Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whose Line is it Anyway ❯ Crazy News Casters ( Chapter 23 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Twenty-Three
Crazy News Casters
During the break, the Whose Line players crashed backstage, after the less then enthusiastic game.
“Does anyone else feel that the last chapter was lacking, at best?” Seto asked.
“I agree,” Atemu sighed, “The workmanship has faltered lately.”
“Come on you guys,” Marik chuckled, “Who cares about the quality? At least we're playing the game aren't we?”
“Who cares?” asked a voice from the doorway, the players looked over to see Laria, “I care! Your mediocre performance out there is making me look bad!”
“Well it's not entirely our fault,” Marik argued.
“Yeah, aren't you the one writing the story?” asked Joey.
“That's not the point!”
“If you want us to do better, Lar, then why don't you use your Notebook?”
“You mean this Notebook?”
On the other side of the room was another doorway, where Bakura stood, Notebook in hand. He grinned as Laria's jaw dropped.
“What! How'd you get that!”
“Now, don't worry your pretty little head, my dear Authoress,” Bakura chuckled, “I'm taking over this story now Laria, so you'll never have another worry again!”
“You can't do that!” Laria protested, “I'm the Authoress, not you!”
“Now I am the Authoress!”
“Author,” Marik corrected.
“You can't be the Author Bakura,” Laria smirked, “You can't even use the Notebook, remember what happened last time?”
“That never happened!”
“Oh so you think,” Laria laughed.
“That's it!” Bakura growled, “I've had enough of you!”
Bakura opened the notebook to a blank page and scribbled something down. He closed the book with a smirk. Laria matched his smirk, confident that it would back fire on him like always. With a snap of Bakura's fingers, a blinding light filled the room. Everyone in the room covered their eyes from the light, but it didn't work, the light was too bright.
Soon the light dimmed. They uncovered their eyes, glancing around the room.
“Oh my god!” Seto exclaimed, “Lar's gone!”
Bakura laughed evilly as he clutched his newfound power in his hand.
“Where'd she go?” Seto asked the white haired spirit angrily.
“She's gone,” Bakura said simply, “Now come, we have a show to finish.”
“I'm going until you bring my sister back!”
“You will or you'll face the same fate as her!” Bakura threatened, pointing the Notebook at the CEO. Seto glared at the spirit, but nodded. “Any other problems?”
The rest of the players shook their heads. Bakura grinned.
“Good, the show must go on!”
------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
Back on stage the players gathered again. They sat somberly in their seats as the host, turned Author, sat at the Whose Line desk.
“Welcome back to `Whose Line is it Anyway?',” Bakura said to the audience, “The show where everything's made up and the points don't matter. Yup just like internet for the blind, they just have no use.”
“Blind people need Tech too,” said Seto.
“I'm your host, and Author, Bakura, and let's move on to our next game… Crazy News Casters!”
All four players stood up. Joey and Seto sat on the stools in center stage. Atemu stood off the left of them and Marik stood off to the right.
“Now in this game Seto is the anchor of a news show and everyone else has been given a strange identity to act out,” Bakura explained.
“We've played this game before,” Seto complained, “We know what we're doing.”
“Notebook!” Bakura snapped, Seto quickly shut his mouth. “Now, Joey you're the co-anchor and you are Laria. Atemu you're doing the sports you are constantly breaking out into song. Marik you're doing the weather and you are carelessly throwing lit cigarettes away.”
The three players gave Bakura a weird look.
“You're not as good as a writer as Laria was,” Atemu admitted.
“Shut up!” Bakura yelled, “I am the Author now! We'll have no more talk of Laria!”
“But if we're not allowed to talk about Laria how am I supposed to play this game?” Joey asked.
“Fine, we'll have no more talk of Laria outside this game,” Bakura growled impatiently, the players nodded in agreement, “Good, start the game when you hear the music.”
There was a music cue.
“Good evening, welcome to the six o'clock news, I'm Seto Kaiba and here are today's top headlines,” Seto said, “Scientists believe that in the near future certain flowers may be smart enough to be your co-works. Skeptics believe that the scientists are full of themselves, one was quoted to have said `Lair, liar, plants for hire,'.”
Joey glanced over at Seto, who merely shrugged.
“Now let's throw it over to my co-anchor, Laria.”
“Thanks bro,” Joey said in a girls voice, “The big news for today, I have another story idea. Oh my god this will be the greatest one yet!”
Joey pretends to open up a notebook.
“Look, everyone's going to be in it! And Ryou's going to die! MOO HA HA! Zion the Killer Plot Bunny strikes again!” Joey laughed evilly, “Back to you, Lockhart.”
“Thanks… Sis…” Seto glared at the blond, who grinned, “Now we'll move on to weather with Chester Flatbottom.”
“Thanks Seto, today in sports the home team has just won the national play offs, and you know what that means,” Atemu started to sing loudly, and really out of key, “We are the champions, my friends, and we'll keep on fighting till the end! We are the champions! We are the champions! No time for losers cause we are the champions… of the world!”
“Thank you Chester,” Seto said, “And now over to Jacque le Rock with the weather.”
Marik stood there pretending to be smoking a cigarette. He took a long drag off the cigarette before pretending to throw it behind him.
“Bonjour!” he said in a fake French accent, playing off of the name Seto gave him, “Today in weather there is beautiful sunshine all over and—“
Marik turned around to pretend to look at a map behind and paused.
“And… Oregon is on fire!” he gasped and pretended to try to beat the fire out with his hands, “I'll just… put that out… Oh no! Now it's spreading to Washington! And Ah!”
Marik ran off stage pretending his hair was on fire.
“It burns! It burns!”
Atemu quickly ran over to that side of the stage in front of the `burning weather map'. He took a deep breath and started to sing and dance.
It's raining men! Hallelujah! It's raining men!”
“We'll be back tomorrow night,” Seto said deciding to end the game before Atemu started to sing again, “Same time, same news, and goodnight.”
Bakura buzzed the scene over and the players returned to their seats.
“I'll give 500 points to Marik for setting the whole western United States on fire,” said Bakura.
“Somebody had to,” Marik grinned.
“We'll be back with more Whose Line after this,” Bakura said, “Don't go anywhere!”