Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whose Line is it Anyway ❯ Another Irish Drinking Song ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Fourteen:
Another Irish Drinking Song
“Welcome back to `Whose Line is it Anyway',” Seto said standing on stage with Marik, Bakura, and Ryou, Malik sat at the Whose Line desk, “The show where everything's made up and the points don't matter, just like this whole story.”
“Hey this is a good story!” said Laria.
“You should have ended it with the first one,” said Malik.
“But then you wouldn't have got to play,” Laria grinned.
“That was my point,” Malik sighed.
“Can you stop interrupting me?” Seto asked, “I'd like to get this over as soon as possible.”
“Seto, we can talk if we want to,” Laria said.
“You're just trying to prolong it cause you can't think of anything good to write,” Seto accused.
“Gaaa!” Laria yelled, “Curse you writers block!!”
At that moment a random audience member bursts into flame. The audience member screamed and ran off, still on fire. Everyone eyes went wide at the sudden scene, and those who were sitting by Laria tried to scoot as far away from her as they could.
“I feel better,” Laria sighed, “Please continue.”
“Is it just me, or did that look like Pegasus,” said Seto.
“Probably,” Laria shrugged, “But is doesn't matter, I already have his Eye.”
Laria pulled the Millennium Eye out of her pocket.
“Hey!” Bakura exclaimed, “That's mine!”
“Not no more!” Laria laughed. Bakura was about to run up into the audience when Seto stopped him.
Seto stopped mid sentence.
“—Some other character no one cares about.” Seto corrected.
“Thanks Seto!” Laria smiled.
“Can I finish now?”
“Alright, if you haven't figured it out already, Malik is today's winner,” Seto said, “and that means the rest of us gets to do an Irish Drinking Song!”
“Again!?” exclaimed Ryou.
“It's my favorite game,” said Laria.
“Now we need a type of profession that could get you famous,” Malik said to the audience.
“Actor!” said Moon's Hope.
“Pirate!” said Thief Akefia.
“Let's go with Pirate,” said Malik, “you guys are going to do the Pirate Drinking song.”
The music started.
Oh idi dide dide dide dide dide di!” they all sang.
We be happy Pirates,” sang Marik.
As happy as happy can be,” sang Seto.
On the mighty Sad Cake,” sang Ryou.
We like to sail the sea,” sang Bakura.
Plundering is our life,” sang Marik.
It is really fun,” sang Seto.
And if you dare to cross us,” sang Ryou.
I'll shot you with my gun,” sang Bakura.
Oh idi dide dide dide dide dide di!” they all sang.
We sail the might Michigan,” sang Seto.
We sail it far and wide,” sang Ryou.
We go where the wind takes us,” sang Bakura.
Following the tide,” sang Marik.
Until we reach the Huron,” sang Seto.
Then we turn around,” sang Ryou.
The Pirates there they hate us,” sang Bakura.
And they'd beat us to the ground,” sang Marik.
Oh idi dide dide dide dide dide di!” they all sang.
We love out Cap'n Bootstraps,” sang Ryou.
We'd never mutiny,” sang Bakura.
We'd never dare to fight,” sang Marik.
Argh ye we me be,” sang Seto.
Then there's First Mate, Peg Leg,” sang Ryou.
Her legs made of wood,” sang Bakura.
The Captain be a pledgin',” sang Marik.
She pledges it real good,” sang Seto.
Oh idi dide dide dide dide dide di,” they all sang.
We pillage and we plunder,” sang Bakura.
All a crossed the land,” sang Marik
We love our Pirate life,” sang Seto.
It is really grand,” sang Ryou.
But our ship is cursed now,” sang Bakura.
Until we get the bell,” sang Marik
And beat the Jolly Rangers,” sang Seto.
And send them all to - their graves!” sang Ryou.
Oh idi dide dide dide dide dide di!” they all sang.
“Another great song,” Laria grinned; she had joined Malik at the Whose Line desk, “Time for points.”
“Points…” Seto said, “50 points to—“
“Malik for winning the game,” Laria interrupted.
“You're not the host anymore!” Seto complained, “You can't give out points.”
“400 points to Chuen for being obsessed with my fics,” Laria continued, ignoring Seto.
“Lar!” Seto whined, “I'm the host!”
“And 2000 points to everyone who reviews!” Laria said, still ignoring her brother.
“Thanks for taking my job,” Seto sighed.
“Oh well,” Laria shrugged, “I had to give out those points. You can give out some points now.”
“50 points to Lar for finally ending this story,” said Seto.
“Awww thanks Bro!” Laria said running over to give Seto a hug.
“End!” Seto yelled.
“This is Laria Kaiba saying goodnight, goodnight.”
----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
Not long after everyone arrived at the Kaiba Mansion, Laria broke out her note book and began to write again. Seto sighed and left the room, not wanting to get into it again. But the other cast members couldn't let it go.
“You promised that would be the last one!”
“Did I?” Laria asked innocently, taping her pencil to her lips staring off as if in deep thought.
“Why do you keep doing this to us?”
“Because, dear friends of mine,” Laria said with an evil grin, “I can.”