Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Sleepover ❯ Chapter Two:: XXX Truth or Dare? ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

TITLE: Wild Sleepover


AUTHOR: Dark Elf a.k.a Kitty Romanova

WARNINGS: Yuri (lesbian sex), masturbation

PLOT BUNNY: The girls of YuGiOu (including Kitty = me ^.^) decide to spend a fun-filled weekend at Mai's apartment. However it turns out nothing like they expected. (YURI, Mai/Anzu/Kitty, Miho/Isis)

DISCLAIMER: I do not own YuGiOu nor any of its characters, I just own the fic, Kitty Romanova and nothing more.


Chapter Two:: XXX Truth or Dare?


Isis blinked as the Saturday morning sun greeted her glare through the half-closed blinds. Vaguely wondering where she was, the Egyptian woman sat up on the large bed fit for five before she remembered - she had been invited to a sleepover at Mai's and by the looks of it, it seemed like the blonde and Kitty were already up, one of them in the shower. She blinked when she noticed Miho had her arm thrown over Anzu almost affectionately but it could have just happened during the night. Isis moved off the bed, fixing her cotton white nightie around her slim body before moving out of the room, shutting the door quietly behind herself.

Passing the doorway to the bathroom on her way to the kitchen, Isis frowned slightly as a noise from above the sound of rushing water caught her attention, causing her to press her ear to the door. From the Southern accent, it was obviously Kitty. Curiosity eventually got the best of her and Isis quietly and tentatively opened the door, slipping into the fog-covered bathroom and shutting the door behind her.

As they say, curiosity killed the cat, or in this case the kitty.

Since it was one of the traditional Japanese open bathrooms (i.e; Ranma 1/2), there was no fogged glass to cover what Kitty was doing to herself. The seventeen-year-old was laying down on the wet shower tiles, one of her legs curving over the tiled seat and the other curled half way, a hand down between her legs while the other was fondling her breasts with tweaks of her nipples, gasps and moans leaving her lips as three fingers(i) thrusted in and out of her own cum-wet pussy.

Isis hid around the side of the towel cupboard and peeked around, feeling aroused at the sight of the ice-haired girl fucking herself. She blinked, pulling her head back from around the corner. She thought she liked men but just the sight...... Another moan caught her attention and she looked back, noting the cum pool around the girl's ass just to be swallowed up by the plughole as the water washed it away. Isis unconsciously noted the hand moving down to her own pussy, watching as Kitty laid there for a moment to catch her breath before beginning to screw herself on her hand again, mewing like......well, a kitty.

A soft cry of shock left Isis's mouth as she realized what she was doing, looking at her wet hand with embarrassment. What had she been about to do......?

Horrified, Isis fled the steamy bathroom.

Kitty made to move up on one hand, slipping once but never the less sat up, brushing wet ice blue locks behind her pointed ears with the hand that had been touching her breasts. She smiled, brushing her middle finger against her G-spot, which made a moan escape her lips and she flopped back down onto the tiles, once again thrusting the three fingers in and out in a sinful motion.


Miho yawned, rubbing one teary eye as she walked into the kitchen, pausing for a moment to take a look at what she was presented with. Anzu, who had gotten up before her, was talking to Kitty quietly, giggles coming from their corner. Mai was hovering over the stove, watching lunch as it cooked while Isis sat uncomfortably in a chair in the nearby den, reading one of Mai's magazines. The aura around the Egyptian woman stated that she was obviously stressed about something, that and the fact that her eyes kept on glancing from the magazine to Kitty whenever she thought the Southern gal wasn't looking. Miho ran a hand through her lavender hair, twirling her index finger around a clump of strands absentmindedly as she surveyed the other girls. Something......seemed amiss. Despite what Yuugi-tachi sometimes thought, she was not an airhead and could assess a situation if need be. Isis had gotten up sometime after Kitty and Mai. Miho had only been half-awake at the time but had none the less heard the quiet sounds coming from above the rushing water of the shower. She blinked, mentally face-palming herself for not realizing it.

