Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whose Line is it Anyway ❯ Whose Line, Yet Again ( Chapter 21 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Twenty One
Whose Line, Yet Again
Bakura awoke to find himself backstage of the Whose Line set. Marik was kneeling over him. His eyes widened when he saw that the white haired spirit was a wake.
“Bakura!” the blond said happily, hugging the spirit as he sat up, “I was so afraid you left me.”
“But I did leave Marik,” Bakura said dreamily, “I went to a far away place and you were there… and Kaiba… and everything was different…”
“Like black was white and boy bands played instruments?”
“Something like that,” Bakura stood up and glanced around, “How'd we get here?”
“What do you mean?” Marik asked, Bakura looked confused, “We've been here the whole time.”
“Does that mean… It was all a dream…?”
“Oh good Bakura, you're awake!” Laria said cheerfully walking into the room, notebook in hand. “We're just about to start the next show.”
“Why?” Marik whined.
“Supply and demand.”
“So who's going to play?”
“You, Atemu, Joey and Seto.”
“Awesome! This is my chance to kiss Pharaoh!”
Bakura was quiet; he was still trying to figure out what was going on. Marik noticed right away.
“What's wrong Bakura?”
“Nothing,” the spirit growled.
“Great!” Laria said gleefully, putting an arm around Bakura's shoulders, “You're going to be our host!”
------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
On stage the players sat in their chairs and Bakura sat at the Whose Line desk. He glared up at the audience where Laria was sitting.
“Welcome to `Whose Line is it Anyway?'” He said, “The show where everything's made up and the points don't matter. That's right the points are useless, just like a great Spam recipe. I'm your host, Bakura, and here are today's players.”
Bakura's fan girls in the Audience screamed hysterically.
'Melts in your mouth not in you hand,' Marik Ishtar!”
All the fan girls scream wildly.
“'Taste the rainbow' Atemu!”
Atemu fan girls clap loudly.
“'Its all in the mix' Joey Wheeler!”
“Looks like your pitiful `Fan Club' has deserted you,” Bakura laughed.
“Shut up and go back to hosting,” Joey grumbled.
“You don't tell me what to do! I'm the Host! I'm—“
“Bakura,” Laria said calmly from the audience. Bakura looked up at the Authoress. She was just looking at the spirit, the notebook lying gently in her lap, Bakura gulped.
“I'm going to go back to hosting…”
“Very good,” Laria smiled.
“And, `It's liquid, It's ice, It's' Seto Kaiba!”
Seto fan girls screamed hysterically.
“Wow, Kaiba actually has fans now,” said Atemu.
“Now? I've always had fans,” Seto growled.
“Sure you have.”
“Now we'll move on to our first game… Whose Line!” Bakura said, “This game is for Marik and Atemu.”
The two stood up and went over to the Whose Line desk. Bakura handed them each an envelope. They opened the envelopes and stuck the pieces of paper in their pockets.
“Believe it or not, we actually have a game on Whose Line called `Whose Line'” Bakura explained, “Now the point of this game is that Marik and Atemu have to make up a scene and every so often then have to slip these lines that the audience wrote into the scene.”
“Ok your scene; you are a couple out on your first date.”
Atemu blinked and Marik grinned evilly.
“Lovely evening isn't it darling?” Marik said starting the scene.
“I've never seen an evening as lovely as this,” said Atemu.
“Every time I look at you and I just want to tell you…” Marik pulled a slip of paper from his pocket. “I'm not as think as you confused I am.
It took Atemu a second to comprehend what Marik was trying to say.
“Confused? What are you confused about?”
“Oh, all these feelings a have,” said Marik, “They are overwhelming.”
“It's ok to be confused,” said Atemu, “Every time I was confused as a boy my papa would tell me…”
Atemu pulled a slip of paper from his pocket.
Shut up and spank the monkey,” Atemu read, looking up at Marik, “My papa, you see, was not right. It was only a day later he was taken to the Mental Institution.”
“Shhh-“ Marik hushed him, “It's not important now, as long as we have each other.”
“That is true,” Atemu agreed, “I love you so much, why don't you write me a poem.”
“Roses are red, violets are blue,” Marik pulled a slip of paper from his pocket. “My pencils change colors, they are so fresh!
“Oh… well…” Atemu blinked, “That's the best poem I've ever heard.”
“Only the best for you love,” Marik smiled placing his hands on Atemu's head, leaning closer to the Pharaoh. Atemu quickly pulled a slip of paper from his pocket.
“Don't eat my head! There's nothing in there for you!”
Marik chuckled as he pulled Atemu into a kiss. Bakura quickly buzzed the scene over and the players went back to their seats.
“Ick!” Atemu gagged as he sat down.
“So Pharaoh,” Marik laughed, “Who's the better kisser? Me or Seto?”
“I refuse to answer that,” Atemu said, his face flushing a deep shade of crimson.
“Come on,” Marik begged, “we're all dying to know.”
“Yeah Pharaoh,” said Seto, “Fess up.”
Atemu whispered something, his face grew redder.
“What was that?”
“Speak up Pharaoh.”
“Yes!” Marik exclaimed, Seto glared at the blond.
“1000 points then to Marik for being the best kisser,” Bakura grinned.
“Yeah baby.”
Seto grumbled.
“Well, that's all the time we have now,” said Bakura, “We'll be back after this break with more tantalizing Whose Line is it Anyway.”