Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whose Line is it Anyway ❯ Never Say Never ( Chapter 20 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Twenty
Never Say Never
Bakura landed hard on the ground. He kept his eyes closed, not wanting to see what horrible place the Plot Hole had taken them too. He felt something move beside him and heard a low moan, it was Marik. Marik put a hand on Bakura's shoulder, shaking him gently.
Bakura sat up, opened his eyes, and looked around.
“We're in—“
“Domino,” Marik said, finishing Bakura's sentence.
“Who… what… when…” Bakura glanced around, “Where's Laria?”
Marik shrugged. All of a sudden they heard a loud, familiar, dragon's roar.
“Blue Eyes!”
They both got up and ran to find where the noise had come from. Turning the corner they stopped. A dueling arena from Duelist Kingdom was placed there. Yugi and Seto were dueling while the rest of gang gathered around. The strange thing was, Yugi was the one that had summoned the Blues Eyes White Dragon.
Bakura and Marik joined the group, gaping up at the duel before them.
“Kaiba!” Yugi exclaimed from behind his gigantic beast, “Now I have the power to defeat you!”
“You won't,” said Seto, “For I have put my heart into my cards!”
These cards are all about power,” Yugi laughed, “Who gives a damn if they have a heart!”
“Heart of the cards my ass.”
Bakura and Marik stood stunned.
“I don't think we're in Domino anymore…” Marik said slowly.
“What is going on here?”
“Yugi and Seto are dueling,” Tea answered, “Seto is trying to show Yugi that the heart of the cards always prevails because of the power of the friendship!”
Marik and Bakura blinked.
“God Tea,” Ryou growled, “Get a life!”
ONE DAY, I WILL HAVE A LIFE! I SWEAR IT!!” Tea said with a determined look, they all stared at her, “Oh screw friendship! EVERY GIRL FOR HERSELF! See ya losers!
With that Tea ran away leaving Marik and Bakura more confused then ever. Everyone else didn't pay any attention to her strange outburst and turned back to the duel. Bakura grabbed Marik's arm and pulled him away from everyone else.
“There is something seriously wrong here,” Bakura said.
“No kidding,” said Marik glancing back at everyone, “It's like they've all… changed.”
They heard a scream and turned back to the duel, Yugi had just lost.
Yugi laughed as he jumped off the dueling arena and run off.
“Seto! We've got to stop him!” said Tristan, “Who knows what evil he will unleash upon the world!”
“It would be extremely uncomplicated to prevail over him, if you challenge him to the correct game,” said Joey, “And due to my vast intellect I have concluded...
“Would you all just shut the hell up!” Ryou exclaimed, “God!”
“Just calm down Ryou, everything will be fine soon—“
I will KILL you all!” Ryou blurted out running away, I will!
“Come to think of it,” Seto said thoughtfully, “I'm wasting my time on all this pointless game stuff; I'm going to create WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION!”
Seto laughed and ran off as well.
“Ok, this is just all too weird for me,” said Marik. Bakura turned to the only two left, Tristan and Joey.
“Where's Laria?”
“Laria, the Authoress…”
“Seto's psychotic Twin sister…”
Tristan and Joey stared at them blankly.
“Seto doesn't have a sister,” said Joey.
“Unless you count Mokuba, which doesn't really count since he's male.”
“But… But… But…”
As Bakura tried to comprehend they heard a rustling in the bushes. Looking over they saw a Kuriboh jump out, looking scared. Atemu jumped out of the bushes after the Kuriboh, grinning. He grabbed the Kuriboh stuffing it in cheek pouches and hops off through the trees like a squirrel.
“Screw this,” Marik said, that had thrown him over the edge, and he couldn't take it anymore, “I'm going to go play tidily-winks…”
With that Marik walked off.
“Marik?” Bakura called after the blond, “MARIK! You can't leave me here!”
Marik didn't hear him; if he did he made no notice of it, and kept walking. Joey and Tristan looked at Bakura, his eye twitched.
“So…” Tristan said, “Who wants to play dress up?”
“Gah!” Bakura ran off toward the Kaiba Mansion, he had to find Laria, he had to fix everything, he had to get away from the madness.
------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
Bakura stood outside the Kaiba Mansion, it looked like it always did, it seemed normal. Then again there was something wrong about it…
“I'm a real boy!” screamed Noah as he ran by.
…Maybe it was that.
Bakura growled and went inside. He didn't see anyone around but he knew Kaiba had to be there. He walked around until he heard a light `tink tink tink' sound. He followed it stepping into a room that revealed Seto sitting on the floor jabbing a fork into a VCR.
Damn it why can't I program the VCR!” the CEO growled, Stupid technology.”
He looked up to see Bakura standing in the doorway.
“What are you doing here?”
“Where's Laria?”
“Not you too!” Bakura yelled. “Has everyone here gone insane!”
“You know what I have a lot of money…” Seto sighed, “I'm going to buy a golden toilet.”
Bakura screamed and ran out of the Kaiba Mansion. As soon as he stepped outside everything seemed to melt away into white nothingness.
“Now what?” Bakura asked to himself looking around. Laria's unmistakable laughter rang out around him. “Laria!”
You think you can steal my notebook with out a price. Laria's voiced echoed around him. You are not worthy enough to be an Authoress.
“Author,” Bakura corrected.
“Ok, enough of this madness,” Bakura said, “I'm sorry, please, just get me out of here.”
I'm not done playing with you yet Bakura. Said Laria, laughing.
“Please! I'll do anything!” Bakura begged, “I'll even be in your next Whose Line.”
Laria went quiet for a second. …Really?
“YES! I'll do anything you want, just please, don't send me back there.”
Excellent! Laria's laugh rang out once more as everything went black again…