Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whose Line is it Anyway ❯ Greatest Hits ( Chapter 28 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

---I think that this is the longest chapter of Whose Line so far. Eight pages before my extra notes and comments!
Thief Akefia - Nice to see you again! Mmm donuts! ( o )
Weird Person - Yay!
Meditation6 - I was going to have Atemu believe in the points but I felt that I pick on him too much, I think I have seen that episode (who knows, I have seen A LOT of episodes), I am trying to stay away from using ideas from, or close to the show because someone complained about it one time. Nevertheless, oh well, I might do something like that; I am always looking for point things to say. Oh yeah and the “WHY DO YOU HATE ME!” is one of my favorite lines too.
Computerfreak101 - It's a bad thing, only Seto is allowed to call me `Lar'. Because of this people have come up with other nicknames for me, such as, La-chan, Larry, and, my ex-boyfriends favorite, Grandma (do not ask). Really, you can call me about anything but Lar. Thanks! About the New Flash, the game really loses its affect if you cannot watch the newsperson make a fool of themselves while the thing is playing is in the background. It would be hard to right it affectively enough; I do not think I am that talented.
Dragonmastergurl - And since I used your idea I present to you the Tripod of Achievement!
Voices10 - just like the show? Wow, I am good.
Bakuraisahottie - Personally I liked your old name better, this new one is too cliché, but that is just my opinion.
GodSpongeAddict - As you wish. Glad you like the story!
KIT-KIT - thanks for the idea and being my 550th reviewer! Congrads!
Dark Magician Grrl - Glad you like my book, I cannot wait to finish it so you can read the whole thing! And it is sad that no one in this Whose Line got kissed. Maybe I'll have two kisses in the next Whose Line.
Laura J. Rie - Glad to know I am not that only one that spells crappy, Hehehe.
AriEmeraldstar - That's just one of the many questions about the book, but trust me… not much of it makes real sense.
ATadObessive46 - Awww I hate people who are not `gifted'.
Sen-nen Chi Yasha - Film Noir, I've thought about it, maybe I'll do it eventually.
Graciie - I don't really want to do that because (Too lazy to type it all out, read the comments about Computerfreak101)
Chibigirls - Moky is ten. And no, I haven't done a Whose Line without Seto, and I don't plan on it. Seto has become the “Ryan Stiles” of this Whose Line, and Atemu is like “Colin Mochrie”.
Moon'sHope - Wow, that's almost like my catch phrase, except mine is “I love cheese, but I hate it”
Ok, now on the extremely long chapter of Whose Line, enjoy!---
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Greatest Hits
Bakura stalked through the back hallways of the Whose Line set. He was on a mission, a mission to hunt down Laria and force her in to telling what had made her all neurotic this time, and why it had to involve him. Either that or find some food, which ever came first.
So far, he had been all over the set looking for the Authoress and hadn't found her. In fact, just after the break started nobody had seen Laria. She had just, vanished.
Maybe she disappeared into that… pot thingy she was talking about, thought Bakura.
The hallway was getting dark. He must have stumbled upon a long lost, unused part of the Whose Line set. He heard some noise coming from a broom closet on his right. He opened the door to see several men tied up. There was a fat guy with thick glasses and a black guy tied to a chair; a tall freaky looking guy tied a smaller, bald Canadian looking guy, and another guy with glasses that reminded Bakura strangely of a bunny laid on the floor, but he wasn't moving.
They all looked ecstatic to see Bakura in the doorway, then confused and angry when Bakura growled at them.
“You are not Laria.”
The Millennium Ring that hung from Bakura's neck glowed brightly and all their souls were sent to the Shadow Realm. The spirit smirked triumphantly as they all slumped over lifelessly. He slammed the door shut.
At this moment, Bakura was just about to turn around and head back when he heard someone further down the hall muttering. Drawing closer, he could start to make out what they were saying.
“Iwillnotspeakoftheplotholeagain… Iwillnotspeakoftheplotholeagain… Iwillnotspeakoftheplotholeagain…”
He knew that voice, and sure enough, the hallway came to a dead end and curled up in a ball on the floor was…
AFRICA!” Laria screamed looking up at the spirit, shocked, “Ra Bakura, you scared me! What are you doing back here!”
