Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whose Line is it Anyway ❯ Dabbles In Shadow Magic ( Chapter 19 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Nineteen
Dabbles In Shadow Magic
Marik lounged backstage after the show. He was the only one there, most of the cast had hightailed it to the Kaiba Mansion, thinking that it could possibly save them from having to do another show. It did not take long for Laria to disappear after the show, and that was never a good sign.
It was quiet around now that everyone was gone. A bit too quiet.
Marik almost jumped when he heard footsteps, but he figured it was just Laria coming to step up for the next show. Marik got up to leave, not wanting to be roped into another show just for sticking around. His footsteps mixed with that of the others, they echoed around the emptiness making it hard to tell where they were coming from.
Marik glanced over his shoulder as he turned a corner. He could have sworn the footsteps were coming from behind him. However, when he was looking behind him he was not looking at what was in front of him, resulting in him running to someone.
“AHHH!” Marik screamed quickly pulling out his Rod. “Laria I swear if you make me do another show I'll—“
“Holy! Marik put that thing away!”
The two spirits stared at each other; Marik still had his Rod raised.
“What are you doing here?” the blonde asked.
“I was just about to say the same of you,” said Bakura.
“I'm hiding from Laria,” Marik said putting his Rod, “You?”
“Really if you think about it hiding here from Laria isn't a very good idea,” Marik said.
“It beats hanging out at the Kaiba Mansion with the loser group.”
The two continued their conversation as they made their way back to the backstage area.
“These shows are getting ridicules,” Bakura said once they were backstage again.
“You're telling me,” Marik sighed, “There have been four now, how many does she plan on doing?”
“As many as she wants until someone stops her.”
“Who's going to stop her?”
Bakura eyed Marik.
“You can't be serious!” Marik exclaimed, “She's the Authoress! We can't do anything to her!”
“Of course we can,” Bakura grinned, “We just have to have the right tool.”
“Marik, think,” Bakura rolled his eyes, “What is the source of her power? What gives her the right of being an `Authoress'?”
Marik thought for a moment.
“Her… Notebook?” he said slowly.
“Wait! You're saying we should steal her Notebook!”
“Then we can be the Authoresses!”
“Authors,” Marik corrected.
“I don't like the sound of this…”
“Come on,” Bakura said, “What could go wrong?”
Apparently, neither of the two had been in enough stories to realize that when the sentence `I don't like the sound of this' is followed by `What could go wrong' something was about to go terribly wrong.
------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
Laria sat in the farthest corner of the audience seating, cloaked by a deep purple curtain. She wrote feverishly in her Notebook as she planned the next show. It was going to be the best Whose Line ever. Writing always made her hungry though. She glanced at her watch. It was past lunchtime. She stood up and stretched, thinking of what she wanted to eat, Nutella and Tristic sounded good.
She quietly walked down to the stage. It was dimly lit now because there was no one else around. She sat her Notebook on the Whose Line Desk when she thought he heard a faint scream. She thought nothing of it as she walked off to scavenge up some food. The Notebook lay unattended.
------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
Marik and Bakura heard footsteps again.
“Laria,” they both said in a hushed whisper. They listened as the footsteps got quieter and quieter until they were gone.
“We've got to get out of here,” Marik said anxiously.
“Stop being such a baby,” Bakura sighed.
“Do you want to be in another `Whose Line'?”
“Oh, good point,” Bakura grimaced, “Let's go.”
The two left, but they did not make it very far. As soon as they made it to the stage, Bakura saw something that made him stop dead in his tracks.
“Bakura come on!” Marik said not knowing why the other had stopped. “We've got to get out of here before—“
Bakura pointed and Marik stood frozen.
“It can't be!”
“It is,” Bakura said slowly walking toward the Whose Line Desk. The two stared at the Notebook. Bakura quickly glanced around; grabbing the Notebook in one hand and Marik in the other, he ran back stage.
“It can't be!” Marik repeated. “It's too easy!”
“It's a sign!” Bakura laughed, “We have been destined to stop this Whose Line Madness!”
Marik stared at the Notebook; it was giving him a very ominous feeling. Perhaps that was just the feeling off all the things they could do with this great power in there hands.
Bakura took the mechanical pencil from the spiral binding and opened the book. Flipping through the pages, he saw many notes and plot bunnies. He stopped when he came to a page that had “Whose Line” writing a crossed the top in Laria's chaotic scrawl. They scanned through the jumbled mess she had written there.
“How can she read that?”
“It's like a foreign language.”
They studied the page for a while before coming to the conclusion that you would need at least three years of training to be able to understand anything Laria wrote.
Bakura clicked the mechanical pencil until some lead came out and placed it to the page. He scribbled down “End Whose Line” and the two waited.
“Nothing's happening,” Marik said quietly.
“Oh yeah, I forgot.” Bakura closed the Notebook and snapped his fingers.
All of a sudden, a blinding light from the Notebook filled the room. The two spirits screamed and Bakura dropped the Notebook. They cowered from the light as it got more intense. As fast as it came, it went. Everything was covered in darkness so thick that nothing could be seen. Then the lights came on again.
“Where's the Notebook!” Bakura screamed scrambling around, his eyes hurt from the fluctuating light.
Marik pointed and Bakura turned to see a hole in the floor just big enough for a Notebook to fit through. The hole was dark and showed no end.
“What is that!”
“It's… a Plot Hole…”
------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
Laria just had returned from where she had gone too when the lights flickered, went out, and came back on again. That was not a good sign. Especially after she had heard a second scream, and her Notebook was missing. All this lead to one conclusion, someone had thieved her Notebook, and the only thief she knew was…
Another screamed followed that. Bakura and Marik scrambled out from backstage, squeaking when they saw the pissed Authoress.
“Where is my Notebook?” Laria asked slowly, resisting the urge the kill the pair.
Marik and Bakura glanced at each other.
“Well… we took the Notebook so we could end Whose Line and so we could be the Authoresses—“
“Authors,” Marik corrected again.
“So… where is my Notebook?” Laria asked again. “Give it back!”
“There's a small problem…”
“And that would be?”
Marik and Bakura pointed backstage. Laria went back and looked around.
BAKURA!” she screamed again. The two spirits joined her, seeing that the Plot Hole was now almost the size of the whole room. “You call this a small problem!
“It was small last time we saw it!”
“I'm going to kill you!”
Laria jumped at Bakura who quickly scrambled out of her way and ran for the door. Without warning, the door slammed shut and locked.
“What the hell!” Bakura banged on the door.
“We've lost control,” Laria said glancing back at the Plot Hole that was getting steadily bigger. “It's a Plot Hole nothing makes sense anymore.”
“What are we going to do?” Marik asked fearfully backing away from the Plot Hole. He pressed himself against the wall.
“We've got to get the Notebook,” Laria said as she and Bakura did the same, “Where is it?”
“It fell in the Plot Hole!”
“You morons!”
“Now what!”
“Let me think!”
“There's no time!”
They stood on there toes as the Plot Hole reached their feet. There was nowhere to go. There was nothing that could do. The Plot Hole engulfed the whole room, the three screamed as they were sucked in. Everything went black…