'Isis must have walked in on Kitty-chan. Poor thing. I know I was traumatized a bit the first time too.' She fixed one of the straps of her overalls, greeting everybody with a hello which was replied to with nods and "hi"s. Fixing herself up a drink of soda after permission from their blonde hostess, Miho leant against the countertop on the other side that was connected to the den, leaning on one hand almost, without meaning to, sexily. She quietly sipped her drink, blue eyes wandering around the room again at the uncomfortable silence.

An eye twitched.

There was only so much a nymphomaniac could take.

"That's it." The other four looked at her, surprised at the sudden outburst from the normally quiet cheerleader. "I'm sick of this silence, we came here to do something for the weekend so we're gonna do something for the weekend. Mai sweetie, turn off the stove, we're playing Truth or Dare." Kitty and Anzu looked at each other as Mai, not wanting to argue with the suddenly commanding lavender-haired girl, obeyed and her two girlfriends began moving the coffee table out of the way so they could sit down. Isis blinked before turning back to her magazine, only to have it ripped from her hands and, with a protesting yelp from the Egyptian woman, was pulled down to the carpet by an impatient Miho and the five girls sat in a small circle.

Isis flushed a little, the carpet suddenly becoming interesting. "Um......how......exactly do you play this......Truth or Dare?" Miho sighed, leaning back on her hands as she crossed her legs. "It's simple - you ask someone 'Truth or Dare?' and they respond to either one, you have to think of something for them to do. This one's different however. Just pay attention to the way Kitty, Anzu and I play it for a while and you'll understand. Anzu-chan, why don't you start first?"

The brunette blinked before a smile curled on her lips. "Kitty-chan, truth or dare?"

A smirk made its way to Kitty's mouth. "Dare, hon."

"I dare you to take off your skirt."

Isis stared in silent shock as Kitty complied, standing up and undoing the side zip of her leather mini-skirt ever so slowly, letting the material fall to the floor and her flush faced reddened even more when she realised Kitty didn't have on any underwear. The Southern girl kicked her skirt out of the way and sat back down, effectively spreading her crossed legs. An act that made Isis's face turn a tomato colour.

"Miho-chan, truth or dare?"


"Slip off your shirt."

Miho slipped her arms out of the overall straps and grabbed at the collar of her tight pink shirt, pulling it over her head, which revealed her bouncy B-Cup size breasts. Miho decided to leave her overalls halfway stripped, as they were going to get taken off anyway, and proceeded to her victim, running a hand softly over the skin of her tits.

"Isis-chan, truth or dare?"


Miho gave her a gentle look, one that told her she was among friends and whatever she said after her truth dare it would remain that way. "Have you ever watched anybody masturbate? No name required," she added at Isis's paled face.

The carpet was becoming interesting again.


Kitty blinked and opened her mouth to say something but was stopped by her lavender-haired lover's raised hand. "It's alright, Isis, that's all I wanted to know. Now choose someone or do you want me to choose for you?" There was a nod from the suddenly quiet Ishtal and Miho smiled kindly, sending the other three girls pointed looks before continuing. "Mai-chan, truth or dare?"


"Take off your jeans." For once, the ever-sexy Kujaku Mai was wearing jeans instead of a purple mini-skirt. The blonde laid down, cupping her fingers under the hilt and sliding them off, having to lift her ass to get them down to her knees before they were fully taken off. Isis looked up from her brooding to discover that, like Kitty, Mai wasn't wearing any underwear, which showed off her perfectly bald privates. A small "eep" of surprise escaped her mouth that earned her several looks she didn't notice but, nonetheless, the game continued.

"Anzu-chan, truth or dare?"


"Take off your shirt like you're a stripper." The comment that came from Mai was a surprise to all of them but Anzu only smiled, moving her upper body along to imaginary music as she stood slowly with a flourish, swaying slightly before her fingers clenched under the hem of her skin-tight yellow shirt, slowly pulling it up and over her head, her C-cup breasts bouncing a little from the removal of confinement. Anzu moved her hands over her body seductfully, around her waist and lightly over her boobs, lower body twisting as she resumed her sitting position.

