Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whose Line is it Anyway ❯ Song Titles ( Chapter 22 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Twenty-Two
Song Titles
“Atemu, I can't believe you picked that psycho over me!”
Atemu grumbled, his face was buried in his hands.
“Face it, Rich Boy,” Marik laughed, “For once I'm better then you.”
“You probably used your Rod on him,” Seto accused.
“Oh yes, my all powerful Rod,” Marik said with a sly grin, “Nobody can resist my Rod.”
“Get your mind out of the gutter Marik,” Seto rolled his eyes, “I'm not talking about that Rod.”
“Neither was I,” Marik grinned, “So get your mind out of the gutter.”
“Can we just put an end to this conversation,” Atemu said looking up at the two, “Before you guys actually do start talking about that Rod.”
“I'm sure you'd like to hear about his Rod,” Seto said crossly, “After all you picked him over me.”
“I made my choice on kissing not Rods!” Atemu glared, having enough of them and their conversations Atemu got up and stormed out of the room, “Perverts…”
Atemu made his way through on of the back hallways of the Whose Line set. Still muttering to himself he didn't hear the steady footsteps behind him, until it was too late. Out of no where he was tackled to the ground. He tried to scream for help but his attacker had covered his mouth. It was too dark to see clearly who it was.
Atemu struggled against the attacker, but he was soon pinned down and unable to move. With no other way of fighting back Atemu bit the attackers hand as hard as he could.
Bakura let Atemu up and they stared at each other.
“Oh! You're not Laria!” Bakura growled in frustration.
“I'd hope not,” Atemu glared, “What do you think you're doing?”
“I need to get Laria to talk to me! I need to know what's going on! I need to know what happened!”
“What?” Atemu said confused, “You're the host; you should know what's going on.”
“Not—never mind,” Bakura sighed. “Come on, we've got a show to do.”
------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
Back on stage everyone was in their places ready to start the next game.
“Welcome back to Whose Line is it Anyway,” Bakura greeted, “The show where everything's made up and the points don't matter. That's right, we don't even have any points anymore, they've all been sent to the Shadow Realm.”
“That explains why it's so messy in there,” said Marik
“No, that's because Lar's closet is connected to the Shadow Realm,” Seto said.
“Hey, you told me to find some where to put my junk so I did,” Laria shrugged.
“But you have too much junk!” Marik whined, “I can't find any one my dead bodies anymore!”
“Anyway, back to the show,” Bakura said, “our next game is… Song Titles!”
All four players stood up Marik and Joey went to one side of the stage while Seto and Atemu went to the other.
“Now in this game you have to make up a scene, but you can only talk in song titles,” Bakura explained, “Ok your scene is, you're on a road trip.”
Marik and Seto stepped up. They pretended that they were sitting in a car, Marik was driving.
“Viva Los Vegas!” Marik said.
“Holiday,” Seto sighed.
“Hardware Store,” Marik said pretending to point out the window of the car.
“Prima Dona,” Seto rolled his eyes.
“I'm like a bird.”
“I can't watch this.”
“Hold my hand.”
Bakura buzzed him out and Atemu took his place.
“Albuquerque,” Atemu pointed.
“Ya got trouble.”
“Can you feel the love tonight?”
“Goodnight, my someone.”
“Take another road.”
Bakura buzzed Seto out and Joey took his place.
“He went to Paris,” said Joey
“Genius in France.”
“I ran over the Taco Bell dog!” Joey exclaimed.
“Why does this always happen to me.” Atemu sighed.
“I'm with you.”
“Learn to be lonely.”
“Think of me.”
“Don't stay.”
“Give me Novocain”
Atemu blinked and hesitated. Bakura buzzed him out and he traded places with Marik.
“Bob,” he greeted.
“St. Jimmy.”
“My old friend the blues.”
“Wrong way!”
“Oh Canada!”
“I'm sorry.”
“It's all about the Pentiums.”
“Yes it is.”
Bakura buzzed and Atemu took Marik's place again.
“I'm back.”
“Why don't we get drunk?”
“Sounds good to me!”
Bakura buzzed the scene over and the players went back to their seats.
“That was… great!” Bakura said, “Ten points for everyone.”
“That's all we could salvage from the Shadow Realm.” Bakura shrugged, “Well we'll be back after some time with more Whose Line, don't go away!”