Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whose Line is it Anyway ❯ Number of Words ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Thirteen:
Number of Words
Laria paced in front of Seto, Bakura, Ryou, Malik, and Marik, who had assembled backstage. She stopped and glared at them.
“You can't make this easy can you?” she asked them. All of them were focused elsewhere, not wanting to look straight at the Authoress. “All I wanted to do was play a nice little game of Whose Line. But no, it doesn't work that way.”
“If you don't mind me saying,” Ryou began.
“No, I don't want to hear it,” Laria said, “listen and listen good, Seto, stop yelling at everyone, Marik, stop threatening him, Bakura, stop egging Marik on, and Ryou, stop pointing things out!”
They all nodded. Laria's anger then quickly went away and she smiled.
“Lets get out there and play some Whose Line then!” Laria giggled and headed back out to her seat in the audience.
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“Once again welcome back to `Whose Line is it Anyway',” Seto said “I'm your host Seto Kaiba and make more money in a day then Bill Gates makes in a month. If you've for some reason, still don't know what's going on, the players come down and make stuff up and I give out points that don't mean a thing... just like my sister.”
“Why Seto,” Yani said from the audience, “I'm hurt!”
“Oh I'm sorry Yani,” Seto smiled, “I meant my other sister.”
“Oh, ok!” Yani grinned, Laria sat back in her seat and grumbled.
“Ok, on to our next game… Number of Words!”
All the players got up and went to center stage.
“You guys are being unusually quiet,” Seto raised an eye brow, “What are you up to?”
“Nothing” Bakura said truthfully.
“And I'm supposed to believe you?”
“Well we don't want to talk because then you'll yell at us and that'll make Laria mad,” Ryou said quietly, “And she's a mean enough Authoress as it is.”
“I'm not mean,” Laria said.
“You made me kiss Seto.”
“Fair enough.”
“Can I go back to being host again?” Seto asked.
“I guess,” Laria sighed.
“For this game,” Seto explained, “You are only allowed to use a certain number of words per sentence, no more, no less.”
“Why do these games keep getting harder?” Marik asked.
“They're not,” Bakura smirked, “That's just your brain capacity working over time.”
Marik glared at Bakura.
“Ok,” Seto continued, “Marik, you have three words, Ryou has two, Malik has one, and Bakura has five.”
“Joy…” said Malik sarcastically.
“Lucky you,” sighed Ryou.
“Do we start now?” asked Marik.
“Your scene, Malik is a bartender in the Wild West; Bakura is a thief who is hustling Miss Kiddy, Marik, when the sheriff, Ryou comes in.”
They nodded, Ryou stepped off stage leaving the other three players. Bakura started out the scene.
“Alright, Miss Kiddy, dance for…” Bakura cut off running out of words.
“Him,” Malik said, finishing Bakura's sentence.
“Why should I?” Marik asked.
“Because I told you to,” Bakura said.
“Yeah!” agreed Malik.
“Look the sheriff!” Marik pointed.
“I'm here,” Ryou said stepping on stage.
“What are you looking for?” asked Bakura.
“Thief here?”
“Drink?” Malik asked walking up to Ryou.
“No thanks.”
“The thief there!” Marik said pointing at Bakura.
“I am not a thief,” said Bakura.
“You thief?” asked Ryou.
“I just told you I…” Bakura ran out of words again.
“You what?”
“See he thief!” Marik exclaimed.
“Can't you talk normal, Kiddy?” asked Bakura.
“I don't know,” Marik shrugged.
“Bakura thief,” said Ryou.
“You are right,” said Marik.
“Yeah,” agreed Malik.
“Under arrest!” Ryou pointed at Bakura.
“You can't arrest me, sheriff,” said Bakura.
“We'll see.”
“Stop him sheriff,” said Marik.
“Don't make me use my…” Bakura pretends to pull out a gun.
“Hit the deck!” Marik exclaimed pretending to hide behind something.
“Good!” Malik said hiding with Marik.
“You me,” Ryou said pointing to pull out a gun himself.
“You mean to fight me?”
“I do.”
“Turn and we will walk,” said Bakura
“Five paces,” added Ryou.
They both turned and began to count. Bakura counts five paces, but while he is Ryou only counts two paces and turns to shot Bakura.
“Bang bang!”
“I have been shot!” Bakura exclaimed falling to the ground, and then he quickly added `ow' because he had only said four words.
“Yay!” Malik said coming out of hiding.
“You killed him!” Marik said.
“I'm good,” Ryou smiled and Seto buzzed the scene over.
“You know,” Bakura said as the players went back to their seats, “I think Laria's losing her touch.”
“At least it's something!” Laria sighed.
“I think it was better before,” said Seto.
“No one asked you,” growled Laria, “Just give out the points.”
“Ok, 1000 points to Mikari,” said Seto, “Because she's one of the many that loves me.”
“Many?” Laria asked, “She's like the only one.”
“Chibi-baka!” Seto said glaring up at Laria.
“Lockhart!” Laria glared back. “Commercial!”