Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whose Line is it Anyway ❯ Not Another Whose Line ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Eleven:
Not Another Whose Line
“LAR!” Seto yelled at the Authoress as she gathered all the Yugioh cast up again, “I forbid you to do this!”
“Oh come on, bro,” Laria said innocently, “It's just a game.”
“I can't believe you're doing another show!” Bakura said.
“How many times are you going to do this?” Atemu asked.
“This is the last time,” Laria said, “I promise.”
“It better be,” Seto grumbled.
“Oh relax,” Laria sighed, “I'm giving you a break this time.”
“Really,” Seto said skeptically, “That's kind hard to believe coming from you.”
“Why Seto, I'm hurt,” Laria said, her words lined with false sorrow, “Maybe I won't make you host.”
“You were going to make me host?”
“Yup,” Laria said, “But only if your nice.”
“Ok I'll be nice,” Seto folded.
“Kaiba? Nice?” Bakura asked in disbelief, “Marik, why didn't you tell me the world was ending.”
“He'll never be nice,” Marik said, “Then I'll get to be host.”
“How do you know?”
Marik grinned and held up Laria's notebook.
“I've been looking for that!” Laria said, snatching the notebook from his hands, “Kaiba is going to be the host, and that's final.”
“Damn,” Marik growled, “I wanted to be host.”
“Oh, but you get to be a player.”
“No!” Marik gasped, “You can't make me!”
“You, Bakura, Malik, and Ryou.”
“You mean I have to play!” Bakura complained.
“Yeah,” Laria said, “You got a problem with it?”
“I do.”
“To bad,” Laria laughed, “This is my show!”
----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
On stage Seto now sat at the Whose Line desk, the players sat in their chairs while everyone else sat in the audience amongst the fan girls. Nothing really had changed from the first or second time they'd done this.
“Hello and welcome to `Whose Line is it Anyway'” Seto said, “The show where everything's made up and the points don't matter. I'm your host Seto Kaiba—“
“And no one cares!” Atemu yelled from the audience.
“I'm the only one in the Peanut Gallery that gets to make comments,” Laria said glaring at the former Pharaoh, who sunk back in his seat pouting.
“Shut it!” Seto yelled up to them, “Now to introduce today's players, `Only you can prevent', Marik Ishtar!”
Fan girls in the audience cheered.
“'Don't get mad, get' Ryou Bakura!”
Fan girls screamed and cheered louder.
“'It's our jingle for' Malik Ishtar!”
Fan girls continue to cheer.
“And, `Did somebody say?' Yami no Bakura!”
Fan girls were still cheering and screaming.
“Now,” Seto said once the audience calmed down again, “if you've never seen the show before, or you haven't, for some reason, read the first two parts to this. The players come down here and make up everything you see—“
“They actually don't see it,” Ryou interrupted, “They read it.”
“So what?” Seto growled. Ryou bit his lip as was quiet, not wanting to agitate the CEO anymore, “They make up everything you read right off the top of there heads, then I give them points which are fake and don't mean a thing—“
“Then why do we have them?” Marik asked, interrupting again.
“It's just a gag to hold to the show together,” Seto shrugged, “And at the end I pick a winner and they get to so a little something special with me, and the losers get to take pictures.”
“Ra,” Bakura muttered, “I hope I don't win.”
“Moving on,” Seto said, “Out first game is… Questions Only!”
All four players stand up, Marik and Ryou go to one side and Bakura and Malik go to the other.
“Alright, you know what's going on right?” Seto asked, “You make up a scene but you can only talk in questions, your scene is, in the locker room.”
“We've done this game before,” Ryou pointed out.
“Speak for yourself,” muttered Marik.
“Hey!” Seto yelled, “I'm just doing my job!!”
“Stop yelling at the players!” Laria said from the audience.
“Don't make me come down there!”
“Fight, fight, fight.” Marik snickered.
“Oh,” Seto glared, “Just start the game!”
Marik and Bakura step onto center stage.
“Do you have any deodorant?” Bakura asked.
“Why do you ask?”
“Can you not smell me?
“That was you?”
“Do you stink too?”
“I-I err...”
Seto buzzed Marik and he traded places with Ryou.
“What's that smell?” Ryou asked.
“What's that supposed to mean?” Bakura asked.
“What do you mean?”
“You know what I mean!”
Bakura was buzzed and he traded places with Malik.
“Do you know what time it is?” Malik asked.
“Don't you have a watch?” Ryou asked.
“Why should I?”
Seto buzzed Ryou and he traded places with Marik.
“Did you miss me?” Marik asked.
“Where'd you go?”
“Didn't you see me leave?”
“You left?”
Seto buzzed multiple times ending the game. The players went back to their seats.
“Great game,” Seto said, “I think I'll give 100 points to… me! Because I'm so good looking.”
Seto took out a mirror and started admiring himself.
“Not again!” Laria cried coming down from the audience.
“That's not fair!” Bakura protested.
“Ok that's enough Lockhart!” Laria said taking the mirror away from Seto.
“Hey!” Seto said trying to get the mirror back, “I told you not to call me that!”
“Well that's what you act like, looking into a mirror every five seconds,” Laria said, there was a glow from her Millennium Earrings and the mirror was sent to the Shadow Realm, “Now give out real points!”
“Fine!” Seto growled, “Malik can have 50 points!”
“Thank you,” Laria said heading back to her seat.
“But you got 100 points!”
“The points don't matter!!”
“Go to commercial!!!” Laria screamed storming off backstage.