“I could ask the same of you, Ms. Authoress,” Bakura said, his last few words dripping with sarcasm.
“I… I… I'm doing nothing!” Laria said standing up to face Bakura.
“Oh really, then why are you all the way back here? Why are you muttering about some plot hole? WHY DO YOU HATE ME!” Bakura asked again, glaring at Laria. Laria didn't say anything she just merely returned the glare, though tears started to form in her bright blue eyes. “TELL ME!
NEVER!” Laria shrieked, running past Bakura.
Bakura chased Laria through the hallway and all the way back to the main stage, where everyone was now gathered as they waiting for the host to return and finish the show.
Laria emerged from the hallway, stopping to look for the best possible way out, Bakura appeared behind her.
“You can't run forever Laria,” Bakura said coolly, catching his breath, “You're going to have to tell me sometime.”
All eyes were on the pair as Laria turned around to face Bakura, tears streaming down her face.
“I had a dream! A dream where you! You and your STUPID plans to steal my notebook that sucked all of Whose Line into a plot hole and sent it to another dimension where boy bands play instruments and Marik wanted to play tidily-winks THEN I save Whose Line but you just screw it up again and send me and Seto to the No Where and Tea wouldn't stop complaining and Atemu was acting all queer and doing the Can-Can and…” At this moment, Laria just rambled off into something that wasn't the least bit understandable.
Everyone was stunned.
“Boy Bands?”
“Wait a second,” Bakura rolled his eyes, “You've been all whacked out because of a dream!”
“It was a very realistic dream!”
Bakura, as well as Atemu, Joey, and half the audience instantly laughed hysterically at her. Laria sobbed and ran off towards backstage.
“Wait!” Seto called, “What about Whose Line?”
“I don't care!” Laria cried, “Find someone else to host!”
With that, Laria disappeared again.
A sudden silence fell over the Whose Line stage, broken only by Atemu.
“I call host!”
“No you don't!” Seto yelled, glaring at the former Pharaoh, “You laughed at her, you don't deserve to be host.”
“It was just a dream,” Atemu said as Seto walked over to Laria's desk to read the last card.
“No one's ever laughed at any of your dreams,” Joey said.
“What dreams?” Atemu asked skeptically.
“The one with the monkey and the pudding.”
Joey chuckled.
“Besides,” Seto continued holding the card up, “Me, you and the mutt have to be in the last game, which leaves only one person able to be host.”
They all looked at the youngest Kaiba. Mokuba grinned.
“Wow, my first Whose Line and I'm already host! I must be the greatest player ever!”
“Don't get your hopes up kid,” Atemu muttered, “You're only host because Laria is too busy having an episode.”
Mokuba's grinned faded as he shuffled over to the Whose Line Desk and sat down.
----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
After a few minutes, everyone was situated and ready for Whose Line to begin again. Mokuba sat at the Whose Line desk, Atemu and Joey sat on stools on stage while Seto stood off next to them.
“Welcome back to Whose Line is it Anyway,” Mokuba said, “The show where everything's made up and the points don't matter. That's right the points are completely useless just like Saxophone proof armor when fighting the Brass.”
“He hee, nice one,” chuckled Atemu.
“Today's winner is… Me I guess cause I get to be host and everyone else has to play another game.” Mokuba said, “Now we're going to move on to our last game… Greatest Hits!”
“Wow a Whose Line without a Hoedown or Irish Drinking song,” said Seto.
“Or kissing,” Atemu added.
“All we need to do now is get rid of Kaiba and the game will be prefect,” said Joey.
“Shut up mutt,” Seto grumbled, “Everyone knows Whose Line is popular because of me.”
“Whatever Kaiba,” Joey growled.
“You guys talk to much,” Mokuba said interrupting them, “No wonder Laria yells at you so much.”
All the players glared at the youngest Kaiba.
“Ah, good silence,” Mokuba sighed, “Now I can explain the game.”
“So get on with it!”
