Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whose Line is it Anyway ❯ More Scenes from a Hat ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Sixteen:
More Scenes from a Hat
“Laria!” Atemu whined, they were all gathered back stage during the break, “He's the worst host we've had!”
“I'd have to agree,” Seto said, “Even Pharaoh was a better host.”
“Yeah!” Atemu exclaimed, then blinked, then glared at Seto, “Hey!”
“I'm sorry guys,” Malik pleaded, “I'm trying my best. I didn't think being host would be so hard. You two mastered it.”
“Don't worry about it Malik, not everyone is cut out to be host,” Laria said, “Tell you what, I'll give you one more chance at it, k?”
Atemu and Seto groaned.
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“Welcome back to `Whose Line is it Anyway?',” Malik said once they were back on stage. “The show where everything's made up and the points don't matter. Yup, the points have no use, like a `Bridge may be icy' sign in the middle of summer.”
“Well he's improved a little bit,” Atemu muttered.
“I'm trying!” Malik whined.
“Try harder!”
“ATEMU!” Laria yelled from the audience, “Gods! Leave the host alone!”
“Fine,” Atemu pouted.
“Ok, now we'll be moving on to our next game… Scenes from a hat!”
All four players stood up, Yugi and Serenity walked over and stood next to the `whose line' desk while Seto and Atemu stood on the opposite side. Malik produced Shadii's turban out of no where.
“Now, before the show, we asked our audience members to write down scenes they'd like to see... then we pick the good ones and put them in this hat to see how many out players can act out, starting with…” Malik pulled a slip of paper from the turban, grimaced and read, “'What Malik really does with the Millennium Rod, other then control people's minds'.”
Yugi stepped on stage.
“It's not a Rod, it's a magic wand,” Yugi said, “And I'm a fairy princess!”
Malik buzzed him out. Yugi skipped off stage and was replaced by Serenity.
“I'll be Flag Captain in no time!” she said pretending to spin the Rod. Malik buzzed her out. She stepped off stage and Atemu stepped on stage pretending to hold the Rod like a microphone.
“I feel pretty,” Atemu sang, “Oh so pretty, I feel pretty and witty and GAY!”
Malik glared as he buzzed Atemu out. Malik then pulled another slip.
“'Rejected gifts from the Three Wise Men.'”
Seto stepped on stage.
“It's called, a `Duel Disk'.”
Malik buzzed, Serenity replaced Seto.
“I come baring sugar.”
Malik buzzed, Yugi replaced Serenity.
“I give him, hair gel.”
Malik buzzed, Atemu replaced Yugi.
“It's a continuous loop of Hoedowns.”
Malik buzzed, Serenity replaced Atemu.
“I bring you flavored lip gloss.”
Malik buzzed, Seto replaced Serenity.
“It's called, a `thong'.”
Malik buzzed, pulling out another slip of paper.
“'What Seto sings in the shower.'”
Serenity stepped on stage.
“'A-B-C-D-E-F—`” she sang and then paused, “What's that next letter again?”
Malik buzzed and Yugi replaced Serenity.
“'Fighting evil by moon light—`“
Malik buzzed, Atemu replaced Yugi.
“'I feel pretty, oh so pretty, so pretty and witty and GAY!'”
Malik buzzed and, because of the glare he was receiving from Seto, pulled another slip.
“'What's really in Seto's briefcase.'”
Atemu stepped on stage pretending to hold a briefcase.
“Want to see my collection of Pokemon cards?”
Malik buzzed and pulled another slip.
“'When you know you've gone to hell'.”
Seto stepped on stage.
“The Dark One lies behind this door,” Seto said pretending to read something. Then he pretends to open the door, “Laria!”
Malik buzzed and pulled another slip of paper.
“'Things you can say to a dog and not a person.'”
Seto stepped on stage.
“Hi Joey!”
Malik buzzed and Seto stepped off stage and then stepped on stage again.
Malik burst out into giggles as he buzzed the scene over.
“You've got a sick mind, Ishtar,” Seto said as the players went back to their seats.
“I couldn't help it!” Malik giggled, “100 points to… the creator of the Millennium Rod—“
“That's me!” Atemu exclaimed interrupting Malik.
“You didn't make the Millennium Items Pharaoh,” Malik said, “Your father did.”
“Close enough,” Atemu shrugged.
“Well, now it's time for another commercial break,” Malik looked around, “I guess…”
“You guess?” asked Atemu.
Laria sighed and came down from the audience. Malik `eeped' as the Authoress grabbed his shirt and dragged him back stage.
“Everyone else, stay put!” she yelled. The players all looked to each other confused.