You won a million gold pieces!
Mai: I always knew I would.
Ayumi: *hits buzzer* You guys don't know anything about Egypt, do you?
Téa: I had no clue whatsoever who Thoth was.
Ayumi: Thoth is the god of knowledge! And a house in Hieroglyphics is an “H”!
Tristan: How did you know that?
Ayumi: It's all right here! *holds up book called Book of the Millennia* This has all you need to know about Ancient Egypt.
Pegasus: I need to get myself a copy.
Ayumi: Sorry, this is the only one! So, for that last game, 1,500 points to Tristan for calling Mai “darling” and Joey a dog, 1,000 to Mai for the names Isis and Imhotep, and 500 to Pegasus for making up the questions. We'll be right back after this commercial break!