Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whose Line is it Anyway ❯ Irish Drinking Song ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Four:
Irish Drinking Song
Laria and Mokuba stood back stage looking out at the four players. They sat in their seats talking happily to one another. Laria growled at them.
“What are we going to do!” the Authoress said to her younger brother. “It doesn't bother them anymore!”
“Yes,” Mokuba agreed, “They seem to be enjoying it.”
“That's it,” Laria glared, “It's time for drastic measures.”
“Drastic measures?” Mokuba looked worried.
“Song time!” Laria laughed evilly.
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“Hi and welcome back to `Whose Line is it Anyway'” Laria smiled, “The show where everything's made up and the points don't matter, just like this Blue Eyes Plushie.”
Laria pulled a plushie out from under her desk.
“Hey that's mine!” Seto exclaimed, “Where'd you find that!?”
“I had Mokuba raid your room during the last break.” Laria shrugged. Seto ran up to the desk and grabbed the plushie from his twin and went back to his seat.
“Don't worry Bluesy,” Seto cooed to the plushie, “I won't let her hurt you again.”
Seto kissed the top of the plushie's head causing Atemu to gag.
“That was gross!” Joey said making a face.
“Awww,” Ryou grinned, “Kaiba has a sensitive side.”
Seto blushed and placed the plushie under his chair.
“You done?” Laria asked her twin.
“Yah,” Seto nodded.
“Good, now it's on to our last game... Irish Drinking Song!”
“Last?” Joey asked as all four of them got up. “Thank god!”
The four players stood on stage, looking unnerved by the grinned plastered on Laria's face.
“In this game you have to make up a song one line at a time,” Laria said turning to the audience, “Now, who is some one you normally wouldn't sing about?”
“Seto!” Worshiper-of-Seto called out.
“Atemu!” Windy said also.
“Bakura!” shouted Paniwi.
“Bluesy!” said Mikari.
“A person!” Laria said, “Not a thing!”
“Laria!” called Red Rose Yuki.
“Sounds good to me,” Laria shrugged turning back to the players, “You will be doing the Laria Irish Drinking Song!”
“It's pay back!!” Seto said to the other players as the music started. They all grinned.
Oh idi idi idi idi idi idi iiii,” they all sang.
Laria is my sister,” sang Seto.
She made us play this game,” sang Atemu.
She said it would be lots of fun,” sang Joey.
But I think its lame,” sang Ryou.
When this game is over,” sang Seto.
The price she will pay,” sang Atemu.
I wouldn't underestimate her,” sang Joey
She always gets her way,” sang Ryou
Oh idi idi idi idi idi idi iiii,” they all sang.
She has a really bad deck now,” sang Atemu.
Kuriboh's her strongest card,” sang Joey.
Anyone can beat her,” sang Ryou.
It's not very hard,” sang Seto.
That is unless you're Joey,” sang Atemu.
He's not really that bad,” sang Joey.
He got beat by Tea,” sang Ryou.
That was really sad,” sang Seto.
Oh idi idi idi idi idi idi iiii,” they all sang.
She has a twin brother,” sang Joey.
He is really mean,” sang Ryou.
We're supposed to be bashing Laria,” sang Seto, raising an eye brow at the other players.
He always makes a scene,” sang Atemu.
He has a crush on Ryou,” sang Joey.
And Bluesy,” sang Ryou.
“What the hell!?!” Seto exclaimed, not in song.
Ha ha ha hee hee” sang Atemu grinning.
Laria cut them off with the buzzer and they all went back to their seats.
“Hey, the song wasn't over yet,” Atemu complained.
“I say it is!”
“You can't do that!” Joey said.
“Says you!” Laria glared, “This is my story, and I can do what ever I want!”
“Prove it!”
“Uh, Joey I wouldn't mess with the Authoress,” Seto said, not liking the glint in Laria's eyes.
“What is she going to do?” Joey asked confidently, “Turn me into a dog?”
Laria snapped her fingers and Joey turned into a poodle wearing a muzzle in a small cage. Seto almost fell out of his chair laughing. At that moment a random Joey fan ran on stage, grabbed the cage and ran off with it.
“Shouldn't we go save him?” asked Atemu.
“After the show,” said Laria, “But now it's time to pick a winner.”
“You mean the game is over now?” Atemu asked again.
“I thought it would never end,” Seto sighed in relief.
“Yeah,” Ryou agreed.
“And the winner is...” Laria thought for a second, “ME!”
The player's eyes went wide.
“You can't win!” exclaimed Seto.
“All you did was sit up there the whole time!” Atemu complained. Ryou just simply gave her a death glare.
“I'm only joking,” Laria said rolling her eyes, “The real winner is Atemu, for that hot outfit you were wearing when you dueled Duke.”
“I won!” Atemu said excitedly “Yah! What'd I win?”
“A year supply of sugar!”
“No, but I'll give you a bag of sugar after the show.”
“Now I would like to thank the following people: Mikari, me, Windy, me, Paniwi, Worshiper-of-Seto, Red Rose Yuki, everyone who read, and everyone who reviewed this story... and of course, me!”
“Man your sister is about as conceited as the Dark Magician,” Ryou said to Seto.
“The Dark Magician is not conceited!” exclaimed Atemu.
“He is and you know it!” argued Ryou.
“Would you like to take this to the dueling arena?” Atemu asked angrily, standing up.
“Bring it!” Ryou stood up as well and the two stormed off back stage to duel. Seto looked around, he was the only player.
“What does this mean?”
“It means you get to read the credits by yourself.” Laria said.
“Oh come on, Lar,” Seto said, “Can't you give me a break for once?”
“I guess,” Laria sighed, “since Ryou kissed you and Moky and I seized your plushie.”
“I forgot he was still here,” Seto said taking the plushie out from under his chair.
“Let's go watch Atemu and Ryou's duel,” suggested Laria.
“So does this mean its over?” asked Seto getting up.
“Yup it's over.” Laria said getting up her self. And with that the two siblings walked off back stage together. A prefect ending to the prefect story... if that was the end I mean...
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After the show everyone had gathered at the Kaiba Mansion. Atemu, who had won the duel, was eating his bag of sugar Laria gave him, it was now. Yugi and Tea went to find the rabid Joey fan and got Joey safely to Laria who turned him back to normal. Seto had hid his plushie in his room so no one could find it again. And Bakura, even though he had lost the duel, was still saying that the Dark Magician was conceited.
But now they were all lounging in the Kaiba's living room, glad that the game was over. Yet now there was nothing to do.
“It's so boring!” complained Malik, who was lying upside down on a foot stool.
“Oh I got an idea,” Yani said looking over at her other, “You thinking what I'm thinking?”
“Oh yeah!” Laria smiled.
“Why do I get the feeling this isn't going to be a good thing?” asked Bakura.
“Because it probably won't be, dear yami of mine,” said Ryou. Bakura smacked him upside the head. “Ow...”
“I'll try not to be so mean next time,” Laria told them.
“That's what you said this time,” said Yugi.
“I know.”
“I'll make sure it's not so bad,” said Yani. She and Laria each exchanged glances and grinned evilly.