Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whose Line is it Anyway ❯ More Whose Line ( Chapter 29 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

---Everybody loves Magical Chicken, its good to eat and its finger lickin'
I'm very sorry it took me so long to update! I've just had so many things going on right now I haven't had the ambition to write Whose Line. But I don't want to hear any of you complain cause I've put up two new stories and fixed most of my older ones.
Well FF.net has now outlawed me to answer my reviews here, which in a good way saves me typing time, and a bad way loses the excitement of getting your review replied to in this great story of mine… Do you guys feel excited when that happens? I would, but that's just me.
So now I'll reply to reviews with the little replier thingy. Just so you know, I don't reply to all my reviews, only the ones I feel need to be replied to… If I replied to everyone I'd never have time for anything else (Sweat drop)---
Chapter Twenty-Nine
More Whose Line
“Laria?” Bakura asked as he cautiously made his way backstage. He found said Authoress lying on the couch.
“It's over…” Laria mumbled, “All of it… gone…”
“What the hell are talking about?” Bakura asked, standing over her. Laria looked up at the white haired spirit.
“Whose Line, it's all over now…” Laria said, “No one's going to listen to me now… Especially now that they know I freaked because of a dream.”
“Not everyone knows about,” Bakura said, not really sure why he was comforting Laria, “Plus, everyone has some skeletons in their closest.”
Laria stared up at Bakura, who stared back… an uneasy silence fell over the room.
“Whose Line is doomed.”
“No it's not,” Bakura said forcefully, “I'll host the next one for you; I can get those losers to listen!”
“Oh thank you Bakura!” Laria squealed as she jumped up and gave the spirit a big hug, back to her old chipper self, “I'll go tell everyone to get ready for the next show!”
With that the Authoress ran off to the stage. Bakura stood backstage with a horrified look on his face.
“… What have I done…?”
------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
Bakura and Laria stood on stage with the four new players.
“Well, I was going to give up on Whose Line, since I know that you all hate it so much,” Laria said to them, “But since Bakura so generously offered to host this next show, well, how could I resist!”
All of the players shot the white haired spirit a glare.
“I… I… I…”
“I know, it's wonderful isn't it!” Laria beamed, skipping off to her seat in the audience, “Have fun!”
------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
Bakura sat at the Whose Line desk while the rest of the players sat in their seat on the stage, still glaring at him for saving Whose Line.
“Hello and welcome to Whose Line is it Anyway,” Bakura said, ignoring the looks he was receiving, “Lets introduce today's players… `Think of Me' Ryou Bakura!”
Everyone in the audience cheered loudly for him.
'Angel of Music' Marik Ishtar!”
Marik fan girls and boys cheered wildly.
'The Point of No Return' Atemu!”
Basically everyone that has reviewed this story cheer, because it seems everyone's a fan of him, I don't know why.
“And, `Prima Dona' Seto Kaiba!”
Mostly people just laughed at him for that.
“Like I said, this is Whose Line is it Anyway, if you don't know how the game works then you shouldn't be reading this,” Bakura said.
“Bakura,” Laria said, “Be nice.”
“I don't do nice.”
“Awww, for me please?”
“Bah! Fine!” Bakura said, “If you've never seen the show before the players here come down and make up everything off the top of their heads and then I give them these fake points that have no meaning, just like the word `Skutt', it just doesn't mean anything.”
“But it's a fun name to call people,” Marik chuckled.
“Ok, I guess we'll move onto our first game now,” Bakura said shuffling through the cards on his desk, “60 Second Alphabet!”
“These games are getting repetitive,” Seto said, “Lar, can I quit the game now?”
“Do you think they don't get repetitive on the regular show?” Laria asked from the audience.
“I wouldn't know,” Seto growled “I haven't seen an episode of the real show since we started playing these stupid games.”
“Yes, what Laria said,” Bakura looked at his card, “Alright this game is for Marik and Atemu.”
The two got up and stepped into the center stage.
“You've played this before, you make up a scene and the first letter of each line has to be the next letter of the alphabet, blah blah blah…”
“Yeah, we get it,” Marik said.
“Good,” Bakura turned to the audience, “What letter should we start with?”
“V, lets go with that,” Bakura said turning back to the players with grin feeling extra mean today, “Alright, your scene is…”
Bakura growled as he read the scene, it ruined his whole plan.
“…'You're boycotting the new Xbox 360'…”
“Video games suck!” Marik yelled pretending to hold up a picket sign.
“What he said!” Atemu said holding a picket sign also.
“Xbox should burn in hell!” Marik yelled again.
“You really think this is going to work?” Atemu questioned.
“Zounds!” Marik exclaimed, “It's got to work!”
“Alright,” Atemu said going back to picketing.
“Besides,” Marik continued, “It can't hurt.”
“Can't hurt?” Atemu exclaimed, “We could get sued!”
“Do you really think we'll get sued for boycotting the Xbox 360?” Marik asked skeptically.
“Everyone gets sued—Wait, did you say 360?” Atemu blinked, “How'd I miss versions 2 through 359?”
“Frank, get with the times,” Marik said, “Technology goes by fast now.”
“Thirty seconds!” Bakura yelled.
“Here, help me with this sign,” Marik said as he and Atemu pretend to hold up a big sign, “This'll show them what's what.”
Atemu looked at the sign.
“Is it supposed to say `I love my banana'?”
“Jesus!” Marik exclaimed looking at the sign himself, “That's not what its supposed to say at all!”
“Kind of gay if you ask me,” Atemu snickered.
“Mind your own business, Frank,” Marik growled.
“Nick, is there something you want to tell me?” Atemu asked placing a comforting hand on Marik's shoulder.
“Oh, Frank, I've kept it in so long,” Marik sobbed.
“Problems like this usually drive a man to insanity,” said Atemu comfortingly.
“Quit acting like its such a big deal.”
“Reason with me.”
“Shouldn't we get back to the—“
Atemu and Marik gave Bakura an odd look.
“We didn't finish the scene yet, baka Tomb Robber,” Atemu said.
“You ran out of time, baka Pharaoh,” Bakura smirked.
“Time?” Atemu asked, “There's a time limit?”
“It is called '60 SecondAlphabet',” said Marik heading back to his seat.
“Oh…” Atemu went to sit down again as well.
“Well that's ten points to Marik,” Bakura said, “Since he actually listens, and we'll be right back with more Whose Line after this commercial break!”
---What are you typing so furiously in there?---