Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whose Line is it Anyway ❯ Questions Only and Whose Line ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Three
Questions Only and Whose Line
Laria stood in front of the Whose Line players grinning. All looked rather scared, except for Seto who was trying to chew through the rope that was tied around his wrists.
“Laria, is it really necessary to make us play this game?” Ryou asked.
“Of course,” Laria smiled sweetly, yet there was still a hint of evil, “You should see all the wonderful reviews I've been getting.”
“Who cares,” Seto growled giving up on getting though his bindings.
“Do you have anymore bagels?” asked Joey.
Joey cowered back in his chair and whimpered.
“Laria, five more minutes until the show starts again.” Mokuba said coming from back stage.
“Great, have Yugi and Malik untie my victims — I mean, players,” Laria laughed evilly, “I've got lots of great stuff planned.”
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“Hi welcome back!” Laria, who was now sitting at her desk, said, “Welcome back to `Whose Line is it Anyway'. If you're keeping track of the points, you're reading this for the wrong reasons. Now on to our next game... Questions Only!”
“Yes!” Joey exclaimed, the other three players gave him an odd look.
“Now in this game our players have to come up here and make up a scene,” Laria explained, “But they can only use questions.”
All four players got up, Atemu and Joey stood in the middle of the stage. Ryou went behind Joey and Seto behind Atemu.
“Ok, your scene is, you are duelist in the middle of a very important duel.”
“Is it my turn?” Joey asked.
“Don't you know?” asked Atemu.
“Are you challenging me to a duel?”
“I already did that!”
Laria buzzed Atemu out.
“Shot!” Atemu said as he traded places with Seto.
“Should I play my card?” Seto asked.
“Why wouldn't you?” Joey asked back.
“Do I have to?”
“Is it your Blue Eyes?”
“Why do you ask?”
“Because...” Joey paused, “Oh I lose.”
Laria buzzed Joey out and he traded places with Ryou.
“Is it your Blue Eyes?” asked Ryou.
“Could you stop it?”
“Would you like to see?”
“Nope,” said Seto, “See ya”
Seto went to trade places with Atemu as Laria buzzed him out.
“Can I play my Dark Magician?” Atemu asked.
“Can you?”
“Are you mocking me?”
“Do you want me to?”
“Why not?”
“Uhh...” Ryou paused. Laria buzzed a couple times, signaling the end of the game.
“Great game!” Laria said blissfully “10 points to Atemu—“
“10!?” Atemu exclaimed, “Ryou got 1000!!”
“Do you want to kiss my brother?”
“That thing?!?” Atemu said looking over at Seto, who glared at him, who smiled.
“On that note we'll move on to our next game... Whose Line!”
“Aren't we already playing Whose Line?” asked Joey.
“We have a game on the show named that.” Laria said.
“This show is confusing,” sighed Joey.
“You were confused before the show started,” Seto taunted.
“Don't think to hard about it.”
“Ow... Brain cramp.”
Laria rolled her eyes at the players.
“Can we continue now?” she asked the players. They instantly became quite. “That's much better. Now this game is for Ryou and Seto. In this you two will be making up a scene but you have to slip these lines that our audience members wrote down before the show.”
Seto and Ryou got up and took the lines from Laria and put them in there pockets.
“Ok your scene is... Huh?” Laria turned around and looked up at Yani, who was in the audience, “Where'd you come up with this?”
“Would you like me to think of another?” Yani grinned evilly.
“No, no, I'll go with this,” Laria turned back to the players. “Ryou, you are Juliet looking from Romeo, played by Seto.”
Ryou and Seto exchange uneasy glances as Yani grinned evilly... again. The players sighed and began the scene.
“Romeo, oh Romeo,” Ryou said “Where art thou Romeo?”
“I'm right here,” Seto said from behind Ryou.
“It's to dark so see anything,” Ryou said turning around. Seto pretends to turn on a flashlight.
“Juliet, there's been something I've been meaning to tell you,” Seto said pulling a piece of paper from his pocket “Altoids taste like cherry pie in the morning.”
“That's not the only thing,” Ryou grinned, “If you know what I mean.”
“Yeah I guess cherry pie would taste like cherry pie also,” Seto said thoughtfully.
“Oh, Romeo,” Ryou sighed dramatically, “We can never be together.”
“Why not?”
“Because,” Ryou pulled a slip out his pocket, “I am the Lord of the Dance
“Then we shall dance together!” Seto said as he wrapped his arm around Ryou's shoulders and they both danced a River Dance.
“No it will never work,” Ryou said sadly stopping the dance, “Our families hate each other.”
“Then I will go to both of them, and I shall say to them,” Seto pulled a slip out of his pocket. “Look your fried chicken's running away!
Seto turned to walk off stage.
“Wait! There's something else I need to say,” Ryou pulled a slip out, “FORE!!!
Seto ducks and falls to the floor. Laria buzzed.
“50 points to Seto for having a flashlight in the 15th hundreds” said Laria.
“Juliet, I am from the future,” Atemu said in a robot like voice.
“Danger, danger Will Robinson” Joey piped in, also in a robot voice.
“Think I can trust you guys during the break?” Laria asked.
“Of course you can!” Seto grinned.
“Can some one else conform that?” Laria asked, “I don't really want to take my brother's word for it.”
At that moment Yani and Bakura came down from the audience.
“We'll keep an eye on them,” grinned Bakura.
“Good, we'll be back after this!”