"Kitty-chan, truth or dare?"


"Take off your top for us, sweetie. Slowly. And lick one." Isis gawked as Kitty smirked coyly at her girlfriend, flicking open one of the clamps of her Chinese shirt at the top while her other hand slid one open at the bottom. After the next two, her bra-buster tits exploded from the confines of her shirt as she slipped one hand over her hard, erect nipples, licking her lips as she slipped out of the purple-gold material. The ice-haired girl cupped one large breast in her hand, giving it a slow, deliberate lick before encasing her lips over the nipple and suckling lightly.

And that was the straw that broke the camel's back.

Isis let out a small "eep" when Mai and Anzu crawled over to the girl almost predatorily, both giving a cheek a kiss before Mai moved so she was flat on her stomach, spreading Kitty's legs so she could get to the girl's pussy. Anzu just sat in Kitty's lap with her legs around the Southern gal's waist, nipping and sucking the flesh of the other's breasts while Kitty moaned as the blonde began to lick her cunt, moving a hand down to slide three fingers into Anzu's wetness.

Isis fled the room, not wanting to witness anymore in case she got involved herself. Miho looked at the three and shook her head, getting up to follow the raven-haired Egyptian with worried eyes. She found Isis in the bedroom, curled in a ball and rocking back and forth on the large bed while murmuring some sort of mantra over and over.

"Isis?" An understanding of sorts crossed the lavender-haired girl's face when she was looked up at with what could possibly have been the eyes of a child. "I know you're scared about what happened there," she whispered as she sat down next to the woman. "I was too until I tried it. It's not that bad really, plus there's no risk of getting pregnant."

A sharp bark of laughter left Isis's lips before she went back to her previous position. Miho gently put an arm around her, patting her back and rubbing it softly. "Listen, if you want I can help you experiment, just so you can decide what gender you like, okay?" Isis looked up at her again, worried green(ii) eyes looking into her own blue orbs, hesitating a little before nodding slightly with a sniff. Miho moved closer, gently kissing below her earlobe, making Isis shiver a little.

"Choose a safe word so I know if you want me to stop."

Isis thought for a moment. "Yuri." A soft laugh left Miho's lips and Isis pouted, a gesture, which was kissed away softly. "Alright. Yuri. Move up onto the bed a little bit more, Isis-chan." The Egyptian did as told, scooting up so that her ass was situated at the bottom of the pillows and her back against the headboard. Watching Miho remove her overalls, Isis licked her lips, suddenly excited by the prospect of being with another female as the lavender-haired girl crawled onto the bed, making her way over to the other female who she kissed ravishingly, hearing a moan escape into her mouth. Isis clutched at her shoulders, nails digging in hard enough to draw blood as they pulled apart from each other, the raven-haired woman panting slightly as Miho untied her linen dress, starting from the top and gently removing the golden clasp and sliding her finger down the middle, parting the robe with a flourish.

Miho kissed Isis again, feeling the other's tongue rub against hers urgently as her hands explored the cappuccino-coloured skin of the Egyptian, lips moving downward in butterfly kisses. Isis lifted herself up slightly, flinging the flimsy dress away to some corner of the room and gasping slightly as Miho's tongue ran over one of her nipples softly, nipping and licking at the pert nub as a finger trailed the skin of her breast, her other hand resting gently on top of Isis's thigh before she began trailing down again. A soft moan left Isis's lips when a cold finger slid gently over her labia, a thumb brushing against her clit that made her legs going nearly crazy as the feeling spread to them(iii). Miho kissed her stomach, slipping a finger inside the older woman's cunt and gently moving it about, going up against the little nub inside, feeling the pre-cum slide over her hand as Isis very nearly screamed only to have it come out in a loud purr. The lavender-haired female leaned down, licking at the sticky white substance she preferred rather than the actual cum. The motion of her tongue against her hand caused the finger inside Isis's pussy to move, brushing against her G-spot before her tongue slipped in to take its place, sucking on the outer skin as her tongue moved around inside the Egyptian's kitty. Isis was thrashing, the thumb against her clit as well as the tongue inside her making her wild, screaming as her orgasm rocked her body, the hot, spicy cum sliding down Miho's throat and some going up her nose.

