Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whose Line is it Anyway ❯ Commercial Mania ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Nine:
Commercial Mania
“Hello and welcome,” Laria said standing on the Whose Line stage with the players, the host, and various other Yugioh cast members, “Since I went over my planed chapter amount we've ran out of commercials to show during the breaks.”
“You should have planed better,” inputted Bakura.
“Shut up!” Laria growled, “As I was saying, since we have no more commercials to show, the cast will be acting out a few of my favorites -“
“This isn't in my contract!” Malik interrupted.
“We don't have contracts, Ishtar,” said Seto.
“I do,” Malik pulled a contract out of his pocket and stuck his tongue out at the CEO, “And it doesn't say anything about commercials.”
“Really? Let me see,” Laria snatched the contract out of Malik's hands and scribbled something down on it, “There, now it does.”
“Damn you,” Malik cursed, taking the contract back from the Authoress.
“Ok, on to our first commercial,” Laria took out her note book and filed through it, “This one is for Mokuba and… Atemu”
“I'm already hosting the show for you,” said Atemu, “Why do I have to do the commercials too?”
“Fine, fine,” Laria looked around, “Malik then.”
“But I don't wanna!”
“Oh, but you'll look so cute in the costume.”
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Five minutes later Mokuba sat at a table. The stage had been made to look like kitchen. Laria stood off back stage.
“Lights, camera, ACTION!”
On the opposite side of the stage Seto and Bakura are trying to push Malik on stage.
“No!” Malik shrieked, “No way! I'm not going to do it!”
They finally push the blond on stage to reveal that he's dressed like a bird.
“I'll kill you for this,” he muttered glaring at the Authoress.
“Just say the line,” Laria said, biting back a laugh. Malik walked over to Mokuba.
“Coo-coo wheat's! Coo-coo wheat's!”
“Not coo-coo wheat's, Coco Wheat's” Mokuba said cutely.
“That's what I said, coo-coo wheat's!”
“COCO WHEAT'S BAKA!!!” Mokuba yelled smacking Malik in the head with the box of Coco Wheat's.
“I don't think that was part of the commercial,” said Malik rubbing his head.
“Say the line right!” Laria yelled from back stage.
“Coco Wheat's?”
Coco Wheat's, Coco Wheat's, can't be beat,” Mokuba sang, “It's the creamy hot cereal with the coco treat, to be big and strong have lots of fun, Coco Wheat's cereal for every one, COCO WHEAT'S!
“That's so beautiful…” Laria sniffed as the song ended.
“Somebody needs a hug!” Joey said trying to hug the Authoress.
“Ick! Stay away from me!” Laria said pushing Joey down.
“Alright time for the next commercial,” Laria flipped through her notebook again, “This one is for Seto, Bakura, Yugi, and Serenity.”
“Why me!?” exclaimed Bakura.
“Because you're the only one that would good as a pigeon.”
Seto snickered at Bakura, who glared back at him.
“Don't worry, Bakura,” Laria whispered to the white haired yami, “I think Seto will hate what he is even more.”
Laria grinned evilly.
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“I hate you Lar!”
Five minutes later Yugi stood on stage at a counter. In front of him, however, stood Seto Kaiba, CEO of Kaiba Corp., dressed in a red gumball costume. He shot a death glare at his sister, as well as anyone else who'd laugh at him. His face just as red as the costume.
“To bad,” Laria shrugged, “Lights, camera, ACTION!”
“I'm an angry gumball…” Seto began unenthusiastically.
“CUT!” Laria yelled, “Kaiba, put more passion into it! Work with me here!”
“Ok,” Seto rolled his eyes and sang, “I'm an angry gumball! So jealous and high strung!
Seto started to follow Yugi out of the store.
New Extra flavors long-lasting! I pray your jaw goes numb!
The sides of the costume collide with the doorframe causing Seto to fall backwards.
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After a quick scene change Yugi gets into a car with Serenity. Seto stands off to the side.
So hey you dopey love birds!” Seto continued to sing, “Extra's ruining me its true! So while you enjoy that long-lasting flavor!
Bakura walks on stage in a pigeon costume.
“I hope this pigeon nails both of you.”
Bakura also shot Laria a death glare.
“Gettum' Pigi” said Seto.
“The only one I'm getting is Laria.” Bakura growled.
“No your not!” Laria squeaked.
“Watch me!” Bakura sneered advancing on Laria.
The Authoress panicked and snapped her fingers, not knowing what would happen. Bakura's pigeon costume turned into a goldfish costume. He stopped and started to sing.
It's the jingle for Goldfish, those bake and not fried Goldfish, so close your eyes and picture crunchy little Goldfish. That is unless you're driving oh hey but that reminds us, Goldfish are great for snacking in the car, the snack that smiles back GOLDFISH!
Everyone cheered at Bakura's marvelous performance. The white haired yami blinked and bowed, receiving a major ego inflation to the likes of Seto's.
“That leaves time for one more” Laria said leafing through her notebook yet again, “Joey, Tristen, and Ryou this time.”
The three boys gulped afraid of what the Authoress would do to them.
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Five minutes later the three boys sat at the table that was used in Mokuba and Malik's commercial. But instead of Coco Wheat's there was now a can of Spam sitting on the table.
“Lights, camera, ACTION!” Laria said from back stage.
“Have any of you ever had Spam before?” Ryou asked.
“I have,” said Tristen, “We have it all the time at my house.”
“What does Spam stand for?” asked Joey.
“Spam, Sausage Pork And Meat,” said Ryou.
“What about the ham?” asked Joey.
“It tastes like ham,” Tristen said.
“Sausage Pork and Meat,” Ryou said again.
“Where's the ham?” asked Joey.
“Sausage Pork and Meat,” Ryou said once more.
“But isn't there supposed to be ham?”
“Pork is ham!”
Ryou grabs the can of Spam off the table and they all turn to the audience.
“Spam! Where's the ham?” they all said in a cheesy, catch phase sort of tone. Laria stepped on stage.
“Well that concludes—“
“Wait!” Malik interrupted joining her, “You haven't done one yet.”
“I don't have to so one.”
“Why not?” Atemu asked joining them as well, “Everyone else did.”
“'Cept you two,” said Malik.
“You two should do one together!” suggested Joey.
“Ok, we'll do one,” Laria grinned.
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Five minutes later Laria and Atemu stood on stage. Atemu was hold some Comet cleaner in his hands while Laria just stood there grinning evilly. Seto, Malik, and Bakura stood back stage grinning as well, thinking they were about to get Laria back.
“Comet,” sang Atemu.
“Will make your teeth turn green,” Laria sang with a smirk.
“Comet,” Atemu gave Laria a weird look as they continued to sing.
“It tastes like gasoline.”
“Will make you vomit.”
“So get some Comet.”
“And vomit.”
Everyone stared at Laria as she stood there laughing.
“That's not what we practiced,” Atemu said.
“So?” Laria giggled, “That concludes this chapter of Whose Line is it Anyway. Don't go away, the Hoedown is coming up next!”