Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whose Line is it Anyway ❯ Worlds Worst and Party Quirks ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Seventeen:
Worlds Worst and Party Quirks
“Malik,” Laria said calmly, pushing Malik down onto the couch. She then sat down next to him, “Malik, Malik, Malik…”
Malik whimpered and tried to get away from the Authoress. Laria, however, put her arm around Malik's shoulders, preventing him from moving.
“We are having a problem with your hosting abilities,” Laria said.
“I'm trying,” Malik said, “But Atemu and Seto were such good hosts its hard to compete with them.”
“What about me?”
“Oh! You were a good host too,” Malik smiled.
“That's what I thought,” Laria glared, “But anyways my point is, you're too soft. You need to be forceful with the players. What happened to the bad ass Malik from Battle City?”
“He now has spiky hair, a lust for blood, and an obsession with chasing squirrels,” Malik sighed.
Laria thought for a second and then smiled evilly.
“That gives me an idea…”
------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
When the two returned from back stage, it was no longer Laria and Malik, but Laria and Marik. The Authoress returned to her seat in the audience and Marik sat at the Whose Line Desk, grinning at the players.
“Welcome back to `Whose Line is it Anyway?',” the new host said, “The show where everything's made up and the points don't matter. I'm your new host, Marik Ishtar—“
“What happened to Malik?” Yugi asked.
“He got fired,” Marik chuckled, “And since I'm here it's time to recap the scores. Serenity, who knows, Yugi, who cares, Seto, I forgot, and Pharaoh, negative seventy-three.”
Atemu glared at the new host.
“That's right, negative seventy-three,” Marik smirked, “For some people, the points do matter.”
“This is the best host we've ever had,” Seto grinned. Atemu grumbled.
“Now on to our next game… World's Worst!”
All four players get up and stand on the `World's Worst' step.
“Now you all have to come up with the worlds worst Duelist.”
Seto stepped down off the world's worst step.
“I'm Joey Wheeler.”
Marik buzzed and Seto stepped back up on the step. Atemu stepped down, pretending to hold cards in his hand.
“Which ones are monsters again?”
Marik buzzed and Serenity stepped down.
“What does this card do,” she pretends to show a card. She puts it back and shows another card, “and what does this do.”
Marik buzzed and Yugi stepped down.
“There's no difference between Duel Monsters and Pokemon!”
Marik buzzed and Atemu stepped down again.
“Duel Monsters? I thought we were playing Go Fish!”
Marik buzzed and Seto stepped down.
“Drooling Monsters?” he said imitating Tristen.
Marik buzzed and Serenity stepped down.
“Must we all fight?” she said imitating Tea, “can't all the monsters be friends?”
Marik buzzed and Yugi stepped up.
“God Card? Ha! Your God Card is no match against my Kuriboh!”
Marik buzzed the scene over and the players went back to their seats.
“Great game,” Marik said, “I'd give out points now, but they have no use.”
“You can't do that!” Atemu exclaimed.
“I can do what ever I want!” Marik yelled, “I'm the host!”
Atemu squeaked and sank back in his seat.
“Good now we can move on to our next game… Party Quirks.” Marik said, “This game is for everyone, again.”
All four players stood up. Atemu went to center stage while everyone else went over to the side.
“In this game, Pharaoh is the host of a party, but everyone else has been given a strange quirk or identity, and Pharaoh you have to guess what they are.”
“Because I said so!” Marik growled, “Now start the party, I'll bring the guests in one at a time with the doorbell.”
“Yeah I'm mansion sitting for Kaiba,” Atemu said pretending to talk on the phone, “You should come over and help me trash the place.”
The doorbell rang.
“Oh, the guests are here, gotta go,” Atemu pretends to hand up the phone and answers the door, “Hey Serenity.”
Serenity: Reading from Tea's `Big Book and Friendship Speeches'
“Hi friend!” Serenity gives Atemu a big hug.
“Uh, hi,” Atemu said, “Why don't you come in?”
“Its so great to have such a great friend like you friend,” Serenity said cheerfully, “Life would be so boring with out friends. I couldn't even bare to think of how horrible it would be to live without friends. Friends are the glue that holds lives together. Don't you think so friend?”
“Uh…” Atemu blinked at her as the doorbell rang again, “I think I answer the door.”
Seto: Thinks the host's face is a mirror.
Atemu pretends to open the door and Seto walks in and past Atemu. He then stops and slowly back tracks so that he is standing in front of Atemu. Gazing at him longingly.
“Who is that sexy stud?” Seto asked staring at Atemu. Atemu took a couple steps away from the CEO, but Seto moved closer. He continued to stare at Atemu, fixing his hair, “Isn't that the most gorgeous thing you've ever seen. Yes it is, yes it is.”
The doorbell rang again. Atemu answers the door and Yugi steps in.
Yugi: the thirty-second `Wizard of Oz'
“Hey Yugi,” said Atemu, Seto still standing in front of him.
“Who is this Yugi you speak of?” Yugi asked, “For I am the Good Witch of the North.”
“Good is good!” Serenity exclaimed, “Friends are good!”
“There, now my hair is prefect,” Seto said still staring at Atemu, “but then again, it's always perfect.”
'We represent the Lollipop Guild',” Yugi sang, then he stopped, “I'll get you my pretty! And your little dog too!”
Yugi then pretends to fly around the stage on a broom, laughing. Serenity is mumbling something about friendships, and Seto is still staring at Atemu.
“Lions and tigers and bears oh my!” Yugi said when he stopped flying, “Lions and tigers and bears oh my! If I only had a brain! I'm melting! I'm melting!”
“Get out of here you thirty-second `Wizard of Oz'” Atemu said. Marik buzzed and Yugi went back to his seat.
“Can I look?” Serenity asked staring at Atemu as well.
“No!” Seto grabbed on to Atemu and pulled him away from her. “This is mine!”
“Well that's not very friendly,” Serenity pouted, “And we all know that friendship—“
“Tea, get out of here.”
“Close enough,” said Marik as he buzzed her out. Serenity went back to her seat leaving Atemu and Seto on the stage.
“I could look at you all day,” Seto said.
“Do you think I'm like a mirror or something?” Atemu asked.
“I love my reflection more than anything,” Seto said wrapping his arms around Atemu, pulling him into a kiss. Marik quickly buzzed the scene over and they returned to their seats. Atemu was gagging.
“You just can't keep your lips off the guys, can you?” Marik asked.
“He's been waiting me to do that since the first game,” Seto said winking at Atemu, who gagged louder.
“Well, a guess I'll give 2000 points to Seto,” said Marik, “And then I'll send it off to a commercial. We'll be back for more Whose Line after this.”