Miho spluttered a little, licking the cum from the corners of her lips as a panting Isis moved forward, licking her own orgasm from Miho's nose before claiming the other's lips in a rough kiss, her body still tense for more action. Miho allowed her to claim her tongue, Isis suckling on the organ to entice her as they swapped positions, Miho laying on her back with her legs halfway crossed and the Egyptian woman positioning herself over her.

Isis went straight in for the kill, flicking the lavender-haired girl's clit with her tongue several times as she felt Miho's legs jerk as hers had done before. She sucked on the girl's sex lips, sliding her tongue inside Miho's pussy as the other played with her own breasts, pulling at her nipples and twisting the flesh. After a moment's thought, Isis moved the bottom half of her body upwards, slipping three fingers into her own cunt as she had seen Kitty do that morning and moving her thumb against her clit, moaning around her mouthful of Miho as she began to get herself wet again, the sound that emanated from her throat driving Miho nearly to the brink of orgasm. She moved her tongue, coated with pre-cum, out of Miho's pussy, her other tanned hand's fingers parting the blue-eyed girl's sex lips as her lips and tongue brushed against Miho's clitoris in time with her thumb against her own.

Miho was panting, sweat glistening down her body as Isis continued to fuck the both of them off. She no longer paid attention to her tits and just laid there, eyes staring at the ceiling in wonderment, paying attention to all the good spots Isis hit so she could find them later when she masturbated. With a hoarse cry of passion, they both came, cum drenching both Isis's face and her legs as the Egyptian woman collapsed, her face buried in Miho's pussy. Miho moved so she was laying down on her stomach, beginning to lick Isis's face clean of her own cum as the older female caught her breath again. Isis's lips clamped over her tongue and they shared a long, raunchy kiss.


- later -


Kitty let out half a yawn as the five girls moved through the mall that afternoon, having decided to go there once Miho and Isis were done screwing each other's brains out. It was obvious how much closer the two were than before, their hands clasped together and fingers entwined. 'Looks like Miho-chan 'as found 'er soul mate,' the Southern gal thought to herself, watching the buxom girls browse through CD rack they were currently at. She noticed stares of other customers on her two friends and glared at them, making them back off and go back to what they were doing. Someone caught her eye in the store and she smiled, jogging over to the girl.

"'Ey, Shizuka-chan!"

Jounouchi Shizuka turned, smiling at the sight of the ice-haired female and placing the CD in her hands back into the rack as she turned to face her. "Kitty-chan, what are you doing here?" Kitty crossed her arms under her breasts, making them bounce a little. "Well, Anzu-chan, Miho-chan an' Isis-chan areah spending th' weekend ovah at Mai-chan's, we just decided t' come t' th' mall fer a little shopping spree." Shizuka placed a strand of auburn hair back behind her ear. "Cool. Hey, do you girls mind if I tag along? I've got nothing better to do."

Kitty looked back at the others, noticing their nods of confirmation. "Sure, why not? Why don' you even stay ovah fer th' night?" Shizuka nodded in agreement. "Okay then."

End of Chapter Two

(i) You really CAN fit three fingers in there *notices strange looks from readers* Hey, you're asking a pro here ;)

(ii) I don't know the colour of Isis's eyes so I just chose green

(iii) It is such a good feeling *notices readers begin to back away* WHAT?? So I like to masturbate a lot, is that such a problem??? I'm only seventeen for chrissake, it's not like I can have sex yet or anything.

ELF'S NOTES: Jeez, was that a good chapter or what? Two pages of nothing BUT Miho x Isis/Isis x Miho. Thanks to Kitt-san and Gothic-Atrocity-san for their reviews and Gothic-Atrocity is doing me some fanart! *does a happy dance with Yuri Bear* Should Shizuka get in on the action or not? More cumming, Yuri sex and masturbation coming at you in the next chapter :D Ja'ne till then.

Dark Elf a.k.a Kitty Romanova ~ Yuri Queen