“Ok the point of the game is that you, Atemu and Joey, are TV voice-over people talking about the latest compilation album and Seto is going to try to sing snippets of the song.” Mokuba turned to the audience “Now what I need is a group of people you normally wouldn't sing about.”
“Congressmen!” said Chibigirls.
“Teachers!” Graciie suggested.
“Marching Band!” yelled GodSpongeAddict.
“Ooo, Marching Band sounds good!” Mokuba grinned turning back to the players, “Ok, the name of your album is `Songs of the Marching Band', good luck!”
“Hi, we'll return you to this special presentation of `Randomness: the Missing Food Group' right after this.” Atemu said.
“But now we've got a great offer for you!” added Joey.
“That's right!” said Atemu, “As long as there has been music there have been bands marching and playing that music, and with that came music about the bands that march and play music—“
“In short,” Joey said, stopping Atemu's rambling, “We've collected six hundred and thirty songs on six CD's all about the Marching Band.”
“Wow, those must be really big CD's!”
“You bet they are!”
“Growing up as a teen in the 70's I loved that great music from The Moody Blues.”
Joey gave Atemu a weird look, Atemu returned the look.
“Go with it,” said Joey.
“And that one song that I will never for get is that great, Moody Blues hit,” Atemu paused, “'Days in Black Cotton'.
Music that sounded like Night in White Satin started to play and Seto sang along with it, making the words up as he went.
Days in black cotton
Marching around the field
Even though I don't want to
I never yield
Sleep I've never missed
In times before
Now I'm at Band Camp
And I want to snore
But I love band
Yes, I love band!
“That sure brings back memories,” Atemu sighed.
“I bet it does.”
“So, Joey how much would you except to pay for a six CD set like this?” Atemu asked.
“Oh I'd pay up words of two hundred dollars!” Joey said, Atemu chuckled at him, “But then again, I'm just an idiot!”
“Yes, Joey, yes you are,” Atemu laughed, “But did you know that this set is only twenty dollars!”
“Get out!”
“That's right!”
“No, seriously, get out!”
“Well if you want me to leave,” Atemu muttered getting up.
“No no, you big lug!” Joey laughed, “Get back here!”
“Ok,” Atemu sat down again.
“You know, all this talk of leaving reminds me of my days in the army,” said Joey.
“You were in the army!”
“Well, for a day,” Joey said, “Just long enough to learn this great patriotic song, `Battle Hymn of the Band'.”
A song that sounded like Battle Hymn of the Band started to play and Seto sang again.
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the marching of the Band;
While at attention they are forced to stand.
Through heat and rain and hail they march over the land;
The Band is marching on.
Glory! Glory!
Glory! Glory!
Glory! Glory!
The Band is marching on.
I have seen the Band marching to the football field;
Even if it's four below they will never yield.
With the flags, the drums and the instruments they wield;
The Band goes marching on.
Glory! Glory!
Glory! Glory!
Glory! Glory!
The Band is marching on.
I have read the music that the Band shall play;
Under the direction of Mrs. McRae.
And throughout the noise you can hear the Band Geeks say;
Our Band is marching on.
Glory! Glory!
Glory! Glory!
Glory! Glory!
The Band is marching on.
They have sounded forth the trumpets that play loud;
Even when they are sounding bad, they are always proud.
To be a Band Geek to the end, this is what they vowed;
The Band goes marching on.
Glory! Glory!
Glory! Glory!
Glory! Glory!
The Band is marching on.
In the beauty of the music that the Band plays sweet;
One can always tell that they will not be beat.
You know that with out music one will never be complete;
While Band is marching on.
Glory! Glory!
Glory! Glory!
Glory! Glory!
The Band is marching on.”
Mokuba buzzed the game over.
“Does that mean Whose Line is over now?” Seto asked.
“I guess so.”
“Good,” Seto said heading back stage to check on his sister.
“This is Mokuba Kaiba saying goodnight, goodnight.”
---I do not own The Moody Blues, Nights in White Satin, or The Battle Hymn of the Republic. I do however own the parodies of the songs, yes I wrote them, go me.
And so concludes another episode of Whose Line, only 94 to go.---