Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whose Line is it Anyway ❯ Something! ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Eight:
The Authoress sat back stage staring at her notebook. She growled and glared at the offending paper.
“Laria,” Atemu said coming back stage, the Authoress looked up at him, “We need the title for that last game.”
“I know!” Laria said irritably glaring down at the notebook again, “But I don't know what it is!”
Atemu sighed.
“Uhh... Just call it Audience Lines or... Something…” Laria said standing up with the notebook.
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“Welcome back to `Whose Line is it Anyway'?” Atemu said, “And If you're rereading this story, hi again.”
“Hi!” said Joey randomly.
“Why are you saying `hi' Mutt?” asked Seto.
“Atemu said it first.”
“He wasn't talking to you!”
“Well we'd better move on to our second to last game… Something!”
“Something?” Malik asked staring at Atemu.
“Atemu?” Laria asked.
“You said `or something'.” Atemu shrugged.
“That wasn't what I meant you moron!” Laria grumbled.
“Oh, want me to change it?”
“Nah, its fine,” Laria rolled her eyes, “Go on.”
“Alright this one is for Malik and Joey,” Atemu said “And yes, Kaiba, there going to make a scene.”
Malik and Joey stand up and walk to center stage.
“I also need someone from the audience,” Atemu said getting up and going into the audience stopping by a random person. “What's your name?”
“Jasmine Wallace” the audience member answered.
“Well Jasmine, come on down!” Atemu said leading the audience member to the stage where she met up with Malik and Joey. Atemu handed Jasmine a piece of paper and sat back down at his desk. “Ok you three will have to make up a scene and Jasmine when you're prompted you will read one of the lines on that paper. Going right down the list.”
“Seems easy enough,” Jasmine beamed excited to be on stage with Malik.
“Alright, Jasmine you are a captain of a submarine, when your first mate, Malik, comes to you with Joey, believing he is a German spy.” Atemu explained, the three of them nodded.
“Captain,” Malik said grabbing onto Joey's arm, “We've found the spy.”
“I'm not a spy,” Joey protested.
“Captain,” Malik placed a hand on Jasmine's shoulder, “What do we do with him?”
“For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction,” Jasmine said reading off the paper.
“Huh?” asked Joey confused.
“Man,” Malik sighed, “Germans are stupid.”
“Why I ought to!” Joey growled advancing on the other blond.
“Ha!” Malik laughed, “That proves it! He is a spy!”
“Earth's full, go home,” Jasmine read.
“No, baka,” Malik sighed again, “Germany's on earth.”
“Oh right.”
“You must not be a spy from Germany,” Malik exclaimed, “But Heson!”
“Heson?” asked Joey and Jasmine at the same time.
“The Home World!” Laria called from the audience, standing up. Everyone stared at her, expect Malik, who smiled.
“What is Heson?” Joey asked.
“Heson is my home planet.” Laria explained. Everyone looked at Laria like she'd lost even more of her sanity.
“Heh heh,” Laria laughed nervously as she sat down in her seat again.
“So…” Joey said going back to the scene, “Captain! I'm not a spy!”
“Don't listen to him!” said Malik.
“Give me one more chance,” Joey said falling to his knees, groveling at Jasmine's feet.
“Would you care to join me?” she said reading off the sheet of paper. Joey smiled up at her.

“Captain, I don't think this is the right time for that,” Malik advised.
“How about a drink?” Jasmine read.
“That seems more reasonable.”
“So are you going to believe me?” Joey asked.
Jasmine looked at them both and nodded her head.
“Oh thank you!” Joey said getting up off the floor and hugging Jasmine.
“Don't touch me there!” she read as Atemu buzzed the scene over. Jasmine gave Malik a big hug before she returned to her seat.
“1000 points to Jasmine because Joey hugged you,” said Atemu.
“Sorry about that,” said Laria.
“Jeez Laria, what do you have against Joey?” Atemu asked.
“I hate Wheeler and I always will,” said Laria, “It's in my blood.”
“How come you get all the fan girls?” Joey asked as him and Malik returned to their seats as well.
“I'm just lucky I guess,” Malik shrugged.
“It's because you're gay,” said Seto.
“You're gay too Seto,” Malik smirked, “How come you don't have any fan girls?”
“I'm not gay!” Seto said crossly.
“You were the one that kissed me—“ said Malik.
“Never speak of that again!” Seto hissed at the blond.
“—And you kissed Ryou” Malik added.
“Never speak of that either.”
“Alright moving on to our las—“
“No don't go on!” Laria interrupted.
“Why not?”
“Because I'm ending the chapter now,” Laria said, “I still don't have a good idea for the Hoedown and this chapter long enough anyway. So Atemu, go to commercial.”
“We're out of commercials to go to.”
“I guess we'll have to make our own then.”
“That means more chapters!” Malik protested.
“I know,” Laria grinned.