Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whose Line is it Anyway ❯ Whose Line, Again ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Fifteen:
Whose Line, Again
“Lar!” Seto yelled, “How many of these shows are you going to do?”
“Who knows,” Laria shrugged. She was gathered back stage with Seto and Malik.
“I'm getting sick of playing these games,” Malik complained, “I've been in the last two shows!”
“Speak for yourself,” Seto grumbled, “I've been here since the beginning,”
“Well guess what,” Laria grinned, “Seto, your going to play again and Malik your going to be host.”
“Yay!” Malik cheered, “I'm going to tell everyone!”
Malik ran off excitedly. Seto, however, looked anything but thrilled.
“Why do I have to play again?”
“Because, dear brother, you are the best player we've had, sorry to day.”
“It's because I kissed Ryou and Malik isn't it?” Seto asked.
“Yaoi sells,” Laria smiled, Seto sighed.
“Well who all is joining me this time?”
“Yugi, Atemu, and Serenity.”
“Joy,” Seto said sarcastically.
------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
Out on the stage the four players sat in the chairs at the back of the stage while Malik sat at the Whose Line desk bouncing excitedly in his seat.
“Welcome to `Whose Line is it Anyway', the show where everything's made up and the points don't matter,” Malik said ecstatically “I'm your host Malik Ishtar and here are today's players.”
Malik fan girls scream hysterically.
“'The sky is very yellow today,' Yugi Motou!”
The audience cheers.
“'Clearly the muffin is,' Serenity Wheeler!”
The audience cheers again, less enthusiastically.
“'There's an Animal Cracker in there,' Atemu!”
More cheering from the audience.
“And, `It tastes like ham,' Seto Kaiba!”
A few people in the audience cheered loudly to make up for the lack of Seto fans.
“Hey we have another girl on the show,” said Atemu.
“Maybe Seto will stop kissing guys,” said Yugi.
“That didn't stop him last time,” Malik muttered.
“Drop it!” Seto yelled, “All of you!”
“Ahem,” Malik said changing the subject, “If you've never seen the show before, these players come up and make everything off the top of their heads. Then I give them fake points that have no purpose just like… something that has no purpose.”
“Is that all you can come up with?” Atemu asked.
“Even Atemu cam up with better stuff,” said Seto.
“Laria, we need a new host!” Atemu said.
“No, you can't be host Pharaoh,” Laria said from the audience, “You've had your chance.”
“Lets move on to our first game, shall we?”
“You're the host,” Yugi shrugged.
“Alright, our first game is… Super Hero's!”
All four players stand up. Yugi goes to center stage and the other three go to the side.
“In this game Yugi is an unlikely super hero and they have to name each other when they come in—“
“Yeah, yeah we know,” said Seto.
“Oh… Well…” Malik turned to the audience, “we need a name of an unlikely super hero.”
“Mustard Man!” Rei Suki Fuin suggested.
“Trogon Man!” said Dark Daisy.
“Captain Canada!” said Chibi Millenia Phantom.
“Captain Canada it is,” Malik said, “Now a crisis for Captain Canada?”
“No more Sticky notes!” suggested Kenshion Hemora.
“Captain Canada! There are no more sticky notes!”
Yugi starts off the scene by pretending to play Hockey. Then he stops and looks up.
“The crisis monitor is going off, eh.”
He pretends to press a button.
“Oh Canada!” he exclaims, “There are no more sticky notes! What will Laria use to wage war on her enemies? I hope my super friends get here soon, eh.”
“I heard the news and came as quickly as I could,” Seto said stepping on stage.
“Oh thank maple leaves you're here, Captain Schizophrenia!”
“I'm so sorry we're late. We're not sorry! Don't listen to him, he's really cranky today. I'm not cranky! There you go again. Don't make me hurt you! Bring it!” Seto punched him self in the arm, “Take that! Ow. SHUT UP ALL OF YOU!
“Sorry I'm late,” Atemu stepped on stage, “My llama broke.”
“It's Professor Panic!”
“AH!” Atemu screamed and hid behind Yugi pointing to Seto, “Why are you so freakishly tall?”
“We're not tall. Speak for you're self!” Seto said.
“There are no more sticky notes, eh,” said Yugi.
“AH!” Atemu screamed again, “Why are you so freakishly short?”
“I have arrived,” Serenity said stepping on stage.
“AH! It's Kaiba Man!”
“I would have been here sooner but I was stopped by a mirror.” Serenity said pretending to hold a brief case, “Don't worry though! I have enough sticky notes in here for everyone!”
Atemu screamed and hid behind Seto.
“I must go now,” Serenity said, “I must go wash my Anti-gravity jackets.”
Serenity left. Atemu looked at Seto and Yugi and ran off stage screaming.
“Anti gravity jackets?” said Seto, “That's impossible! You're impossible! I'll show you impossible!
Seto grabbed onto the collar of his jacket and pulled himself off stage.
“Another crisis solved! Just in time for breakfast,” Yugi pretends to eat something, “Mmm, Canadian Bacon.”
Malik buzzed the scene over and the four players went back to their seat.
“100 points to who ever, for what ever you did,” Malik said.
“You weren't paying attention were you?” Atemu asked.
“I got distracted by something shiny,” Malik confessed.
“What kind of host are you?”
“Uhh…” Malik looked around nervously, “We'll be back after this commercial break!”