Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whose Line is it Anyway ❯ Even More Whose Line ( Chapter 25 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

---No! Your eyes are not deceiving you! You are not going crazy! The world is not ending! It is… dun dun dun… AN UPDATE TO WHOSE LINE!
Yes, yes, after about three months I am back writing Fan Fiction again. But you all know I couldn't stay away for ever, right?
As far as original stuff goes, I only wrote five chapters of my novel over the summer (in July) and haven't been able to write anything since then. But togaklutz brought my review count up to 500 not too long ago, so I decided as a gift to my loving fans I'd write more Whose Line.
This is the sixth Whose Line in my epic. Remember Chapters 19-24 was a dream so only Laria remembers what happened then.
Thanks to everyone who has reviewed this story! Currently this is the most reviewed Whose Line story on ff.net, and the most popular Whose Line/Yugioh story. Thank you all for helping me achieve my goals! I loves all of you! ---
Chapter Twenty-Five
Even More Whose Line
Many weeks passed without mention of Whose Line. Nobody minded.
Some thought that Laria had finally given up on Whose Line; others thought she was some elaborate scheme, and then others thought nothing of it because they had never been in Whose Line, or they were too busy running a big fancy company. However, nobody knew the truth; Laria had been spending all these weeks recovering from the horrible Plot Hole nightmare.
Soon enough the dream was contained and it was back to more Whose Line, whether everyone liked it or not.
Laria gathered everyone at the Kaiba Mansion to announce the good news. It was not taken well.
“Come on Lar!” Seto growled, not looking up from the lap top he was working on, “Hasn't Whose Line been done to death?”
“Not yet.”
“Indeed,” Laria opened her Notebook, “Now for the players.”
A groan rang up from everyone.
“Jeez, you guys act like playing another game of Whose Line is going to end the world or something.”
“It might,” Atemu said.
“Yeah,” agreed Joey. He and Atemu exchanged fearful looks.
“Seto, Atemu, Joey, and Mokuba,” Laria said, disregarding their comments.
“Moky?” Seto asked, “Isn't he a little young for Whose Line?”
“Yeah,” Laria sighed, “but he's on high demand.”
“So who are you forcing to be host this time?” Marik asked trying to sneak a glance at the Notebook but Laria closed it abruptly.
“You?” asked Bakura, “Why?”
“Because last time I forced someone to be host all of Whose Line was destroyed!”
They all stared at Laria.
“What the hell are you talking about?” Seto said, “Nothing happened in the last game except the fact that you didn't give us points at the end.”
“Uh…” Laria blushed; a silence fell over the room, “So… Uh… let's go start the game!”
----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
On the now extremely familiar Whose Line set Laria sat at the desk while her chosen players sat in the chairs on the stage. A large audience had gathered, all excited to see that the show had not ended forever.
“Welcome to Whose Line is it Anyway?” Laria said, this had all been done before so there was nothing much too it, “I'm your host Laria Kaiba and here are today's players: `His hair smells like vanilla' Mokuba Kaiba!”
All the girls in Mokuba's class screamed wildly.
'His breath smells like warm root beer' Joey Wheeler!”
Slight cheering came from the audience.
'His computer smells lemony fresh' Seto Kaiba!”
Fan girls cheered loudly.
“And `His socks smell like adventure' Atemu!”
“Where'd all my fans go?” Atemu asked.
“Maybe they all gained some intelligence,” Seto suggested. Atemu glared at him.
“Now, if you've never seen the show before, or haven't read this story in a long time and have forgotten how it works, the players come down and make up everything off the top of their heads, which would explain why its so bad.”
Laria received a few glares from the players.
“Then at the end I give them points, which don't mean a thing.” Laria continued, “Yup the points don't mean a thing, just like the Halo video games.”
“You're still on about the Halo thing?” Seto said, he and Mokuba rolled their eyes. Ever since Ryou and Malik gotten Halo 2 they hadn't spent any time with Laria.
“S.A.R.A.H. will prevail!” Laria exclaimed.
“Who's Sarah?” asked Atemu.
“S.A.R.A.H. isn't a person; it's the Society to Assassinate, Ruin, and Annihilate Halo,” Laria said quickly, Atemu stared at her, “What!”
“Good, now we'll move on to our first game… Questions Only!”
“We do this like every time,” Seto groaned as the players stood up.
“Shut up!” Laria growled, “It's the easiest game to play! I'm giving Moky a feel for what's going on before I dive into the hard stuff.”
“But I've seen all the games before,” Mokuba said as he and Seto went to one side of the stage. Atemu and Joey went to the other side.
“Shut up!” Laria said again. “You're going to play Questions Only and you're gonna like it!”
The players, and audience, were silent.
“Good, now your scene is, `Your getting ready to go to Prom',” Laria said, “Take it away.”
Seto and Atemu stepped on stage.
“Does this dress make me look fat?” Atemu asked.
“Is it supposed too?”
“Are you calling me fat?”
“Yes, yes I am,” Seto grinned, having gotten to insult the Pharaoh, even if he did get buzzed our in the process. He and Mokuba switched places.
“Aren't you a little short to go to prom?”
“Would you believe that…” Mokuba growled when he couldn't think of anything to say and Laria buzzed him out. He switched with Seto again.
“Are you my date?” asked Seto.
“Don't you know?”
“Would you believe me if I said I didn't?”
“Are you looking for a fight?”
“Do you have one?”
“I— shoot!”
Laria buzzed Atemu out and he traded places with Joey.
“Have you tasted the punch?” asked Seto.
“Is it spiked?”
“How'd you know?”
“Can't you tell?”
“By the… aw crap!”
Laria buzzed and Joey switched with Atemu.
“Want to come streak with me?”
Seto gave Atemu a dirty look and walked off stage. Laria buzzed and Mokuba stepped on stage.
“You again?” asked Atemu. Mokuba was going to answer but Laria buzzed the scene over. The players returned to their seats.
“Alright, great game,” Laria said, “10 points for Atemu.”
“Only ten?”
“Only people with a fan base get big points,” said Seto. Atemu glared again.
“Be right back after these commercials!” Laria said, “Don't go away!”
---Just because I'm nice and everything I'm going to give you a gift. I present to all of you a part from my novel, The Sad Cake.
Cold blue eyes stared out over the waves that crashed into the sides of the ship. The Sad Cake, the most feared vessel to ever sail the mighty Lake Michigan. Standing on deck looking out over the water, the wind blowing through her dark mahogany brown hair, was Cap'n Bootstraps.
She heard the soft tap, tap, tap coming from behind her. Without turning around the Captain knew who it was, her trusted First Mate, Peg Leg. A pirate with shoulder length brown hair and thick glasses that made her look like a real book worm. She had only one good leg; the other had been lost in a freak badger accident and was replaced with a wooden one.
“Cap'n,” Peg Leg called.
“Aye,” Bootstraps said, narrowing her eyes. This had better be important.
“Me just got word from Crows Nest,” Peg Leg said, “There be a small merchant ship approachin' from the east.”
Bootstraps turned to the First Mate with a grin.
“Then what ye be waitin' for?” the Captain asked, “Make ready for plunderin'.”
Hope you like! ---